This post is for benefit of those reading who are either lacking faculties sufficiently refined or easily swayed by misdirection. What you are seeing here is called a character assassination by means of insinuation - which means any logical demands of support sent to Dr. Beavis M.D. are completely ignored while strawman arguments and drive-by insinuation are employed hoping to throw off the discerning observer as to what is going on.
So, let me do my best to summarize the SUBSTANCE of this thread to lay it all bare:
Original Poster posts for advice to OPTIMIZE his chances of conception with his girlfriend. Important to note that he does NOT suffer from any condition limiting fertility, he is simply looking for en edge. At the same time, he wants to know that what is recommended is not risky for the future foetus.
Recommendations were given for the employment of DTH (which, in the supplement world, comes as close to proven for enhancement of libido and semen volume/favorable semen characteristics as we can get) and A carnitine ester (be it ALCAR or PLCAR, my personal preference due to affinity for different tissues). Evidence was presented tying carnitine content in epidydimal tissues with ideal sperm condition as well as proposed mechanism of action - supplying sperm mitochidria with sufficient fuel to optimize "swimming" ability and endurance.
In answer, Dr. Chickenlittle launches an unfounded attack claiming that the advice given was "dangerous and life-threatening" the foetus one can only assume, since carnitine supplementation has ZERO evidence of negative side effects. This is the crux of Doctor Suspicious Motive's apparent attack - his claim of standing up for pure science and altruistically "protecting" the OP from the unavoidable, lethal danger that will come from following the advice given.
When asked to provide (asked SEVERAL times) one shred of evidence, Doctor Strangelove sets up several strawmen arguments and posts even more logical fallacies (notably an appeal to himself). He then proceeds to demonstrate a complete lack of familiarity with the way the supplement industry has to exist, following clues and evidence in real time, using our own bodies as test subjects. Safely hidden away in his Western Medicine/20 year developmental treatment timeframe, Doctor Lack of Intellectual Integrity spends the remainder of the thread massaging his own prostate with one hand, giving himself a self-congratulatory reacharound with the other, and even magically conjuring a THIRD hand with which to gratuitously pat himself on the back for his victory.
He has YET to produce one even remotely suggestive fact that Carnitine supplementation poses even the remotest threat to the Poster, or his unconceived foetus - claimed to be his sole reason for even entering the thread.
First - let's examine motive. Mr. Zero Posts claims to be here protecting science and the health of the OP....then where is the evidence? If there is none, it sure stands to question his TRUE motive, doesn't it? Given the anonymous nature of the internet, who IS this guy really? Why did he take it upon himself to stand by idly with ALL of the lousy PCT advice floating around and NOT SAY A WORD of assistance, but suddenly he is going to save the LIFE of the OP and his unborn progeny by preventing the man from taking >GASP< Carnitine.
The problem, and the reason I didn't laugh this off in the first place it two-fold. First off, unscrupulous character assassination by insinuation is a shameless practice that can only be fought by forcing the attacker to name his evidence. In a world seemingly crippled in the practice of reason, this stands to damage my and my company's reputation - not by substance, but by greasy, cowardly whispers of gossip.
Secondly, this is the perfect time to reveal these attacks for what they are - the act of a coward with an ulterior motive.
Read the thread again carefully, dear readers, and pick out the SUBSTANCE of each post. It will be clear who has attempted to offer evidence and at least a discussion of possible modes of action, even if those steps of though involve insight beyond the original studies...and who is simply appealing to the lowest common denominator of thought - the lazy.
Of course Doctor Mengelogic seeks to retreat from the thread, damage done...he has yet to produce one supporting fact for his original attack...and he is counting on the ADD/short attention spanned populace to shrug their shoulders and proclaimv "Yep...he sherr showed him" without even understanding what has taken place.
I worry not as much about my reputation - my work in the industry speaks for itself - but to let such a character continue to roam without, to use its own words - calling out the BS is beyond my conscience.
By all means, OP...."stop supplements and screw your gf...heh heh...heh heh." Golden advice from a degreed professional.