Cutting Supplement Suggestions


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Hello all,
I am new to the community,
I am looking for supplements for cutting and maintaining muscle. I am just now finishing up the Dad bod transformation stack from Strong Supplements and am thinking about trying the shred and sculpt stack with Androvar after vacation next month. In the mean time I was looking into natural muscle builders to take to help maintain muscle during the cut and see a lot of talk about anabolic XT. I am currently taking Alpha Defy by Olympus labs and was considering adding in either Cardarine or Anabolic XT. I am unsure where to order Cardarine from to ensure it is legit so I started looking at other natural supplements for the time being.

Are there any really effective supplements I can take for the next 3 weeks of the cut before my vacation to help with leaning out and maintaining muscle? I am waiting until after vacation for the androvar cycle as I will be able to commit to a stricter regiment. I am also open to other cycles that may be more beneficial. I was told Androvar was a good starter PH as this would be my first cycle on hormonal supplements. I also read Ultra Eleven was great for cutting too but I don't know as much about that one.

My current weight is 240 Body fat~21%. Goal is to eventually get cut and have visible abs. I am trying to get to 225 by April 8th hoping I may start seeing my abs around then right before going on vacay. Any advice or tips you can provide me would be appreciated.



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Ultra Eleven (11-kt) is probably one of the most effective cutting agents available. but, it's not likely going to kick-in enough for effectiveness in 3 weeks.

I would add in some Invictus or Neuro AET (same product, just packaged and scented differently).

VII-KT by Iron Legion would also be a great addition to the Invictus or Neuro AET - it's topical 7-keto.

IF you're going to be cutting really hard the next few weeks, something to help manage the cortisol may be really helpful, plus it should also help keep your immune system from getting suppressed from the hardcore cutting - this is really important before going on vacay...don't want to start out with a compromised immune system.

getting to your goal in 3 weeks is pretty unlikely, but this should help get you as close as you can...get that nutrition dialed in and burn those calories!

Centurion stack would also be a solid option
Virtus to boost testosterone and manage estrogen - help rid you of some water weight
Invictus to manage cortisol
VII-KT to keep your metabolism up while cutting



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Hello all,
I am new to the community,
I am looking for supplements for cutting and maintaining muscle. I am just now finishing up the Dad bod transformation stack from Strong Supplements and am thinking about trying the shred and sculpt stack with Androvar after vacation next month. In the mean time I was looking into natural muscle builders to take to help maintain muscle during the cut and see a lot of talk about anabolic XT. I am currently taking Alpha Defy by Olympus labs and was considering adding in either Cardarine or Anabolic XT. I am unsure where to order Cardarine from to ensure it is legit so I started looking at other natural supplements for the time being.

Are there any really effective supplements I can take for the next 3 weeks of the cut before my vacation to help with leaning out and maintaining muscle? I am waiting until after vacation for the androvar cycle as I will be able to commit to a stricter regiment. I am also open to other cycles that may be more beneficial. I was told Androvar was a good starter PH as this would be my first cycle on hormonal supplements. I also read Ultra Eleven was great for cutting too but I don't know as much about that one.

My current weight is 240 Body fat~21%. Goal is to eventually get cut and have visible abs. I am trying to get to 225 by April 8th hoping I may start seeing my abs around then right before going on vacay. Any advice or tips you can provide me would be appreciated.

Anabolic XT is an excellent option to help build and maintain muscle.

If the goal is recomp and building muscle and losing fat, Anabolic XT, Recomp20, and GlycoPhase is a great stack.

There are a lot of different fat loss options, and I'd ran a very comprehensive stack last year myself that helped me lose 40 lbs. in 4 months, but I was taking more than you would likely need to because my situation was different. I was still recovering from an accident and wasn't able to exercise at all, so I really went all out on the supplements bc I had to focus on losing it all through just diet and supplements.

Here is a good guideline and what I'm getting ready to start on myself. I've gained some fat in the last few months bc hadn't been working out or eating properly, so here's my stack to get ready for summer. I'll detail what is for what purpose so you can decide which would be the best options for you. The writes ups are very comprehensive so I'm going to put links to them so you can read the full information.
I hope this information helps.

If you, or anyone has any questions, I'm always glad to help.


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Anabolic XT is an excellent option to help build and maintain muscle.

If the goal is recomp and building muscle and losing fat, Anabolic XT, Recomp20, and GlycoPhase is a great stack.

There are a lot of different fat loss options, and I'd ran a very comprehensive stack last year myself that helped me lose 40 lbs. in 4 months, but I was taking more than you would likely need to because my situation was different. I was still recovering from an accident and wasn't able to exercise at all, so I really went all out on the supplements bc I had to focus on losing it all through just diet and supplements.

Here is a good guideline and what I'm getting ready to start on myself. I've gained some fat in the last few months bc hadn't been working out or eating properly, so here's my stack to get ready for summer. I'll detail what is for what purpose so you can decide which would be the best options for you. The writes ups are very comprehensive so I'm going to put links to them so you can read the full information.
I hope this information helps.

If you, or anyone has any questions, I'm always glad to help.
Actually I do have a question bud, where is my TD carnitine? I've been patient but enough is enough!!!
I'm giving you time till the end of the week........or LeanEngineer gets it......


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Actually I do have a question bud, where is my TD carnitine? I've been patient but enough is enough!!!
I'm giving you time till the end of the week........or LeanEngineer gets it......
Ha. Then you'll be happy to know that its in process now. Labels are being printed this week, testing is all done, raw materials are all in, and it should be being made hopefully as soon as next week.


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Ha. Then you'll be happy to know that its in process now. Labels are being printed this week, testing is all done, raw materials are all in, and it should be being made hopefully as soon as next week.
God bless your soul...... Bet LeanEngineer is happy too....


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@delsolrob I got the centurion stack in yesterday. How do you recommend dosing it?

I am also looking to continue cutting when I get back from vacation. I see 11Kt is recommended. I was looking at trying epi for my first ph run. Do you recommend the 11kt over epi for cutting? I saw the XI-KT at Iron Legion also and was looking at Ultra Eleven. What kind of PCT would be needed with those?


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Having GREAT results with GlucovantageXT before any meal with carbs. I'm high protein, high fat, low-med carbs. Since adding the GlucovantageXT I'm getting leaner much faster than before. Super impressed.


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VII-KT (Iron Legion), Thermorscorch (SNS), Ursa Major (Apex Alchemy), TTA (SNS), and BMP (Evomuse)- run this and say good by to a few percentage points of fat if you train and eat well!


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VII-KT (Iron Legion), Thermorscorch (SNS), Ursa Major (Apex Alchemy), TTA (SNS), and BMP (Evomuse)- run this and say good by to a few percentage points of fat if you train and eat well!
Agreed that would be a pretty sweet stack for fat loss! Luckily we carry all of these at Strong Supplement Shop to!


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VII-KT (Iron Legion), Thermorscorch (SNS), Ursa Major (Apex Alchemy), TTA (SNS), and BMP (Evomuse)- run this and say good by to a few percentage points of fat if you train and eat well!
How long should I run something like this? After looking into it, I am thinking of doing the VII-KT and the BMP. Not sure my budget will allow all 5.


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If I had to pick one supp for cutting, it's 100% going to be XI-KT every time. Some people do a serm for pct for that, I've found that sustain alpha or a strong AI works fine. If I wanted something non hormonal, BMP.


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How long should I run something like this? After looking into it, I am thinking of doing the VII-KT and the BMP. Not sure my budget will allow all 5.
u havent ran BMP .. but usually i say 8-12 weeks .. i really enjoy non hormonals minimal of 12 weeks atleast


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OK so I am trying to come up with a 10 week cycle for cutting and am thinking of this let me know what yall think. I have only used natural anabolics and cutting supplements in the past so this would be my first time using hormonal supplements.

Weeks 1-6
XI-KT (Icon 11) is the cheapest I can find it. 3 bottle 1.5Ml each morning. I know there is also Ultra 11 and Xi-KT which I believe is the same as Icon 11. Any benefits to those over the Icon 11 I found?
Protex Cycle Assist
Epiandro (Either Stanoplex or Androvar) This is what I was originally going to take for my cutting plan, should I add it in with the 11kT or just run the 11KT? I was going to start at 600 and work up to 900/day. I love having a pump so was leaning toward Stanoplex if I include it.
Joint Supplement ? I was looking at the strong supplement stacks and most of them include joyful joints. I think it would be beneficial as my elbows start to hurt when I get into lifting heavy. Is this what most people would recommend or do you guys use something else for joint support?

Weeks 6-10 PCT
Anabolic XT (will probably continue after 10th week and go for 8 or 12 weeks on it)
BMP (Should I start this at the beginning instead or keep for post)
Post Cycle 3X
Optimize T or Mtest- Mtest seems to be the more recommended tbooster based on researching the forum.
Anything else I should add in here? I know a lot of people recommend a SERM but I am not sure how suppressive this stack would be and if it would be necessary.

Im also looking at Thermoscorch and the GlucoXT to add in.

Thanks for all the recommendations so far guys.


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Joint Supplement ? I was looking at the strong supplement stacks and most of them include joyful joints. I think it would be beneficial as my elbows start to hurt when I get into lifting heavy. Is this what most people would recommend or do you guys use something else for joint support?
XPG Curcuprime is a staple for my joints. Added benefit that I can apply it directly to the problem areas.

Haven't used it, but something like the new Joint Edge from CEL looks really good for joint issues if you didn't want to throw on more transdermals haha.


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OK so I am trying to come up with a 10 week cycle for cutting and am thinking of this let me know what yall think. I have only used natural anabolics and cutting supplements in the past so this would be my first time using hormonal supplements.

Weeks 1-6
XI-KT (Icon 11) is the cheapest I can find it. 3 bottle 1.5Ml each morning. I know there is also Ultra 11 and Xi-KT which I believe is the same as Icon 11. Any benefits to those over the Icon 11 I found?
Protex Cycle Assist
Epiandro (Either Stanoplex or Androvar) This is what I was originally going to take for my cutting plan, should I add it in with the 11kT or just run the 11KT? I was going to start at 600 and work up to 900/day. I love having a pump so was leaning toward Stanoplex if I include it.
Joint Supplement ? I was looking at the strong supplement stacks and most of them include joyful joints. I think it would be beneficial as my elbows start to hurt when I get into lifting heavy. Is this what most people would recommend or do you guys use something else for joint support?

Weeks 6-10 PCT
Anabolic XT (will probably continue after 10th week and go for 8 or 12 weeks on it)
BMP (Should I start this at the beginning instead or keep for post)
Post Cycle 3X
Optimize T or Mtest- Mtest seems to be the more recommended tbooster based on researching the forum.
Anything else I should add in here? I know a lot of people recommend a SERM but I am not sure how suppressive this stack would be and if it would be necessary.

Im also looking at Thermoscorch and the GlucoXT to add in.

Thanks for all the recommendations so far guys.
If you're doing epi and 11keto I'd do a serm afterwards personally. You might get away with it without one but I'd at least add a stronger AI like inhibit-e or Arimahex as PCT if that was the case.

I think something about the carrier for XI-KT is a bit better than for Icon 11 - although I may be totally ignorant here - but icon 11 will do you just fine, and it's cheaper. I like my 11-keto at 1.5-2 mL per day but split 2/3 in AM and 1/3 in early afternoon. Helps spread the effects out more without keeping me up at night.

And I'd start BMP with PCT.


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XPG Curcuprime is a staple for my joints. Added benefit that I can apply it directly to the problem areas.
Same here. I have a few bottles in the pantry on hand. Definitely a staple during the colder months for me as that's when it feels my nerves and joints are more sensitive.


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Do ppl still use yohimbe to cut ?
I personally do. Alpha Yohimbe by SNS is a good one to check out. Aides both in appetite control and fat loss.



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is so cal nutrition legit? I placed an order for icon 11 and sustain alpha but they sent me an email and didn't let me put in payment info.

Alpha Lean 7 has alpha yo in it I believe and it seems to do the trick. I'm down 10 pounds on my current cut taking that and alpha Defy.

I'm going to be starting 11kt and possibly epiandro when I get back from vacation to continue cutting fat and try to get a six pack showing.

Need to figure out which epi Andro to go with, there are so many options for that one.


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is so cal nutrition legit? I placed an order for icon 11 and sustain alpha but they sent me an email and didn't let me put in payment info.

Alpha Lean 7 has alpha yo in it I believe and it seems to do the trick. I'm down 10 pounds on my current cut taking that and alpha Defy.

I'm going to be starting 11kt and possibly epiandro when I get back from vacation to continue cutting fat and try to get a six pack showing.

Need to figure out which epi Andro to go with, there are so many options for that one.
I don't have any experience with SoCal Nutrition, so I can't answer on that part.

For Epiandro, there are some good options, but some of the best ones are almost sold out for good at a lot of retailers.
  • CEL Stano-Plex 300 - is 300 mg. Epiandro per capsule + 150 mg. VASO6
  • Muscle Addiction Epiandro300 - is 300 mg of Epiandro per capsule
  • Muscle Addiction Epiandro Lean - is 300 mg. of Epiandro per capsule + KSM-66 and Paradoxine
  • Xtreme Performance Gels Epiandro Gel - 7.5 grams Epiandro per bottle (75 mg. per ml) and a great price for people that prefer a topical form.
All of those are no longer going to be available after retailers sell thru their current stocks on them.


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is so cal nutrition legit? I placed an order for icon 11 and sustain alpha but they sent me an email and didn't let me put in payment info.

Alpha Lean 7 has alpha yo in it I believe and it seems to do the trick. I'm down 10 pounds on my current cut taking that and alpha Defy.

I'm going to be starting 11kt and possibly epiandro when I get back from vacation to continue cutting fat and try to get a six pack showing.

Need to figure out which epi Andro to go with, there are so many options for that one.
stano plex is my go to for epi-andro .. this is a sweet deal someone actually dm'd me earlier this week asking best find

36G capped epiandro + 18G capped Vaso6 for $72 brain-er for me.


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stano plex is my go to for epi-andro .. this is a sweet deal someone actually dm'd me earlier this week asking best find

36G capped epiandro + 18G capped Vaso6 for $72 brain-er for me.
What do you use for PCT for that? I saw that same deal. Do you use 600mg/ day or go to 900?

Ended up ordering the icon 11 and sustain alpha from lockout supplements. Turned out to be about 20 less than so cal and less sketchy.


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What do you use for PCT for that? I saw that same deal. Do you use 600mg/ day or go to 900?

Ended up ordering the icon 11 and sustain alpha from lockout supplements. Turned out to be about 20 less than so cal and less sketchy.
ive ran this couple of times along with my cousin runs it at the same time .. PCT has been Mtest + Pct Assist always for solo run
or can do optimizeT + Mtest .. that was my cousins latest run with great results.

my quick review

I also have another thread here stating 600mg is a perfect dose.

i ran it solo twice .. and then stacked it with anabolic effect and really loved it .. i ran cycle assist, then again run it year around at half dosage just for health benefits.

first cycle i say keep it at 600mg PCT ..go with Mtest and/or + Phosphatic acid or Pepti-plex .. keep leaning out and strength increase ..some people will say its a waiste to run it under 1200mg .. i totally disagree, if you really want can pick up 3 bottles and run it at 900mg .. 300mg dose and 600mg dose pre workout .. sick sick pumps


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Alright, I ended up getting 4 bottles of icon 11, 2 bottles of stan o plex to run for 60 days.
along with this I will be taking fish oil, multivitamin, joint support xt, and cel cycle assist.
For pct, I have sustain alpha and optimize t and more cycle assist. Should I try to get a serm for pct or add in some more test boosters like mtest.


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You may or may not be ok without a serm for that, I personally would use one
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Alright, I ended up getting 4 bottles of icon 11, 2 bottles of stan o plex to run for 60 days.
along with this I will be taking fish oil, multivitamin, joint support xt, and cel cycle assist.
For pct, I have sustain alpha and optimize t and more cycle assist. Should I try to get a serm for pct or add in some more test boosters like mtest.
I don't think you would need a serm for that at all.

If you wanted to take something as an anti-estrogen, Inhibit-E would be fine.

M-Test would be a nice addition to that for natural test levels.


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Ok. So I am on Day 10 of Epi and 11KT. I have not felt a boost in strength or anything yet so I was thinking of increasing my Epi to 900/day, I also lost a fair amount of muscle in my cut according to my smart scale. I was going to does the epi with one in the AM and then 2 pre workout. Since I am going to be increasing, I was looking at getting a SERM for PCT just in case. Is enclo the best to get? Any recommendations or suggestions on where to pick up. You can message me if that cannot be discussed publicly. I have also been looking into getting labs just to get an idea of where my levels are at. I had a friend that just got labs done and found out he has low T and is about to start TRT. This has me even more curious as to where I am at with my T levels. I saw Strut wellness online does tests for fairly cheap and can prescribe enclo if your levels are low enough. I am wondering what other options are out there for this. I am US based in South Carolina for reference.

Also still looking into supplements to throw in with PCT to support my goals. I currently have Optimize T and M-Test to take with the cycle assist and then possibly adding in a SERM. I started to look into some of the supplements @Tunaking14 suggested. I already have a bottle of VII- KT. I was thinking of adding in Ursa Major to pct and maybe BMP or one of the other suggested supplements for 60 days. I got a decent discount code for apex so that sounded good after reading some of the logs here.

If you were to go with 2 of those out of that group, which ones would you pick? I am putting building muscle on hold as my primary goal right now is to get lean and cut. It is so hard to pick supplements when there are like 20 I want to try!


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Ok. So I am on Day 10 of Epi and 11KT. I have not felt a boost in strength or anything yet so I was thinking of increasing my Epi to 900/day, I also lost a fair amount of muscle in my cut according to my smart scale. I was going to does the epi with one in the AM and then 2 pre workout. Since I am going to be increasing, I was looking at getting a SERM for PCT just in case. Is enclo the best to get? Any recommendations or suggestions on where to pick up. You can message me if that cannot be discussed publicly. I have also been looking into getting labs just to get an idea of where my levels are at. I had a friend that just got labs done and found out he has low T and is about to start TRT. This has me even more curious as to where I am at with my T levels. I saw Strut wellness online does tests for fairly cheap and can prescribe enclo if your levels are low enough. I am wondering what other options are out there for this. I am US based in South Carolina for reference.

Also still looking into supplements to throw in with PCT to support my goals. I currently have Optimize T and M-Test to take with the cycle assist and then possibly adding in a SERM. I started to look into some of the supplements @Tunaking14 suggested. I already have a bottle of VII- KT. I was thinking of adding in Ursa Major to pct and maybe BMP or one of the other suggested supplements for 60 days. I got a decent discount code for apex so that sounded good after reading some of the logs here.

If you were to go with 2 of those out of that group, which ones would you pick? I am putting building muscle on hold as my primary goal right now is to get lean and cut. It is so hard to pick supplements when there are like 20 I want to try!
I do not think you need a SERM with Epiandro. If you're really super worried about estrogen, which I don't think you really need to be on Epiandro, then you could add Inhibit-E into your PCT.

There are a lot of great supplement options that can be used in your PCT or along with your cycle here, depending on your goals.

I think Recomp20 for example would be an excellent product to run with this and Reduce XT or Suppress-C is great to help build & retain muscle.

XPG Ursa-Gel is 70 mg. per ml and 100 servings per bottle, so its a great value and is great for cutting cycles.

If I were just picking one thing to add to your cycle, it would be Recomp20 because it is great at helping to build and retain muscle and also losing fat.


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So even with increasing epi to 900mg/ day and taking 11kt (icon 11) at 2ml/day I should be good without a serm? The only reason I was thinking about it is because I saw it suggested several times to other users running a very similar cycle.

Would the recomp20 and ursa gel go good together during pct? Would 60 days be a good run on those two?


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So even with increasing epi to 900mg/ day and taking 11kt (icon 11) at 2ml/day I should be good without a serm? The only reason I was thinking about it is because I saw it suggested several times to other users running a very similar cycle.

Would the recomp20 and ursa gel go good together during pct? Would 60 days be a good run on those two?
There are some people that seem almost obsessed with running a SERM with anything - where I fall into the category of not thinking that they should be used unless absolutely necessary bc they can have side effects of their own and because there are massive quality risks on the research chemical side of things and you have to worry about if you're getting what you think you are or if they're mixed with other things, which then is a whole different set of issues to worry about.

If you really wanted to, you could add Cloma-Plex which is a very interesting product in that it contains natural testosterone boosters, natural anabolics, and E. Cottonii which outperformed some SERM's in head to head studies.

Yes, Recomp20 and Ursa-Gel would be a great stack together and could be started on cycle or ran during PCT.


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Thank you for the explanation. I went ahead and ordered two bottles of recomp20 and 1 ursa gel. I will likely start them around last week or two of cycle and continue for 60 days on each. I will look into Cloma-plex to see if I want to throw it in too. I will wait until the end of this cycle and pct to see where I go from there. I am hoping to finish my cut and be able to go into maintenance or a lean bulk once done with PCT.


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I used sustain alpha for the first time yesterday and it seems it caused some burns on my skin or some kind of allergic reaction.
I have used several other tds so I am trying to figure out what would cause this. Other tds I have used with no issues are
Icon 11
Invictus, vikt, virtus
Suppress C, Mitoburn gel, Ursa Gel.

No issues with the others but the sustain alpha seems to have caused a sunburn reaction. Could it be an issue with it mixing with the other tds? I try to hit different areas but there may have been a little overlap with Mitoburn or icon 11.

I was looking to try it out as I am about at the end of icon 11 run but may have to use something different if it is causing a reaction like this. I tried to upload a pic but need to shrink the size I guess.


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I used sustain alpha for the first time yesterday and it seems it caused some burns on my skin or some kind of allergic reaction.
I have used several other tds so I am trying to figure out what would cause this. Other tds I have used with no issues are
Icon 11
Invictus, vikt, virtus
Suppress C, Mitoburn gel, Ursa Gel.

No issues with the others but the sustain alpha seems to have caused a sunburn reaction. Could it be an issue with it mixing with the other tds? I try to hit different areas but there may have been a little overlap with Mitoburn or icon 11.

I was looking to try it out as I am about at the end of icon 11 run but may have to use something different if it is causing a reaction like this. I tried to upload a pic but need to shrink the size I guess.
I don't think the issue would be with the active ingredients of Sustain Alpha, so if you are sensitive to it, I would think it may be the carrier. It wouldn't be common to have a reaction to the carrier of it, but skin sensitivities are a weird thing and can happen with anything and sometimes for no explainable reason.

I'm not sure all the ingredients in the carrier of Icon 11 so I can't speak for that one, but there's nothing in the carrier for MitoBurn Gel that would interact with the carrier for Sustain Alpha.

There's also nothing in MitoBurn Gel that would interact with any of the active ingredients in Sustain Alpha. I know that because Sustain Alpha and XPG Alpha Gel have common ingredients and I've used MitoBurn Gel and Alpha Gel together with some overlap myself and I have super sensitive skin. I know a lot of other people have used them together too.

For the area that you had it happen in, make sure to moisturize it. I use Gold Bond Healing lotion, but whatever you like or works for you is fine. That has nothing to do with the td part, just suggestion to help lessen the discomfort.

If you decide to try Sustain Alpha again, you could try applying it to a completely different skin area and see what happens. Maybe even an area that you wouldn't normally apply a product to. Think of it more as a skin test than anything.

I hope that helps.


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I figured it would be the carrier but thought it was weird if none of the other transdermals caused this issue. I have been really enjoying the transdermals up until this.

I will try putting some on the top of my foot and see if it does the same thing. i put it on both sides of my torso and where I initially applied it is pretty bad. Already covered the area in moisturizing lotion and put some Vaseline on it as I read that would help too.


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I figured it would be the carrier but thought it was weird if none of the other transdermals caused this issue. I have been really enjoying the transdermals up until this.

I will try putting some on the top of my foot and see if it does the same thing. i put it on both sides of my torso and where I initially applied it is pretty bad. Already covered the area in moisturizing lotion and put some Vaseline on it as I read that would help too.
It isn't common with Iconic's carriers, but everyone is different and can respond differently to different things.

Before you experiment on the top of your foot, I wanted to ask you a question because it seems like you responded very badly to whatever it was. I may not be back on here tonight to answer, so I'll kind of answer along with asking the question.

Did you notice any redness or hives on any part of the body that you didn't apply it to?
If so, do NOT put it on again anywhere.
If you didn't, you could try it somewhere else and see your response.

Personal experience - breaking out on the tops of feet can be miserable so that probably wouldn't be my test area. I never had that happen with td's but have had it happen due to something else and it was misery.

Vaseline is fine but I wouldn't overdo it with it. It's fine for today, but I'd keep up with the lotion a couple times a day for a few days, even after it looks like its healed. But I wouldn't keep up with the Vaseline bc sometimes that can cause temporary relief but actually coat it and keep air from getting to it and slow down the actual healing part. That's not specific to td's - I have terrible allergies and have had reactions to everything from laundry detergent to lotions; so just going from what my allergy specialist has told me and from personal experience.

I have so many weird skin sensitivities that when they discontinued the type of laundry detergent I've used for years, I went to every store that had it within an hour and a half drive and bought over 40 containers of it so I wouldn't have to worry about trying a new one for at least 5 years lol.


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I'm not going to recommend 10 bottles of supplements for you.
I will recommend 2. No need to break the bank over this .View attachment 242748
I tried alpha leans 7 and it had a proprietary blend. It worked great but I like to know how much of each supplement is in the pill. I did read some really good reviews on these though.


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It isn't common with Iconic's carriers, but everyone is different and can respond differently to different things.

Before you experiment on the top of your foot, I wanted to ask you a question because it seems like you responded very badly to whatever it was. I may not be back on here tonight to answer, so I'll kind of answer along with asking the question.

Did you notice any redness or hives on any part of the body that you didn't apply it to?
If so, do NOT put it on again anywhere.
If you didn't, you could try it somewhere else and see your response.

Personal experience - breaking out on the tops of feet can be miserable so that probably wouldn't be my test area. I never had that happen with td's but have had it happen due to something else and it was misery.

Vaseline is fine but I wouldn't overdo it with it. It's fine for today, but I'd keep up with the lotion a couple times a day for a few days, even after it looks like its healed. But I wouldn't keep up with the Vaseline bc sometimes that can cause temporary relief but actually coat it and keep air from getting to it and slow down the actual healing part. That's not specific to td's - I have terrible allergies and have had reactions to everything from laundry detergent to lotions; so just going from what my allergy specialist has told me and from personal experience.

I have so many weird skin sensitivities that when they discontinued the type of laundry detergent I've used for years, I went to every store that had it within an hour and a half drive and bought over 40 containers of it so I wouldn't have to worry about trying a new one for at least 5 years lol.
Got an update. No breaking out of hives or anything other than the burn in the two areas I applied it. I applied one squirt to my thigh today and had no issues. Not sure what it was about my sides that didn't like it. Only thing different was i made sure to not overlap anything with it and instead of doing 5 pumps, I just did a single pump. I also have hair on my thighs and very little on my sides. I know that shouldn't make much of a difference.

I may try it out just not on my torso. I think I have about 8 days left of the icon 11 and stanoplex and then on to the T boosters and recomp stack. I just took a look at what all I had on hand for after this cycle.
inhibit E, Optimize T, Sustain Alpha, Suppress C, Ursa Gel, Mitoburn, recomp20 and growth factor xt.
Also trying out the stress and anxiety relief from you guys.

I kind of hit a plateau on weight loss and am trying hard to get past it. I got down to 228 begining of April before a cruise and then back up to almost 240 after that and an anniversary vacation.
I am back to 228 and trying to get to my original goal of 225.

I think I will run maintenance for a few weeks and just focus on recomp before I try cutting anymore once I hit that goal.

Next cutting stack will likely be lean edge and glycophase . I was debating going ahead and getting some now for weekends and cheat meals.

Setting a goal now to be @15% BF by the end of the year!


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Got an update. No breaking out of hives or anything other than the burn in the two areas I applied it. I applied one squirt to my thigh today and had no issues. Not sure what it was about my sides that didn't like it. Only thing different was i made sure to not overlap anything with it and instead of doing 5 pumps, I just did a single pump. I also have hair on my thighs and very little on my sides. I know that shouldn't make much of a difference.

I may try it out just not on my torso. I think I have about 8 days left of the icon 11 and stanoplex and then on to the T boosters and recomp stack. I just took a look at what all I had on hand for after this cycle.
inhibit E, Optimize T, Sustain Alpha, Suppress C, Ursa Gel, Mitoburn, recomp20 and growth factor xt.
Also trying out the stress and anxiety relief from you guys.

I kind of hit a plateau on weight loss and am trying hard to get past it. I got down to 228 begining of April before a cruise and then back up to almost 240 after that and an anniversary vacation.
I am back to 228 and trying to get to my original goal of 225.

I think I will run maintenance for a few weeks and just focus on recomp before I try cutting anymore once I hit that goal.

Next cutting stack will likely be lean edge and glycophase . I was debating going ahead and getting some now for weekends and cheat meals.

Setting a goal now to be @15% BF by the end of the year!
Trying 1 ml versus 5 probably helped a lot. Placement may have - some people are more sensitive in certain places, and sometimes it can even be timing. Like for me, I can't apply any topical within 15 minutes of getting out of the shower or it may make me red; not like sunburn hurting, but just red.

That looks like will be a great stack. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.

I think you should definitely be able to hit your goal with that stack.

Lean Edge is great. We're out of stock at the moment, but hoping to get it back in within a couple weeks. Some retailers may still have stock on it though.

If you like stimulant fat burners, we have one coming out within the next 2 weeks and I tried it to see how I would like it and its been great for appetite control. I was very surprised bc that's a big thing for me. I'm in one of the most stressful periods I've ever been in right now and I'm a stress eater - and its worked really, really well.


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Trying 1 ml versus 5 probably helped a lot. Placement may have - some people are more sensitive in certain places, and sometimes it can even be timing. Like for me, I can't apply any topical within 15 minutes of getting out of the shower or it may make me red; not like sunburn hurting, but just red.

That looks like will be a great stack. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.

I think you should definitely be able to hit your goal with that stack.

Lean Edge is great. We're out of stock at the moment, but hoping to get it back in within a couple weeks. Some retailers may still have stock on it though.

If you like stimulant fat burners, we have one coming out within the next 2 weeks and I tried it to see how I would like it and its been great for appetite control. I was very surprised bc that's a big thing for me. I'm in one of the most stressful periods I've ever been in right now and I'm a stress eater - and its worked really, really well.

We have it in stock at strong supplement shop if needed!


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I'm surprised you didn't mention absolved @sns8778

I used sustain alpha for the first time yesterday and it seems it caused some burns on my skin or some kind of allergic reaction.
I don't think the issue would be with the active ingredients of Sustain Alpha, so if you are sensitive to it, I would think it may be the carrier.
I figured it would be the carrier but thought it was weird if none of the other transdermals caused this issue. I have been really enjoying the transdermals up until this.
Sustain Alpha was my first TD I ever used, and I think I had 3 bottles before I stopped. I found that it irritated my thighs a lot and I have not had that reaction from any other TD, although I have also stopped using my thighs. Ultra Hard and Ultra Epi when used heavily both cause my shoulders to get rough enough and dry enough that I sometimes have to use a daily lotion regiment later.

I have not had these issues with any of the XPG TD's like alpha gel, xpg dhea, or xpg epiandro.

I will try putting some on the top of my foot and see if it does the same thing.
I use the feet a lot. against Steves advice, I typically apply right after I dry off from the morning shower, lol. This morning was back to just a light regiment of one pump each XPG Alpha Gel and XPG Dhea, but when I'm doing more than that, I try to get about a pump to a pump and a half on each foot and ankle. giving it as much time as possible before I put on my socks. I have never had any skin irritation on the feet, only the shoulders and thighs.


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I'm surprised you didn't mention absolved @sns8778

Sustain Alpha was my first TD I ever used, and I think I had 3 bottles before I stopped. I found that it irritated my thighs a lot and I have not had that reaction from any other TD, although I have also stopped using my thighs. Ultra Hard and Ultra Epi when used heavily both cause my shoulders to get rough enough and dry enough that I sometimes have to use a daily lotion regiment later.

I have not had these issues with any of the XPG TD's like alpha gel, xpg dhea, or xpg epiandro.

I use the feet a lot. against Steves advice, I typically apply right after I dry off from the morning shower, lol. This morning was back to just a light regiment of one pump each XPG Alpha Gel and XPG Dhea, but when I'm doing more than that, I try to get about a pump to a pump and a half on each foot and ankle. giving it as much time as possible before I put on my socks. I have never had any skin irritation on the feet, only the shoulders and thighs.
I honestly just forgot to list Ab-Solved when I created that original list. Didn't meant to leave it out.

I apply some products to my feet myself, especially during summer when I'll be wearing flip flops. The reason I suggested him to maybe try a different area was just in case he had a reaction the way he did to Sustain the first time he tried it was that the feet could be a miserable area to have a reaction like that.


I have been using Lipo vantage and I am really liking it. I am thinning out, but the main thing is that it seems to really help me control my appetite. I didn't feel like running a stim at the moment as when I do, I usually give up coffee until I am done. I am loving coffee too much right now to stop it. I am actually snobbing out out and maybe on the verge of becoming a little pretentious about it Haha. Anyway, Lipovantage is nice and I recommend a try out. I do notice I get hot at night, but I crank up the ac for a little bit or shower before bed and can fall asleep fine.

There you go Steve. Maybe come up with some kind of coffee for nuts like me. Anabolic Java XT haha
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I have been using Lipo vantage and I am really liking it. I am thinning out, but the main thing is that it seems to really help me control my appetite. I didn't feel like running a stim at the moment as when I do, I usually give up coffee until I am done. I am loving coffee too much right now to stop it. I am actually snobbing out out and maybe on the verge of becoming a little pretentious about it Haha. Anyway, Lipovantage is nice and I recommend a try out. I do notice I get hot at night, but I crank up the ac for a little bit or shower before bed and can fall asleep fine.

There you go Steve. Maybe come up with some kind of coffee for nuts like me. Anabolic Java XT haha
I love coffee and espresso. One of my all time favorite protein bars, and it hasn't been made in probably 20 years had ground up espresso beans in it.

@poison is a roaster and has some excellent coffee beans. I wish I could figure out a way to incorporate some of his coffees into supplements.

I'm really glad that you like LipoVantage. It helps me a lot with appetite control too. In my case, I can go all day and eat right and ruin it by eating terrible late at night. I had originally started doing LipoVantage at night and it helped a lot. Now that we have Lean Edge Nite Burn, I moved the LipoVantage dose a little earlier and take Lean Edge Nite Burn at bedtime.

I normally don't do much in the way of stimulant fat loss products bc I like my coffee and energy drinks, but we have in the new Thermagize XT but haven't released it yet. I had sent some out to people a couple weeks back to try and the feedback made me have to try it and I'm loving it too - great clean energy and appetite control. I cut out an energy drink for it to accommodate but still drinking my coffee :)

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