Cutting Supplement Suggestions


Steve and I have talked coffee. Jeremy, I'm a roaster. :D
Wow, man... that is really neat! You are at another level of coffee snobbery haha.
I want to try some. Light and medium roasts are my bag. Let me know how!
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I love coffee and espresso. One of my all time favorite protein bars, and it hasn't been made in probably 20 years had ground up espresso beans in it.
Now that would be good and give it a nice crunch to boot.

@poison is a roaster and has some excellent coffee beans. I wish I could figure out a way to incorporate some of his coffees into supplements.
This is very cool and at another level of coffee fandom!

I'm really glad that you like LipoVantage. It helps me a lot with appetite control too. In my case, I can go all day and eat right and ruin it by eating terrible late at night. I had originally started doing LipoVantage at night and it helped a lot. Now that we have Lean Edge Nite Burn, I moved the LipoVantage dose a little earlier and take Lean Edge Nite Burn at bedtime.

I normally don't do much in the way of stimulant fat loss products bc I like my coffee and energy drinks, but we have in the new Thermagize XT but haven't released it yet. I had sent some out to people a couple weeks back to try and the feedback made me have to try it and I'm loving it too - great clean energy and appetite control. I cut out an energy drink for it to accommodate but still drinking my coffee :)
LipoVantage has been great so far. Not as "fun" as something stim based, but the results have been really good for me. I will need new pants again soon. I could use some now, but I just bought 3 new pair 2 months ago! I need to just look sloppy for a bit until everything settles haha.
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Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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SNS Lean Edge and/or Evomuse DCP - Best non-stim burners IMO.

Ephedrine and Yohimbe HCL - Usually spaced an hour apart. Use Alpha Y if you don't tolerate HCL. Don't stack unless you have the tolerance.

Cortisol control - b-Aet, 7-KT, 11-KT or Arimistane.

1-Andro - I respond really well and actually see strength gains on a cut/recomp. Preserves muscle real well. Of course this isn't the proper route for everyone.


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Just reached my first goal!I think 205 will be my next goal.i am feeling pretty good. I have 4 more days of my Icon 11 and Epi stack . I am wondering where it will end.


Yo boys!

Great read, I’m currently sitting at 205lbs/93kg, 5 foot 9(180cm)
Waiting for 4th of July deals and looking in the direction of 11 Keto.
From what I’ve read, either Icon Eleven and XI-KT both will do the job, as for something to smooth it out afterwards would 1 month of Sustain Alpha or Invictus/Neuro AET be enough after a 2 month run of 11-keto?


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I ran 11kt and epiandro for my cut for 60 days and am using sustain alpha and optimize T now that I finished. Still losing weight and kept most of my muscle according to my smart scale. Iconic formulations might still have the Father's day sale going on. I was thinking of picking up their stack to try 11-kt at a bit higher dose.

Yo boys!

Great read, I’m currently sitting at 205lbs/93kg, 5 foot 9(180cm)
Waiting for 4th of July deals and looking in the direction of 11 Keto.
From what I’ve read, either Icon Eleven and XI-KT both will do the job, as for something to smooth it out afterwards would 1 month of Sustain Alpha or Invictus/Neuro AET be enough after a 2 month run of 11-keto?


I ran 11kt and epiandro for my cut for 60 days and am using sustain alpha and optimize T now that I finished. Still losing weight and kept most of my muscle according to my smart scale. Iconic formulations might still have the Father's day sale going on. I was thinking of picking up their stack to try 11-kt at a bit higher dose.
Was hoping to go through with 1 supp after the 11-keto run, is that feasible?

I’ve done Ultra Hard for 2 month followed by 1 month of Sustain Alpha+AET 50 and results were fantastic, had a log on here but unfortunately dropped it as I got quite chaotic and inconsistent in the second half.


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Was hoping to go through with 1 supp after the 11-keto run, is that feasible?

I’ve done Ultra Hard for 2 month followed by 1 month of Sustain Alpha+AET 50 and results were fantastic, had a log on here but unfortunately dropped it as I got quite chaotic and inconsistent in the second half.
Sustain Alpha should be fine then if you just want to run 1 supp based on what was recommended to me and what I have looked into. I believe they said any natty test booster would be fine for pct of 11kt or epiandro.


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Question for you guys. If you get put on antibiotics do you stop taking the supplements until you finish the round of antibiotics? I have 2 I will be taking for the next 10 days due to a nasty boil.


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Question for you guys. If you get put on antibiotics do you stop taking the supplements until you finish the round of antibiotics? I have 2 I will be taking for the next 10 days due to a nasty boil.
No, most people wouldn't but it can depend on what supplements you're taking. For example, you wouldn't want to take MSM with a Sulphur based antibiotic.


I will definitely need to run something after my little trip home to visit my family turned into a sweets eating contest. My aunt makes the best cookies and candies that I know of and I lost complete control of myself lol. Was it worth it? Yes it was haha. Honestly think this was good for me. My diet was so on point, that this little blast of calories galore was a nice little shock to my system. At least that is what I am telling myself😂

If I was my younger self, I would be beating myself up over my behavior. Now that I am older and wiser :rolleyes: I really don’t really give a darn. However, Thermo Scorch and or Lean Edge with Rebound XT here I come.


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I will definitely need to run something after my little trip home to visit my family turned into a sweets eating contest. My aunt makes the best cookies and candies that I know of and I lost complete control of myself lol. Was it worth it? Yes it was haha. Honestly think this was good for me. My diet was so on point, that this little blast of calories galore was a nice little shock to my system. At least that is what I am telling myself😂

If I was my younger self, I would be beating myself up over my behavior. Now that I am older and wiser :rolleyes: I really don’t really give a darn. However, Thermo Scorch and or Lean Edge with Rebound XT here I come.
I think you meant Reduce XT?

I think for many of us, eating things we want can be good for us mentally sometimes too. The key is just being able to get back on track, which I suck at haha


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Fat loss related:

We just launched the new Thermagize XT today. It is great for fat loss, energy, and appetite control.

Here's a link to the intro thread:



I think you meant Reduce XT?

I think for many of us, eating things we want can be good for us mentally sometimes too. The key is just being able to get back on track, which I suck at haha
Oops yes…. Reduce XT. I was reading some other thread or something where that was mentioned. Sorry!


I am excited to get back on track, but I have one more day of somewhat bad eating. My church is having an ice cream social and I am going to participate big time haha. After all, it’s for the children😂
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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I follow a modified Carb Backloading diet where I still eat carbs on non training nights, so I always use a GDA when cutting. Currently:

SNS Lean Edge - 2 caps(3rd dose of day)
SNS Glycophase - 4 caps
Na-rala - 200mg
Garcinia cambogia - 1000mg(60%)
Raspberry Ketones - 500mg
Acetyl-L-Carantine - 1000mg


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No longer for the OP who was looking for a 3 week stack suggestion back in March (hope your cut went well) - but throwing out there that after a lot of cuts - I now always go back to TTA, paradoxine (grains of paradise), and BAIBA. All non-stim and can be stacked with your stim fat burner of choice or pre.


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No longer for the OP who was looking for a 3 week stack suggestion back in March (hope your cut went well) - but throwing out there that after a lot of cuts - I now always go back to TTA, paradoxine (grains of paradise), and BAIBA. All non-stim and can be stacked with your stim fat burner of choice or pre.
Appreciate it. Down 20lbs so far. Still cutting until I have abs so I might be on a cut for a while. I am working on cutting/recomp right now. I am currently running Optimize T, Inhibit E, BMP and sustain Alpha after running 11kt and epi andro for 60 days I lost almost 20lbs on that stack so was happy with the results. I have read a good bit on TTA and it seems people agree it is effective.
I like the multi ingredient approach though so the new thermagize xt and lean edge sound like they would be good choices for a cut as well. I have not decided what cutting sups to run after I finish the next stack. if I am still far away from my goal. I may go all out and try TTA, Thermagize and Lean Edge.


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Appreciate it. Down 20lbs so far. Still cutting until I have abs so I might be on a cut for a while. I am working on cutting/recomp right now. I am currently running Optimize T, Inhibit E, BMP and sustain Alpha after running 11kt and epi andro for 60 days I lost almost 20lbs on that stack so was happy with the results. I have read a good bit on TTA and it seems people agree it is effective.
I like the multi ingredient approach though so the new thermagize xt and lean edge sound like they would be good choices for a cut as well. I have not decided what cutting sups to run after I finish the next stack. if I am still far away from my goal. I may go all out and try TTA, Thermagize and Lean Edge.
The new Thermagize XT and Lean Edge will be a great stack and TTA-500 would be a great addition to it.

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