EvoMuse Guide to Total Fat Loss



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EvoMuse Fat Burner Roundup

EvoMuse has been pumping out numerous innovative fat-loss formulas as of late, as well as bringing a couple over from the BPS brand (which were actually designed by EvoMuse but sold under the BPS label). Based on customer feedback, all these different options have generated some confusion, and rightfully so. You just want to add a weapon or two into your fat loss arsenal, but with so many choices, how do you know what’s right for you? And, admittedly, coming from the guy that does the individual product write-ups, those things can get pretty science heavy. So we’ve decided to create a quick, easy to read reference guide to the EvoMuse fat loss products, allowing you to pick the best products or stacks for your personal needs, goals, and body type.
Damage Control Protocol (DCP)
DCP is one of the products coming back to EvoMuse from the BPS line. To understand the purpose of the targeted attack from DCP, we want to look at two specific angles, PPARs and DGAT. We’re going to briefly review these, then you’ll find a bullet point list as to which ingredients in DCP target each of these specific pathways for some simple clarification.

This stands for Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors, and they refer to a family of receptor proteins that move things in and out of the nucleus of the cell. For our purposes, these “things” involve processes of cell differentiation and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The first PPAR we want to look at is PPAR alpha (PPARa). Its activation is directly involved with all three stages of fat burning (lipolysis, transport, and oxidation), and is one of the most important players in lipid metabolism. It is triggered naturally during calorie deprivation and in severe carbohydrate restriction to aid in the production of ketones.

Recent research shows that something called Lipopolysachharides (LPS), also known as endotoxins, will suppress PPARa gene expression. LPS elevation is linked with obesity. Controlling LPS overproduction is a little-known way to assist in fat loss, and Gamma Mangostin has been shown to do this, in addition to directly boosting PPARa function.

Next up, is PPAR delta (PPARd). This is found in the brain, adipose, and skeletal muscle. Increased expression of this PPAR has been shown to increase fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle by shifting the body's metabolic preference away from carbohydrate in favor of lipids.
This is favorable for multiple reasons. Obviously this means you'll be burning more fat per unit of time, but one side effect of the body relying less on carbohydrate and more on fatty acids is that the latter is a cleaner burning fuel. During exercise you will produce less lactate, prolonging the accumulation of hydrogen ions as well as reducing the total ROS output. Burn more fat, better workout performance, quicker recovery.

Finally, we’ll take a look at PPAR gamma (PPARy). This PPAR is mainly found in adipose tissue, and is responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism and fatty acid storage. Similar to how LPS can negatively interact with PPARa, something called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs), can do so to PPARy, which reduces fat breakdown and mobilization. Mangiferin, included in DCP, prevents this.

Diglyceride Acetyltransferase (DGAT) is an enzyme which is vital to the process of forming adipose tissue. DGAT inhibition is an effective and unique angle for targeting fat loss. In fact, DGAT knockout mice (meaning they lack the DGAT enzyme) are resistant to obesity, and exhibit increased insulin and leptin sensitivity.

Ingredients and targets:

Rose Ellagatanins
• DGAT inhibition

• PPARa agonist
• Prevents LPS induced suppression of PPARa
• PPARd agonist

Artemisia Awayomogi
• PPARd agonist

• Increased expression of PPARd

• Increased expression of PPARa
• Prevents AGE’s induced suppression of PPARy

While the main focus of DCP is through the DGAT and PPAR angles, other ingredients in the formula also target fat loss through different angles, including:
• TRPV1 agonism
• Transporting FFA’s into the mitochondria for oxidation
• Increased lipolysis
• Beta3 adrenoreceptor activation

Who should take DCP? Pretty much anybody trying to lose fat, particularly those that prefer a non-stimulant based formula. This product is easily stackable, although it will work extremely well on its own.
Vanillean is the second supplement coming back to EvoMuse from BPS. With this fat loss product, we’re targeting three angles of attack, so let’s take a quick look at each one.

TrpV1 activation
The Transient receptor potential Vanilloid protein, or Vanilloid Receptor 1, is involved with detection and regulation of body temperature as well as sensation of pain.

A few years ago some groundbreaking research came out implicating this receptor as a major player in obesity. This is the receptor that capsaicin from chili peppers interacts with, and quite a bit of research has demonstrated that triggering TrpV1 has a significant effect on fat burning. TrpV1 agonism tends to increase energy expenditure and decrease body fat. This is one of the major targets of the Vanillean formula, with multiple ingredients maximizing fat loss through this pathway.

Additionally, which will lead us into our next point, TrpV1 binding has a profound effect on the upregulation of Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT), which is the more favorably metabolically active type of fat that cranks up energy expenditure, and basically wastes calories to generate heat.

FTO Inhibition & Increased UCP1 Expression
The “Fat mass and obesity-associated protein” is an enzyme encoded by the FTO gene, which does a pretty good job of describing itself in the name. Subjects with a gene variant overexpressing FTO show higher levels of insulin and insulin resistance. FTO predisposes individuals to fat gain and obesity, whereas FTO-negative subjects are resistant to obesity due to enhanced energy expenditure, and reduced conversion of carbohydrates to fat (de-novo lipogenesis).

Fat cells deficient in FTO exhibit 4x higher expression of UCP1 in the mitochondria, and this FTO deficiency leads to a “browning” of white adipocytes (see EvoMuse BRITE for more on why that’s awesome, which is our product directly targeting this browning effect through multiple angles).

Vanillean uses brand new forms of Quercetin and Fucoxanthin to inhibit FTO.

General Thermogenesis
The rest of the formula is targeted at general thermogenesis, which is basically the production of heat through different mechanisms, like shivering and non-shivering, exercise and non-exercise related mechanisms. Thermogenesis is a significant component of metabolic rate, and can be triggered with specific nutrients to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

Who should take Vanillean? Like DCP, this product is a good fit for any fat loss plan, no specific requirements to benefit from Vanillean. This is also a stimulant free product, and can be stacked with DCP for an even greater fat loss effect than one or the other.

BRITE is truly a prodigious fat loss supplement, breaking new ground with its physiological targets. This is likely the toughest product to summarize succinctly, as the mechanism of action is quite complex, but we’re going to attempt to just give you the quick and dirty here.

Understanding three different types of fat cells is the key here, so let’s knock that out.

White Adipose Tissue (WAT), which is the main type of fat in the body, gets a bad rap. Nobody wants that stuff hanging around. However, it is actually quite essential for normal human functioning and survival. It’s only a problem when it becomes dysfunctional and gets too good at storing fat, and piss-poor at releasing it.

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) was previously thought to only be relevant in rodents and humans during infancy. More recently, science has taught us that BAT is actually quite prevalent and useful, even something that should be coveted, in adults. The really interesting thing is that even a small amount of BATs in humans can equate to a significant effect on metabolic rate and fat burning.

Brown-In-White cells (Brite) are the recently discovered new kids on the block, and the exact target of this supplement. These cells are created by specific triggers inside WAT cells, and act like BAT cells, basically turning fat storage WATs into fat burning BATs.

Brite cells can work independently of UCP1, while also triggering UCP1, generating thermogenesis and calorie burning through multiple methods.

The simple (yet accurate) way to think of BRITE, is that it can reprogram your fat cells to act like those of a naturally lean person.

Brite comes in a liquid suspension, and should be consumed three times daily (preferably with meals). While acute fat loss effects can and should be expected, the most pronounced benefits will likely be achieved over continued use due to the gradual conversion of WAT to Brite cells, helping those that are typically efficient at fat storage adopt a more naturally lean, fat burning phenotype.

Who should take BRITE? Anybody looking to lose fat can certainly benefit. However, those that have a naturally high bodyfat set-point and a tendency to gain weight easily will see the greatest benefit. This benefit will increase over time, so BRITE is a great supplement to stay on long term while cycling/stacking other products alongside.

To understand the premise of Epitome, as well as the final two supplements in this round-up that make perfect stacks with Epitome (Metabolic Rebirth & Leptigen Basic), we’re going to look at a super simple overview of the hormone Leptin.

Leptin is a hormone that structurally belongs to the cytokine family made primarily in white adipose tissue (WAT), but it is also produced in other areas of the body in lesser amounts, like brown adipose tissue (BAT) and skeletal muscle, among others. It’s primary function, particularly for our purposes, is controlling hunger and satiety. When we have optimal Leptin levels in conjunction with optimal Leptin sensitivity, as our energy stores fill up, the “fed state” is signaled and we are no longer impulse to eat. When this system becomes dysfunctional, like in obesity or calorie restriction, everything goes haywire and we want have strong hunger signals even when the body doesn’t need calories.

Like most hormones and adipokines, and pretty much anything responsible for any amount of signaling in the body, we function best when Leptin is at an “optimal” level, we don’t want it super high or super low.

A number of things control the synthesis, release, and sensitivity to Leptin, but there are two main factors to be concerned with. These are fat stores (cell size and number), and energy balance. The important thing to remember is that a calorie deficit causes Leptin to drop, and a calorie surplus causes Leptin to rise. Part of the reason why people tend to hit a wall after extended dieting is this drop in Leptin levels. One of the common ways people deal with this is by implementing regular cheat days where they eat a bunch of carbs and a huge calorie surplus. However, this method is not without drawbacks, and with proper supplementation (Epitome), this becomes unnecessary.

In obesity (and/or endomorphic body types), we typically see elevated Leptin, which causes reduced sensitivity. The constant over-supply of Leptin causes the receptors to downregulate. So we’ve got plenty of this stuff around, but the body has no idea what to do with it. Now when obese or endomorphic folks lose a bunch of weight, they see a major drop in Leptin levels. This drop in Leptin signals a non-fed state in the brain, telling the person to eat more, and is one of the reasons people who lose a large amount of weight tend to gain it back. So then comes the reliance on will-power to restrict calories even more, which further drops Leptin, and further increases hunger and misery. As Leptin continues to tank, so do Testosterone, Growth Hormone, and T3, while cortisol tends to rise. Pretty nasty situation that favors muscle loss and a wrecked metabolism.

One common method to attempt to fix this is with a “refeed”, but you’re still sacrificing fat loss during and after the refeed, and the psychological aspect to this type of binge behavior can be quite damaging to many people, making it difficult to stay on a diet. Particularly when Leptin is low and reward signaling is dramatically elevated from food.

This is where Epitome comes in, offering the following benefits to the endomorph:

• Constant Fed State signaling. This allows you to employ a large drop in calories during acute fat loss phases, or gradually keep dropping them lower and lower during long-term fat loss phases without ever hitting a plateau.
• Optimal Leptin levels and sensitivity
• Reduced appetite and cravings
• No refeeds necessary
• Reduced muscle loss during dieting
• Increased rate of fat oxidation
• Immune system support (the immune system takes a hit due to reduced Leptin during calorie restriction)
• Makes your body act like an ectomorph or mesomorph

Who should take Epitome? This product is a bit more specific with regards to who will see the most benefits, but it includes more people than it excludes. Basically you want to be in the brackets of either high body fat (about 16-18% and up), or low body fat (10-12% and below). If you find yourself in-between those ranges, its less likely that targeting Leptin optimization should be a significant focus in your fat loss protocol.

Metabolic Rebirth
This product is specifically designed for the Endomorph (or those over about 16-18% body fat), to be taken along with Epitome for a synergistic effect. Rebirth will signal the body to reduce elevated Leptin levels and increase Leptin sensitivity, while significantly reducing appetite and cravings, as well as increasing energy expenditure. It will basically make your brain and body behave like somebody who is naturally thin.

Ideally, you will take a serving of Rebirth upon waking, a serving of Epitome early and late afternoon, and a serving of Rebirth before bed.

Who should take Epitome + Rebirth? Endomorphs and those over 16-18% body fat.

Leptigen Basic
Also designed to be stacked with Epitome, Leptigen Basic is the sister product to Rebirth, designed for the leaner people (10-12% body fat or below), that would benefit from a boost/regulation in Leptin levels. Basic will trick your body into thinking that its taking in more calories (particularly carbohydrate calories), signaling the “fed-state”. Basic will accelerate and ease the torture of the last bit of fat burning, and help control cravings when you are under your natural set-point.

Ideally, you will take a serving of Basic upon waking, a serving of Epitome early and late afternoon, and a serving of Basic before bed.

Who should take Epitome + Basic? Anyone who is currently fairly lean (10-12% or below) who is looking to get even leaner, or just simply be able to maintain that level of leanness without jumping back up to their higher set-point.

Summary of Killer Stacks

DCP + Vanillean

Over 16-18% Body Fat/Endomorph Body Type:
Epitome + Metabolic Rebirth

Under 10-12% Body Fat/Mesomorph or Ectomorph Body Type:
Epitome + Leptigen Basic


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The section on BRITE was overlooked and will be added later today.

Thanks Mark!


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Slight correction for Vanillean...FTO suppression causes a huge increase in UCP1 expression. The fucoxanthin amplifies this enough to generate a significant uncoupling effect.

We also didn't touch on the other transient receptors that Vanillean hits, but those of you that felt the body heat yo-yo effect from it are in for major surprise at the increase in effectiveness.


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Thanks for creating this great Evomuse thread!


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Also how about the topicals?


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I've got some of the OG DCP. Thinking of a DCP/Rebirth/Epitome run in the spring


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
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Now THIS is a thread to sub to ;)


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Awesome stuff. Thanks for the info. I just started epitome and rebirth. Is there any thing that I should avoid talking with or around them? Thanks!


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Awesome stuff. Thanks for the info. I just started epitome and rebirth. Is there any thing that I should avoid talking with or around them? Thanks!
Don't take creating around Rebirth


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Been taking CreMax XT around first dose of Metabolic Rebirth last 2 weeks.

Will make sure to space it out, the reasoning?
GPA blocks the absorption of Creatine as well as signaling a low energy state.


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ALL of Matt's products are staple products for me now!


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Really solid post.. Enjoyed and learned


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BRITE section added in.


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I have another chart in hoping to get Matt's input on so I can roll it out to you guys, too. No where NEAR as informational as this, but a helpful quick look thing.


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Awesome thread. Any word on a Black Friday sale? Was looking to pick up epitome/basic but that $20 shipping nearly doubled the cost of my order.


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Awesome thread. Any word on a Black Friday sale? Was looking to pick up epitome/basic but that $20 shipping nearly doubled the cost of my order.
Bumping this? MidwestBeast dsade


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Trying to inventory what I have in stock, and if I can do any better than the current discounted prices with the 10% discount.


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Any updates on the release of ketoinduce or vanillean reformulated as this would probably make a killer fatloss stack :)


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Any updates on the release of ketoinduce or vanillean reformulated as this would probably make a killer fatloss stack :)
Ketoinduce hit a huge snag, as the MCT powder supplier did not disclose that it was a 40% maltodextrin carrier. This would contribute about 8 grams of this sugar-like substance, which might possibly even prevent ketosis.

Back to option 1, for now, but have to retool the formula.


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Well, then we will wait...
your decision against that supplier makes me even a bigger fan of you and your line as it really seems that you just put high quality materials into the products.
so no wonder that these supps do work like charm! I am really curious on my progress with evomuse over the next weeks,months,etc but when I look on the other members' progress I am convinced that I made a step into the right decision when I chose Evomuse :)


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Trying to inventory what I have in stock, and if I can do any better than the current discounted prices with the 10% discount.
Even a discounted shipping would be awesome. That's what's holding me back right now. $20 for a couple bottles of pills is nuts


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Even a discounted shipping would be awesome. That's what's holding me back right now. $20 for a couple bottles of pills is nuts
My shipping was like 6 bucks for 3 products thats more then fair imo. Nutraplanet charges me like 8 bucks or more at times for shipping.


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Even a discounted shipping would be awesome. That's what's holding me back right now. $20 for a couple bottles of pills is nuts
the shipping rate is automated. If it's a big enough difference I try to remember to issue store credit for the difference.

Hit me up and I can always check the actual, and hand make an invoice for you.


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Anyone have ab ab that's grainy like this and won't rub in?


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Anyone have ab ab that's grainy like this and won't rub in?View attachment 127615
Did you buy this direct from me? Shoot me your order number and I'll pull out the batch sample.

The grainy parts aren't actives, it's usually something went wrong with the thickener. I heard from two other people that had that same batch with the same problem, but nobody else. I'll go ahead a prepare a replacement for you.


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Can't wait for vanillean and dcp to come back. Never used dcp, loved vanilllean. Epitome+those two+ec ftw


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I finally figured out how to use epitome to benefit myself too soo I'm pretty happy lol


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Did you buy this direct from me? Shoot me your order number and I'll pull out the batch sample.

The grainy parts aren't actives, it's usually something went wrong with the thickener. I heard from two other people that had that same batch with the same problem, but nobody else. I'll go ahead a prepare a replacement for you.
Yes sir, direct from the shopify store. It was with the eviscerate combo for BF


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The original DCP & Vanillean are still tops. I'm already saving up for when the new editions are released.


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I have 2 bottles of the original original, and 2 bottles of the last release. The new Vanillean is absolutely innovative, and I'm looking at getting it out by January 10th.


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I have 2 bottles of the original original, and 2 bottles of the last release. The new Vanillean is absolutely innovative, and I'm looking at getting it out by January 10th.
Will it still give the awesome burps?

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