DBOL Sustanon 1st cycle contruction????


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ok first I'm 31 yrs old,6ft, 205 lbs, 14%bf, been lifting for years never gear though only many PH cycles. I know how to Eat and train but now wanna take it to the next level. I recently got the following supps and this is ALL i have and after hours of studying i KNOW i am probably missing some quanity and other items but I need to know how to best cycle what I do have for I CANT GET anything else now.

I have DANABOL.DS 10mg x 200 Tablets
i have SUSTANON 250. 18 x Ampules x 250mg/ml.
I have (Clomid)20 Tablets x 50mg
I have Nolvadex tabs 30 x 20mgs

how do I construct this cycle??????? PCT help is great as I have no clue!


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Sustanon 250mg e4d and Danabol 20/30/30/30/30/30 for first six weeks if those tabs contains what the label claims. If not, you could take more of it until you notice the effect. Real Danabol works very well at 20-30mg. My friend has run many cycles with Danabol DS and he says it's the real deal but I know that there is a lot of fakes too..

IMO you should buy more Sust and run it 500mg/week for 12 weeks.

PCT.. Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 or Clomid 50/50/25/25. Or you could take both. More is not better always. OTC aromatase inhibitor (maybe Erase), cortisol blocker (for example Lean Extreme) and test booster (Testabolan V2 or something else) would help you to maintain more gains.

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