Excelsior pre workout



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I highly doubt there would be a stim free Excelsior 😄kinda goes against everything Excelsior stands for !
My guess is this is just more Predator trickery and it’s just going to be a new “limited “ batch or something like that
You could say the same I guess for when coke brought out Diet Coke. Agree it’s unlikely but a lower stim pump focused one maybe. I don’t think a new batch myself as they don’t like the whole batch mystique cats love here.


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They are shipping both i think, i got a 6/26 then 11/25 then another 6/26
How does 6/26 hit for you? I thought it was weaker than 7/26 and 11/25 personally but I need to run it again to be sure


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I just got a tub from predator that is exp: 6/26. How would you guys rate this one? Thanks


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FYI... Eva's closed the store in Manhattan. The other stores in Queens and Staten Island are still open though.


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I don't like that. Usually when things like this happen, it's never for the better.
They stated a “new secret ingredient”, but then contradicted by saying “not seen in years”.

When I read “not seen in years” I don’t know why I automatically thought of craze “dendrobium”. Who knows but I will buy it when it releases.


The only pre I will buy without hesitation for 120 bucks a tub


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Besides the notion of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," what also gives me pause is the bulletpoint in Predator's announcement about repurposing the Excelsior formula to broaden its appeal beyond the "hardcore" fitness community. I hope I end up being wrong, but I don't see how that could mean anything but tweaking the formula to make for less intense effects (I.e., make it more like a more mainstream PWO).

If you think about it -- considering that Excelsior is the only PWO that has a dedicated fanbase of users willing to regularly spend $100+ on a tub, it begs the question of what good reason Imperial would have to change the formula at this point and risk losing that customer base?


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Besides the notion of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," what also gives me pause is the bulletpoint in Predator's announcement about repurposing the Excelsior formula to broaden its appeal beyond the "hardcore" fitness community. I hope I end up being wrong, but I don't see how that could mean anything but tweaking the formula to make for less intense effects (I.e., make it more like a more mainstream PWO).

If you think about it -- considering that Excelsior is the only PWO that has a dedicated fanbase of users willing to regularly spend $100+ on a tub, it begs the question of what good reason Imperial would have to change the formula at this point and risk losing that customer base?
Exactly. That's how I see it as well. I've stocked up on the 7/26 batches from Eva's. I have a feeling these will be the last of the best.


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Exactly. That's how I see it as well. I've stocked up on the 7/26 batches from Eva's. I have a feeling these will be the last of the best.
Unfortunately, this development comes at a bad time for me (have had a handful of unanticipated expenses to have to pay for in recent weeks), but hopefully I will be able to order at least a few tubs of the current Excelsior product before they change the formula.

If you think about it, it makes more sense for Predator to just offer two versions of the product and focus on marketing the new one via more mainstream channels, so it makes me wonder why they'd risk alienating the customer base they've developed over the last few years that is willing to spend the money it costs to buy Excelsior in particular (as compared to other PWOs) by revamping the formula.


Or could possibly be a trick to sell out stock.... Seems that's what's happening 🤗


It would make sense if the actives in these recent batches are going to be illegal and need to get rid of all stock ASAP


But I'm just going at it from a skeptical view..... Or the new excelsior will be amazing twice as good as the original batches?


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I read that article but if you read it carefully it’s not saying anything definite. “Potential new ingredient” - so maybe not included..

“adjusting the stimulant profile of Excelsior to optimize the energy and focus it provides ensuring a smoother and more sustained boost during workouts” - if it was any more sustained it would be in your system for 24hrs so don’t think that’s a good thing. It’s also pretty smooth right I think, it’s not like a dmaa pre which hits super hard and then you crash just as hard.

“changing the delivery method” - lol maybe they’ll make it pure stim powder so the faithful excelsior customers can try and give their nostrils some work? Lol, or maybe an excelsior energy shot or something? I guess it’s saying it’s not confirmed in any case.

“Repurposing for wider appeal” - When the same sentence says could and potentially I’d imagine this is unlikely.

but check this bit cos after saying it won’t be a flavor but an upgrade it says “we are also working on developing a new flavor to complement the existing ones, ensuring there is something for everyone.”

That to me sounds like they’ll be keeping the existing one if it’s gonna complement it + if they are ALSO working on a new flavor it sounds like there’s gonna be a new formula + a new flavor for the existing version?

lol, or am I just over interpreting **** here?


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They stated a “new secret ingredient”, but then contradicted by saying “not seen in years”.

When I read “not seen in years” I don’t know why I automatically thought of craze “dendrobium”. Who knows but I will buy it when it releases.
Same here. Before the last stock was sold they were selling it at around £200 so if they can source that ingredient it would make sense they could sell this as an upgrade. Tbh, craze was so long ago though I’m not sure if people’s memories of it are accurate. Excelsior might be stronger cos I could handle craze but excelsior is too much for me.


If it was actually the same ingredient as they found in Craze , they would have to be super discreet about it because the FDA shut down Craze when the ingredient was identified


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Unfortunately, this development comes at a bad time for me (have had a handful of unanticipated expenses to have to pay for in recent weeks), but hopefully I will be able to order at least a few tubs of the current Excelsior product before they change the formula.

Dear long tie thread fellow @SpicedCider. I would advise serious caution about buying too many of the new tubs. I mean I would guess they are not gonna strong as in old days again and everybody who used the old a bit to often or to and or too much will likely have some semi tolerance too. But feel free though :)

If you think about it, it makes more sense for Predator to just offer two versions of the product and focus on marketing the new one via more mainstream channels, so it makes me wonder why they'd risk alienating the customer base they've developed over the last few years that is willing to spend the money it costs to buy Excelsior in particular (as compared to other PWOs) by revamping the formula.
I haven't tried the 26 batches and am not really interested. But I happened to fly by another planet where they notably had extra large sausage trees but also plenty of purple orchid flower that Driven Sports claimed contained dendrobium gave Craze its kick and focus.
I donat believe DS actually used the flower but that's imaginative of them lol...

I believe there probably are still numerous compounds to be discovered even on Earth still and chemistry and new possible modification of similar compounds and some compounds have different molecular structure but still works in a similar way.
If any manufacturer actually was including a secret ingredient and wanted to avoid people showing positive for illegal drugs then finding new compounds not yet known to too many scientists...

I am still a bit dumfounded about Craze because even after some articles online stated it had been analyzed and found compounds considered analogues I never heard of anybody actually finding that stim outside of Craze?
Craze was sold much more widely and cheaper even considering inflation and Craze was a superhit. I do think competitors somehow wanted to bust Craze because who would but C4 if they could handle and enjoy Craze?

But CRZ with same label design as Craze is still being sold on PN... The only tub CRZ I tried was pretty much like caffeinated fruit punch and I think most for real would think so?

Or is there any Love for CRZ in this thread?

About new flavors of Excelsiors.. Are we gonna see some more purple stuff like Craze was?

Do anybody remember Black Panther the Marvel movie? When they pound and make a brew of the heart shaped purple flower to give The Black Panther his strength back?

Luckily enough I flew by this planet where the purple flower grew large and dense and even if there was such on Earth I doubt it could measure compared to Heart Shaped Purple flower grown on a planet revolving around a purple star.

The Land of The New Purple Rising Sun it is called. Next time I won't forget and I will fly there with my space surfing backpack and fill it up with purple flower :ROFLMAO:


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So I had ordered a new tub of Excelsior from PN, but since they've switched shipping providers from DHL to FedEx, delivery to US addresses has started taking way longer. Having said that, is anyone here from the US looking to sell their tub of Excelsior (or even just a few scoops' worth, LOL)? Would like to have it here by Saturday, if possible. Don't care about lot numbers and all that.



So I had ordered a new tub of Excelsior from PN, but since they've switched shipping providers from DHL to FedEx, delivery to US addresses has started taking way longer. Having said that, is anyone here from the US looking to sell their tub of Excelsior (or even just a few scoops' worth, LOL)? Would like to have it here by Saturday, if possible. Don't care about lot numbers and all that.

U could always just switch to ephedrine until you get your tub


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So I had ordered a new tub of Excelsior from PN, but since they've switched shipping providers from DHL to FedEx, delivery to US addresses has started taking way longer. Having said that, is anyone here from the US looking to sell their tub of Excelsior (or even just a few scoops' worth, LOL)? Would like to have it here by Saturday, if possible. Don't care about lot numbers and all that.

i have an 11/25 with maybe 2 scoops missing. pm me


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I've definitely seen Excelsior discussed quite a bit, and it seems like a popular choice for those looking for a potent pre-workout without the jitters and spikes in blood pressure. Personally, I've used it and found it to be a solid option. If you're looking for something that's powerful but not overly intense, Excelsior might be a good fit for you. Just remember to start with a smaller dose to see how your body reacts.
Hope that helps!


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Yesterday I tried 0.5 scoops of Excelsior 11/25 and I am disappointed, there is something active in it that lasts 5.6 hours, it feels like you are on some antidepressants, I feel something toxic. no energy, no focus, definitely not for me, there are much better pre-workouts for a lower price.

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