Got Muscle? Muscle Addiction's 10 week Journey with LG Science


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Still following...

I like your commitment even during the hectic times!!!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll have no problem passing that test.

Looking forward to your updates as I start my stack Monday.

Just a comment- prepping my food and eating better these last 10 days is helping me tremendously!!!


Still following...

I like your commitment even during the hectic times!!!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll have no problem passing that test.

Looking forward to your updates as I start my stack Monday.

Just a comment- prepping my food and eating better these last 10 days is helping me tremendously!!!
That's awesome bro! That is a huge step in the right direction, especially since you are starting on Monday...sweet! If you like, go ahead and send me what you are far as your meals...and I will look it over for you. If you don't want to post it here, you can e-mail it to me at [email protected]. Let me know your age, current weight, height, goals (lean or bulk) and I can calculate your maintenance caloric intake as well as how many calories you will need to add mass...while keeping all your calories clean! Let me know...I'm here to help!!


It's funny, I eat so clean all the time that last night my girls talked me into getting some Chinese food, so I thought what the hell! I will just order Broccoli Beef and Chicken Chow Mein...nothing special, but trying to stay clean...FORGET IT!! My body did not like that at all!!! So today was back to my usual...and it is incredible how our bodies know when we don't eat right once it has adapted to healthy, clean, nutritious foods! You will continue to reap the benefits from it...guaranteed!!!


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What happened to Mscleaddictin!? Where are ya bro!?


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seriously!! hope its a comp issue:)


seriously!! hope its a comp issue:)
Hey, sorry for the vacation I wasn't slacking or vacationing. Family, work, life just got me busy. I truely appologize for not keeping up on this and if I let you down...sorry!

Anyway, over 4 weeks in and still feeling awesome! I have not changed a thing and have been following the regimine to a tee! I am currently 232 lbs, my vascularity in insane, workouts are even more insane! As I stated previously I already have another 10 week run waiting in the cabinet for when I am done with my PCT from this am very pleased with the results of this product. I will try and get on here more often again and post but damn it has been difficult to find the time. I have been wrenching on my 4x4 truck for the past two weeks trying to get it back on the road for the wife, had to dump a lot of time and cash into it, but will be done with it this weekend!

Making an appointment to have my bodyfat tested this next week, so we will see where I'm at with that.

Again, sorry to Lifter and Flex for my absence, I was trying to be dedicated to this, but fell off the logging wagon...not the training wagon though :).

How is Hookset doing on his run? You should be a couple weeks into your run by now...are you logging yours in? Let me know.

The weight on all of my lifts are up by 15-25 lbs, and I changed my reps to low and heavy for the past two weeks which has made a huge difference...and getting more sleep so I can recouperate better.

Hope all is well with you all, I will check in tomorrow and log it up.


  • Established
Welcome back Bro!!!

I'll tell ya, doing a log can be a challenge but as long as your keepin' up the workouts it's all good!!!

I started a thread with updates every few days as I also just don't have the time for a daily log. Things are good in my run, in almost 2 weeks and really seeing and feeling a difference.

Update when you can!!!


Welcome back Bro!!!

I'll tell ya, doing a log can be a challenge but as long as your keepin' up the workouts it's all good!!!

I started a thread with updates every few days as I also just don't have the time for a daily log. Things are good in my run, in almost 2 weeks and really seeing and feeling a difference.

Update when you can!!!
Great to hear, keep it up as I will try as well with logging. Hitting the gym in a couple of hours after I drop off my little one at school. I will log later, where is your log located...paste me the link??


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It's in this section, I need to figure out how to link...

Glad your back. Been following your diet/food suggestions and seeing great things happening.


Well-known member
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It's in this section, I need to figure out how to link...

Glad your back. Been following your diet/food suggestions and seeing great things happening.
When you post a reply, just above the white area that you type in; theres a blue globe, just move your courser on those. it says insert link.:D
