Unanswered Gyno crashed e2



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I can’t for the life of me figure out this situation. I’ve posted here several times regarding being on my first cycle and getting as much info as possible (yes, I have done plenty of research before starting) so anyway,

I’m in 500mg Test E (250 split) Adex .5mg eod currently at the end of week 4 and started experiencing gyno symptoms. I started 20mg nolva in week 2 (paranoia) I’ve had 3 bloods done just to be safe, and after the most recent symptom (tender left nipple) I had bloods done and my E2 came back crashed. Finally today I noticed the tenderness is from a small lump formed under my nipple. So my question isn’t “OMG IS THIS GYNO?!” My question is, how exactly can this happen with e2 and prolactin levels low? I really don’t want to resort to my letro just yet, but also don’t want to let the lump continue to magically grow.


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Just because it’s crashed doesn’t mean it’s not still there and able to bind. Why are you assuming your prolactin levels are low? Did you get those measured too? I’m willing to be $5 that it’s prolactin that’s the cause. Run some caber, maybe drop the Nolva and run Ralox instead because it has a better affinity for breast tissue receptors.

Could be running bunk Adex or something too which would be a culprit. Didn’t work and it got worse so you started the nolva and then got measured. Nolva killed E2 but not before you already had tissue growth.


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Just because it’s crashed doesn’t mean it’s not still there and able to bind. Why are you assuming your prolactin levels are low? Did you get those measured too? I’m willing to be $5 that it’s prolactin that’s the cause. Run some caber, maybe drop the Nolva and run Ralox instead because it has a better affinity for breast tissue receptors.
Prolactin is normal. I got them checked my last test just to see. Plus I don’t expect a test only cycle to cause prolactin issues.


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Just because it’s crashed doesn’t mean it’s not still there and able to bind. Why are you assuming your prolactin levels are low? Did you get those measured too? I’m willing to be $5 that it’s prolactin that’s the cause. Run some caber, maybe drop the Nolva and run Ralox instead because it has a better affinity for breast tissue receptors.

Could be running bunk Adex or something too which would be a culprit. Didn’t work and it got worse so you started the nolva and then got measured. Nolva killed E2 but not before you already had tissue growth.

Don’t think so, got first bloods done after a week to see where my estro was and it was at 15 at that time with test through the roof.


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Could be running bunk Adex or something too which would be a culprit. Didn’t work and it got worse so you started the nolva and then got measured. Nolva killed E2 but not before you already had tissue growth.
Nah if he has low E, his AI is probably legit. Nolva blocks receptors, shouldn’t affect blood levels much.


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Nah if he has low E, his AI is probably legit. Nolva blocks receptors, shouldn’t affect blood levels much.
^^^ This ^^^
If your Estrogen is crashed, it's crashed .... Not blocked.
Nolva won't drop Estrogen, it'll block it at some receptors.
Are you POSITIVE that your Nolva is legit??


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^^^ This ^^^
If your Estrogen is crashed, it's crashed .... Not blocked.
Nolva won't drop Estrogen, it'll block it at some receptors.
Are you POSITIVE that your Nolva is legit??
Yeah but everyone always says “blood work will tell it all” well, here we are. Yeah I’m sure it is, soreness and tenderness went away but I’m not sure if it’s in my head that it’s still growing, or not. Read several instances where people developed it with no symptoms. I’ll have to post updated pics shortly


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Yeah but everyone always says “blood work will tell it all” well, here we are. Yeah I’m sure it is, soreness and tenderness went away but I’m not sure if it’s in my head that it’s still growing, or not. Read several instances where people developed it with no symptoms. I’ll have to post updated pics shortly
Yeah man ....
1) Your numbers are wrong
2) Your Nolva is bunk or..
3) It's in your head.

.... Or some combination of the above.


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It seems like it’s in your head man. And I’d bet dollars to donuts that you have been touching them, at least a little more than usual. Agitating what may or may not have already been there.


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It seems like it’s in your head man. And I’d bet dollars to donuts that you have been touching them, at least a little more than usual. Agitating what may or may not have already been there.
That’s what I’m trying to determine. Whether it’s in my head and yes you’re correct, I’ve been touching them to see if ever A. The lump is still tender and B. If there’s any more growth. I should leave them alone, but I don’t wanna keep cycling if it is in fact gyno and it continues to grow. Especially with no explanation. I got some more nolva from another reputable source on the way, but I don’t believe my current is bunk. I’d hope it is all in my head, though.


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That’s what I’m trying to determine. Whether it’s in my head and yes you’re correct, I’ve been touching them to see if ever A. The lump is still tender and B. If there’s any more growth. I should leave them alone, but I don’t wanna keep cycling if it is in fact gyno and it continues to grow. Especially with no explanation. I got some more nolva from another reputable source on the way, but I don’t believe my current is bunk. I’d hope it is all in my head, though.
I’d get Ralox instead I’d youre going that route. I hear that has more of an affinity for the receptors in the nips


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I’d get Ralox instead I’d youre going that route. I hear that has more of an affinity for the receptors in the nips
I have been trying to find ralox but cannot find it worth a damn. I also don’t want to continue taking things I don’t need to fight something that’s not even there. I almost feel like I’m one of the very few cases where I have to wait and see if I develop tits in order to know that I have it. Not to mention I can’t confirm with my doctor because VA doctors are a joke


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Stop touching them for a while. Make sure you’re warm next time you check. Having cold nipples can make them more sensitive. I’ve had twice where I freak out for a moment thinking mine are getting tender, but I just put a shirt on and they’re fine. But irritating them by constantly checking is not gonna help.


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Stop touching them for a while. Make sure you’re warm next time you check. Having cold nipples can make them more sensitive. I’ve had twice where I freak out for a moment thinking mine are getting tender, but I just put a shirt on and they’re fine. But irritating them by constantly checking is not gonna help.
Yeah I’m gonna leave it alone. Maybe go down to 250mg weekly. When warm they look soft but not necessarily “gyno puffy”. The tenderness isn’t there anymore, but wondering about the extra skin beside my nipple and whether it’s just fat or something more concerning


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Yeah I’m gonna leave it alone. Maybe go down to 250mg weekly. When warm they look soft but not necessarily “gyno puffy”. The tenderness isn’t there anymore, but wondering about the extra skin beside my nipple and whether it’s just fat or something more concerning
Extra skin is definitely not gyno. If it were truly gyno, it’s typically a hard lump behind the nipple. Sensitivity and itching doesn’t mean true gyno either.


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You look fine. Every one always thinks the horizontal line coming from the side is a sign of gyno. its not. Tissue and fat have to hang somewhere and this is the tension point.

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