DermaTrest and DMZ LOG


Sep 25, 2012
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About to start a cycle of DMZ and dermatrest! Starting as soon as i receive my product! Thought about adding in Msten but thought it might be too much.
Gonna run it as:
Dermatrest: 100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100
DMZ: 40/40/40/40/40/60
Also running TransFORM throughout the cycle at 100mgs. And regular dosage of Arimacare PRO.
Macros are 350c, 210p, and 65f cutting right now(End of cut). Was gonna up it to 400c, 210p, and 80f when i get my product and get rolling. No PCT as im on TRT, might throw in Ostarine after the trest at the end though. In for opinions or recommendations! My training is gonna be my own variation of Layne Nortons PHAT, and i will be doing cardio on my off days just to keep the heart healthy.
Just started this same cycle yesterday. Only difference is I'm using dermatrest and only using 50mg the first couple weeks. Also I'm using exemestane for any estrogen sides. I just switched to the PHAT routine myself.
Just started this same cycle yesterday. Only difference is I'm using dermatrest and only using 50mg the first couple weeks. Also I'm using exemestane for any estrogen sides. I just switched to the PHAT routine myself.
How you liking it so far??
This is my first full week of PHAT. I've used it in the past and had great results. Yesterday was a rest day. Today will be my first workout while on cycle. Back and shoulders. Just rubbed in 25mg dermatrest and took 20mg of the DMZ for pre workout. Headed to gym now!
It'll be fun. I'm currently running IM Trest Deconoate at 450mg/wk and 45mg/day of DMZ.

Losing fat mass while not losing weight lol. Dem natty guys cryin "it ain't fair" lol.
What do you all think about my macros starting out?? I'd like to stay on the lean side
Looking forward to your gains on this. DMZ will be part of my next cycle
Alright guys, I'm conflicted on what type of split to run, this is what is up in the air.

PHAT (My own style)

Monday- Lower(Squat)

Back squat: 3-5x3-5 or 3-5x8-12
Sumo Deadlifts: 5-10x5
Leg Press: 5x10
Standing Calf Raise: 5x5
Single leg leg curl: 3-5x10-15
Seated Calf Raise: 3x8
Thigh adductor/Abductor: 2-3x10-15

Tuesday: Upper Body

Flat Bench: 3-5x3-5 or 3-5x8-12
Incline Fly: 3-5x8-15
OHP: 3-5x3-5 or 3-5x8-12
Lat Pulldown: 3-5x8-12
BB Row: 3-5x8-12
T-Bar Row:2-3x8-12
Tricep Exercise:3-5x8-12
Bicep Exercise: 3-5x8-12

Thursday: Lower (Deadlift)

Conventional Deadlifts: 3-5x3-5 or 3-5x8-12
Front Squat: 3-5x8-12
Lunge: 5x10
Standing Calf raise: 5x5
Leg Curls: 3-5x10-15
Seated Calf Raise: 3x8
Hip Thrusters: 3x10-12
Thigh adductor/abductor: 2-3x10-15

Friday: Push

Incline Bench: 3-5x8-12
Cable Crossover: 3-5x8-15
Lateral Raises: 3-5x10-15
SkullCrushers: 3-5x8-12
Pushdowns: 3-5x8-12
1 arm cable extensions: 3-5x10-15

Saturday: Pull

Barbell Row:3-5x8-12
T-bar: 3-5x8-12
Underhand Barbell Row: 3-5x8-12
Pulldowns: 3-5x8-12
BB Curl: 3-5x8-12
Close grip EZ bar Curls: 3-5x8-12
Cable Curls: 3-5x10-15

Second Option Would be:
Sunday: Legs-QUADS/HAMS/CALVES: 3 exercise per each: 4-6 sets
Monday: Chest/triceps-4 exercises Each:4-6sets
Tuesday: Back/Bis-4 exercises each:4-6 sets
Wednesday: Legs(Lower volume) 3 exercises each:3 -4 sets
Thursday: Delts/traps- 4 exercises each: 4 sets
Friday: Arms- 5 Exercises each: 3-4 sets
Saturday: Rest

What do you all think?? I want to gain alot of lean mass, EVERYWHERE. I need it drastically. LOL (Will be running on off days to keep lungs and heart healthy FYI, And to keep blood pressure in check)
Woke up at 185 lbs. Took 20 mg of DMZ, rubbed on 50 of transform and derma trest and had me a shake. Changed my mind on my diet, gonna track my protein and go for 1.5-2g per lb of bodyweight and then just eat other than that. Need a little break from tracking, but i know i wont have a problem being in a surplus. After my shake, went directly to the gym.

Upper body day:
DB Bench Press: 100x5, 100x5, 100x4, 85x8, 80x8, 80x8
Incline Cable Fly: 40x12x5
OHP(Always neglected this exercise so it is stupid weak): 115x3, 115x3, 115x5, 95x8, 95x8, 95x5
Lat Pulldown: 130x12, 130x12, 145x8, 145x7, 140x8
Barbell Row:135x12, 135x10, 135x10, 135x12, 135x12
T-Bar Row(Focusing on the squeeze): 45x8, 45x8, 45x8, 90x5, 115x4
Ez Bar Curl(TUT): 55x12, 65x9, 65x8, 65x8, 65x8
EZ bar Tricep Pushdown: 130x12, 140x8, 140x8, 140x8, 140x8
FacePull: 90x12, 100x10, 105x10

Felt amazing, still a little weak from my cut, expect that to change real soon. Debating on throwing in a mass gain shake as well. Thoughts?
How did the cycle go? Im going to run this cycle on 2 weeks?