First time Cycle (HDrol) Wanting to lose weight and add a decent size of muscle...?


New member
This will be my first time taking a PH or anything outside of regular protein to gain mass. I plan on a 50/75/75/75/75 cycle and I heard the Hdrol can be used for cutting and lean mass gain. Right now...I feel like I want to add around 10-15 lbs of muscle and also...I would like to lose 15 lbs of fat. Is there anyway to get this done with Hdrol or do I basically have to choose one or the other? Also If it is possible Id love tips on things that could assist with fat loss and how can I plan on eating 4000 calories a day and still lose fat. Also, I know this isnt the PCT section but since I am already asking anyway..when taking a PCT how do I know for sure when to stop? I plan on taking Clomid with PCT assist..should I just take it for four weeks and then if I feel normal just stop?


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This will be my first time taking a PH or anything outside of regular protein to gain mass. I plan on a 50/75/75/75/75 cycle and I heard the Hdrol can be used for cutting and lean mass gain. Right now...I feel like I want to add around 10-15 lbs of muscle and also...I would like to lose 15 lbs of fat. Is there anyway to get this done with Hdrol or do I basically have to choose one or the other? Also If it is possible Id love tips on things that could assist with fat loss and how can I plan on eating 4000 calories a day and still lose fat. Also, I know this isnt the PCT section but since I am already asking anyway..when taking a PCT how do I know for sure when to stop? I plan on taking Clomid with PCT assist..should I just take it for four weeks and then if I feel normal just stop?
i doubt very much you will be able to do that without first deciding what your priorities are -more muscle or loose fat?.By loosing 15 ilbs of fat and gaining 15 ilbs of muscle ,you look to be wanting to change your body composition and it can be done without steroids.
just my take on it.


New member
2nd that....add the muscle in a lean manner....cut after PCT and normalization period.
If you calculate your BMR and then use the Harris Benedict should come up with a lean gain figure....keeping your diet 1.5g protein/lb., min. 1.5g carb./lb. and reasonably follow intake timing; simple carb.s pre, 50/50 simple/complex post work out, eat every 2 hours, and use fats/casein before bed....

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