DIESEL TEST Hardcore 2015 info and FAQ

Someone asked about 128 tabs DTH in the EU but for some reason on my app, i can't see recent post. Only get the alert. Id say they have to be available at xxl when they run out of 80 tabs. That or when my new Dieselade flavors are done, the Dieselade and Hardcore 128 tabs will be avail at amazon uk. So prob by Jan.
I still cant see the question or quote in the app but big hulk sent me the link for internet.

Dth depends on the person, the directions are never by weight, just NOS ETHER. Everyone's htpa is dif. For instance I do ok on 3-6 tabs of the 128tbs at 235lbs. At 180lbs you could possibly respond to 1 a day or 4 a day. There's no set amount. I would say the younger you are and if you are on other GET Diesel products, the less hardcore you need.

Id start at 2-3 a day. 2AM. 1 mid-day
Ordered!..expected delivery is next week....I will provide feedback throughout my cycle. thanks again.
Ordered!..expected delivery is next week....I will provide feedback throughout my cycle. thanks again.

That sounds good, Thank you!
Popped my first pill at suppertime today. I plan to ease into this and start at 2 caps a day and gauge from there how it goes. Also im gonna opt for the 3on 1 off..2 on 1 off protocol.

Looking forward to running my fav test booster again.
Popped my first pill at suppertime today. I plan to ease into this and start at 2 caps a day and gauge from there how it goes. Also im gonna opt for the 3on 1 off..2 on 1 off protocol.

Looking forward to running my fav test booster again.

This is the new red jar with the white lettering version correct ? and I haven't tried this
version as of yet so I will be looking forward to your feedback on it.
This is the new red jar with the white lettering version correct ? and I haven't tried this
version as of yet so I will be looking forward to your feedback on it.

These Bottles

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E2-X, Diesel Joints and NOS Ether are my favorites !!
Gains on deck. Those V2 were strong. I have to cut them and the V3s in half. Haha

yes,,, the DTP is too strong for me, I use it only pre-workout :shocked:
hey Chuck, i was wondering how much carnitine is in a serving (the DieselTest hardcore)
You say that the dose in it is enough or should I buy it separately?
yes,,, the DTP is too strong for me, I use it only pre-workout :shocked:
hey Chuck, i was wondering how much carnitine is in a serving (the DieselTest hardcore)
You say that the dose in it is enough or should I buy it separately?

It's about 100mg a tab but I take NOS ETHER also which has about 500mg a scoop so yeah you can add it. But rem ALC is only 67% carnitine. So when I say 100mg it's like 145mg of other companies products. Etc
(1) Scoop JP8x - Hardcore
(1) Scoop NOS Ether
(1) Tab Ready-4-War

and I am ready for anything !! .................... Love It!!
I've been doing 1/2 scoop jp8x hc and 2 scoops ether A+ ?

This a good low stun but high performance stack right there. Use it often also. For some reason the older I get the more sensitive to jp8x hardcore I am. I can't mess with over 1 scoop anymore.
It's true man, 1 full scoop rocks my world.
Two level scoops of JP8X HC is still the way to go for me and I'm not a caffeine user any other
time of the day EXCEPT pre-workout but I like that slow hitting ,long lasting energy and focus
that 2 scoops delivers and it keeps me in that GET DIESEL or DIE TRY IN zone that I like ;)

Changed my mind..Im starting at 3 per day. 2 AM...1 PM.
I started dth at 1 cap on day 1 at suppertime. Day 2 and 3 I did 2 am and 1 pm. Results were.
Better mood
Better sleep
Increased sweating at gym
Less shoulder joint pain
Little increase in libido

Day 4 and 5 I tinkered with upping the dosage and took 4 caps then 5 caps. Didnt work for me. My libido decreased and sleep was broken. Ah well live and learn but I still felt all the other benefits though. I seem to be holding a little more water in my face and torso. Im gonna take 2 days off then start at 2 caps per day. A much lower dosage might be better suited to me with this new formula. If I up the dosage I feel I may have to include an AI.

More to follow
I started dth at 1 cap on day 1 at suppertime. Day 2 and 3 I did 2 am and 1 pm. Results were.
Better mood
Better sleep
Increased sweating at gym
Less shoulder joint pain
Little increase in libido

Day 4 and 5 I tinkered with upping the dosage and took 4 caps then 5 caps. Didnt work for me. My libido decreased and sleep was broken. Ah well live and learn but I still felt all the other benefits though. I seem to be holding a little more water in my face and torso. Im gonna take 2 days off then start at 2 caps per day. A much lower dosage might be better suited to me with this new formula. If I up the dosage I feel I may have to include an AI.

More to follow

Yeah or add E2x. My antiestrogen that's coming back in the next week. Hardcore I stay at 3 a day but I'm sensitive to Test boosters. Seems like you might want to go 2 on off days. 3 on workout days but only 6 days a week. If you libido drops on hardcore or procycle your using too much for you body type BUT if a boost in test is you #1 priority libido will drop. It's a natural loop back. For instance if I use over 5 procycle a day I have no sex drive at all BUT I completely destroy the gym every workout like a mad man.
Yeah or add E2x. My antiestrogen that's coming back in the next week. Hardcore I stay at 3 a day but I'm sensitive to Test boosters. Seems like you might want to go 2 on off days. 3 on workout days but only 6 days a week. If you libido drops on hardcore or procycle your using too much for you body type BUT if a boost in test is you #1 priority libido will drop. It's a natural loop back. For instance if I use over 5 procycle a day I have no sex drive at all BUT I completely destroy the gym every workout like a mad man.

Hey Chuck, I see you got several test boosters but which one and dosage is best specifically for libido? I'm 44 years old and I weigh about 260lbs. I need that drive back like when I was in my 20s. This will be my first time trying your products.