First PH cycle: Superdrol. Feedback?


New member
Wanted to post results/experience from my first ph cycle and get feedback. Any and all comments are welcome. I am finishing my 8th and final week next week.

The basic cycle

---PH x 4 weeks---
Superdrol clone 10/20/30/30
Liv.52 2caps/day
Cr5 creatine [from CellTech] 3caps/day

---PCT x 4 weeks with---
Tamoxifen 40/30/20/10
Novedex XT 4/3/2/1 cap/day [ATD product from Gaspari]
Triple threat 2/2/2/1 cap/day [DIM product from Reaction Nutrition]
DHEA 200/150/100/50
Tribulus 1500/1500/750/750
Cr5 creatine 3/3/0/0 caps/day
Creatine monohydrate 0/0/1/1 teaspoons/day to finish off the last 2weeks
Liv.52 2 caps/day throughout pct also

NOExplode one scoop prior to workout
PlasmaJet [Gaspari] 6caps eod 2hours prior to workout
Vitargo carbohydrate intraworkout.
Protein, glutamine, psyllium husk, flax seed oil daily after workout.

Fish oil 2 double strength tabs twice daily throughout.

Here’s my experience.

I decided to do my first ph cycle in part for recovery from a minor, but somewhat debilitating [in terms of working out] surgery I had. I felt a bit de-conditioned when I started the cycle because I was just starting to lift after taking 6-8weeks off [during which I was still doing some cardio, increasing steadily]. I had previously been training straight for over 2 years 5-7days/week without more than a week off at any point in time [took a week or two off perhaps 3 times in 2 years].

I am not a big frame, 6’0” 190#, 29yo, and continually desire lean gains, with more definition over mass always. I continued, and continue to do significant cardio work. I do have to say that I also enjoy getting stronger.

This is why I chose superdrol – because of the reported dry gains.

First two weeks were standard, without many gains. However, I also got a cold/cough for over 2 weeks right in the middle of my ramp up. I worked straight through. At the end of the third week I started to notice more significant gains. This continued into the fifth week sometime, when I started PCT.

I did 30min-1hr of cardio daily, and then weights for 1-1.5hours. 6-7 days per week every week. Diet was tremendous.

Although I started out feeling de-conditioned, by the end of the 6th week, I was feeling in one of the best shapes of my life – though not at my strongest ever. I believe this is because of my starting point, because of the significant amount of cardio I did, and because of the cold I had – which although I worked through, was still limiting. I do believe I am stronger than I would have been at this point without the ph. I have been good about maintaining my gains, and this in part I think is due to my consistency. I actually maintained the same weight during the cycle, but definitely increased definition.

I have had no problems during PCT so far. I had minimal side effects throughout and currently. Did not experience significant aggression, libido changes, acne, hair loss, or nad shrinkage. If anything I had slightly increased aggression during, and slightly decreased libido during PCT, but really nothing to write about. I did not experience fatigue on SD. For a while I was concerned this “clone” was not true SD, but in retrospect I believe it just took some time to ramp up. I did notice however that the bottle recommends cycles of 30mg for 6-8weeks of the stuff – surprising to recommend that length of time with SD at 30mg.

No lab data.

I am taking at least four weeks away from supplements, except protein.

My next cycle I am considering [and would be happy with suggestions]:

Gaspari original Halodrol-50
Primordial Performance Tren + 1-androsterone cream
I-force nutrition dymethazine
CTD labs Winnadrol [Orastan-A]

I would also be interested in stacking two or more ph, if I found an acceptable cycle. I have seen a tren+superdrol+pheraplex mix called Tri-bol 60 by Thai Labz, but I'm not sure I'm interested in another SD cycle at the moment. All comments welcome. Thanks for reading..


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take 12 weeks total between cycles

that doesn't sound like Superdrol but that's just because it hits me immediately with mass gains starting day 2 and strength starting around day 4.

their recommended dose makes my balls afraid when i read it. The shutdown on 8 weeks of Superdrol at 30mg would suck so hard.

Of thos echoices, i'd choose the 1-Tren and 1-AD, being a transdermal means more dose for more duration, and it should be a good combo (just more expensive).

Oya bro, how much weight u gain??

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