D-Humps Training Journal.




Right then, Thought I'd share my latest homemade gym contraption....! Nothing special, just a dipping station, which I could also use for leg raises too.

Very simple to do, and took around 20 mins at work to do. Its quick and cheap (everything sourced from work so it was free for me, But I'm guessing to actually make for yourself it won't cost alot). The hardest part for me was sourcing all the connecting bits.

Here's how I did it;

- Firstly designed it, drew it out, and did abit of planning, so I knew how big it would be, size of lengths, how it would be connected etc....

- Sourced the materials. I used Galvanised steel tubes and connections, which are actually designed for making hand railings.

- Cut the tube into the right sizes (7 small lengths, 4 large)

- And assemble!

Heres a couple of pictures;

Very easy to do! It will take pride of place in my gym area at work, which Im steadily building up - I currently have; a matted floor (so its comfortable to do crunches etc...), punch bag, sit-up bench, ab rollers, various shackles and chains which I use and encorporate for weight sessions, and now I have the dipping station. I have a couple things on my list to do which is; pull-up bar, medicine ball (homemade) and also a bulgarian training bag, which I will be doing tomorrow if I get enough spare time at work.

I will be doing weighted dips and will be using chains to do so. I may get a few pictures of it in use, if your lucky!!

Now onto the program;
I did 20mins SSCV (Walking) earlier on. And I will be doing MMA 7-9, which I will log when I come online later on.

Diets been spot on, don't think I could possibly be any stricter on myself than I am. Im getting urges all the time, but they are getting quashed when I think of what I want to achieve! I just can't wait for the weekend, when I will have a very nice cheat meal. Im thinking a full tub of mint choc chip ice cream.... That should do the trick.

Il be weighing myself on saturday, that will be my weekly weigh in to see my losses.

Is it wrong that I now enjoy drinking unflavoured l-glutamine just mixed in water? For some reason I enjoy the bitter taste, and find myself waiting to have the next one!

I've been taking my BCAA's with sugar free squash and its fine, bit of a weird after taste, but apart from that I am pretty much used to it. I have found one drink that masks the taste, and thats a protein shake with blended frozen broccoli in it. Mix some BCAA's in with that and you can't taste them at all! You just enjoy the lovely taste of the broccoli!

Thats all for now, will update again later.


Little update from last night then;
The MMA session went as follows;
- Warm up
- Circuit which consisted of Burpees, Squat Jumps, and Plank position and knees to chest, one knee at a time (Not sure the correct name, but you get the idea) each exercise was done for 10 'reps' and performed 3 times in a row. And then a small ab circuit, crunches, leg raises and toe taps. Again 3 times over and for 10 'reps'
- Then we did some stand up sparring, 8 x 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds off. Then we encorporated take downs in the sparring, but with 14oz glove on, so it was more about the technique of the takedown and trying to dominate the top position whilst including abit of ground and pound.....
- Then we had 4 x 2 minute rounds of working off the cage, dirty boxing, clinch work etc...
- Then we drilled a couple of sweeps from the bottom position. And then rolled them...
Im sure Im missing something from the session, but I cant think what. Just got back from work, so its exercise bike time then a walk with the dog. No training tonight, and will be going to MMA tomorrow at 11 for another grueling session like last saturday.


Right then, after my last update earlier I did 20mins SSCV in the form of a fast walk.
I also made an unexpected appearance at my local gym. My brother was going, and had his mates pass who was on holiday, so he asked me to go. I mainly went to help him, although he is 5 years older than me, he has only been going 6 weeks and still needs abit of guidance.
I still managed to get a quick shoulder and arms workout in though, which went like;
Clean and Press 4 sets of 8
Arnold Press - DB lateral raise - DB bent over lateral raise (Tri-set) 3 sets of 10-10-10
Rear delt flyes 2 sets of 10
Barbell curl 4 sets of 8
Seated incline curl 3 sets of 10
Preacher curls 2 sets of 10
Barbell overhead extension 4 sets of 10
Single arm pull down 3 sets of 10 each arm
And that was it, short and sweet. Felt good to lift some proper weights for a change!
I have also made a bulgarian training bag today, and will be making an article like I did when I made the single arm ab rollers, so make sure you pop by and check it out!


Today I had a lie in for a change, and got up at 9.... Had some oats, a shake and some blueberries, and I was ready for an early morning MMA session.
Saturdays is pretty much a sparring day, with both boxeing and MMA running together.
Started off with a few stretches, then a couple of circuits. 10 exercises x 10 reps as quick as possible, then a minute rest and complete the circuit again.
Then went into the sparring, 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds off. You could only throw kicks if both of the people had shinguards, if not it was just a boxing round.
So it was 6 x 2 minute rounds (2 of them were punches only).
Then we did 4 x 2 minute rounds of purely boxing, followed by 4 x 2 minute rounds of wrestling (starting from standing working takedowns) and finished off with 3 x 2 minute rounds of jiu jitsu.
Safe to say I was absolutely shattered after this! And Im aching like hell. Just gulped down a nice refreshing glass of unflavoured L-Glutamine! And Im about to do around 30-40mins SSCV in the form of a paced walk with the dog.
Hill running tomorrow hopefully, up bright and early for about 10km run. Il be taking it fairly easy, as my CV fitness is poor and my shins have been playing up.
Think I will be leaving my cheat till tomorrow, and I cant wait! Whole tub of mint choc chip ice cream is how its going to go down!


Up bright and early today, did 40mins fasted SSCV (20mins on the bike and 20mins walking). Will be doing a couple of circuits later with the new training bag. Which I will be writing up today for you all to see.
Will update later on how it goes.




Tested out the new bag earlier, and did a couple of little circuits, nothing special, just getting to grips with it.

Heres how it went;

-10 Around the head rotations to the right
-10 to the left
-10 Push ups

This was done 3 times with no rest, which was repeated 3 times.

The next one was just a little experimentional one, to see the bags many uses. Heres what I did;

-Underhand grip and move from waist to overhead x 10
-Grab the middle of the bag with overhand grip and perform front raises x 10 (This helps grip aswell, as it is difficult to grip around the bag)
-An Arnold press type movement with the bag x10
-Tri Ext x10
-Bi Curls x10
-Followed by push ups x10

This was repeated 5 times.

I then did 3 cycles of sandbag loading, with a 25 kg(ish) bag, loading it to chest height
10 from the right
10 from the middle
and 10 from the left.

Nice little workout, going to research a little more and try and come up with some proper strength and conditioning circuits, and also Im looking for more equipment to make!

Now on to the important stuff. Sunday can only mean one thing..... CHEAT DAY!

Nothing too fancy just;
1 bag of milk bottles
1 bag of dolly mixture
1 bag of jelly beans
200g of fudge
And around 500ml of Ice cream



Update time;

Yesterday -

20mins fasted SSCV on the exercise bike this morning, 20 mins SSCV walking around 3ish, and boxing at 7. Will post later with details.

Currently getting a strength and conditioning plan sorted now, and will start better workouts asap.

Got a 5ft dumper truck tyre at work, for flipping, only problem is, I can only manage 1!!! It is huge! 5ft tall, 23.5 inches wide and about 4inches thick! Its huge. I will keep going for that tyre and should gradually get better and better. In the mean time, I will try and source a tractor tyre, which tend to be thinner, so will be easier.

At boxing last night, it was pretty much the same session as before. (Shadowbox warm-up, followed by stretches). Hard work, but steadily improving....

Today -

Today I got up and did 20mins SSCV in the form of a paced walk (I am alternating between cycle and fast walk). And I will be doing MMA shortly, which I will post as I get back.

For all those interested, I have two new pieces of equipment in the making, one more complicated than the other. I am making 'farmers bars' and a sled. The 'farmers bars' is being made out of steel, and will be fabricated at work (lucky I have alot of machinery at work at my disposal!). The sled will simply be a car tyre with a piece of ply wood in the bottom, so it can be loaded with extra weight. I will be posting articles as usual, which I will give greater detail on.

I will also be starting 'A lift a day' program. Although I am focusing on strength and conditioning circuits, I will be also be doing 1 big compound lift per day, which I will expand on as the days go on.

Will update later on the session

SHREDABULL is going well, Im loving it at the moment. The official weigh in will be tomorrow morning (I would do it tonight, but after training I will have taken an extra 2kg in of water etc... So results will not be comparible. I will weight in the morning, unclothed, as I did when I started the cut).


Right, Not updated since tuesday, so here's how the last few days went;

Wednesday - Did fasted SSCV (20mins) on the exercise bike at 5:30AM and Rested in the evening rather than going boxing.

Yesterday - Got back from work at 11AM as I was on a training course, So I went to the MMA gym and did an hours S&C session, doing various circuits, including the use of the Bulgarian training bag, medicine ball, ab rollers and barbell. I did MMA on the evening, and started with a few warm up circuits, moved onto sparring, then some take down techniques, then moved onto a submission and then 'rolled' for the last part of the session.

Today - Started building some farmers bars and a squat rack at work, which should be completed on monday, got all the pieces, just need to weld it all together!

I then did a small workout, using a HUGE dumper truck tyre (This thing is massive) and a sledgehammer. Just a quick one, and il rest for the rest of the day in preperation for a hard morning session at MMA, which is normally 12 x 2 minute rounds of sparring, with only 30 seconds inbetween. Brutal work, and half the time Im up against an experienced trainer, which more times than not, ends up with me getting battered. But Im slowly getting more confident, just need to work on technique, agility, and most importantly - fitness.

Weekends nearly here, which can only mean one thing! Cheat meal!!! Diets been solid so far, made some protein flapjacks the other day, which I will take a picture of and post up how I made them later on. BEAUtiful. Also been surviving by having some sugar free jelly, thats been a savour over the last couple of days dieting! Still loving the taste of unflavoured L-Glutamine too, its gorgeous.

The moment youve been waiting for! Its weigh in time!

Starting weight (Before Shredabull) - 84.8kg
Weight after 4 weeks - 80kg


Im looking ALOT leaner, but I don't feel small like I did when I previously cut. Obviously I was holding a far bit of fat and water. Admittably I did indulge in a few luxuries after I finished my Granite Mass stack, and enjoyed myself, after all it was around my birthday, and it would of been rude not to eat my bodyweight in cake.....


  • Established
Nice loss of weight after 4 weeks buddy.


MMA this morning, started off similar with some shadow boxing warm ups, followed by some circuits. Then moved on to some pad work, then finished off with several rounds wrestling/takedowns/jiu jitsu....

Then went for an hours long walk a couple of hours after that, Nice long walk with the dog....

May be going out tonight, but not sure how Im going to keep the diet in tact. Possibly diet drinks with white spirits! And probably stuff a few protein bars in my pocket! Sad I know, but I dont want to let the diet crash, or get hunger pains and resort to takeaway....

Start my proper strength and conditioning training on monday, which I will expand on later. Im eager to get started.


Today was a total rest day apart from a couple of long walks, but nothing to heart racing.

Diet has been spot on, APART from my cheat meal. And what a lovely cheat meal it was! I didnt know whether to opt for the low fat, high sugery cheat, or the all out junk food cheat.....

Here's what I finally decided on;


It was absolutely gorgeous!! Now no more crap till next week. But next time, I think I will opt for the refeed aproach, and stock up with low GI carbs, wholegrain food stuff, oats and sweet potato....

Just thought Id share my flapjacks I made the other day;

Ingredients list was (If I remember correctly);

- Cup of Oats
- 4 Scoops Belg Choc Pharma Blend
- Ground Almonds
- 2 Tbsp Almond Butter
- 1 Tbsp Light & Mild Honey (For binding)
- Around 100ml Low Fat Milk or water for a bit of moisture! (Add more if too dry)

I started off by placing the Almond butter and honey in the microwave for a minute to melt it, and make it a little more runny... Then basically chucked in all the dry ingredients. I then realised it was a little too dry, thats why I added a touch of milk. This could easily be changed to water to give the same effect...

I then put on a baking try (lined with cling film so it didnt stick) and left to set in the fridge.

Very nice flapjacks! And a nice little treat after morning CV, and quite healthy too!

Well on my way to making my Farmers bars, a sled and a squat rack. So I will have them to show this week. So stick around!

Thats it for today, sleep time!


Quick update before I pop off to bed then....

Proper start of my Strength and conditioning training today. Here's how it went;

- Push Press
- Back Squats
- Snatch Grip Behind Head Push Press
- Weighted Push Ups

This was followed by Abs (Rollouts and Hanging Leg raises) and Grip work (Plate Pinches)

Then later on I did a 20 minute stint on the exercise bike. And that was me done!

I will elaborate on this further, with weights, sets and rep ranges at a later date. In a rush at the moment!


Today I was supposed to get up at half 5 and do 30 mins SSCV. But instead, I slept through my alarm and got up at 6.10 and ended up being late for work! God knows how my alarm was going off for 40 minutes and I never woke up.....

I more than made up for it at work, I was up and down a jetty all day, in full gear, life jacket and all. Shifting gear and equipment in the roasting heat! I was knackered and sweating like a tw*t.

Went and did some strength work straight after work, it was a grueling session, but I loved it. Went like this;

Muscle Snatch 3x5
Snatch Grip Deadlift 3 x 10
Rom Deadlift 3 x 10
Snatch Grip Shrugs 3 x 10
Bent Over Rows 3 x10
Wide Grip Pull ups 3 x 10

All with 1 or 2 warm up sets.

MMA later on, will come back later and log the session...

Farmers bars are made, and will upload pics etc... when I can. They look quite professional actually ha!


Il start where I left off....

Tuesday MMA session was a lot of sparring and rolling... with a little bit of technique here and there.

Wendesday was;
5:30am - 20mins SSCV on the exercise bike
8.30pm - 9.30pm Repeat of mondays session. Aim is to get used to the exercises and the movements to get ready for the upcoming weeks. Felt strong, with hardly any DOMS from the last two sessions. L-glut and BCAA's are working a treat!

Today was;
5:30am - 20mins SSCV on the exercise bike
2pm - 3pm Repeat of tuesdays session
And will be doing a light MMA session later....

Today seems like alot to do, but I feel good and strong.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, apart from 20mins fasted SSCV and Abs later on in the day. But no weights or MMA session.

Il keep it short and sweet and update later after the MMA session.


MMA last night was;

- 10 minutes continuous bag circuit
- Bit of conditioning with some take down work, and slams.
- Then drilled the kimura over and over, from side control and then north to south.
- Then rolled (rounds of Jiu Jitsu) for several rounds

That was me done!

Today is my scheduled rest day from weights. Although I have done some light cardio and some pad work;

- Morning fasted SSCV at 5.30am for 20mins
- Managed to find a nice secluded building near the workshops on the dock with plenty of floor space, so hooked a punch bag up from one of the girders and my work mate brought some thai kick pads, and some focus mitts. So between 2pm and 3pm we did various drills and techniques with the equipment.

Hoping to buy some mats for this building and turn it into a functional work gym! Just got to make sure the managers dont find out...

Tomorrows plan is;

- MMA 11am -12.30pm. This will be more than likely ALOT of sparring, like most saturday sessions.
- Strength work at around 5pm which will inlcude Power Snatch and also Power Clean & Jerk, With maybe a little bit of ab work if I have time.

Going out saturday night, so that will be my 'cheat meal' but I wont be completely going for it, Il get a steak at the restaurant, with rice... Then have white spirits all night with diet coke... Or something along those lines.

Sunday will be a complete day of rest, just like how God would want!

I'l have a weigh in before my cheat day, and have a little update and summary of the comp so far!


This mornings session was gruelling! Normal saturday session of sparring, but I pushed it alot harder.

It went as follows;

- 3 x 2 minute rounds of shadow boxing to warm up
- 3 x 100 rep (10 reps of 10 exercises) circuit with 30 seconds inbetween each circuit
- 6 x 2 minute rounds of sparring (stand up) with 30 seconds inbetween each round
- 6 x 3 minutes of wrestling and submission work (Start from standing, looking for the take down, then working on BJJ) and again only 30 seconds inbetween each round

That was it done, finished off with some stretches and a cool down.

Was going to do some weights later on, but I dont want to do too much. Going to se ehow I feel, and if Im not 100%, Il just switch it to tomorrow as I have no training scheduled for tomorrow anyway.

Looking fairly decent, I only have 6 weeks left (As im on holiday from the 16th so submitting mine early!) Still a long way to go though, just got to push it harder and harder now.

Diets doing well, temptations have been there, but I havnt given in yet. Partially thanks to my strong will, partially to do with sugar free jelly!!!


Right then, little update.

Monday was;
20 mins Fasted SSCV - AM
And PM Session is as follows
- Push Press 4 x 6
- Back Squats 4 x 6
- Snatch Grip Behind Head Push Press 4 x 6
- Weighted Push Ups 4 x 15

Today was;
30 mins Fasted SSCV - AM
And PM Session is as follows
Muscle Snatch 4 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 x 6
Rom Deadlift 4 x 10
Bent Over Rows 3 x 10
Wide Grip Pull ups 3 x 10

Tonight is MMA, which I will update on later.

Invested in some liquid chalk, which has without a doubt helped me with my lifts.

May increase morning CV, aslong as I can get to sleep earlier on a night. Otherwise I fear I won't have enough quality sleep each night. Thats the only problem, I feel good and not tired at all during the day, leaving enough time for my muscles to recover, so Im not worried about overtraining.

Diets going good. Just have to tweak the calories, and try and shift that stubborn fat thats still left.

Still need to sort out the 'Farmers Bars' article. They are made, I just need to take a picture of them finished, but there at work, and Im not back in till Thursday. So hopefully Il get it done by weekend for those interested.

Will be going on shifts soon, which will affect my weekly training sessions, missing out on evening MMA sessions, but the person Im training with who is training for an upcoming fight does morning sessions aswell, so Il just have to adapt my plan to suit. Il expand on this as it happens.


Got a couple of days to update for;

Wednesday was a light session with kettlebells and dumbells where appropriate;

1a. 1 arm snatch 2 x 10/10
1b. hindu pushups 2x10-20

2a. 1 arm clean and press 2 x 10/10
2b. pistols or reverse lunges 2 x 5-10 each leg

3a. 2 arm snatch 2x10
3b. pull ups 2 x 10

4a. 2 arm clean and press 2 x 10
4b. jump squats 2x10-20

(the 'a' exercise is done, then the 'b' x2, with rests inbetween)

Yesterday was a rest day, and Im going to do weights a little later on. And the session will look like;

1. snatch push press behind neck 4x6
2. front squat 4x6
3. incline bench press 4x6
4a. weighted pushups 3-4x10-15
4b. abs and grip work
-rollouts, L-sits and plate pinches, roll ups for example
5. a few sled sprints or hill sprints if possible, maybe 5-10 sprints
-sub 50 burpees if needed

Then its MMA sparring 11-12.30 in the morning.

Have all my farmers bars complete, which will be uploaded later on today.

Thats it for now, update shortly!


Had sunday off as a complete rest day, and needed it aswell! Had a few cheats throughout the day, but they werent really cheats, just a fair few carbs, most of which were low GI, so it was technically a refeed more or less.

Yesterday was;
- Muscle Snatch 4 x 5
- Power Clean + Squat (Front) + Hang Clean 6 x 1
- Clean and Jerk working up for a few sets up to a heavy 1 rep
- Pendlay Row 3 x 10
- Pull Ups submax SS with Hollow rocks x 30 seconds - 3 sets

Today was;
- Jerks 5 x 3
- Push Press 4 x 4
- Back Squat 6 x 3
- Bench Press 6 x 3

- MMA session (Bag Work, Pads, Sparring then Rolling)

Still getting in at least 20mins SSCV every morning. Which I am looking to increase.... I thought with this many sessions I would start to feel slugish and tired, but Im feeling really good. So its all going well.....

Diets good, I was thinking of decreasing cals, but Ive opted for increasing morning CV as mentioned above, SO diet will stay the same.

Tomorrow will be;
- Rest day as far as a 'Weights' session is concerned
- May do some pad and bag work straight after work or will do a light 'recovery' session which will include - Farmers walks 300-600 meters, stopping for a set of 10 burpees every 50 meters. With plenty of mobility exercise before and after

This light session will be to get ready from the day afters big session.....


Struggling to get on the last couple of days due to a University test which I have on tuesday. This is a resit, and its bloody hard so I've been putting the hours in trying to revise. So if anyones good with Engineering Mathematics, I could do with your help! Ha!

Update from the last couple of days;
Wednesday was a light session as stated above.... Farmers walks sounded simple enough, but they were horrible! I thought it would be a walk in the park, but it was hard, and the burpee's every 50 meters really did me in!

Yesterday was;
5:30AM Run to work (This was from the missus' house. She lives a little closer to my work than I do, so i left my car at hers and ran. Nice and steady pace, and took around 25 minutes which was alot quicker than I thought).

- Muscle Snatch 3 x 5
- Clean and Front Squat 4 x 4
- 10kg KB Power jump from dead stop 4 x 6
- Walking RDL 8/8 SS with Recline rows x 15 - 3 sets

Then it was MMA in the evening, which revolved around pad work, then sparring and rolling....

Today was a rest from morning CV, and I had a nice lie in and went to a different MMA gym at 10AM.
- Started with warm up (Dynamic stretching, light shadow boxing etc...)
- 3 x 2 minutes (30 seconds off) rounds with focus mitts
- 3 x 2 minutes (30 seconds off) rounds with kick pads
- Some strength work which inlcuded the use of ropes, sledge hammers, tyre work etc...
- Finished off with abs - Rollouts, Hanging leg raises, Ab cycles...

Depending on how Im feeling, I will either rest later, or get a strength session in. I'l just eat and rest for several hours and see how I feel.

Sparring in the morning at 11AM, this is normally around 12 x 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds off. This centres around 6 rounds of Kick/Thai Boxing followed by 6 rounds of wrestling and rolling.....


Last few days have been hectic.... Today I had a resit for one of the exams I did in June, so I have been revising till my eyes bled for the last few days! Oh the joys of University!

I did manage to cram in some weight training, whilst I took a break from the work. Still kept up the morning SSCV too.....

After having a break from weights on the Saturday, Sunday looked like this;
- Incline Bench Press 6 x 3
- 5 sets of Handstand Push Ups (submax) SS with Squat x 5 Reps
- Dips 5 x Submax
- Burpees SS KB Swings 4 sets of 14 - 12 -10 - 8
-Abs (Rollouts, Hanging Leg Raises, Crunches and some Oblique Work)

Yesterday was;
- 2 x Muscle Snatch + 2 Hang Power Cleans x 4 sets
- Muscle Clean + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean + Jerk x 5 sets
- Good Mornings 3 x 10
- Seesaw Bent over rows SS with Ab rollouts 3x12/12
- 3 sets of Row 250meters SS with Kettlebell Topside Half Moons x 12 reps

Today was the day of my test, so I did 15 mins HIIT this morning, then I had to revise so no weights today. MMA in half an hour, so will still be a physical day.


Its been a week since I last updated...?! Where has the time gone? I thought it had only been just over the bank holiday, oh how time flies when your working hard!!

So il begin with where I left off;

After the heavy sessions on Monday and Tuesday, the rest of the week was a 'Deload' week. Full of light weights and plenty of mobility exercises and stretching, avoiding the barbell which my sessions normally revolve around!

Cardio was as normal - 20mins fasted SSCV 5:30am (subbed with a 20minute steady run if Im staying at my partners, in this case it is a fasted run at 6am and also a steady 20mins run at 2pm) and 20mins in the evening on NON-MMA days.

Wednesday was;
- 1 arm alternating KB swings 4 x 10/10 SS with Pullups 4 x 10
- Light bulgarian training bag work SS with Hindu Pushups 3 x 15
- Get ups 1 x 12/12

Thursday was a mixed bag of small conditioning circuits and supersets, inlcuding things like;
- Burpees SS KB swings
- Seesaw Bent rows SS Ab rollouts
- Walking RDL SS Recline Rows
and various other light exercises + MMA on the evening.

Friday was similar, with different exercises. Nice light work with plenty of mobillity exercises and stretching.

Saturday was Boxing/MMA in the morning, 11-1 and then I spent the rest of the day getting some much needed rest! I felt drained after a heavy bag and pad session run by a pro-boxer.

Sunday was Cheat day! I was in two minds whether or not to cheat coming this close to the end, but after feeling slightly worn out on saturday, I decided I needed to replenish glycogen stores etc.. I still kept my protein intake the same, but got down plenty of carbs (alot of simple sugars), with minimal fat. I've been taking RAVENOUS also to keep my digestive system running smoothly.

Sunday PM was a brief session. I took my partner to my gym and put her through her paces. The session was mainly about her, but I joined in with a few of the drills. Mainly kettlebell work, some bulgarian training bag work, use of the medicine ball and bodyweight exercises.

Im guessing Monday was a right off for many people, with it being bank holiday (is it a bank holiday over there in the states??) Im guessing a few people was abit fragile in the morning???!!! Not me! First days overtime saw me at work for 6:30AM, finishing at 12, whilst getting paid till 2! Happy days! This meant I could structure my meals alot better, rather than resorting to shakes and bars. In the gym for 3pm, session went as follows;

- Hang Cleans to warm up; sets of 12 to start, gradually getting heavier to sets of 3
- Finished cleans with some heavy power cleans up to 1 rep
- This was followed by 4 x 6 of snatch grip dead lift
- Burpees 12/10/8 SS Pullups x submax (No rest)
- 1 arm alternating KB swing SS seesaw bent rows
- Finished off with recline rows + bicep work + grip work

Then 30mins SSCV on the bike around 10pm

Today is the start of new shift pattern (which will see me work 2pm-10pm and 6am-2pm alternating weeks). I start at 2pm today, so I could of had the first lie in for ages! But no! up at 6:30 for 50mins SSCV!

All morning CV is now doubled or greater (from 20mins to 40 or 50mins), for the final push of the challenge! Determination is now at its highest!

With me missing the evening MMA sessions, I will be doing a morning conditioning session before work, followed by weights in the PM after work. One of the MMA guys has a fight in 3 weeks, so he is doing a morning session and the evening classes, so I will be doing the morning sessions alongside him, which will benefit both of us. With it being his fight prep, I'l let him decide on most of the work, so he can target what he needs to work on.

This morning will be spent manipulating my diet and meal times to suit my new shift pattern. Which I will post up once done!

Thought Id share my weight loss with you today also, so far its been....;
Weightloss has been; 10kg in 10 weeks

5kg after 4 weeks
7kg after 6weeks
9kg after 8weeks
10kg after10weeks

Obviously, there will be some muscle loss due to the nature of the new training, but I dont feel any smaller. I feel alot harder, plenty of striations in my delts. Feel tip top!

I feel my progress so far has been MASSIVELY helped by AD's Transform Stack of Taurotest and Shredabull, aswell as a number of PhD products (protein etc...) and hoping for some more gains within the final weeks.

Stay tuned for the FULL update in 2 weeks time, with pictures and stats.

Thats all from me for now! Au'revoir!


So today has been fun to say the least!


Up at 6:30am for 50mins SSCV - Fasted
Light Jog + 5 minutes of sprints (Totalling 20 minutes) at Noon
Weights (Strength) after work at 10pm

Following a new diet, (Thanks to AD's CEO, Joe who tweaked it), which is as follows;

Post morning CV - 2 Scoops Whey + 50g Oats
9:30 - Lean Steak Mince +50g Wholegrain Rice
11.30 Diet Whey bar
Pre-workout meal Whey isolate + 25g Oats
Post-workout ^ Same as above
Meals after are Chicken and broccolli (2 meals, evenly spaced for the rest of the day)
Pre-bed 2 scoops Casein

The above diet was based around me doing the morning shift (with weights at 2), which will be slightly different for the times Im on the afternoon shift, but very similar.

Weights today was;
Front Squat
Romanian Deads + Shrug
Push Press
Hanging Leg raises

Heavy weight, low reps.

Now time to get some much needed sleep, 7 hours should see me have enough time to recover! Then its up again for a repeat of today!


Good morning everyone! Nice bright and early start again.

40mins Fasted SSCV - DONE! Managed to find my old iPod Video, and some tiny portable speakers so I could watch a movie whilst on the bike. Managed to see the first bit of Anchorman whilst pedalling away! "60% of the time, it works everytime"! It was hard trying to watch it on a 2 x 2 inch screen, but it did help pass the time away.

Foood time now,
2 scoops Pharma whey HT + 50g Oats

Having tried the majority of the Pharma whey flavours, one flavour stands out for me, and thats Mint Chocolate, its B-E-A-Utiful! I'd probably go as far as nicest whey shake on the market!

The rest of the day I have;
-Sprints with (Very light jog)
-Weights (PM - After work)

Which I will update on later......


Yesterday was switched about abit for convenience,

Did Weights at 12 (Noon), which included;
Power Clean and Jerk 4 x 5
Back Squat 5 x 4
RDL + Shrug (Heavier than previous) 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Push Press 3 x 5
Back Extension 3 x 10
Reverse Crunch 3 x 10

Then 20 mins cv at 9:30pm (10mins SSCV + 10mins HIIT)

Changing the routine times made it easier to plan all my meals.

Today is;
40 mins fasted SSCV - DONE at 6am
Light Jog at 10am
Pad work at 1 - (I am training with a kickboxer who is training for a bout, so I will more than likely be taking charge of the pads, not doing many, if any rounds on them).
Weights at 9pm

With the change of diet, Im feeling less 'depleted' and feel alot better in myself, whilst still looking better and better....


Thursdays weights was;
Back Squat - 50% 2 x 3
Cleans (3 Stage - Floor, Below kneww, Above knee) x 3
Power Snatch - 65% 1 x 5
Clean Pull 3 x 3
Jack Knives 2 x 15

Firday was;
Front Squat 60% 2 x 3
Snatch - Working up to a heavy 1
Clean and Jerk - Working up to a heavy 1
GHR 4 x 5
Bar Hang (wide grip) 3 x Max

Cardio is still 40mins AM SSCV, 20 mins SSCV PM (or noon if weights is PM).

Saturday was sparring at 11am. Felt more confident, stepping up against two people who are fighting in two weeks, took a slight beating but I gave as good as I got, fitness is improving, all round stand-up is getting alot better.... Did round kick someones elbow, so my foot is in pieces and still can't walk properly on it. Hopefully its just a little tender and sore, with nothing majorly wrong with it. Its abit swollen, but doesnt affect going on the bike so can still do CV!

Today will be a full body circuit, with plenty of abs... Going to set up my gymnastic rings up (effectively using them as a suspension trainer). Will update again later!


Had a great full body workout on sunday evening, did plenty of circuits, and ab/core work with the suspension trainer.

No cheat this weekend, kept it strict as I can be due to only having a week before I take the 'after' pictures for my 12 week transformation! Im feeling the full effects of dieting now, I have realised I am very, very moody! All will be okay when Im sat on my sun lounger with my ****tail!

Monday was;
Morning CV (like normal)
Pad work - 1pm
Evening CV - Bike

Tuesday was;
Morning CV
Upperbody Workout - Supersets/Trisets/Quadsets/Circuits
Evening - MMA (Mainly wrestling, and ground work)

Today was,
Morning CV
2pm - Mobility work and Legs (High reps, high sets)
I am due to go get on my bike shortly for another 40mins of action packed SSCV!

Just dialing in now, picture day for my 12 week transformation is thursday so I have a little plan for the week ahead! It is my girlfriends birthday on the monday, during my last week of prep! Which isn't good at all. This means I have to be strict, even when at the restaurant.... No starter, No chips, No desert! Brilliant! It will all be worth it in the end though!

I cannot wait to RAPE the all inclusive, I aim to put on a good 3 stone in the 2 weeks! Then back to the diet!


Yesterday was;
Morning CV - 40mins
2pm session - Shoulder mobililty work
Arms supersets
4 minutes of hell circuit
Ab and core work on the suspension trainer
Evening CV - 40mins

Dropped 50g carbs, feel like a zombie!

Today was;
Morning CV - 40 mins
Evening CV - 45mins Swimming - First time I've properly swam in ages, it was brutal!

Tomorrow will be;
Morning CV - 40mins
Circuits/Full Body Workout - 11pm - 12pm
Plus another 20mins CV either Post workout or around 5pm (Would be later in the evening but Im off out for the evening)

Thats all for now, just sipped down a glass of l-glutamine, bloody beautiful! Au re'voir!



Right then, not updated for a while. Been in the Dominican Republic for the last couple of weeks, so not being able to get online! I did finish my transformation (was a transformation competition for a UK forum) before I went away. The challenge for me was between July 3rd - Sept 15th (Had to cut it short due to my holiday). So the following progress is from 11 weeks of training and dieting.

Throughout the transformation, I used Anabolic Designs Transform Stack - TauroTest stacked with Shredabull. This helped me immensely!

Not 100% happy with the pictures, but I feel I did okay in 11 weeks. I did find it hard to do aesthetic-based transformation, using strength based training rather than conventional 'bodybuilding' routines.
But I also feel I'm in one of the best shapes I've ever been in (Not just visibly, but fitness wise etc...)
So here goes;



Right, Just get a few things organised for my new plan. Should of started today, but I havnt been to makro since my holiday, so a strict diet has been pretty much non-existant.

No/Minimal fat gains - (I should probably lose some at first due to my love for coco pops and flapjack since getting back off holiday adding a good few pounds!)
Massive increase in strength
Lean muscle - (This will be minimal due to my training, but still wouldnt mind putting some size back on)

To Be Constructed - This will be a moderate carb diet, focusing more on carb timing.

I quite fancy a tweaked Power-Hypertrophy routine (similar to layne nortons). I will expand on this in due course.

This will be updated ASAP!


So here's the first draft of my new plan which I will be starting from Monday. I will be seeing how my body reacts to the training, and adjust accordingly to get the best possible results. I will be listening to my body, and make the appropriate steps (more rest days, change in routine, deload weeks) to ensure I wont be overtraining.
Depending on how I feel, Im still thinking of ditching the hypertrophy days completely and just focus more on strength routines, and focus on my MMA rather than aesthetics.
NOTE: Work shifts are as follows;
Shift 1 is 6-2 and Shift 2 is 2-10
Training – Tweaked P&H Training
Shift 1 Days;
Monday – Upperbody Power Day (Around 6-7)
Tuesday – Lowerbody Power Day at 2pm with MMA 7-8:30
Wednesday – Rest from weights, possibly boxing 7-8:30 with Ab work
Thursday – Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy at 2pm with MMA 7-8:30
Friday – Lowerbody Hypertrophy 2pm
Saturday – Chest and Arms Hypertrophy either early AM or late afternoon
Sunday – Rest from weights
Weekdays have 20mins fasted SSCV in the form of a fast walk (This will be done whilst walking the dog!). There will also be various cardio sessions involved throughout the weeks, which will be noted along the way.
Shift 2 days;
Monday – Upperbody Power Day at 12pm
Tuesday – Lowerbody Power Day at 12pm with cardio in the PM
Wednesday – Rest – Possibly Abs and Cardio
Thursday – Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy at 12pm
Friday – Lowerbody Hypertrophy 12pm
Saturday – Chest and Arms Hypertrophy either early AM or late afternoon
Sunday – Rest from weights
If for any reason I can’t make a 12PM session, I will reschedule for after work at 9.30PM

Shift 1 Days;
6:30 2 Scoops Whey + 50g Oats + Cup of blueberries
9:00 Lean Steak Mince + Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens (Broccoli or Asparagus)
11:30 Cup of Almonds
1:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
2:00 Train
3:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
6:00 Chicken Breast + Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens
9:00 Chicken Breast + Greens
11:00 2 Scoops Casein
Shift 2 Days;
8:00 2 scoops Whey + 50g Oats + Cup of Blueberries
10:00 Lean Steak Mince + Sweet potato or wholegrain rice + Greens
11:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
12:00 Train
1:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
3:00 Cup of almonds
5:00 Chicken Breast +Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens
8:00 Chicken Breast + Greens
11:00 2 Scoops Casein
Unflavoured BCAA’s
Unflavoured EAA’s
Unflavoured L-Glutamine
Creatine Monohydrate
Vitargo s2
Whey Protein Isolate
Casein Protein
Sci-mx Recovery and Endurance Range


So here it is, first day of the plan....
Diets been up and running for the last week, but just started the first day of the training.
The diet will be this;
Shift 1 Days;
6:30 2 Scoops Whey + 50g Oats + Cup of blueberries
9:00 Lean Steak Mince + Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens (Broccoli or Asparagus)
11:30 Cup of Almonds
1:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
2:00 Train
3:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
6:00 Chicken Breast + Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens
9:00 Chicken Breast + Greens
11:00 2 Scoops Casein
Shift 2 Days;
8:00 2 scoops Whey + 50g Oats + Cup of Blueberries
10:00 Lean Steak Mince + Sweet potato or wholegrain rice + Greens
11:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
12:00 Train
1:30 1 scoop whey + 25g Oats
3:00 Cup of almonds
5:00 Chicken Breast +Sweet Potato or Wholegrain Rice + Greens
8:00 Chicken Breast + Greens
11:00 2 Scoops Casein
I will be following a tweaked version of Layne Nortons PHAT training.... Which should hopefully see my strength go up, whilst packing on some muscle (minimal probably - Im going for a very leeeeeean bulk).
Also MMA is on hold due to instructor injury. I will be doing boxing sessions at the same gym, and hopefully visiting another gym for MMA at least once a week.
Now this is my first proper session since before I went away, so I've started low, and now have something to build on. First few sessions will be just getting used to exercises and back into the swing of things. Strength plummeted in the final week of the transformation, so hopefully in a couple of weeks, il be back up and start to see some gains.
The gym has its limitations also at the moment, still in the MMA gym, so its just barbell exercises for me at the moment. I will be joining a proper gym again soon, so I will have nothing holding me back then.
Today was Upper Body Power day, and went as follows;
• Pulling Power Movement: Pendlay rows 3 sets of 5 reps - 65kg
• Assistance Pulling movement: Weighted Pull ups 2 sets of 10,8 reps - 10kg
• Auxiliary Pulling movement: Rack chins 2 sets of 10,8 reps
• Pressing Power Movement: Flat dumbbell presses 3 sets of 5 reps - 90kg
• Assistance pressing movement: Weighted dips 2 sets of 10 reps - 10kg
• Assistance pressing movement: Military Press 3 sets of 10 reps - 50kg
• Auxiliary curling movement: Barbell curls 3 sets of 6-10 reps - 35kg
• Auxiliary extension movement: Skull crushers 3 sets of 6-10 reps - 35kg
Set a nice base, felt good. Felt I could of gone heavier on most, but I don't want to run before I can walk...... Especially whilst Im training alone (In a closed gym - I dont fancy getting stuck under the bar and not getting found till a few days later).
Lower body power day tomorrow, can't wait to get squatting again!


So the second day of the new plan and its gone well!! But I have a slight prediciment.... After being a RUNNER-UP in the PhD Cover Model Challenge competition over on the PhD forum (A UK forum), I have been invited to a photoshoot at the end of November.
Now, I've had a 2 week all inclusive holiday since the after pictures were taken! So I have to get back onboard the lean train, and start some serious cutting for the next 4 months.
This means two things;
Change in diet AND Change in plan!
After all the time planning my current training and nutrition, I now have to change it all again! But not to worry, I will fall back to this as soon as those four weeks are up. This will also put me in a better starting position for next time, already being alot leaner.
Diet will go back to the same diet during the challenge (I will repost for the lazy sods who cant be bothered to look back into my log if anyone is interested?!).
And training will probably be similar.

Training today was Lower Body Power Day and went like this;
• Pressing Power Movement: Back Squats - 3x5 90kg (Turd I know. These weeks off have killed me, I was squatting 110 for 10 rep sets before, that and I dont feel as confident without a spotter).
• Assistance Pressing movement: Barbell Hack Squats - 2x10 65kg (First time I've ever done these, and I have to say, I absolutely love them. I went fairly light to get used to it, being the first time and all. But I really felt some good muscle activation, my new favourite exercise!).
• Assistance extension movement: Bodyweight Sissy Squats 2x10
• Assistance Pulling Movement: Stiff Legged Deads 85kg 3x6
• Assistance Pulling/Curling movement: GHR (Glute Ham Raises) BW 2x10
• Auxiliary Calf movement: Standing Calf Raise 85kg (Felt really light) 3x10
• Auxiliary Calf movement: Seated calf Raise 2x10

Now it is CARDIO time! God I didnt think Id have to say that for a while. I'l have to try and dig out my running shoes and dust them off.
Rest day tomorrow, Il take the time to plan my new training regime.


Much needed rest day from weights today!! Feeling the full affects of the new training plan!
Did 20mins HIIT this morning, have to start some serious work to get in shape for the shoot. I wish I'd have known and I could of layed off the cakes for the past 4 weeks!!
New diet is;
Post morning CV - 2 Scoops Whey + 50g Oats
9:30 - Lean Steak Mince + 50g Wholegrain Rice
11.30 Diet Whey bar + Almonds
Pre-workout meal Whey isolate + 25g Oats
Post-workout ^ Same as above
Meals after are Chicken and broccolli (2 meals, evenly spaced for the rest of the day)
Pre-bed 2 scoops Casein


AM - Fasted morning cardio
PM - Back and Shoulders hypertrophy - will update later with the details of the session, just glugging down my pre-workout now!


Yesterdays weight session was Back and Shoulders hypertrophy day. I got a day pass at the gym I used to go with, as word on the street was they have some new machines. After going there for the session, I know why I left!! Full of turds, have to wait around for equipment and the new machines were awful. Waste of money! But heres how the session went;
Pulling Power Speed Work - Pendlay Rows 65% of normal 5rep max - 6x5 50kg
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Pull Ups 10,8,6
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Cable Rows 3x12 40kg
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - DB Rows 2x15 28kg
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Close Grip Pulldowns 2x20 50kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Seated DB Press 3x12 28kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Upright Rows 2x15 27kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Side Lateral Raises 3x20 8kg

Back to the MMA gym today, so only bodyweight and barbell exercises. Today was Lower Body Hypertrophy day;
Power Speed Exercise - Squats 65% or normal 5rm 6x3 65kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Exercises:
Hack Squat 3x12 65kg
Front Squat 2x15 50kg
Hypertrophy Extension Exercise:
Sissy Squats BW 15,15,12
Hypertrophy Pulling Exercise:
Rom Deads 3x12 50kg
Hypertrophy Curling Movement:
GHR 2x15
Hypertrophy Calf Movements:
BW Calf Raises 4x20 (Warm Up)
BB Calf Raises 4x15 80kg

The session was a killer! My legs were burning like hell, felt great!!

Hypertrophy Chest and Arms tomorrow, Cant wait!


Today was Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day;
Pressing Power/Speed Work - Flat BB Press 65-70% of normal 5rep - 6x3 70kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Movement - Incline DB Press - 3x12 30kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Movement - Hammer Strength Chest Press - 3x15 (Not sure what weight, the plates on the machine were'nt labelled)
Hypertrophy Fly Movement - Incline DB Flyes - 2x20 20kg
Hypertrophy Curling Exercises;
Cambered Bar Preacher Curls 3x12 25kg
Concentration DB Curls 2x15 10kg
DB Spider Curls 2x15 10kg
Hypertrophy Extension Exercises;
Tricep Extension with Cambered bar 3x12,10,8 35kg
Cable Rope Pressdowns 2x15 (Unknown weight - Plates not labelled)
Cable Kick Backs 2x20 (Unknown weight - Plates not labelled)
Followed by 20mins SSCV on the treadmill.

Felt good, need to put some hard work in to get back into shape. So I'll be increasing cardio, and making sure I time my carbs around the important times (morning, pre-wo and post-wo).

Will be spending the day writing articles for FitMag, so nice relaxing day. Rest day tomorrow (apart from daily CV), well needed rest too!


40 mins SSCV - 7AM (Fasted)
Weights at 12:30PM - Week two of the new plan has began, and its back to Upper Body Power Day, and went like this;
• Pulling Power Movement: Pendlay rows 3 sets of 5 reps - 75kg +10kg since last week
• Assistance Pulling movement: Weighted Pull ups 3 sets of 8,8,8 1 more set than last week
• Auxiliary Pulling movement: Rack chins 2 sets of 10,8 reps Same as last week
• Pressing Power Movement: Flat dumbbell presses 3 sets of 5 reps Managed DB's instead of BB this week, only managed 35's! Poor effort, but my excuse is that I havnt dumbell pressed in around 6 months!!
• Assistance pressing movement: Weighted dips 2 sets of 10 reps Did machine chest dips - 40kg
• Assistance pressing movement: Seated DB Press 3x6-10 Did DB's instead of BB military - 25's
• Auxiliary curling movement: Dumbell curls 3 sets of 6-10 reps Did DB's instead of BB - 20's
• Auxiliary extension movement: Skull crushers 3 sets of 6-10 reps - 35kg - Same as last week

Good session, getting stronger on most exercises. Some exercises were changed so its hard to get a fair comparison on them all. Looking forward to Lower body power day tomorrow.... It can only mean one thing, HACK SQUATS. God I love barbell hack squats!
Diets been near enough spot on. Had a little treat yesterday and made myself some protein crepes, which to be fair were increadibly healthy (only ingredients were eggs, powdered oats, protein powder and water!). Went down a treat!!! Also made some sugar free jelly, and put a few scoops of l-glutamine in! Nice little treat!
Will be starting ANABOLIC DESIGNS SHREDABULL for the next four weeks to help me get back in shape for the shoot, diets strict, so this should give me the little extra boost I need.


Week 2 Day 2
Morning Fasted CV 40mins SSCV
Weights PM - Lower Body Power Day
• Pressing Power Movement: Back Squats - 3x5 95kg 5kg increase on lastweek
• Assistance Pressing movement: Barbell Hack Squats - 2x10,8 90kg If I havnt mentioned it before, I LOVE HACK SQUATS
• Assistance extension movement: Leg Extensions 2x10 84kg Managed to get to a proper gym for a change so made use of the machines
• Assistance Pulling Movement: Stiff Legged Deads 90kg 3x6 5kg increase - But stupidly, before I was getting confused with Rom Deads and Stiff Legged Deads, Rookie mistake I know, but at least I know now!
• Assistance Pulling/Curling movement: Lying Leg Curl 2x10 45kg Change from GHR last week.
• Auxiliary Calf movement: Standing Calf Raise 85kg 6x10 Did this on a machine this time, dont know the exact weight, but felt heavier than last week and I pushed it to the limit.....
Overall felt really good, still ALOT of room for improvement across all the exercises, but its still early doors at the moment.
Rest day tomorrow (apart from CV), so should give me enough time to rest and recuperate for the start of the hypertrophy days.
Probably going to make some more protein pancakes tomorrow, they was gorgeous! First time ive really experimented with that sort of stuff, and it turned out well, so you may see some more stuff very soon!!


Morning CV - 30mins SSCV (Fasted)


Morning CV - 40mins SSCV (Fasted)
Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy in half an hour, will update later on with details!


Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy followed by 20mins SSCV.
Pulling Power Speed Work - Pendlay Rows 65% of normal 5rep max - 6x5 60kg
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Pull Ups 10,8,6
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Cable Rows 3x12 50kg
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Shrugs 2x15 Machine Unknown Weight
Hypertrophy Pulling movement - Close Grip Pulldowns 2x15 50kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Seated DB Press 3x12 28kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Upright Rows 2x15 27kg
Hypertrophy Shoulder movement - Side Lateral Raises 3x20 8kg

Legs Hypertrophy tomorrow and more than likely add in some adds and core work.


This morning I have done;
20mins Walk + 15mins Jog (Very Light)
Legs Hypertrophy this afternoon. Will update later on tonight with the workout.... I will say one thing, Hack Squats baby!! Really looking forward to training legs these days. This ties in well with my NEW target, which is - my quest for HUGE wheels! Legs have always been pretty much non-existant (still pretty much are). But I aim to change all that, and will be focusing on them majorly come growing time (starting a lean bulk on the 1st december - after this cutting phase of getting in shape for the photoshoot).


Yesterday was Lower Body Hypertrophy day;
Power Speed Exercise - Squats 65% or normal 5rep 6x3 65kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Exercises:
Barbell Hack Squat 3x12 90kg
Machine Leg Press 2x15 100kg
Hypertrophy Extension Exercise:
Leg Extensions 3x20 70kg
Hypertrophy Pulling Exercise:
Rom Deads 3x12 65kg
Hypertrophy Curling Movement:
Lying Leg Curl 2x15 45kg
Seated Leg Curl 2x20 35kg
Hypertrophy Calf Movements:
Standing Calf Raises 4x15 (Unknown weight - Was on a machine and plates werent labelled)
Seated Calf Raises 3x20 (Unknown weight - Was on a machine and plates werent labelled)
This was followed by some light ab work (leg raises and some oblique work).

This morning I have done my 40mins SSCV already, and just preparing for Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day..... Will update when I get back.


Chest and Arms Hypertrophy went like;
Today was Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day;
Pressing Power/Speed Work - Flat DB Press 65-70% of normal 5rep - 6x3 35kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Movement - Incline DB Press - 3x12 30kg
Hypertrophy Pressing Movement - Hammer Strength Chest Press - 3x15 (Not sure what weight, the plates on the machine were'nt labelled)
Hypertrophy Fly Movement - Incline DB Flyes - 2x20 20kg
Hypertrophy Curling Exercises;
Cambered Bar Preacher Curls 3x12 25kg
Concentration DB Curls 2x15 10kg
DB Spider Curls 2x15 10kg
Hypertrophy Extension Exercises;
Tricep Extension with Cambered bar 3x12,10,8 35kg
Cable Rope Pressdowns 2x15 (Unknown weight - Plates not labelled)
Cable Kick Backs 2x20 (Unknown weight - Plates not labelled)
Followed by 20mins SSCV on the treadmill.

Just been to Makro - The Mecca of Bulk Food!! And stocked up for the next few weeks. Got myself 5kg of chicken, and 2.5kg of rump steak. Going to try and keep the diet clean this weekend, with no scheduled cheats in. I am going out for a meal tomorrow, but will opt for the healthiest option! Looking alot better than I did when I came off my holiday, so happy with the progress so far. Going to keep on hitting it hard, and just think - After another month of hard dieting, I can finally have some more calories!!


40 mins fasted SSCV - DONE!
Rest from weights today, ready for week 3 of the new training plan.


Right then, apologies for not updating yesterday. Hectic day resulted in me not being able to get on a computer. Yesterday was planned for 'Upper body power day'.... BUT, I was still not fully recovered from saturdays 'Chest and Arm Hypertrophy' day. With that in mind, I opted to take another rest day to ensure I could give 110% for the session. Although I missed the weights session, I did add in another cardio session (in addition to the scheduled AM fasted cardio), so it wasnt a 'wasted' day.

Woke up this morning feeling revitalised and recovered. I kicked the day off with 40mins fasted cardio before I plodded off to work.

Straight after work I headed to the gym for UPPERBODY POWER DAY. The session went as follows;
• Pulling Power Movement: Pendlay rows 3 sets of 5 reps - 80kg +5kg since last week
• Assistance Pulling movement: Weighted Pull ups 2 sets of 10,10 2 more reps per set than last week
• Auxiliary Pulling movement: Didnt manage Rack Pulls so I subsituted with Lat Pull Down 2 sets of 10 reps (Weight unknown - Plates not labelled)
• Pressing Power Movement: Flat dumbbell presses 3 sets of 5 reps 35's - I had no spotter so not confident to increase the weight, disappointed to say the least!
• Assistance pressing movement: Weighted dips 2 sets of 10 reps - Did machine chest dips - 45kg +5kg on last week
• Assistance pressing movement: Seated DB Press 3x6-10 25's - No change
• Auxiliary curling movement: EZ bar curls 3 sets of 10 reps 30kg - Different exercise to last week
• Auxiliary extension movement: Skull crushers 3 sets of 6-10 reps - 35kg - Same as last week
Followed by 15mins SSCV

Still fairly light in comparison to what I used to do. I think the loss in some of the strength is due to only having access to a Barbell for the last 6 months. So I've only got back doing certain exercises. Im also in a calorie defecit, so Im not really expecting much with regards to strength gains. But hey ho, come december 1st, the calories will be added and the strength will shoot up hopefully.....
I have just started a tub of GASPARI MYOFUSION COOKIES AND CREAM, as it was an engagement present from the very generous MTom5. I had a sample of this at the British Grand Prix Expo, and I have to say, I bloody love it!!

Started my SHREDABULL yesterday, so stick around for the next 4 weeks to see if I can take my progress further than ever before.

'Lowerbody Power Day' tomorrow. I might try this really good exercise I saw at the gym today. A guy (with a fairly large upperbody), was performing some incredible reps on the leg press. He was doing 1/4 reps, and had MASSIVE wheels to show for it....... If you cant tell, Im being sarcastic! He had the legs of a sparrow, Im suprised he even went on the leg press to be fair. But 1 set inbetween doing chest and arms and that was his legs session finished....


Morning CV - 40mins SSCV
Weights - Lower Body Power Day
• Pressing Power Movement: Back Squats - 3x5 95kg
• Assistance Pressing movement: Barbell Hack Squats - 2x10,8 100kg + another 10kg, I LOVE HACK SQUATS!
• Assistance extension movement: Leg Extensions 2x10 84kg
• Assistance Pulling Movement: Stiff Legged Deads 90kg 3x6 5kg
• Assistance Pulling/Curling movement: Lying Leg Curl 2x10 45kg
• Assistance Pulling/Curling movement: Seated Leg Curl 2x10 35kg
• Auxiliary Calf movement: Standing Calf Raise 3x10 Did this on a machine this time, dont know the exact weight, but felt heavier than last week and I pushed it to the limit.....
• Auxiliary Calf movement: Seated Calf Raise 3x10 Machine


Rest day from weights, so just 45mins SSCV for me today.

Just created a masterpiece in the kitchen! I was cooking a nice big fat piece of steak, and as I was contemplating what I would season it with, I came across my tub of flaxseed which I add to my shakes. Long story short, I covered my steak in them, making it look like a breaded fillet! I have to say, I was well happy with the outcome, it tasted beautiful!

Feeling good and strong for 'Back and Shoulders' hypertrophy day tomorrow. Hoping to shift abit more weight than last week, but I have been suffering with strength during my calorie defecit....

Heads abit all over the place at the moment, as I'm in the process of getting a house with my fiancee. God its stressful! Not letting the diet or training suffer though, just got to keep powering through!

Hope all is well with everyone else,


Au Revoir, D

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