Epistane = Phera-Plex....WTF??


New member
Dont know how accurate the classI classII lists are but there are def steroids that dont have to bind to the AR whatsoever to make an effect occur.
you may wish to check out:

Anabolic-androgenic steroid interaction with rat androgen receptor in vivo and in vitro: a comparative study.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Apr;94(5):481-7. Epub 2005 Mar 17
Feldkoren BI, Andersson S.
Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology and Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9032, USA.

By use of tissue extracts, it has been shown that some anabolic steroids have binding affinities for the AR that are higher than that of the natural androgen testosterone, while others such as stanozolol and methanedienone have significantly lower affinities as compared with testosterone. In this study we show that stanozolol and methanedienone are low affinity ligands of the rat recombinant AR as revealed by a ligand binding assay in vitro, however, based on a cell-based AR-dependent transactivation assay, they are potent activators of the AR. We also show that a single injection of stanozolol and methanedienone causes a rapid cytosolic depletion of AR in rat skeletal muscle. Based on these results, we conclude that anabolic steroids with low affinity to AR in vitro, can in fact in vivo act on the AR to cause biological responses.
however, i don't know if similar results exist for oxymetholone as well.



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this what I was talking about before. The class I V II idea has been disproven. I was informed of this by William Lywllen (sp). Pretty much all anabolic effects are done via AR.


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Gee, maybe IBE wouldn't have problems if their Epistane contained a known compound.

Havoc tested out. Epistane didn't.


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Gee, maybe IBE wouldn't have problems if their Epistane contained a known compound.

Havoc tested out. Epistane didn't.
You tested it or are you taking someone elses word for it? If you read it on the internet it's true!:nono:



  • Established
Then set me straight...Where are the test results from IBE?
alright mr 6 posts let us go through all this and rehash everything cause you have been indocrinated and fed a line of crap from your shepherd.... lets just drop the subject casue you obviously are just trying to push a subject which you have minimal biased information of.

Im so glad your here to enlighten us all. got somethin for you.


its out there and they arent even sponsors here anymore so if I carry on further I will run the risk of getting in trouble. you really want info then PM me otherwise your just looking foolish by bringing your BB.com crap over here.


  • Established
Haha, I'm going to rename this thread : "The Fight Thread"

Poopy it looks like your avatar has taken performance enhancing substances??


  • Established
Haha, I'm going to rename this thread : "The Fight Thread"

Poopy it looks like your avatar has taken performance enhancing substances??
I did not have sex with that woman... or whatever consecos/mcguires/sosas lame excuse was.... it was his trainer and manager, ya sandy the squirrel and patrick did it, I just thought it was theraputic lotion and a multivitamin.


  • Established
Haha,lol.. That's funny bro, cause one of Bary's excuses was that he though he was being given B-12 injections!! Good O'l SB must have come across a similar batch of that.


New member
alright mr 6 posts let us go through all this and rehash everything cause you have been indocrinated and fed a line of crap from your shepherd.... lets just drop the subject casue you obviously are just trying to push a subject which you have minimal biased information of.

Im so glad your here to enlighten us all. got somethin for you.


its out there and they arent even sponsors here anymore so if I carry on further I will run the risk of getting in trouble. you really want info then PM me otherwise your just looking foolish by bringing your BB.com crap over here.
Wow, you set me straight. It's out there...Ok then.

I should have know to trust a company that MARKETED A STEROID TO GET RID OF GYNO!! silly me.


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You tested it or are you taking someone elses word for it? If you read it on the internet it's true!:nono:
Not sure if you can follow the thread, questions or the process of a logical discussion, but, do you see the first part where I asked you a question? Can you answer it?


New member
Not sure if you can follow the thread, questions or the process of a logical discussion, but, do you see the first part where I asked you a question? Can you answer it?
You know I didn't test it.

Now, questions for you.

Why did IBE market a steroid to get rid of gyno?

Why did IBE discountinue tren, I mean epistane? or is your trenepistane back in production?


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You know I didn't test it.

Now, questions for you.

Why did IBE market a steroid to get rid of gyno?

Why did IBE discountinue tren, I mean epistane? or is your trenepistane back in production?
To be honest, I had an idea you hadn't tested it but you may very well be a world leading forensic Chemist etc for all I know. Remember I don't know you so I just take your words at face value.

So then if you didn't test it whose beliefs are you following exactly?

Again to be honest I am not sure what the original marketing strategy was for this product as I wasn't around when it was created, thought of and implemented. Our fearless leader and Dr.D must have had their reasons for this marketing slant on the product if that is truly what the Ads etc were for.

I know that many people have used this products successfully to get rid of or shrink cases of gyno. Sorry, that's just the results I have seen. Mind you we could also say that Epistane may have caused gyno for some people, but to be truthful I have no idea what their cycles and history consist of so there may be many reasons for this. I believe that the majority of people who ended up with gyno were either not following a wise PCT etc strategy or were people who are very sensitive to gyno and had previously experienced it, therefore aggravating and previous condition.

I myself used the product on a pulse in a very relaxed protocol and received no DD's

It is a good question, as to why IBE stopped production on Epistane. I believe the reason was stated by IBE over on crybaby.com.


Epistane production is back in full swing and will be out in full force to local retailers in the coming weeks:cheers:.



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is ibe's epistane that is in production now the same one of a kind formula or did they just decide to go with what everyone else is using? lol


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is ibe's epistane that is in production now the same one of a kind formula or did they just decide to go with what everyone else is using? lol
This batch and future batches will have a higher purity than the clones, but yes it will have some of the beta isomer in it, although more on the 0.8mg per capsule side of things, which isn't noticeable gains wise.
I hope that helped :thumbsup:


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Wow, you set me straight. It's out there...Ok then.

I should have know to trust a company that MARKETED A STEROID TO GET RID OF GYNO!! silly me.
thanks for confirming that you are *not* a regular guy w/ a regular question: question now is: WHO are you and who/what are you shilling for?

After all, we *ALL* want the truth, eh?


New member
thanks for confirming that you are *not* a regular guy w/ a regular question: question now is: WHO are you and who/what are you shilling for?

After all, we *ALL* want the truth, eh?
Not shilling for anybody. Just don't like a company that promote a steroid to get rid of gyno and has a product that can't be identified.

I also like the big long post about it being tested and not revealing the tests because of this and that excuse...but I'm sure they have nothing to hide...with their stellar track record.


  • Established
You cannot blame gisnb for his skepticism. While he might have come off as a some what of a d!ck. He has every right to be sceptical of IBE as many including myself are. The reasons for the this are at this point "beatin to death " for lack of a better term. But you are talking about our personal health here, and if some one doesn't feel safe about taking a mislabeled/contaminated substance then they have every right to! And every right to voice there opinion! Only a fool would blindly ingest these drugs without questioning there purity or past track record as I sure you would all agree! I don't think neo, poopy, or any other educated BB would and I sure as hell won't!! Just because many of you represent IBE or have ties to them does not change that thinking for those that don't!
I would like to mention that I know sh!t dose happen and that IBE (IMO) has taken the appropriate steps to improve there product and prevent this from happening again. I would like to see other companies follow that example!! But the fact is epistane has had some real problems and that has turned many off to anything produced by IBE and rightfully so. Is this the only supp to have ever had these problems, certainly not and unfortunately I'm sure they won't be the last. Has their integrity been permanently damaged?, who knows, but at least their trying to change it for the better IMO.

Thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to this thread, especially poopypants for hopefully resolving the original topic. I guess in summery from a totally non-biased opinion: everyone should know what they are taking and research compounds before they ever consider them and whether they do that or not is there decision. So lets not drag anyone company/person through the mud for there opinion or what they choose to represent.....................Schism


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But the fact is PA has caused some real problems and that has turned many off to anything produced by IBE and rightfully so, given his pied piper of hamlet skills.
Fixed :thumbsup:


New member
You cannot blame gisnb for his skepticism. While he might have come off as a some what of a d!ck. He has every right to be sceptical of IBE as many including myself are. The reasons for the this are at this point "beatin to death " for lack of a better term. But you are talking about our personal health here, and if some one doesn't feel safe about taking a mislabeled/contaminated substance then they have every right to! And every right to voice there opinion! Only a fool would blindly ingest these drugs without questioning there purity or past track record as I sure you would all agree! I don't think neo, poopy, or any other educated BB would and I sure as hell won't!! Just because many of you represent IBE or have ties to them does not change that thinking for those that don't!
I would like to mention that I know sh!t dose happen and that IBE (IMO) has taken the appropriate steps to improve there product and prevent this from happening again. I would like to see other companies follow that example!! But the fact is epistane has had some real problems and that has turned many off to anything produced by IBE and rightfully so. Is this the only supp to have ever had these problems, certainly not and unfortunately I'm sure they won't be the last. Has their integrity been permanently damaged?, who knows, but at least their trying to change it for the better IMO.

Thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to this thread, especially poopypants for hopefully resolving the original topic. I guess in summery from a totally non-biased opinion: everyone should know what they are taking and research compounds before they ever consider them and whether they do that or not is there decision. So lets not drag anyone company/person through the mud for there opinion or what they choose to represent.....................Schism
Yeah, my posts here is not the way I intended to start off on this forum. It just gets me because IBE reps bashed all those who questioned their product, then made some excuse about it being the right product, but appearing to be trenlike when it breaks down...and this was only after a good amount of time when they realized it wasn't going away. Now it's back, but they want everyone to buy it and just be quiet about the problems.

They say it's right, so we should just believe them...why? They stood by their claim that everything was right with it for the longest time (when it wasn't) and tried to discredit anyone who questioned them.

So, is anything different this time? Haven't seen anything to convince me. The lemmings will blindly follow, maybe they make enough money off the lemmings...


  • Established
It's cool bro, I totally understand what you were trying to say, but you've got to realize as long as the supp industry is not held to ANY sort of purity or testing standards it's up to the individual to make an educated decision on what to take/not take.


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. It just gets me because IBE reps bashed all those who questioned their product, then made some excuse about it being the right product, but appearing to be trenlike when it breaks down...and this was only after a good amount of time when they realized it wasn't going away. Now it's back, but they want everyone to buy it and just be quiet about the problems.

They say it's right, so we should just believe them...why? They stood by their claim that everything was right with it for the longest time (when it wasn't) and tried to discredit anyone who questioned them.
Show me any post with my name on it where A) I bashed anyone who questioned the product B) I tried to discredit anyone who questioned me.

All it is between both PA and IBE is words, there has been no proof so far from either side. Just pick your side and go with it. Nuff said. :toilet:

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