First Cycle - Sustanon 250 plus 6 weeks D-bol kicker


New member
Hey fellas,

I’ve never cycled before, but I’m wanting to run Sust 250 for 12 weeks.

Throwing in D-bol in the beginning as a kicker and thought about Low dose Var at the end??

I was told I should pin Monday Wednesday Friday at .5 cc so 375 mgs total weekly.

For the dbol I have 25 mg tabs so I may only do 12.5 per day?

I have a good cycle support on hand with Tudca in it etc.

Exem as AI if I even need it. Going to go by feeling.

Fish oil and NAC

Diet will be clean.

Pct will be Clomid and Nolva probably 50/50/25/25 and 20/20/10/10.
(Anyone ever experience vision problems on clomid? I’ve read some freaky sounding things.. more worried about that than gear sides. )

Any advice would be Appreciated!
Hey fellas,

I’ve never cycled before, but I’m wanting to run Sust 250 for 12 weeks.

Throwing in D-bol in the beginning as a kicker and thought about Low dose Var at the end??

I was told I should pin Monday Wednesday Friday at .5 cc so 375 mgs total weekly.

For the dbol I have 25 mg tabs so I may only do 12.5 per day?

I have a good cycle support on hand with Tudca in it etc.

Exem as AI if I even need it. Going to go by feeling.

Fish oil and NAC

Diet will be clean.

Pct will be Clomid and Nolva probably 50/50/25/25 and 20/20/10/10.
(Anyone ever experience vision problems on clomid? I’ve read some freaky sounding things.. more worried about that than gear sides. )

Any advice would be Appreciated!

doses and everything all sound very sensible bro (I’m always for the lowest effective dose but 12.5 for dbol is maybe a bit low to really have any effect)

but my main issue would be why your using sustanon? That’s a horrible choice for a cycle when you pct, the longer ester sticks around for ages (this continues to suppress you) and you’d have to wait months after last pin to pct

It’s for guys who cruise and blast or for trt really.
I have 25 mg pills, would that split into half one morning and one afternoon be better? Sustanon was recommended as a good beginner choice by a friend who is a 20+ yr AAS pro...I wanted to check with others (hence this post) but I figured I could learn from everyone and have a good successful cycle with a good recovery...
I agree with whiskey about dbol and the sust. Always good to go minimum dose but also don’t want to take something and not reap the benefits but still have it in your system. And as far as the test, get some cypianate and inject twice a week.
👆🏿 definitely agree with previous post above,for a beginner definitely go with cyp or E bro..Sust can very very tricky with the different esters mixed even more for your starting cycle. Then you have dbol on top you could be potentially setting yourself up for a unfavorable situation.
Good point, really don’t think 500 mg is necessary especially with dbol. Would 300 be better? And how much dbol per day 25 mgs?
I’m going to differ with what I believe maybe the popular opinion here. If I’m looking to gain maximum muscle and strength on this cycle, and I’m depending on test to do the majority of the work for 12 weeks, I’m going with at least 500mg of test. Probably no more since first cycle. But if I’m going to be shutting my body’s test production down for 12 weeks, I’d want to make it worth my while. I think the shutdown is going to be about the same between 300 and 500 personally. But that’s just my opinion.
Im old fashioned but My honest opinion is that if its your very first time then you should be hitting one shot a week for 250mg EW.

If you have never used before, It will do just plenty for you.... My very first cycle was test cyp at 200 mgs a week and I gained like 15 lbs in 8 weeks.

I have always had positive results hitting dbol by itself in low doses too (10-20mgs a day) for 4-5 weeks and stopping. For some reason I hold my gains better on those short cycles.

Just my .02 from an old timer
Hey fellas,

I’ve never cycled before, but I’m wanting to run Sust 250 for 12 weeks.

Throwing in D-bol in the beginning as a kicker and thought about Low dose Var at the end??

I was told I should pin Monday Wednesday Friday at .5 cc so 375 mgs total weekly.

For the dbol I have 25 mg tabs so I may only do 12.5 per day?

I have a good cycle support on hand with Tudca in it etc.

Exem as AI if I even need it. Going to go by feeling.

Fish oil and NAC

Diet will be clean.

Pct will be Clomid and Nolva probably 50/50/25/25 and 20/20/10/10.
(Anyone ever experience vision problems on clomid? I’ve read some freaky sounding things.. more worried about that than gear sides. )

Any advice would be Appreciated!

If you already have the Sust then just run it. Switching it out for Test E/C won't really make a difference. You can still start PCT two weeks after your last shot. And with Sust you can just pin 1 ml/ once a week. This way your keeping it simple.

If your going to run Dbol even @ 12.5 mg a day then I would also run your Exemestane @ 12.5 mg every other day. Exemestane only reduces estrogen by 70 percent in the body so your not going to crash your estrogen with Dbol in the mix. As for the Anavar I don't think it would be any benefit at the end being your only running a 12 week cycle.

If your worried about the vision side effects of Clomid they are real. I have even heard of people becoming temporarily blind. Toremifene would be a better SERM that is comparable to both Clomid/ Nolva with very little side effects. Although Torem does increase the QT interval so just something to be aware of. I personally do not get vision side effects from Clomid but I get mood swings and some other weird side effects. It's a love/ hate relationship with that stuff 🤣

I’m going to differ with what I believe maybe the popular opinion here. If I’m looking to gain maximum muscle and strength on this cycle, and I’m depending on test to do the majority of the work for 12 weeks, I’m going with at least 500mg of test. Probably no more since first cycle. But if I’m going to be shutting my body’s test production down for 12 weeks, I’d want to make it worth my while. I think the shutdown is going to be about the same between 300 and 500 personally. But that’s just my opinion.

^^^ This. Shutdown will be exactly the same and 500 mg will absolutely get you a better cycle. But then again so would extending the cycle to 20 weeks
Sust at 250 at dbol at 25(moderate but high enough to work) sounds like a good first to me.