First Cycle - need Pointers/Advice


New member
Sup guys,

Here are my stats:

Pretty lean - I'd say 10-12% body fat.

Been lifting for 2.5 years total, of that a little over a year very serious / good diet / proper form / technique.

I have been thinking to start a cycle.

My current first goal would be to be around 180-185lbs, at low single digit body fat. I Dont want to get too big, going more for the beach/underwear model loook.

The ideal physique I'd want to achieve would be something like Gregg Plitt, Lazar Angelov.

Very active in the gym, go about 5-6x a week. Stopped doing cardio recently because I felt like its eating my I just walk for 5-10 minutes. Diet is on point, didnt have trouble with that... High protein, moderate carbs, low fat/sugars.

Only supplements I take is protein casein, multi, oils, some creatine, and pre workout juice.

At the moment I would like a basic cycel that would offer good gains, if possible would prefer if it could be oral only...but Im open to your advice..



Epistane or H-Drol! It's good for cutting or a lean bulk! PCT ( Post Cycle Therapy ) could be some DAA into something like Formadrol Extreme or Erase! It will help naturally increase testosterone and lower estrogen just make sure you've got everything you need for after the cycle!
If you're running Epistane for size you can start at 30mgs for a couple of weeks and then hit 40. Depending on how your body feels you can try 50 but most people are happy at 40mgs. Purchase two bottles to get a good cycle out of this!


But if you're going to the beach look you can also cut with Epistane same with H-Drol!
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Sup guys,

Here are my stats:

Pretty lean - I'd say 10-12% body fat.

Been lifting for 2.5 years total, of that a little over a year very serious / good diet / proper form / technique.

I have been thinking to start a cycle.

My current first goal would be to be around 180-185lbs, at low single digit body fat. I Dont want to get too big, going more for the beach/underwear model loook.

The ideal physique I'd want to achieve would be something like Gregg Plitt, Lazar Angelov.

Very active in the gym, go about 5-6x a week. Stopped doing cardio recently because I felt like its eating my I just walk for 5-10 minutes. Diet is on point, didnt have trouble with that... High protein, moderate carbs, low fat/sugars.

Only supplements I take is protein casein, multi, oils, some creatine, and pre workout juice.

At the moment I would like a basic cycel that would offer good gains, if possible would prefer if it could be oral only...but Im open to your advice..

<img src=""/>
You have payed your dues to the bronzing god thats for sure lookin good i agree with rhe post above either epi or hdrol keep up the hard work


New member
Epistane or H-Drol! It's good for cutting or a lean bulk! PCT ( Post Cycle Therapy ) could be some DAA into something like Formadrol Extreme or Erase! It will help naturally increase testosterone and lower estrogen just make sure you've got everything you need for after the cycle!
If you're running Epistane for size you can start at 30mgs for a couple of weeks and then hit 40. Depending on how your body feels you can try 50 but most people are happy at 40mgs. Purchase two bottles to get a good cycle out of this!

Trank Also should I be combining Epistane with H Drol ? ANy other supplements ?

PS. I Assume this is the best method to help me reach my goal before actually doing juice right ?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Trank, I was looking at this site, , is this a godo source ? Also should I be combining Epistane with H Drol ? ANy other supplements ?

PS. I Assume this is the best method to help me reach my goal before actually doing juice right ?
Dude come on read the stickies before you post. No source posting bro


Thanks Live to Lift! Baco86 brother lay off the juice you don't need steroids brother you just need to have the proper diet, rest and you need to have a strict routine that you keep on a daily basis and you need to be serious about it! Sure steroids help but if you haven't plateaued yet you don't need all of that! Epistane solo doesn't need to be stacked with H-Drol. Trust me!
ck Black

ck Black

You can run some test prop it will def get u cut with a proper diet , and if u get a hold of a good pharmasutical grade prop then the shots will barley hurt , underground stuff will usually have more solvent in it which hurts so much , so basically u won't feel a dam thing trust me


New member
Sup guys,

Here are my stats:

Pretty lean - I'd say 10-12% body fat.

Been lifting for 2.5 years total, of that a little over a year very serious / good diet / proper form / technique.

I have been thinking to start a cycle.

My current first goal would be to be around 180-185lbs, at low single digit body fat. I Dont want to get too big, going more for the beach/underwear model loook.

The ideal physique I'd want to achieve would be something like Gregg Plitt, Lazar Angelov.

Very active in the gym, go about 5-6x a week. Stopped doing cardio recently because I felt like its eating my I just walk for 5-10 minutes. Diet is on point, didnt have trouble with that... High protein, moderate carbs, low fat/sugars.

Only supplements I take is protein casein, multi, oils, some creatine, and pre workout juice.

At the moment I would like a basic cycel that would offer good gains, if possible would prefer if it could be oral only...but Im open to your advice..
I did h drol and saw results similar to goals ur wanting. Gained about 8 pounds and strength went up pretty good. My bench max increased about 50 pounds up to 245 but after cycle I max at 235 pretty good. U lean up pretty good and get good definition. I did 50/50/75/75 and was pleasantly surprised

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