guys...i am in need of some guidence here:please help a fellow am member in need.


sorry for the corney title :P but i really need some advice on what it is i am doing wrong/ Not doing to bulk.. currently i am doing dc training. as for my nutrution i am adding around 4tbsp of olive oil in shakes, and also a cup of oats. here is my delimea. i am trying to get to 202lbs.. its my bench mark that i want to achieve. i currently sit around 185ish as of now. i am eating EVERYTHING in sight and multiple "weight gainer" shakes a day.. but for some reason it seams no matter how much i eat. the number stays the same. has been for around 3 weeks.. i do not know what to do and would GREATLY appreciate someone to help me who might've been through a simliar situation.. please?

thank you for any and all feedback, (all is welcome)
how can a 185lb 6'2 guy eat 5000cal 300ish grams of carbs and 350grams of prot and NOT gain weight? even fat?!?
try GOMAD if you're serious and eat just the way you are now.. guarantee the weight will set in--a little fat but some damn good MASS. Throw in a little jar of peanut butter a day too. Stay on the high calorie high fat high protein foods like red meat and such not lots of tuna and chicken breast if you want mass. Stick to compounds only! Not iso exercises. Squat Squat Squat!! You're chest, back, and legs is where the weight will come in as they are the largest muscles, only work those at a weight you can do 5 reps! Lots of rest and good sleep. You're body is growing during rest days and sleep, it's not in the gym. Short, intense, heavy, compound work outs.
just started dc training 2 weeks ago so was going to give that a shot, a COMPLETE 180 from what i usually do. (volume training)

what is gomad btw?
and just to give you an idea of my body type/ what i look like currently here is a link to my workout log with pictures. Invalid Link Removed
I'm not too familiar with DC training but I looked over your workouts and the work out routine you have--it is really not gonna help you bulk at all. It looks good for cutting. Here is some pointers:

1. I noticed your shake in the morning had 70 grams of protein in it. Never go over 30 g of protein in a given sitting since the human body can only absorb and use up to 30 g at once. The rest you piss out or whatnot. If you ate 280 g of protein with 4 shakes consisting of 70 g of protein each shake (which I'm sure you might have or might be doing), you just consumed 120 g of protein and pissed out 160.

Your diet looks good but the way you eat it needs to change because although it seems you are eating a crap load of protein to bulk, your only using less than half to build muscle. You might even be depriving your muscles of protein by eating too much protein at once lol. Ironic.

2. I'm a firm believer and advocate of the routing split push/pull/legs for mass. Try that. And I can't stress the importance of rest (outside of the gym is where the growing happens). You see, you did pull ups one day which gets your bi's and back, and the next day you were doing bi curls. That is more harmful than helpful to the bi's. Hurt them hard enough at once where you are FORCED to rest.

3. Reduce use of the machines. They are more suited for pro's because machines isolate very very specific parts of muscles. Get on the racks and get off the smith. Free weights rip way more muscle fibers than machines.

4. Your body only grows when it HAS to. Meaning it is scared for it's own survival when you work out hard so it grows thinking getting stronger will suit it better to deal with the stress exerted from workouts. If you're not growing, your body thinks your workouts are a breeze and feels it can handle them just fine. You're not scaring your body enough.

5. (optional) Supplements.

Last but not least GOMAD--Gallon of milk a day. (SPREAD OUT--if you're eating a 30 g protein meal, no need to waste a glass of milk as now you know you'll piss it out. Wait 45 mins)

If you're not getting the results you want, clearly something has got to give. Something needs to change. Whatever you change and add to your routine and diet, try to incorporate these ides. Hope that helped.
Deca durabolan - 400mg per week for 8 weeks
Sustanon 250 OR Testaviron depot - 500mg per week for 8 weeks
Dianabol - 30mg per day, six days per week for 6 weeks
this will bang you up ,no worrys mate
another option is lg methyl 1 d, this is not a bad product for smashing through stale points but bear in mind prohormones are roids slag of a sister, wont feel as good but bigger chance of sides. if you are not up for this then eat eat and eat.
I'm not too familiar with DC training but I looked over your workouts and the work out routine you have--it is really not gonna help you bulk at all. It looks good for cutting. Here is some pointers:

1. I noticed your shake in the morning had 70 grams of protein in it. Never go over 30 g of protein in a given sitting since the human body can only absorb and use up to 30 g at once. The rest you piss out or whatnot. If you ate 280 g of protein with 4 shakes consisting of 70 g of protein each shake (which I'm sure you might have or might be doing), you just consumed 120 g of protein and pissed out 160.

Your diet looks good but the way you eat it needs to change because although it seems you are eating a crap load of protein to bulk, your only using less than half to build muscle. You might even be depriving your muscles of protein by eating too much protein at once lol. Ironic.

2. I'm a firm believer and advocate of the routing split push/pull/legs for mass. Try that. And I can't stress the importance of rest (outside of the gym is where the growing happens). You see, you did pull ups one day which gets your bi's and back, and the next day you were doing bi curls. That is more harmful than helpful to the bi's. Hurt them hard enough at once where you are FORCED to rest.

3. Reduce use of the machines. They are more suited for pro's because machines isolate very very specific parts of muscles. Get on the racks and get off the smith. Free weights rip way more muscle fibers than machines.

4. Your body only grows when it HAS to. Meaning it is scared for it's own survival when you work out hard so it grows thinking getting stronger will suit it better to deal with the stress exerted from workouts. If you're not growing, your body thinks your workouts are a breeze and feels it can handle them just fine. You're not scaring your body enough.

5. (optional) Supplements.

Last but not least GOMAD--Gallon of milk a day. (SPREAD OUT--if you're eating a 30 g protein meal, no need to waste a glass of milk as now you know you'll piss it out. Wait 45 mins)

If you're not getting the results you want, clearly something has got to give. Something needs to change. Whatever you change and add to your routine and diet, try to incorporate these ides. Hope that helped.
you make a very good point about how much protien i intake at once... say for example i am eating my post workout meal.. a lb of ground beef. i think i am getting around 108grams of protein but really only using around 30-40 so when i am trying to hit my number of 300grams per day i am really not hitting that number of protein that i am actually using because i am wasting to much in on sitting i believe...i never thought about this but it makes ALOT of sence.... and as far as dc training. it is specificly designed by dante trudel. a 300+ lb body builder who transforms weak ectos into massive guys.. look him up. you;ll crap when u see him.

Deca durabolan - 400mg per week for 8 weeks
Sustanon 250 OR Testaviron depot - 500mg per week for 8 weeks
Dianabol - 30mg per day, six days per week for 6 weeks
this will bang you up ,no worrys mate
anabolics is not how i want to get to 202lbs...i've done a cyclke or two in the past im not looking for a quick shot up like that.. i want to get 202lbs naturally (fat gain ok) and then after im around that weight THEN maybe do a cycle..
Looked over dc training a little bit. I'm curious. If it really works like it's supposed to then yea keep at it.. Don't think you need GOMAD lol. You sound like you're eating like a horse anyway. The simple mod in the way you eat your diet is really all you need and probably what was holding you back. Let me know how it works out for you. Good lifting.
i like to think i am eating like a horse :P so far as of today this is what i have eaten..
1. mass building shake. (muscle juice tub i had layin around) arond 1100cal 55g prot 150g carbs
2. big chinese lunch. beef with brocli and fried rice. (had to grab somethhing quick before finals :P
3. just had 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 scoop of protein powder (On whey) and 16oz milk around 700ish cal 50g prot and 60g of carbs..

this is just so far. i plan on eating 4tbsp of penut butter in an hour. and then 2 more "meals" with one weight gainer shake before bed..
(would've added 3 tbsp of evoo, BUT need to buy some more, ran out)
i think you could try lg trifecta stack, it is really quite mild but you will notice great ,safe keepable gains.i respect your decsion on roids,as i live in the uk they are not ilegal for me to take but they only should be used when one is totally ready and well informed. lg sciences really are the only option i would ever consider in otc products, because they do work. these sticking points in training happen to every one of us,so dont be discouraged, you will blast through i have no doubt.
My usual Bulking diet:
Sammich & Protein shake


A whole rotissery chicken with ranch.

2 Scoops whey, Peanut butter, nesquick

Same for the shake.
Ham sandwhich or a fat burger

London broil or another 2 burgers loaded or steak, or some loaded chicken

I'm the bulking master. Cutting, your on your own lol.
depending on how much muscle mass you have will determine how many g of protein you can handle at once. the suggested amount is 30 to 40 g but i havent found any proven research on this.
just to be safe i keep it around 40 from now

peanut butter is MONEY for calories! hell you sit down and 10 scoops later you just ate 1000+ cal and 40g of protein! lol i love it. i dont think i could bulk with out peanut butter,oo,half and half, and oatmeal :)
depending on how much muscle mass you have will determine how many g of protein you can handle at once. the suggested amount is 30 to 40 g but i havent found any proven research on this.

Also, the body isn't static - it will adapt to the nutrients provided. I.e. you eat lots of protein at once and your body will accustom itself to using lots of protein at once.

(Just to be clear, none of the following is directed at anyone, I'm just relating my viewpoint on the subject.) The concept that it's bad to eat more protein than is going to go into protein synthesis is short-sighted and, frankly dumb.

30 to 40g may be the maximum that the body will apply directly to muscle protein synthesis, but there are countless other programs and utilities in which amino acids are needed.

Long story short, eating 50, 60, 70, 80+g of protein at once isn't the bad thing the "bros" would convince you of. Nor is that protein "going to waste", it is simply being utilized in other ways.

You don't consider the carbs that go to maintaining extracellular glycoprotein levels a waste do you? Just because they're not supporting muscular growth or going to glycogen stores doesn't mean your body isn't benefitting from them.
Also, the body isn't static - it will adapt to the nutrients provided. I.e. you eat lots of protein at once and your body will accustom itself to using lots of protein at once.

(Just to be clear, none of the following is directed at anyone, I'm just relating my viewpoint on the subject.) The concept that it's bad to eat more protein than is going to go into protein synthesis is short-sighted and, frankly dumb.

30 to 40g may be the maximum that the body will apply directly to muscle protein synthesis, but there are countless other programs and utilities in which amino acids are needed.

Long story short, eating 50, 60, 70, 80+g of protein at once isn't the bad thing the "bros" would convince you of. Nor is that protein "going to waste", it is simply being utilized in other ways.

You don't consider the carbs that go to maintaining extracellular glycoprotein levels a waste do you? Just because they're not supporting muscular growth or going to glycogen stores doesn't mean your body isn't benefitting from them.

Listen to this guy. Always.
Also, the body isn't static - it will adapt to the nutrients provided. I.e. you eat lots of protein at once and your body will accustom itself to using lots of protein at once.

(Just to be clear, none of the following is directed at anyone, I'm just relating my viewpoint on the subject.) The concept that it's bad to eat more protein than is going to go into protein synthesis is short-sighted and, frankly dumb.

30 to 40g may be the maximum that the body will apply directly to muscle protein synthesis, but there are countless other programs and utilities in which amino acids are needed.

Long story short, eating 50, 60, 70, 80+g of protein at once isn't the bad thing the "bros" would convince you of. Nor is that protein "going to waste", it is simply being utilized in other ways.

You don't consider the carbs that go to maintaining extracellular glycoprotein levels a waste do you? Just because they're not supporting muscular growth or going to glycogen stores doesn't mean your body isn't benefitting from them.

you make a very good point resolve, and at 240+ lb and 6'4 i think you know what your talking aobut :)
Have you been to the doctor? You might have something wrong with the GI tract that isn't allowing you to absorb all the nutrients you're taking in. I sit at 202 no problem, same height and I eat a lot less than you and I do 3-4x cardio sessions a week in addition to 3x O lifting and 3x max effort lifts. Just seems like something is wrong physiologically to be consuming that much.

Otherwise, are you eating that day in day out or just every couple of days you're hitting that mark? I know a lot of people that will bulk one day and then not have an appetite the next.
My guess is that you're not getting enough cholesterol, saturated fats and/or vitamin A and D.

Take two tablespoons of cod liver oil a day and at least six whole eggs a day.

This is just a suggestion, which can be tried or not. I'd rather not get into a "good fats" argument with anybody.
Also, the body isn't static - it will adapt to the nutrients provided. I.e. you eat lots of protein at once and your body will accustom itself to using lots of protein at once.

(Just to be clear, none of the following is directed at anyone, I'm just relating my viewpoint on the subject.) The concept that it's bad to eat more protein than is going to go into protein synthesis is short-sighted and, frankly dumb.

30 to 40g may be the maximum that the body will apply directly to muscle protein synthesis, but there are countless other programs and utilities in which amino acids are needed.

Long story short, eating 50, 60, 70, 80+g of protein at once isn't the bad thing the "bros" would convince you of. Nor is that protein "going to waste", it is simply being utilized in other ways.

You don't consider the carbs that go to maintaining extracellular glycoprotein levels a waste do you? Just because they're not supporting muscular growth or going to glycogen stores doesn't mean your body isn't benefitting from them.

I agree with you. Like you said tho, 30-40 g of protein at once is most likely the maximum used for muscle protein synthesis. And for this reason, I like to keep my protein intake at this level within an hour or so solely for the fact of knowing I'm spending my money on muscle protein synthesis and not the other numerous benefits of the amino acids. I like to get my moneys worth. The body itself is a protein building machine and can get by easily without lots of protein from an external source. Our DNA encodes all the recipes for protein synthesis and our cells have everything they need to make protein from the DNA, mRNA, tRNA, 80's ribosomes, R.E.R, and the golgi. Just got back from Bio lol. In this case, I like to use every gram of my external protein very wisely since it does build muscle.... But damn near breaks the wallet!
You're gettin' your money's worth whether you have 30g or 75g, but how you split up your macros is your call.

Dude, I know very well and in depth the processes by which the body synthesizes proteins - it is quite literally my career. I also know that humans are auxotrophic for certain amino acids, and those are therefore essential dietarily.

I like how you throw some buzzwords in, trying to sound all official. :D j/k

I agree with you. Like you said tho, 30-40 g of protein at once is most likely the maximum used for muscle protein synthesis. And for this reason, I like to keep my protein intake at this level within an hour or so solely for the fact of knowing I'm spending my money on muscle protein synthesis and not the other numerous benefits of the amino acids. I like to get my moneys worth. The body itself is a protein building machine and can get by easily without lots of protein from an external source. Our DNA encodes all the recipes for protein synthesis and our cells have everything they need to make protein from the DNA, mRNA, tRNA, 80's ribosomes, R.E.R, and the golgi. Just got back from Bio lol. In this case, I like to use every gram of my external protein very wisely since it does build muscle.... But damn near breaks the wallet!
Have you been to the doctor? You might have something wrong with the GI tract that isn't allowing you to absorb all the nutrients you're taking in. I sit at 202 no problem, same height and I eat a lot less than you and I do 3-4x cardio sessions a week in addition to 3x O lifting and 3x max effort lifts. Just seems like something is wrong physiologically to be consuming that much.

Otherwise, are you eating that day in day out or just every couple of days you're hitting that mark? I know a lot of people that will bulk one day and then not have an appetite the next.

you maybe on to something.. i guess i never really thought of that as being why i dont gain weight very much. and i actually will bulk one day and the next have to REAAAALY force myself because i just am not hungry at all...

My guess is that you're not getting enough cholesterol, saturated fats and/or vitamin A and D.

Take two tablespoons of cod liver oil a day and at least six whole eggs a day.

This is just a suggestion, which can be tried or not. I'd rather not get into a "good fats" argument with anybody.

i take in around 1400cal from peanut butter, and i drink vitamin d whole milk so i wouldnt think that that would be a problem, oh also i use alot of oo in shakes too.
so i really did not eat alot of "solid food" today just because i was busy and what not but here is what i did eat today starting from the time i woke up....tell me what u think

1. muscle juice weight gain shake.900cal/ 60g prot /160g carb. ((8am))
1.5cup oats. 450cal/ 75g carbs/ 15g prot

2. whey protein shake.300 cal/ 25g prot ((10am))
3 tbsp of peanut butter. 630cal/ 24g prot

3. tried eating some pasta sides but just was not hungry.. so ended up drinking another
shake.... muscle juice weight shake. 1300cal/160g carbs/65g prot ((2pm))

4.P W O (yet ANOTHER shake..) 2 scoops whey shake. 550cal/65g prot
1.5 scoops of oatmeal 450cal/ 75g carbs/ 15g prot ((5pm))

5. can of chili. 500cal//66g carbs/ 26g prot ((8pm)

6. going to get something in the fridge now. most likely peanut butter lol... so their you have it. thats what i "drank" today lol.. will this set me back from gaining since their wasnt much actual food?

Haha eh life is all about how you sound. You're very right about getting your moneys worth no matter what. I personally am greedy and ONLY like to spend my money on muscle protein synthesis and none on other benefits of protein. At my age, all I care about is looking good for the ladies lol and less on my health. Not to say I'll kill my health for looks at all tho.

I have a question that you seem like you can answer resolve. Resolve this for me resolve lol.. When protein denatures or coagulates and I consume it, is it still useful, or would it be more useful if it wasn't denatured or coagulated?? I was cooking an egg the other day and thought man I'm completely denaturing the protein and know that completely makes it nonfunctional and wondered if I'm hindering it's usefulness once I eat it. What do you think?

You're gettin' your money's worth whether you have 30g or 75g, but how you split up your macros is your call.

Dude, I know very well and in depth the processes by which the body synthesizes proteins - it is quite literally my career. I also know that humans are auxotrophic for certain amino acids, and those are therefore essential dietarily.

I like how you throw some buzzwords in, trying to sound all official. :D j/k
so i really did not eat alot of "solid food" today just because i was busy and what not but here is what i did eat today starting from the time i woke up....tell me what u think

1. muscle juice weight gain shake.900cal/ 60g prot /160g carb. ((8am))
1.5cup oats. 450cal/ 75g carbs/ 15g prot

2. whey protein shake.300 cal/ 25g prot ((10am))
3 tbsp of peanut butter. 630cal/ 24g prot

3. tried eating some pasta sides but just was not hungry.. so ended up drinking another
shake.... muscle juice weight shake. 1300cal/160g carbs/65g prot ((2pm))

4.P W O (yet ANOTHER shake..) 2 scoops whey shake. 550cal/65g prot
1.5 scoops of oatmeal 450cal/ 75g carbs/ 15g prot ((5pm))

5. can of chili. 500cal//66g carbs/ 26g prot ((8pm)

6. going to get something in the fridge now. most likely peanut butter lol... so their you have it. thats what i "drank" today lol.. will this set me back from gaining since their wasnt much actual food?


Man, I'm all over peanut butter too. I always wash down 4 tbsp with milk like 4 times randomly throughout the day lol. So easy, so compact, so nutritional, promotes testosterone, I love it. Great addition to a bulking diet.
i take in around 1400cal from peanut butter, and i drink vitamin d whole milk so i wouldnt think that that would be a problem, oh also i use alot of oo in shakes too.

There's about 200 mg cholesterol per egg. Cod liver oil has ALOT more vitamin A and D than peanut butter or milk.

Cod liver oil and eggs > peanut butter and milk

All four is even better.
Two tablespoons of cod liver oil a day is sure to lead to excess Vitamin A which could poison the guy. 1-2 Teaspoons a day is a much better recommendation.

You need to start getting more solid food in there. Prepare the stuff the night before or for the week or something. Chewing your food actually helps release enzymes to help break down the food. I'm not sure on the exact details but it may be possible that a lot of those shakes aren't getting broken down completely, making it harder for the body to absorb the nutrients.

There are a lot of things going on, I'd say go get your levels of fat soluble vitamins checked and start eating more whole foods. Fruits, veggies, lots of meat, nuts/seeds, complex carbs/sweet potatoes/rice, etc.
I haven't been poisoned yet. IMO, that's a fallacy, just as the concern about mercury poisoning is.

Anyway, you would "cycle" your larger portions of eggs and cod liver oil, just like anything else. When off a bulk, you go back to maintenance doses.
At two Tbsp of CLO, he'd probably be fine. Upper limit for RDI is ~10000 IU for VitA, and unless it's very concentrated, he'd be getting less than that in the CLO.

But retinoid poisoning is definitely not a fallacy. I wouldn't go eating a ton of liver or anything like that while on the CLO.
At two Tbsp of CLO, he'd probably be fine. Upper limit for RDI is ~10000 IU for VitA, and unless it's very concentrated, he'd be getting less than that in the CLO.

But retinoid poisoning is definitely not a fallacy. I wouldn't go eating a ton of liver or anything like that while on the CLO.

I've taken 24,000 iu's of synthetic vitamin A everyday for three months, just to test it out. I was fine. Natural vitamin A is much safer than synthetic.
You definitely need more whole food. Keep shakes to 2 per day. Meat and potatoes. Beans and rice. Pasta. Eggs. Get a rice cooker to cook large quantities of rice.

Cook lots of rice. Add a couple cans of black beans. Add salsa and chicken. Cook enough to last a couple days.

Boil or pressure cook some potatoes. They stay moist and reheat well or even eat them cold if you need to.

Eggs. Lots. Go through the checkout with 5 18 count eggs and see the look on the persons face. A week.

6 eggs, 6 whites, 1 left over chicken breast. Cut chicken, stir into liquid eggs. Scramble, add cheese, salsa, put in 2 whole grain wraps. Heaven.

You can also add 2 cans tuna to the beans and rice.

Pasta. Cook a box of small noodles. Add 6-8 cans of tuna. Fat free mayo. I like to add a bag of "brocolli slaw" and chopped green peppers. Add mustard. Bam. Tuna pasta casserole. Eat a couple cups a day. You might feel like you are force feeding yourself, which you are. But after your stomach stretches you will gain the appetite. Just keep eating.

Oh and I like DC so stick it out. The 3 day lifting week combined with hitting muscle groups 3 times in 2 weeks is great for recovery.
I'm not too familiar with DC training but I looked over your workouts and the work out routine you have--it is really not gonna help you bulk at all. It looks good for cutting. Here is some pointers:

1. I noticed your shake in the morning had 70 grams of protein in it. Never go over 30 g of protein in a given sitting since the human body can only absorb and use up to 30 g at once. The rest you piss out or whatnot. If you ate 280 g of protein with 4 shakes consisting of 70 g of protein each shake (which I'm sure you might have or might be doing), you just consumed 120 g of protein and pissed out 160.

Your diet looks good but the way you eat it needs to change because although it seems you are eating a crap load of protein to bulk, your only using less than half to build muscle. You might even be depriving your muscles of protein by eating too much protein at once lol. Ironic.

2. I'm a firm believer and advocate of the routing split push/pull/legs for mass. Try that. And I can't stress the importance of rest (outside of the gym is where the growing happens). You see, you did pull ups one day which gets your bi's and back, and the next day you were doing bi curls. That is more harmful than helpful to the bi's. Hurt them hard enough at once where you are FORCED to rest.

3. Reduce use of the machines. They are more suited for pro's because machines isolate very very specific parts of muscles. Get on the racks and get off the smith. Free weights rip way more muscle fibers than machines.

4. Your body only grows when it HAS to. Meaning it is scared for it's own survival when you work out hard so it grows thinking getting stronger will suit it better to deal with the stress exerted from workouts. If you're not growing, your body thinks your workouts are a breeze and feels it can handle them just fine. You're not scaring your body enough.

5. (optional) Supplements.

Last but not least GOMAD--Gallon of milk a day. (SPREAD OUT--if you're eating a 30 g protein meal, no need to waste a glass of milk as now you know you'll piss it out. Wait 45 mins)

If you're not getting the results you want, clearly something has got to give. Something needs to change. Whatever you change and add to your routine and diet, try to incorporate these ides. Hope that helped.

Is your point # 4 true? I'm doing an HST workout right now, and just starting week 2 of 15 reps, I am only having difficulty with one or two exercises each time, trying to bulk and kind of staying the same weight. Def recomping though, which is good and means I am progressing, but with the amounts im eating id expect at least some fat.