DIESEL TEST Hardcore 2015 info and FAQ

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
NEW FOR 2015....

Yohimbe free, Hormone free, Legal worldwide and legal for export to Canada and Europe. GET SOME!

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"I got Coke like the 80's." - Rick Ross

Avail. tomorrow 30 April 2015

A lot of companies said GET DIESEL would be a has been.....

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Quick FAQ:

When will it be avail? Tomorrow
How much is it? About $35-38 online
How does this differ from DIESEL TEST Procycle? Its legal worldwide, DTP V2 isn't. Also yohimbe free and DHEA and Pregnenolone free
Who is this for? Anyone who actually wants to see their test levels boosted with all the signs of high test without stacking 3 products to do it
How many do I take a day? Most people will be fine with only 2 tabs a day, out of this word results will be had with 4 tabs a day/5 days a week.
Will this make me horny? Yes.....search DIESEL TEST review on here or in google.
Will I get boners on this? Yes
Do I need PCT? No, this has actually been used for PCT for over 10 years, probably the oldest or 2nd oldest test booster on the market.
How long does it take to kick in? About 3 days at 3 tabs a day, 2-5 days at 2 tabs a day to start.
Can women take this? Yes at 1 tab every other day in the AM
Can I stack this with DTP? Well you can cycle it with DTP using DTH on non-workout days and DTP on workout days.
Is this stronger than DTP V2? They both hit hard, DTP V2 is better for people over 35 yrs old.
WIll I use my sex drive on this? Yes if you are taking too much for your body, start at no more than 2 a day, AM and 4-6 hours later.
Will this make me aggressive? Yes..reduce dosage or skip a day when you get short fused
Will this make me a beast in the gym? Yes

Will increase Nitric Oxide pumps, the effect of energy products and pre-workouts, will lean you out, will make you bust big nuts,
will make you sleepless if you take too much, will make you hella strong....​
nice promo guys... id put my name in the bring, but already running a competitors product.

you guys need to jump on this while you.. they're picking winners very soon..!
Will do some shopping maybe next month for some Diesel Supps but will this version replace the DTHC Limited Edition
which is the one I'm planning on picking up a two pack of along with some R4W tabs cause I gotta see what all the talk
is about when you stack this with a scoop of JP8X Hardcore. I have the NO Precursor which I will start in the
beginning of June. I liked the old version so I'm looking forward to this NO Precursor where I'll be dosing 3 pre training
and 1 later in the day and on off days I'll be doing 2 tabs in the a.m. and 2 later in the day.
I just finished my cycle of DTPCV2 and loved it. Far superior to volume 1 in my opinion. I saw on facebook where you released a limited edition formula of DTHC. Are there any coupons or promotion codes available? Thanks for the great products.
I just finished my cycle of DTPCV2 and loved it. Far superior to volume 1 in my opinion. I saw on facebook where you released a limited edition formula of DTHC. Are there any coupons or promotion codes available? Thanks for the great products.

No coupon codes at this this that I am aware of. Chuck Diesel ?
I just finished my cycle of DTPCV2 and loved it. Far superior to volume 1 in my opinion. I saw on facebook where you released a limited edition formula of DTHC. Are there any coupons or promotion codes available? Thanks for the great products.

Limited Edition was sold in 2014, its the 2008 , 120 Tab DTH version people missed. I had a few I didn't know about. I think code AM7 works at fefifo.com if not that try AM8
Thank you for the reply. I just finished my last dose of dtpc v2 last night. I had been taking 2 AM, 2 pre workout, and 1 in the evening. Would this dosage be fine for the limited edition DTHC also?
Chuck, got the DT Hardcore today thanks man. Do you think taking this on top of OL's Super PCT and Testify Pro would be overkill?
Chuck, got the DT Hardcore today thanks man. Do you think taking this on top of OL's Super PCT and Testify Pro would be overkill?

Yes. Use them alone then DT Hardcore. You don't have to stack Hardcore w other stuff. Those 2 are like a $80 stack
Yes. Use them alone then DT Hardcore. You don't have to stack Hardcore w other stuff. Those 2 are like a $80 stack

Gotcha that's what I figured. I'll follow up my PCT with the DT HC then, keep the libido up and my engine revving while I'm natty for a while.
I started this recently. After my first three days on 2 times daily I have upped the dose to 3 times daily starting today. What dose should I shoot for for max aggression? What about libido? I have noticed a slight increase in libido and aggression so far. I think some of the effects may have been diluted since I started it the day after a huge drinking binge (which I'm gonna avoid for the rest of my run).
I would dose 2 tabs three times a day 5 days on 2 off.

Thank you for choosing Get Diesel !!
Thanks. Is there any reason not to do 4 days on, 1 day off, then 1 day on, 1 day off? I ask because it would be cool if I could fit the dosing in with my work schedule.
Thanks. Is there any reason not to do 4 days on, 1 day off, then 1 day on, 1 day off? I ask because it would be cool if I could fit the dosing in with my work schedule.

I believe that would be just fine...
I started this recently. After my first three days on 2 times daily I have upped the dose to 3 times daily starting today. What dose should I shoot for for max aggression? What about libido? I have noticed a slight increase in libido and aggression so far. I think some of the effects may have been diluted since I started it the day after a huge drinking binge (which I'm gonna avoid for the rest of my run).

The dose depends on the person. I have been on some form of diesel test for 11 years and never go over 4 tabs a day and im 235lbs so it depends. A rule of thumb is start at 1am and 1 midday and increase by one tab from there after about a 5 days. Also i go like 20 days on 2 off for hardcore. For procyle I personally go 6 on 1 off.

Traonkng aggression comes usually at about 5 tabs a day but it may be at the sacrifice of libido.
Hi chuck, im 168 pounds, what dose that you recommend for me with DTH, it is safe for me if i use dth + pre workout before work out? Im using no explode from bsn, creatine mono, opti men multivitamin.. I never use Dth or another test boost before.. Thank you
Hi chuck, im 168 pounds, what dose that you recommend for me with DTH, it is safe for me if i use dth + pre workout before work out? Im using no explode from bsn, creatine mono, opti men multivitamin.. I never use Dth or another test boost before.. Thank you

Pre and dth is ok. But it more is based on how you respond versus body weight so the best thing to do is start w one hardcore preworkout and one AM (2 a day) at your size you shouldn't need over 3 a day 1/1/1
Is DTH getting reformulated or something? I tried to purchase it today on Amazon where I always see it and it's missing from there and your line up.
Is DTH getting reformulated or something? I tried to purchase it today on Amazon where I always see it and it's missing from there and your line up.

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See post # 1962
Is DTH getting reformulated or something? I tried to purchase it today on Amazon where I always see it and it's missing from there and your line up.

Yes but it also sold out, hopefully by about Sept 14th you will get the new version at Amazon. Other retailers have the 80 Tabs, just go "getdiesel.com" and click "order now." The 128 Tabs will be more like the DTP V3.

Side note...guess whats coming in the next 10 days? Yep a mother f-ing new
Diesel Test Hardcore based off the DTP V3 formula btches. #GETDIESEL

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I don't have time to resize sup facts and directions to fit the AM requirements, will do tonight after my fantasy draft and back and bis day.
Is it necessary to cycle off DTH (beyond the 2 days off a week)? If so, how long on and how long off? I'm loving the product so far.
I run 5 days on 2 off
Is it necessary to cycle off DTH (beyond the 2 days off a week)? If so, how long on and how long off? I'm loving the product so far.

No. On the label it says only if you start taking it and notice its losing its libido boosting kick. Then take 10 days off. I think in at one point from 2005 to 2013 i used 6x a week. And took one 30 day break.
Yes but it also sold out, hopefully by about Sept 14th you will get the new version at Amazon. Other retailers have the 80 Tabs, just go "getdiesel.com" and click "order now." The 128 Tabs will be more like the DTP V3.

Side note...guess whats coming in the next 10 days? Yep a mother f-ing new
Diesel Test Hardcore based off the DTP V3 formula btches. #GETDIESEL

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I don't have time to resize sup facts and directions to fit the AM requirements, will do tonight after my fantasy draft and back and bis day.

Alright nice, I purchased Pro Cycle V3 instead and am running that now. :)
Nah, not sure when, probably by Friday or Monday the 26th. I should know for sure by thurs.

Excellent. Prob going grab a Sunami/DTP combo with a new bottle of DTH when it drops and run 1-3 of each 5 days a week for a couple months for a lil boost!

At 26 I just don't need the full amount of DHEA and preg, and I can only do a small amount of Y, so using 50/50 of DTP and DTH should be a fun experiment!
Excellent. Prob going grab a Sunami/DTP combo with a new bottle of DTH when it drops and run 1-3 of each 5 days a week for a couple months for a lil boost!

At 26 I just don't need the full amount of DHEA and preg, and I can only do a small amount of Y, so using 50/50 of DTP and DTH should be a fun experiment!

Excellent. Prob going grab a Sunami/DTP combo with a new bottle of DTH when it drops and run 1-3 of each 5 days a week for a couple months for a lil boost!

At 26 I just don't need the full amount of DHEA and preg, and I can only do a small amount of Y, so using 50/50 of DTP and DTH should be a fun experiment!

Yeah I'm 40 now, and use DTH 2x a day and DTP V3 only half a tab AM and preworkout, if I take 3 DTP a day, after a while I get too aggressive...but 1/2 tab DTP V3 with 2 DTH 2x a day turns me into Peter North.

Also the DTH will finally be avail. starting late tomorrow Friday, but most places like my Site FeFiFo on Sunday and Amazon next week.
Yeah I'm 40 now, and use DTH 2x a day and DTP V3 only half a tab AM and preworkout, if I take 3 DTP a day, after a while I get too aggressive...but 1/2 tab DTP V3 with 2 DTH 2x a day turns me into Peter North.

Also the DTH will finally be avail. starting late tomorrow Friday, but most places like my Site FeFiFo on Sunday and Amazon next week.

You'll probably be getting an order from me Sunday or Monday then
Hyde, Thank you and Enjoy!
Thanks for the order bro. I tried to send you a free Diesel Joints but it wouldn't fit in the box. Remind me next order.

You could have just dumped them in as packing material !!
You are going to love the "Diesel Joints"
You are going to love the "Diesel Joints"

My left knee was killing me during squat Monday. Today I was supposed to do dynamic boxsquat and I almost didn't go. Took 2 Diesel Joints w my preWO meal, raised the box 2 inches from normal and put a cuff on my left patella and had virtually no pain during or after training (despite waking up w pain). Kind of amazed me.
My left knee was killing me during squat Monday. Today I was supposed to do dynamic boxsquat and I almost didn't go. Took 2 Diesel Joints w my preWO meal, raised the box 2 inches from normal and put a cuff on my left patella and had virtually no pain during or after training (despite waking up w pain). Kind of amazed me.

It Just Plain Works!!
Amazon.ca shows the latest DTH. I am in Canada...if i placed an order now...will i receive the new formula?