Dedicated to natural bodybuilders


Well-known member
I want to dedicate this thread to natural bodybuilders only. I have nothing against all those who took steroids, but there's greater glory to all of those who did it the natural way. Enjoy.
Invalid Link Removed my current physique completely natural. Have not touched anything that could be considered not natural in 3 years. Funny enough I’ve only experimented with really mild stuff like 11 Keto and ostarine but I prefer my physique now over my body when I used un natural stuff
Invalid Link Removed my current physique completely natural. Have not touched anything that could be considered not natural in 3 years. Funny enough I’ve only experimented with really mild stuff like 11 Keto and ostarine but I prefer my physique now over my body when I used un natural stuff

One guy closing his eyes on your nakedness, other guy staring at you with porn star sunglasses. LOL!
Mike O'hearn started training at age 8, and he claims that by the time he was 15 he was benching 400 lbs, hard work and dedication goes a long way, and yes he was blessed with great genetics
Im not trying to derail your thread bro so please dont take it that way. Just opening up some discussion here. I have a hard time believing these guys are natural. I mean they may have competed in natural divisions and passed drug tests but that dont mean theyre natural. I mean i could be wrong and it wouldnt be the first time.
Mike O'hearn started training at age 8, and he claims that by the time he was 15 he was benching 400 lbs, hard work and dedication goes a long way, and yes he was blessed with great genetics
Don't buy it. If you had to convince people you were natural would you tell that story or tell people that up until your twenties you were skinny as hell.