Endocrinologist prescribes ongoing use of clomid


New member
I had been working out for several years with unspectacular results so about a year ago I decided to try PH's. I bought some Bold and Omnevol (I know, I know, too strong for first cycle i later learned). After reading these forums I went and got blood-work done before taking anything. The results came back with test levels at 249. 250 to 1100 is supposed to be normal but even the low end of the "normal" range is still low. I decided to hold off on the PH until I sorted the issue out.

I bounced from generalists, to urologists and finally to an endocrinologist. He seemed confused by the results as the results of the sperm count tests came back well into the normal range (apparently low test should reduce sperm count). The Endocrinologist prescribed 100g of Clomid a day. Four weeks later my bloodwork came back and I was at 389.

Two questions:
1. Does anyone know if I can keep taking Clomid in perpetuity. My Dr seems to think it is fine but I am not so sure and I am not sold on the guy. It wasnt originally designed for men afterall.
2. I would like to finally do a cycle of PH's. After reading the info on Omnevol I wont take that. But am I an idiot to think about doing PH's when I naturally have low test? Does it mean my body will find it hard to bounce back post-cycle and I am putting undue risk on my nuts? I have legit prescriptions for Clomid, so the SERM is no issue. And I know it works on me. But still not sure.



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i'm not an endocrine doc, but 100 seems awfully high. it just doesnt seem right. 100 gives me horrible sweats, i cant take it.
did you ask him for Test? what was his reasoning to not just give you Test? maybe because you were only very slightly below normal.
i'd say if you run a PH, stop the clomid until PCT.


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Yes, stop the Clomid while on cycle and use the new Liquid Sustain Alpha 2 x week while on cycle and Toco-8 everyday from now to eternity; both are by Primordial Performance. Go to their web site--which is the only place where you can get their new liquid Sustain Alpha right now--and read up on these products. Don't forget if you decide to purchase the liquid Sustain Alpha to use their discount code "NEWSUSTAIN" to get a $10 discount.

People use these products to restore/maintain the testes responsiveness to LH/FSH. Sustain Alpha is being used by some people as a kind of HCG during cycles (2 x week), in order to help the HPTA bounce back quicker after a cycle.



New member
i'm not an endocrine doc, but 100 seems awfully high. it just doesnt seem right. 100 gives me horrible sweats, i cant take it.
did you ask him for Test? what was his reasoning to not just give you Test? maybe because you were only very slightly below normal.
i'd say if you run a PH, stop the clomid until PCT.
I went back to the doc and he dropped the dose down to 50mg. He said the 100 was a mistake! With 5 refills on the prescription that would have been an enduring mistake.

He wont give me test because my wife and I are trying to have a baby. He says it could reduce my sperm count.

Thanks a lot for the advice!


I had been working out for several years with unspectacular results so about a year ago I decided to try PH's. I bought some Bold and Omnevol (I know, I know, too strong for first cycle i later learned). After reading these forums I went and got blood-work done before taking anything. The results came back with test levels at 249. 250 to 1100 is supposed to be normal but even the low end of the "normal" range is still low. I decided to hold off on the PH until I sorted the issue out.

I bounced from generalists, to urologists and finally to an endocrinologist. He seemed confused by the results as the results of the sperm count tests came back well into the normal range (apparently low test should reduce sperm count). The Endocrinologist prescribed 100g of Clomid a day. Four weeks later my bloodwork came back and I was at 389.

Two questions:
1. Does anyone know if I can keep taking Clomid in perpetuity. My Dr seems to think it is fine but I am not so sure and I am not sold on the guy. It wasnt originally designed for men afterall.
2. I would like to finally do a cycle of PH's. After reading the info on Omnevol I wont take that. But am I an idiot to think about doing PH's when I naturally have low test? Does it mean my body will find it hard to bounce back post-cycle and I am putting undue risk on my nuts? I have legit prescriptions for Clomid, so the SERM is no issue. And I know it works on me. But still not sure.

DO you mean 100 milligrams of Clomid daily?


  • Established
If an endo is prescribing you 100mg of CLOMID per/day one or more of the following applies:

1. Your endo thinks you are a woman.
2. Your endo does NOT like you.
3. Your endo does NOT like you and thinks you are a woman.
4. Your endo does NOT know what he is doing.

If your test is in the normal range and he continues prescribing you 100mg ED of clomid #4 definetly applies. Men with normal test ranges and a normal sperm count are typically not given ANY type of treatment. BUT if you do have a deficiency in either of the two aformentioned areas, your endo may prescribe something like 25-50 mg usually lowering to a stable dosage of 25mg ED for some relatively short period of time.



I took sdrol without researching properly and was shut down horribly.. I waited it out for 2 months and still had low libido. I went to my endo and my test level was similar to yours, in the low 200's (which is normal... but on the low side of normal).

I asked my doctor to prescribe me something and she refused to give me anything. I continued waiting it out, and was seeing slow gradual improvement. I took it upon myself to take Animal Stak (natural test booster, with weak AI). And I went back in 1 month and my test levels were in the high 600's.

I'm not sure if Clomid is what you need. Maybe you should let your body recovery naturally on its own. And maybe take a natty test booster to give it a little push.


I actually also took lethicin, a natural ingredient u can get in any grocery store. It basically makes ur nuts work harder... so that definitely helped speed up my recovery.


New member
thanks for the advice>
Ill look into the animal stack


The lethicin almost makes the size of your ejaculation loads HUGE. So thats fun lol


  • Established
I had been working out for several years with unspectacular results so about a year ago I decided to try PH's. I bought some Bold and Omnevol (I know, I know, too strong for first cycle i later learned). After reading these forums I went and got blood-work done before taking anything. The results came back with test levels at 249. 250 to 1100 is supposed to be normal but even the low end of the "normal" range is still low. I decided to hold off on the PH until I sorted the issue out.

I bounced from generalists, to urologists and finally to an endocrinologist. He seemed confused by the results as the results of the sperm count tests came back well into the normal range (apparently low test should reduce sperm count). The Endocrinologist prescribed 100g of Clomid a day. Four weeks later my bloodwork came back and I was at 389.

Two questions:
1. Does anyone know if I can keep taking Clomid in perpetuity. My Dr seems to think it is fine but I am not so sure and I am not sold on the guy. It wasnt originally designed for men afterall.
2. I would like to finally do a cycle of PH's. After reading the info on Omnevol I wont take that. But am I an idiot to think about doing PH's when I naturally have low test? Does it mean my body will find it hard to bounce back post-cycle and I am putting undue risk on my nuts? I have legit prescriptions for Clomid, so the SERM is no issue. And I know it works on me. But still not sure.

way too high dosage

apparently you do not respond well to clomid seeing the small increase in total test, meaning you are primary

you probably need testosterone gel or injections to get a higher level and some hcg to keep your nuts somewhat working

you can also try improving diet, more fats and healthier lifestyle

please post your question on the male anti aging section of this board for good help/responses

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