First cycle of havoc, dosing question.


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Hey guys been contemplating doing a cycle of havoc now for the better part of a year. Have been reading up on ph's and decided finally to try the havoc.
First things first. I am 32 years old, been lifting regurlarly for almost two years now. Im 5ft 8" and 165lbs and 12.0% bodyfat. I just dropped almost 20lbs about two months ago (sinus surgery and three rounds of prednisone+ no working out for two months= almost 15lbs). I have been trying my absloute best to eat everything i possibbly can for the past week or so and taking in as much protein as i can get in. My diet isnt the greatest, but is fairly clean. Going to start the havoc in a week and going today to get some milk thistle and hawthorne berry and go ahead and start on them today.

My Pct will consist of some leftover novedex xt and tribulus i have along with the basics, creatine and protein (which is UN Isomass that has absloutely everything in it) and a good multi.

I do not have access to nolva or clomid and really dont feel comfortable ordering off of the internet. But this is in part the reason i chose havoc, from what i read not alot of shutdown associated with it. Would be nice to have on hand though.

I thought of dosing the havoc 20, 30, 30, 40. But i dont know if that is too strong beings that i have never done anything like this before. Please help me figure this out.

Thanks in advance for your time.


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Hey guys been contemplating doing a cycle of havoc now for the better part of a year. Have been reading up on ph's and decided finally to try the havoc.
First things first. I am 32 years old, been lifting regurlarly for almost two years now. Im 5ft 8" and 165lbs and 12.0% bodyfat. I just dropped almost 20lbs about two months ago (sinus surgery and three rounds of prednisone+ no working out for two months= almost 15lbs). I have been trying my absloute best to eat everything i possibbly can for the past week or so and taking in as much protein as i can get in. My diet isnt the greatest, but is fairly clean. Going to start the havoc in a week and going today to get some milk thistle and hawthorne berry and go ahead and start on them today.

My Pct will consist of some leftover novedex xt and tribulus i have along with the basics, creatine and protein (which is UN Isomass that has absloutely everything in it) and a good multi.

I do not have access to nolva or clomid and really dont feel comfortable ordering off of the internet. But this is in part the reason i chose havoc, from what i read not alot of shutdown associated with it. Would be nice to have on hand though.

I thought of dosing the havoc 20, 30, 30, 40. But i dont know if that is too strong beings that i have never done anything like this before. Please help me figure this out.

Thanks in advance for your time.
leftover xt and trib? doesnt sound like a solid pct

pct is where you keep or lose your gains


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I had taken Xt and trib before by themselves. Did not make it throught the whole bottle. I have a months worht of the xt left. That is the only reason i said "leftover".


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I had taken Xt and trib before by themselves. Did not make it throught the whole bottle. I have a months worht of the xt left. That is the only reason i said "leftover".
What else are you planning for your PCT?


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Just my basics, creatine, protein, multi, and all the stuff i take daily.


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You are not prepared for any kind of cycle.

You need to use the search function here for post cycle therapy. There is also a decent guide in my RPN subforum under the Havoc sticky.


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thank you for the help. thought i had it but i will keep looking.


NutraPlanet Fanatic
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thank you for the help. thought i had it but i will keep looking.
Post cycle therapy is MORE important than your actual cycle. Without a proper restoration period, you will not only lose everything you gained throughout your cycle but cripple your ability to gain in the future.

Not to mention that your sex/reproductive health would be in jeopardy.

Feel free to PM me or post questions in the RPN forum.

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