Designers instead of AAS? Your opinion



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I'm just curious as to why many people on here choose to run the Designer steroids/PH's instead of the real gear. Cost? Afraid of needles? Availability? What is your reason? I understand alot of us are into bodybuilding and we usually want the best desirable results out of everything -- How can we compare the Designer brands to the real gear? I am basing this on the amount of posts we see about legalized products compared to real AAS.

Just wanting to see people's opinions. I have been researching for two years now on substances and know quite a bit (on real AAS), but I've never really looked into the Designer types.

Reason I am curious is because I am currently looking into starting my first cycle ever and I am leaning more towards the real gear than something like Havoc, MDrol, Superdrol, etc.

I also have two bottles of the original Ergopharm 1-AD, along with two bottles of 4-AD and 1 of 6-OXO.

What could you recommend?
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I think the number one reason is probably the fact that one is legal...the other isn't. Don't underestimate how much people love their freedom especially after ORD.


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legality is the #1 reason followed by numerous other variables


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True enough, surprised I didn't think of that.

I'm not sure how the law is for it in Canada..


i think what honda is trying to get at is how do designers (legal) compare to 'real' AAS (illegal). I think the most appropriate comparisons to make would be to compare the designers vs illegal orals (anavar, dbol, winny, etc). Frankly, comparing designer steroids (which are predominantly orals) to illegal injectable steroids, is like comparing apples and oranges. On other forums, designers steroids like havoc, m-drol (SD) Phera-plex, etc. are often deemed as inferior based on the argument that illegal means powerful and legal means inferior. Whether you choose to believe this rhetoric is a matter of opinion but more importantly, experience.


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illegal to buy/sell, but not to possess
lol, what kind of shYt is that? So I guess that means if you happen to possess it then its legal to give to someone else, lol. Oh well, still wish it was legal to possess in the good ol US!


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well Id absolutely love to run some test-e + deca with a d-bol kickstart.
1. all 3 are illegal
2. time consuming and meticulous as you have to inject and be sterile (risks involved)
3. very expensive if purchasing pharm. grade (only kind i'd trust if I"m sticking it into my blood stream)
4. can require use of very expensive anncilaries such as HCG and arimidex both of which are illegal/grey areas as well.
= gain quite a life changing amount of muscle that feels good and is reliable predictable cycle


25 dollars for some epistane and 20 dollars for research SERM...gain 40% of the above cycle without all the hassle, do this 2 or 3 times and you equal the above.


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test/deca/dbol doesn't need HCG and adex is cheap

i think the risks of injecting counter the risks from orals. Orals are harsher on your body, PERIOD. Orals hit blood pressure and cholesterol values hard, as well as kidneys and liver, this put a limit on the dose and duration that they can be used.

Injectables can be run much longer, with more compounds and higher doses. For instance you could run Test 1gram, Deca 600mg and EQ 800mg for 4 months.
You cannot run Superdrol 30mg, Phera 40mg, and Epistane 50mg for any long period of time.

You have the argument that with shorter duration orals, you can fit in more cycles per year but really if you try for that ideal 3 months between cycles, you'll find that orals cycles result in a lot more off time than on time.

I think my basic argument with orals is that the gains aren't very keepable. I have run about 6 all-orals cycles and they probably contribute a total of about 10 pounds to my current stats, if that. The best DS i ran was Superdrol, where i gained 15 pounds in under a month, and then lost most of it. I lost about 75% of the strength gains.

I honestly think the main reason so many people here keep their gains on orals is because they're at a very underdeveloped level and it's still easy for them to make gains. My body can't go up 15 pounds in 3 weeks and then keep it, when i eat more to try to keep it i just put on fat.

It is simple and logical that the longer your body holds onto the gains, the more retainable they are. This is why, in the world of AAS, people would rather use orals like Drol and Dbol in conjunction with injectables -- because orals can't be run long enough to keep enough of the gains. It's funny how they'll frown at Dbol only cycles yet here an equivalent cycle say 4 weeks of Phera gets the go-ahead.

The orals certainly work and work well, but i think they're crap for retaining gains, and running them at high doses and long, durations to compensate puts unnecessary stress on the body.

If you are at an advanced level of training, AND retain a lot of gains on orals-only cycles what can i say, you are special and respond to this stuff better than me. I am done with orals-only and i'll be starting injectables soon.

There's a lot of good reasons for sticking with PH/DS but if you are trying to build an amateur-bodybuilder type body (I am aiming for 250 lbs and 10%), then using nothing but high dosed toxic orals is a piss-poor way to go about it.


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test/deca/dbol doesn't need HCG and adex is cheap

i think the risks of injecting counter the risks from orals. Orals are harsher on your body, PERIOD. Orals hit blood pressure and cholesterol values hard, as well as kidneys and liver, this put a limit on the dose and duration that they can be used.

Injectables can be run much longer, with more compounds and higher doses. For instance you could run Test 1gram, Deca 600mg and EQ 800mg for 4 months.
You cannot run Superdrol 30mg, Phera 40mg, and Epistane 50mg for any long period of time.

You have the argument that with shorter duration orals, you can fit in more cycles per year but really if you try for that ideal 3 months between cycles, you'll find that orals cycles result in a lot more off time than on time.

I think my basic argument with orals is that the gains aren't very keepable. I have run about 6 all-orals cycles and they probably contribute a total of about 10 pounds to my current stats, if that. The best DS i ran was Superdrol, where i gained 15 pounds in under a month, and then lost most of it. I lost about 75% of the strength gains.

I honestly think the main reason so many people here keep their gains on orals is because they're at a very underdeveloped level and it's still easy for them to make gains. My body can't go up 15 pounds in 3 weeks and then keep it, when i eat more to try to keep it i just put on fat.

It is simple and logical that the longer your body holds onto the gains, the more retainable they are. This is why, in the world of AAS, people would rather use orals like Drol and Dbol in conjunction with injectables -- because orals can't be run long enough to keep enough of the gains. It's funny how they'll frown at Dbol only cycles yet here an equivalent cycle say 4 weeks of Phera gets the go-ahead.

The orals certainly work and work well, but i think they're crap for retaining gains, and running them at high doses and long, durations to compensate puts unnecessary stress on the body.

If you are at an advanced level of training, AND retain a lot of gains on orals-only cycles what can i say, you are special and respond to this stuff better than me. I am done with orals-only and i'll be starting injectables soon.

There's a lot of good reasons for sticking with PH/DS but if you are trying to build an amateur-bodybuilder type body (I am aiming for 250 lbs and 10%), then using nothing but high dosed toxic orals is a piss-poor way to go about it.
Well said -- I really agree on the whole frown @ Dbol only cycles and how Phera gets the go-ahead.


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Mainly legality but even if it was legal I would still run s-drol and 19nor those have given me results as good as any oral i've run except for Halotestin as that's my favorite


Most of the reason is the legal issue,I guess. Some are prob afraid of injecting also. NOTHING legal can match the results of injecting Test. It's much safer than orals,and not that expensive,even for human grade,which is the only thing I use.


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UnrealMachine pretty much hit the nail on the head. You can't compare oral designers to injectables. You can, however, compare them to orals such as D-bol...

If you have access to gear, use gear. It's easier on your body for one...and you'll keep your gains... AND... you can run injects all year long if you know what you're doing. You cannot run orals all year long, unless you wanna die from liver matter how much milk thistle you take...

These days there are some really good injectables that you don't even need to take orals anymore...


Personally I'm not ready to commit the 3+ months required for injectables. There are simply too many other things in my life that I'd rather use my time on.

DS offer a nice compromise between 'natural' lifting and the kind of commitment demanded by aas.

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