DIESEL TEST....how you responded...

Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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I would get a little tired a bit before noon, then real tired again about an hour out from bedtime. I'm of the belief mine was from the increased gh release, but I'm no expert. When I downed a scoop of the old JP8, it all went away and I had crazy good workouts. For being as tired as I was sometimes, the results kept coming, so I didn't worry. Stamina and recovery were what I really noticed mainly. I wasn't as tired on my day off, adn when I resumed the next day, it all hit me fresh as a daisy again.
zinc makes me sleepy, and can be that also, but i think its an increase in hgh production because like I said I had a product out a long time ago that increased hgh and it made me "groggy" all morning for about the first 15 days on it. I take 30mg of zinc before bed on workout days, and feel like I took sleeping pills the next day.


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Yeah, I remember you were saying about zinc when I was logging my run on DTH/Sunami a while back. I pretty much agree with you on the hgh production being the groggy factor. It's definitely not a bad thing, but at times I just needed a little shove to get past the groggy times. That's also another reason why I support your products and company, because of the timely advice and feedback you provide for your customers. Seems that's getting harder and harder to find these days.
Mach .78

Mach .78

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I skipped my night dose last night and I was able to function on the 2 calls we had after midnight. I like 4 a day. I've got to get my boys in for a bulk order soon. I like the recovery aspects given the fact that I wasn't cranky after last shift and I ran for the first time in ages. Lactic acid burn went away in a day. I know I'm recovering faster, solid product.

Who has been on this stuff the longest Chuck? I'm going to assume you. How long have you been on it and have you seen considerable GH benefits?


New member
this is kinda alittle off topic but i have been taking 5 pills a day and everything is going great except ive noticed one small thing, after sex the volume of my load has def gotten smaller...anyone else experience this? also libido is fine which is why i found it weird
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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this is kinda alittle off topic but i have been taking 5 pills a day and everything is going great except ive noticed one small thing, after sex the volume of my load has def gotten smaller...anyone else experience this? also libido is fine which is why i found it weird
are you "releasing" more loads per 72h? If not, then its from the amount of Longjack your getting in 5 pills a day. If you want to use it to produce more load volume, take less DTH.


New member
are you "releasing" more loads per 72h? If not, then its from the amount of Longjack your getting in 5 pills a day. If you want to use it to produce more load volume, take less DTH.
thanks for the help chuck i pmed u on the question.... and besides my load volume i must say i love the feeling of taking dth once again!!!


New member
Did any of you who gave feedback on DTH buy it from NP? If so why didnt you post feeback at NP.com? I dont think anyone has left feedback on DTH at NP.com in almost a year, but they sell a lot of it.
FINALLY posted a review....

zinc makes me sleepy, and can be that also, but i think its an increase in hgh production because like I said I had a product out a long time ago that increased hgh and it made me "groggy" all morning for about the first 15 days on it. I take 30mg of zinc before bed on workout days, and feel like I took sleeping pills the next day.
The higher I dose the more groggy I get..a quick power-nap and/or 2 shots of espresso bring me back though. My Yeti (Bro) science figured something to do with an increase in a spiking of test or suppression of estrogen.

Off topic ?- Why does someone get lethargic on ph/ps...HPTA being outta wack?



Here is my final review of my DTH stack; I was running the previous version of DTH (Red Bottle& Black Top) and Sunami:

I started out with the standard 3 pills/ 5 days at the start with DTH. I maintained this dose as I added 2 pills of Sunami a day through the second. I began to play with the dosages and timing in the third week--here was how I responded:

3 pills DTH: Noticiable libido effects early in the first week. Nice energy boost ~ 30 mins after each dose.

3 pills DTH & 2 Sunami: Libido remained steady during second week. Mood very positive after a few days of introducing Sunami.

4 Pills DTH & 2 Sunami- I thoroughly enjoyed 2 pills DTH and 1 Sunami about an hour before my workout, followed by a good meal before the gym. Great energy and desire to tackle the weights. Aggression manifested through curse words while playing faceless enemies on Call of Duty. Minor Roadrage. Never anything serious. Libido still great.

5 DTH & 3 Sunami- I only took this dose occasionally. I guess when I was feeling bold. I did this once on a heavy leg day and had an amazing pump while increasing nearly all of my lifts by a slight bit. I actually noticed this strongest libido increase after trying this for three consecutive days.

Other Notes

-In week three I started to see greatly reduced water retention which is still in full effect right now. I know this is the opposite of what others have reported, but perhaps the DIM is to thank for that. DTH and Sunami both seem to have some diuretic effects. I greatly increased water consumption over the course of the stack thanks to a new PUR pitcher.

- I gained roughly 3 lbs of solid body weight over 5 weeks, while reducing visible bodyfat. I have had an amazingly clean diet, I even suprised my self with it. I am currently bulking and consuming lots of lean protein, whole wheat spaghetti (a bulkers best friend), home-made chili, etc. Legs and back have gained nice size and were the two areas I have been focused on. I definitely think that if you have a great diet and work hard in gym you will not fail to grow on this stack.


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Good review


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Did any of you who gave feedback on DTH buy it from NP? If so why didnt you post feeback at NP.com? I dont think anyone has left feedback on DTH at NP.com in almost a year, but they sell a lot of it.
Ah, I finally stopped being lazy and posted a review for DTH and JP8 on NP. I don't see them on there yet, but I'm sure they'll show up. Anyone know how long it takes to display.


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Here is my final review of my DTH stack; I was running the previous version of DTH (Red Bottle& Black Top) and Sunami:

I started out with the standard 3 pills/ 5 days at the start with DTH. I maintained this dose as I added 2 pills of Sunami a day through the second. I began to play with the dosages and timing in the third week--here was how I responded:

3 pills DTH: Noticiable libido effects early in the first week. Nice energy boost ~ 30 mins after each dose.

3 pills DTH & 2 Sunami: Libido remained steady during second week. Mood very positive after a few days of introducing Sunami.

4 Pills DTH & 2 Sunami- I thoroughly enjoyed 2 pills DTH and 1 Sunami about an hour before my workout, followed by a good meal before the gym. Great energy and desire to tackle the weights. Aggression manifested through curse words while playing faceless enemies on Call of Duty. Minor Roadrage. Never anything serious. Libido still great.

5 DTH & 3 Sunami- I only took this dose occasionally. I guess when I was feeling bold. I did this once on a heavy leg day and had an amazing pump while increasing nearly all of my lifts by a slight bit. I actually noticed this strongest libido increase after trying this for three consecutive days.

Other Notes

-In week three I started to see greatly reduced water retention which is still in full effect right now. I know this is the opposite of what others have reported, but perhaps the DIM is to thank for that. DTH and Sunami both seem to have some diuretic effects. I greatly increased water consumption over the course of the stack thanks to a new PUR pitcher.

- I gained roughly 3 lbs of solid body weight over 5 weeks, while reducing visible bodyfat. I have had an amazingly clean diet, I even suprised my self with it. I am currently bulking and consuming lots of lean protein, whole wheat spaghetti (a bulkers best friend), home-made chili, etc. Legs and back have gained nice size and were the two areas I have been focused on. I definitely think that if you have a great diet and work hard in gym you will not fail to grow on this stack.
That was a great review, thank you for taking the time to post it up. If I take 5-6 DTH every now and then but not all the time I get a HUGE libido/rage effect.

Call of Duty ROCKS!! I been playing World at War solo mode the last 3 weeks....siiiiccckkk!!!. 2 and 3 were straight bananas too. Didnt get into 4 much cause I like the WW2 style better than modern warfare.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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about 3 days ago I forgot how many DTH I took so I did 1 am with 1 sunami, but I think I took 2 around 12 with lunch but then took 2 more at 2pm because I thought I didint take the 12pm dose.......so anyway I ended up taking 5 DTH/1 Sunami that day, then took 1 and 1/4 scoops JP8 and worked out.............that night I felt like a a 2 year old bull on a milk farm.......and I had these crazy vivid dreams about stuff I dont even think about like 2 drivers having a fight in a Nascar race. I woke up at about 5am so pissed about nothing I couldnt sleep...........never doing that again.


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about 3 days ago I forgot how many DTH I took so I did 1 am with 1 sunami, but I think I took 2 around 12 with lunch but then took 2 more at 2pm because I thought I didint take the 12pm dose.......so anyway I ended up taking 5 DTH/1 Sunami that day, then took 1 and 1/4 scoops JP8 and worked out.............that night I felt like a a 2 year old bull on a milk farm.......and I had these crazy vivid dreams about stuff I dont even think about like 2 drivers having a fight in a Nascar race. I woke up at about 5am so pissed about nothing I couldnt sleep...........never doing that again.
HAHAHA, that whole post cracked me up. Kinda reminds me of the time I was on my second day of trying to deal with 4 DTH per day, and 2 Sunami. Got into a heated debate with a co-worker who all the while was saying "I don't know what your arguing about, I was just agreeing with you that you were right!!" Of course, I apologized, and then raged on. Later that day, a chck was walking her dog by the window in my gym as I was doing cardio and I thought "Man, she looks pretty hot, and the dog ain't that bad either...." I'm telling you, all this stuff makes you wanna do is pound faces and pound other things that would get censored, and not nescesarilly in that order, either.


New member
quick question....does the new version of DTH still come in tablets or is it in capsules? I could swear I saw somewhere that it was in fact capsules, something about a clear bottle with red capsules (a post on here said clear bottle, red pills)...but all the stores including np says tabs...maybe i'm goin crazy...either way im going to get the three kings stack, just wanted to clarify what form the DTH was in, thanks


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Diesel Back Day!

Current Dose: DTH 2/1/1 Sunami 1/1/1 6 oxo 3 2 hours before bed. I am 4 weeks into this stack.
Had a diesel back day. I was feeling great during my warm up. So I decided what the heck lets run some super sets, since i had back and calves. I freakin attacked the weights, I kept chasing weight even doing supersets, I did more reps raised the weight more weight more reps jeez it was awesome! Which reminds me earlier in the week I chucked on leg day! I came in and was warming up I got this wild hair to do high rep leg training. Like 15-20 reps on everything. Toward the end of the workout about time to do calves I was gassed then came the light head feeling it was on, to the trash can I went. I loved it! Well anyways I just wanted to see how you guys were doing and how your "dieselfied" training was going as well. Also to give an updated.


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HAHAHA, that whole post cracked me up. Kinda reminds me of the time I was on my second day of trying to deal with 4 DTH per day, and 2 Sunami. Got into a heated debate with a co-worker who all the while was saying "I don't know what your arguing about, I was just agreeing with you that you were right!!" Of course, I apologized, and then raged on. Later that day, a chck was walking her dog by the window in my gym as I was doing cardio and I thought "Man, she looks pretty hot, and the dog ain't that bad either...." I'm telling you, all this stuff makes you wanna do is pound faces and pound other things that would get censored, and not nescesarilly in that order, either.
That's funny:toofunny:



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HAHAHA, that whole post cracked me up. Kinda reminds me of the time I was on my second day of trying to deal with 4 DTH per day, and 2 Sunami. Got into a heated debate with a co-worker who all the while was saying "I don't know what your arguing about, I was just agreeing with you that you were right!!" Of course, I apologized, and then raged on. Later that day, a chck was walking her dog by the window in my gym as I was doing cardio and I thought "Man, she looks pretty hot, and the dog ain't that bad either...." I'm telling you, all this stuff makes you wanna do is pound faces and pound other things that would get censored, and not nescesarilly in that order, either.
:lmao: Ahahahahaha that was great!!


That was a great review, thank you for taking the time to post it up. If I take 5-6 DTH every now and then but not all the time I get a HUGE libido/rage effect.

Call of Duty ROCKS!! I been playing World at War solo mode the last 3 weeks....siiiiccckkk!!!. 2 and 3 were straight bananas too. Didnt get into 4 much cause I like the WW2 style better than modern warfare.
Ya dude...I have been playing that game since Christmas and still haven't gotten tired of it...especially the mutiplayer. I definitely prefer the WWII combat as well, but I am glad they brought over the perks and weapon customization from Modern War. There nothing like putting your time at the gym and office-then coming home to :smokin:,turn on the Xbox, and just relax. It's funny that our generation is a bunch of 20-30 somethings and I still know TONS of people who love to play video games. So, I feel a little less ashamed that you do,too.

Back on topic: Muscle hardness is still there, but libido is returning to baseline. My bottle of Sunami ran about a week past my stash of DTH. I began to take a dose withing an hour of bedtime just to try it out. My dreams have been intense (extremely positive however), sleep is super deep, and I wake in a great mood. I recommend you guys try it once or twice to see how you respond.

-I also have on the way: the new version DTH, Sunami, and R4W to throw in the mix for my second run (I am super pumped to try R4W). You really have a great line Chuck...I am glad I gave it a shot.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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quick question....does the new version of DTH still come in tablets or is it in capsules? I could swear I saw somewhere that it was in fact capsules, something about a clear bottle with red capsules (a post on here said clear bottle, red pills)...but all the stores including np says tabs...maybe i'm goin crazy...either way im going to get the three kings stack, just wanted to clarify what form the DTH was in, thanks
everything on getdiesel.com is correct about the products.....tabs.


New member
Ah, I finally stopped being lazy and posted a review for DTH and JP8 on NP. I don't see them on there yet, but I'm sure they'll show up. Anyone know how long it takes to display.
Just read your review..."punching babies while running through walls and tearing through sorority houses..."


I'd rep you, but I can't yet!!
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Just read your review..."punching babies while running through walls and tearing through sorority houses..."


I'd rep you, but I can't yet!!
I personally wouldnt punch a baby on DTH, but I would love to live in a sorority house


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Day 40 is Nearing!

Day 40 is nearing unfortuantely. This is my last week tapering off. This has been an aweome experience. I am ready for next run. I bought 4 bottles of DTH and 6 of Sunami. I am considering a 8 week run of Three Kings Stack + 6 oxo. I am just a afraid I might bite someone's ear off and hump a goat! So I might just run 1 more hardcore stack then run an 8 week three kings and log it not sure yet. Overall this is what I thought:
Mood- First thing I noticed was a better overall well being and better mood but when I got pissed I got pissed.
Training Intensity- Through the roof I felt like I could just hammer the weights forever.
Libido- Up up and away! No really it was up but not as up on 4 which was my main dosage as 3. 2-3 I just needed to put it somewhere it is ridiculous at this lower tapering dosage.
Pumps- I got some ridiculous pumps! Especially on days like shoulders, bis and tris.
Appetite- This is kinda a negative for me because my only goal is to be ripped shreded lean lean cut defined lol I swear I could eat a small cow and a field of potatoes when on DTH.
Sleep- Sleep was very deep once I got my 6 oxo hot flash issue resolved lol!
Muscle Hardness/Definition- This was very cool in about second week I noticed I was leaning out and becoming harder.
Beard- I have to put this one in! If you consume DTH you better have a good razor. No disposable or you will have stuff in Bic.
Lethargy- This was my only negative I fought it like the plague, I mean somedays I fought to keep my head up! Which was weird because I am really hyper person.

* I am very impressed with getdiesel! I am so impressed that I am trying to get everyone diesel around me! 18 year old males to 90 year old ladies I am like you need to get diesel!


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Day 40 is nearing unfortuantely. This is my last week tapering off. This has been an aweome experience. I am ready for next run. I bought 4 bottles of DTH and 6 of Sunami. I am considering a 8 week run of Three Kings Stack + 6 oxo. I am just a afraid I might bite someone's ear off and hump a goat! So I might just run 1 more hardcore stack then run an 8 week three kings and log it not sure yet. Overall this is what I thought:
Mood- First thing I noticed was a better overall well being and better mood but when I got pissed I got pissed.
Training Intensity- Through the roof I felt like I could just hammer the weights forever.
Libido- Up up and away! No really it was up but not as up on 4 which was my main dosage as 3. 2-3 I just needed to put it somewhere it is ridiculous at this lower tapering dosage.
Pumps- I got some ridiculous pumps! Especially on days like shoulders, bis and tris.
Appetite- This is kinda a negative for me because my only goal is to be ripped shreded lean lean cut defined lol I swear I could eat a small cow and a field of potatoes when on DTH.
Sleep- Sleep was very deep once I got my 6 oxo hot flash issue resolved lol!
Muscle Hardness/Definition- This was very cool in about second week I noticed I was leaning out and becoming harder.
Beard- I have to put this one in! If you consume DTH you better have a good razor. No disposable or you will have stuff in Bic.
Lethargy- This was my only negative I fought it like the plague, I mean somedays I fought to keep my head up! Which was weird because I am really hyper person.

* I am very impressed with getdiesel! I am so impressed that I am trying to get everyone diesel around me! 18 year old males to 90 year old ladies I am like you need to get diesel!
That was a great summary bro, thanks for taking the time to post that up.
I agree with you on just about everything there, as do most 95% of users.

The lethargy thing baffles me at times, as it doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me why this happens. I'm sure Chuck explained it at some point but I guess I forgot lol. I cant say it effects me too much though, and I have been on dth, dt2010, and sunami almost daily for quite a while now.

Regarding 6oxo, I dont experience too much if any neg estro issues on the kings stack. I wouldnt think you need to dose that too high, as I always say 3 times a week at night is all most need for estro controll.


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I got the lethargy as well, but it's not a bad thing. DTH is pretty much a very well rounded supp, and one of the reasons for the lethargy I feel is the increased gh release, which is why you get lethargic, and why sleep is better too. Some people on a decent amount of stims I feel wouldn't notice it as much as me. I just took a day off here and there and that seemed to solve it for me. I really didn't view the lethargy as a bad thing, because I new all the good things that it brought.


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6 oxo

Trip I was taking 3 ED @ night. Maybe the dosage too high??? That resulted in the negative effects like hot flashes and anxiety. I dunno. Are there any other anti-E products that Chuck would recommend besides 6 oxo? Only reason I ask is damn 6 OXO is expensive. It was very effective though and didn't have any negative impact on libido.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Trip I was taking 3 ED @ night. Maybe the dosage too high??? That resulted in the negative effects like hot flashes and anxiety. I dunno. Are there any other anti-E products that Chuck would recommend besides 6 oxo? Only reason I ask is damn 6 OXO is expensive. It was very effective though and didn't have any negative impact on libido.
u might be able to low dose ATD with it, like no more than 25mg/day.

Most people who review DTH throw in a "hair growth" rating....hahaha.


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Trip I was taking 3 ED @ night. Maybe the dosage too high??? That resulted in the negative effects like hot flashes and anxiety. I dunno. Are there any other anti-E products that Chuck would recommend besides 6 oxo? Only reason I ask is damn 6 OXO is expensive. It was very effective though and didn't have any negative impact on libido.
Oh bro nobody needs a anti E everyday unless on a heavy test cycle. Yea man that will cause hott flashes/ anxiety issues, low GH output, joint issues, lipid problems, and remember estrogen is anabolic in controlled amounts.

I would not recommend using a anti E any more than 3 days a week. Thats just what I find personally to work best, and feedback from others.


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I've got 4 people on DTH here in Iraq. We just finished our loading phase. Everyone is having positive things to say so far, I've got more people interested. I remember, a while back, I contacted you, Chuck about what protein to use. I'm from Luke AFB and I am friends with your cousin, E-40. I can't wait until your protein is released. I'll post more results as they come. Keep up the good work!!


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DTH is a must supp for me next deployment, same with JP8.
Mach .78

Mach .78

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Alright, hold up. I need to figure something out. I got Diesel in a clear bottle. Is the new and improved version in a red see through bottle? If so, my 5 day dose will be reduced like I've read once I receive my next bottle(s).

Oh I'm ready for it too. :crackhead:

EDIT: The clear bottle is the updated version. Ok, I'm cranked up on the right stuff. I'm going to 6 a day soon. Wish me luck. Warn the authorities.


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I'm on day 5 of DTHC and will be running the 3 Kings Stack. I'm running this along with clomid after an MDROL cycle. I can definitely feel the increase in libido and aggression. Great product.


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got the TSUNAMI coming so i ordered some sunami in hopes of getting crazy. actually on 3 dth a day im already blowing up at people so i better be careful. would you recomend going down to 2 dth a day when i run it with sunami or am i good with 3 dth a day at 2 sunami without blowing up at people?

note: im 21 years old.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Alright, hold up. I need to figure something out. I got Diesel in a clear bottle. Is the new and improved version in a red see through bottle? If so, my 5 day dose will be reduced like I've read once I receive my next bottle(s).

Oh I'm ready for it too. :crackhead:

EDIT: The clear bottle is the updated version. Ok, I'm cranked up on the right stuff. I'm going to 6 a day soon. Wish me luck. Warn the authorities.
The bottle has been clear for a year.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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I've got 4 people on DTH here in Iraq. We just finished our loading phase. Everyone is having positive things to say so far, I've got more people interested. I remember, a while back, I contacted you, Chuck about what protein to use. I'm from Luke AFB and I am friends with your cousin, E-40. I can't wait until your protein is released. I'll post more results as they come. Keep up the good work!!
Oh, you know Chris (E-40)? I think I remember you worked on the flightline. Protein will be out in about 10 days. Will put stuff at fefifo.com this week.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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got the TSUNAMI coming so i ordered some sunami in hopes of getting crazy. actually on 3 dth a day im already blowing up at people so i better be careful. would you recomend going down to 2 dth a day when i run it with sunami or am i good with 3 dth a day at 2 sunami without blowing up at people?

note: im 21 years old.
I said this before 3 DTH,and 2 sunami was 2 much for me, in the libido dept. Im always wanting to blow up on people, but when I add Sunami to DTH, trees look sexy to me.


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but when I add Sunami to DTH, trees look sexy to me.
Leaf those trees alone!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. HAHA!! Yeah, I was like, whatever to everyone saying about the aggression and randyness, but damn, it was all true!! Many a days, I sat at my desk wanting to rip faces off, and afraid to stand up for fear of poking someone's eye out.


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3 kings!

Hey guys! What's up hopefully everyone is enjoying their DTH and training hard! Well I just couldn't resist I started the three kings stack yesterday. Along with the novedex xt my buddy gave me. I couldn't turn down free product though I have always been kinda of leary of this product, but thought what the hell its free. My friend had alkot of sides from it but he is like this dude that if it says 4 that means 6 is better to him! So hence the sides. My plan is to take only one capsule that is it! I am so pysched over the three kings stack! I am awaiting day 11 when i get to take everything together! Jeez I can't imagine! Especially after how hard the double or nothing stack hit! Well guys I keep you posted! I would like to keep a log but afraid I would make it retarded!


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Hey guys! What's up hopefully everyone is enjoying their DTH and training hard! Well I just couldn't resist I started the three kings stack yesterday. Along with the novedex xt my buddy gave me. I couldn't turn down free product though I have always been kinda of leary of this product, but thought what the hell its free. My friend had alkot of sides from it but he is like this dude that if it says 4 that means 6 is better to him! So hence the sides. My plan is to take only one capsule that is it! I am so pysched over the three kings stack! I am awaiting day 11 when i get to take everything together! Jeez I can't imagine! Especially after how hard the double or nothing stack hit! Well guys I keep you posted! I would like to keep a log but afraid I would make it retarded!
Sweet deal bro, you will enjoy the ride no doubt about it. One Novadex xt a day? Personally I would do 2 pills 3x a week (mon wed fri). Shouldnt need more than that imo. I dont get ANY estro issues from 3 kings, so overdoing anti e's isnt really needed.
Last edited:
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Sweet deal bro, you will enjoy the ride no doubt about it. One Novadex xt a day? Personally I would do 2 pills 3x a week (mon wed fri). Shouldnt need more than that imo. I dont get ANY estro issues from 3 kings, so overdoing anti e's isnt really needed.
yeah with anti-estrogen products you need to take an effective dose, or none at all.

To the other guy.....watch yourself on the 3 kings stack, its not like some other 3 product stack you may have tried.


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yeah with anti-estrogen products you need to take an effective dose, or none at all.

To the other guy.....watch yourself on the 3 kings stack, its not like some other 3 product stack you may have tried.
What you mean? Like you mean dose everyday? or what?


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Sweet deal bro, you will enjoy the ride no doubt about it. One Novadex xt a day? Personally I would do 2 pills 3x a week (mon wed fri). Shouldnt need more than that imo. I dont get ANY estro issues from 3 kings, so overdoing anti e's isnt really needed.
Totally agree with Trip here. As he has said and others as well, you want to control estrogen, not eliminate it.


New member
We're up to 6 guys taking DTH here in Taji, Iraq. Everyone's cycle is going great, new PRs for almost everyone. Most are doing 2/2/1. I've got a guy on the fence saying he's done research on some ingredients and nothings proved to make muscle gains, his opinion is that the placebo effect is working. IDK, if sugar pills gave me this intensity in the gym, I would pay 40/bottle for them!
Mach .78

Mach .78

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Ha, most of the ingredients I've bought in bulk like Muira Puama, Mucuna, Rhodiola, Maca, etc. It's not really cost effective to do it this way plus my wife got tired of seeing KILOS in the kitchen cabinet. I don't believe they were as strong as the extracts Chuck has in his products. Tell your friend to keep researching. Have him google Medicine Hunter.

Dude I can only imagine being hopped up on Diesel doing this. Seriously, my nipples just got hard watching this.
Prepare yourself fools!!!!

Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Saw this thread pop up again and thought i'd share.

My boy just got done with an Omni250, Tren A cycle. He started PCT about 10days ago with DTH and Clomid. Thus far he is very please at how he's recovering. He said best PCT to date (3 or 4 cycles I think).

He has nothing but good things to say about DTH, I still have my bottle. I'm just lovin the DT2010 :)


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dth helped me smash through my plateau like it wasnt even there at only 3 a day 1/1/1!

stacked with sunami is awesome.

trying 4 this week 2/1/1
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
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We're up to 6 guys taking DTH here in Taji, Iraq. Everyone's cycle is going great, new PRs for almost everyone. Most are doing 2/2/1. I've got a guy on the fence saying he's done research on some ingredients and nothings proved to make muscle gains, his opinion is that the placebo effect is working. IDK, if sugar pills gave me this intensity in the gym, I would pay 40/bottle for them!
Yeah, people always say placebo effect this and that........this aint placebo:

Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
  • Established
We're up to 6 guys taking DTH here in Taji, Iraq. Everyone's cycle is going great, new PRs for almost everyone. Most are doing 2/2/1. I've got a guy on the fence saying he's done research on some ingredients and nothings proved to make muscle gains, his opinion is that the placebo effect is working. IDK, if sugar pills gave me this intensity in the gym, I would pay 40/bottle for them!
Thanks for using the products over there, tell them Chuck said hey and I need to get, GET DIESEL in AAFEES.


New member
Thanks for using the products over there, tell them Chuck said hey and I need to get, GET DIESEL in AAFEES.
Will do, yeah it would be nice to get some Diesel products in the BX, we have a whole row full of BSN and Muscletech :(
But, I see you ship for free from FeFiFo, which is awesome. We've been going through DPS out of habit. If they had your products in country, I know they would selling out!

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