Does Dienogen by Apex Alchemy have what it takes to impress Ricky?

I spent about 5 years Off in-between cycles so I knew when I decided to do another I was going to run multiple and said fluck it, I'm blasting and cruising lol
I have dreams of being a blaster and cruiser one day. I could definitely get into that!
Actually. If you were trying to get lean you used this in a manner i wouldnt have suggested. something more like 50 mgs and a low calorie diet might have worked better.. I think I assumed you were chasing strength and mass... either way.. This is truly not a 4 weeker... This stuff is highly anabolic so it is better suited for a 12 week or better run and for some, an added androgenic component combined with it is better as well.. Ricky don't sell your product.. we might be able to see you use this effectively in a different mode!
Actually. If you were trying to get lean you used this in a manner i wouldnt have suggested. something more like 50 mgs and a low calorie diet might have worked better.. I think I assumed you were chasing strength and mass... either way.. This is truly not a 4 weeker... This stuff is highly anabolic so it is better suited for a 12 week or better run and for some, an added androgenic component combined with it is better as well.. Ricky don't sell your product.. we might be able to see you use this effectively in a different mode!
Yeah, one of my other feelings about it was that it would likely be more up my alley in terms of feels stacked with something other than andros. It actually probably would have stacked well with my Epistane or Halodrol. I also considered lower dosing it to hold onto muscle while cutting. I always have lots of thoughts!

In theory I could do any or all of that now anyway, but I think I have to take a step back for a minute, or at least for tonight. I’m definitely torn on exactly what my next adventure will look like. I’m kind of leaning on the side of the PCT/natty route at the moment, but I could have an entirely different plan when I wake up in the morning.

I’m in no rush to sell it...
Listen man I’m not gonna get in an internet battle with you. Feel free to contribute to the forum as it’s intended or sit back and learn. Don’t come on here talking **** while not giving back. It’s just not a good look and no one is gonna think you’re cool. I won’t be replying to you after this comment as I’m not trying to ruin this log. Have a nice day.
No one thinks you are cool trust me
Yeah, one of my other feelings about it was that it would likely be more up my alley in terms of feels stacked with something other than andros. It actually probably would have stacked well with my Epistane or Halodrol. I also considered lower dosing it to hold onto muscle while cutting. I always have lots of thoughts!

In theory I could do any or all of that now anyway, but I think I have to take a step back for a minute, or at least for tonight. I’m definitely torn on exactly what my next adventure will look like. I’m kind of leaning on the side of the PCT/natty route at the moment, but I could have an entirely different plan when I wake up in the morning.

I’m in no rush to sell it...

How much epistane do you have? My plan for the winter is to run both and possibly some x-tren as well. No less than 8 wks
Yeah, one of my other feelings about it was that it would likely be more up my alley in terms of feels stacked with something other than andros. It actually probably would have stacked well with my Epistane or Halodrol. I also considered lower dosing it to hold onto muscle while cutting. I always have lots of thoughts!

In theory I could do any or all of that now anyway, but I think I have to take a step back for a minute, or at least for tonight. I’m definitely torn on exactly what my next adventure will look like. I’m kind of leaning on the side of the PCT/natty route at the moment, but I could have an entirely different plan when I wake up in the morning.

I’m in no rush to sell it...

How much epistane do you have? My plan for the winter is to run both and possibly some x-tren as well. No less than 8 wks
How much epistane do you have? My plan for the winter is to run both and possibly some x-tren as well. No less than 8 wks
Only enough for 30mg for 28 days, but my time would definitely be up by that point anyway since I have been flirting with prohormones, and then this for quite a few months now altogether. It’s not all that much different than any other summer though. I tend to get a bit too excited!

That sounds like a winning plan!
Only enough for 30mg for 28 days, but my time would definitely be up by that point anyway since I have been flirting with prohormones, and then this for quite a few months now altogether. It’s not all that much different than any other summer though. I tend to get a bit too excited!

That sounds like a winning plan!

Maybe hold off and buy another bottle. Run both at a later date. The dienogen will really help the dryness of the epistane I think.
Maybe hold off and buy another bottle. Run both at a later date. The dienogen will really help the dryness of the epistane I think.
Running dienolone with epistane would/should
"kind of " be like running a very low dose of tren with some winstrol, but probably drier. Mg vs mg I think epistane is more powerful than Winny, at least at 30-50mg.
I'd agree with the others; unless having sides, maybe continue cutting, save the dienolone and add it in later to fill back out?
if you haven't been doing much cardio in the past starting a 'GOOD' running program should be very effective for cutting weight/body fat, imo.
So change of events: I would have reported earlier but things got busy! Part of that being working out hard and still incorporating my cardio the prior two days, while today I spent the day at a water and ride park!

Anyway, I woke up Tuesday and took 15mg Epistane and 25mg Halodrol and kind of felt like ass. My body and brain was feeling like it wanted some Dienogen so I dosed ~125mg throughout the day. I also dosed ~100mg yesterday and today. May go back to the 150mg or stay around 125mg- we shall see.

So upon reflecting on everyone’s comments and my own feelings, I felt as though I wanted to explore more with Dienogen. So that’s what my plan is! Also, I have decided it will not be with the inclusion of Epistane or Halodrol. It may be with an older Hexadrone product I still have hanging around though. Either way, I’m back in the game.

I have come to realize that Dienogen seems to increase my endurance and motivation to do and get through more vigorous lifting sessions as well as cardio- so I want to keep that up!

Sorry for being wishy-washy there for a bit but hey, this is real life.🤷‍♂️
Oh, and if anyone out there wants to feel better about the state of your current physique, and quite possibly how you look in general, I highly recommend spending the day, or even a half day at your local water park.

Wow :oops::oops::oops:
I hate the way I look when I'm looking at my in a mirror but when I'm at the beach or a water park ect and I'm around other ppl with shirts off I immediately feel better lol
I hate the way I look when I'm looking at my in a mirror but when I'm at the beach or a water park ect and I'm around other ppl with shirts off I immediately feel better lol
You seem to look pretty awesome, but yeah, I would say I had less fat than 90% of the men over 30. I don’t ever want to have that look that older men develop when they have no muscle mass and their stomach sticks out at least twice as far as their tits. Meanwhile their tits are hanging down and nearly touching their stomach. I mean, nothing against them, but that is not want I want for myself- ever.
You seem to look pretty awesome, but yeah, I would say I had less fat than 90% of the men over 30. I don’t ever want to have that look that older men develop when they have no muscle mass and their stomach sticks out at least twice as far as their tits. Meanwhile their tits are hanging down and nearly touching their stomach. I mean, nothing against them, but that is not want I want for myself- ever.
Im in pretty good shape but I have a image in my head that I'm light-years away from. My ideal end physique is probably something I will never attain without blasting my balls off and even then it's a long shot
Rory lidelneyer is my dream physique, I feel it's somewhat attainable in comparison to today's mutant bodybuilders


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Now if I can just simultaneously add 20 more lbs of muscle while dropping 20lbs of fat and il be all set, is that so much to ask for lol
Now if I can just simultaneously add 20 more lbs of muscle while dropping 20lbs of fat and il be all set, is that so much to ask for lol
Well that sounds like a winning formula for myself as well! Hmmm, let me see if I can find a pic of my realistic dream physique.
OK, so given my older age, something like this is what I would be quite content with obtaining. It‘s actually quite close to where I was 5 years ago, unfortunately I didn’t take any pics, and it was rather unexpected that it happened period.

I don’t need veins in my abs or anything crazy like that…

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You can definitely do that. I agree with you a little too. I don't need to be contest ripped like the photo I put up. That's just the direction I'm trying to go. Like a off-season version of the one I posted would be fine with me. The reason Im shooting for something like that is I have similar muscle insertions and he was like 210 on stage if I'm not mistaken. It's big and ripped but not freakishly big. I'm 36, if I can get somewhere between that and where I am now I'd be happy lol
You can definitely do that. I agree with you a little too. I don't need to be contest ripped like the photo I put up. That's just the direction I'm trying to go. Like a off-season version of the one I posted would be fine with me. The reason Im shooting for something like that is I have similar muscle insertions and he was like 210 on stage if I'm not mistaken. It's big and ripped but not freakishly big. I'm 36, if I can get somewhere between that and where I am now I'd be happy lol
I hope we will both eventually obtain our goals, or at least come very close!

On a side note, I’m thinking I should get some HCG. I don’t even know how long I plan to run this Dienolone yet..
So upon reflecting on everyone’s comments and my own feelings, I felt as though I wanted to explore more with Dienogen. So that’s what my plan is! Also, I have decided it will not be with the inclusion of Epistane or Halodrol. It may be with an older Hexadrone product I still have hanging around though. Either way, I’m back in the game.

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I got my Helios today too, so my shoulder should be getting even better! Also my Triton arrived- so that should be interesting.

I’m starting to lose track of how many transdermals I am running now…like 5 or 6? My GF thinks I lost my mind, and keeps asking me and/or looking to see what I am doing rubbing all these things on my body in the bathroom. She also asks too many questions.

I just tell her they help to lean me out, thinking that will get her out off my back. Then she keeps asking when I’m going to rub them on her. I’m like ahh, yeah, not so much! It only works for

I mean, I suppose I could always give here some Helios, but I don’t want to…
Anyway, I woke up Tuesday and took 15mg Epistane and 25mg Halodro

did you start a cycle of Epi and Halodrol recently or it was just a one day dosing?
did you start a cycle of Epi and Halodrol recently or it was just a one day dosing?
It was like 1.5 days worth of dosing when I thought I was ditching the Dienogen. I considered doing them all, and/or carrying out one of the two orals with Dienogen, but it was feeling too toxic at this time to introduce all that!
It was like 1.5 days worth of dosing when I thought I was ditching the Dienogen. I considered doing them all, and/or carrying out one of the two orals with Dienogen, but it was feeling too toxic at this time to introduce all that!
Just curious, what constitutes a half day of gear use lol. Cus I pin daily but it only takes a min or 2, so I'm only taking gear 7-14min a week technically right?
Just curious, what constitutes a half day of gear use lol. Cus I pin daily but it only takes a min or 2, so I'm only taking gear 7-14min a week technically right?
Exactly *

My plan was 15mg Epistane/25mg Halodrol twice daily. The first day was only one dose of each because I started late 🤷‍♂️

Yes, I am indeed quite special
Well, I think it’s time for an update in here. Sorry this has been so back and forth, which has also been hard on myself. Dienogen has been a completely different experience for me in unknown territory, so I wasn’t all that sure how to take what I was or wasn’t seeing or feeling etc..

That said, I have been off of Dienogen for 3 days now (so 30 days total use), but not because I wasn’t liking it. In fact, I really kind of grew in to it and enjoyed it more the longer I took it and became accustomed to its effects. I can realize those even better now that I have been off of it.

Greatly enhanced strength, recovery, and endurance were truly the high points for me. Along with more drive to lift, do cardio, and it makes the joints feel great! I don’t really think I was lethargic, but I do believe Dermacrine, 4-DHEA, and epiandro played a role in keeping that at bay. Sleeping at night did seem to be an issue though..

So why did I decide to stop (again) at 30 days? Well, I would like to save it for next year and run it alongside Epistane, or possibly Halodrol for the entire run. Also hopefully start from a leaner starting point, as I don’t believe that is the strongest attribute of this compound as a stand alone in comparison to some prohormones I have used in the past. At least I now know the strengths Dienogen has to offer in isolation (aside from the ancillaries of course). Also, I have been dabbling in Andros and some spotty use of Epistane since April, so my mind and body were telling me to regroup and be responsible.

So while I was considering selling the remainder of my product at some point just about a week ago, I have definitely changed my perspective now. I will actually probably be on the lookout for one more bottle to add to my collection for next year.

Sorry this didn’t have the climactic ending we all hope for and look forward to. Trust me, I like a big climax just as much as anyone! Thank you everyone for following along and offering advice and input. Feel free to ask any questions as well.

Here are some pics from where I am at and they were taken today at my gym post workout. It’s not the best lighting but I’m never going to take another picture in my own bathroom again! Ever!

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This was so long ago that it feels like. Well, I have no idea what it feels like but I will tell you this.

Long story short I have been on exogenous test ever since July, or maybe August of 2022. Maybe October, but Dienogen was a completely different animal while taking supra physiological levels of testosterone. It felt completely different from when I made this log, and it was only at 50-75 mg/day. It kicked in on day one, but I didn’t have much of a supply remaining. Short ride but it was awesome!

So it ultimately did live up to the hype. It just took a few years. And some testosterone.