Current natural thinking about doing my first cycle by the end of the year. 22yo


New member
So i'm currently natural and have been training for around 2 years now and thinking about hoping on my first cycle by the end of the year. I want to give myself some time to learn as i don't know much about Anabolics, just want some advice from those with more experience. I'm currently thinking about running a low dose test only cycle, i don't want to do anything crazy at first and just test the waters out around 300mg per week split twice a week. i know it would be a good idea to have an AI on hand incase i need it, from what i've read i might not need it at 300 but ill get one anyway. is there anything you wish you new before you started up? is mainly what i'm wondering about and any tips or just criticism is welcomed. If i do decide on going on, i don't really plan on coming off. id do my 300 or so cycle and then cut down to a trt dose after 8-12 weeks.
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So i'm currently nature and have been training for around 2 years now and thinking about hoping on my first cycle by the end of the year. I want to give myself some time to learn as i don't know much about Anabolics, just want some advice from those with more experience. I'm currently thinking about running a low dose test only cycle, i don't want to do anything crazy at first and just test the waters out around 300mg per week split twice a week. i know it would be a good idea to have an AI on hand incase i need it, from what i've read i might not need it at 300 but ill get one anyway. is there anything you wish you new before you started up? is mainly what i'm wondering about and any tips or just criticism is welcomed. If i do decide on going on, i don't really plan on coming off. id do my 300 or so cycle and then cut down to a trt dose after 8-12 weeks.
tf you mean you are currently nature? you mean you are like a tree or something?
tf you mean you are currently nature? you mean you are like a tree or something?

Hah…Guess he meant natural, and that’s how he should stay.

OP, bro….get TF off social media.

Continue to build your base naturally. Learn how to diet, train, bulk, cut….read through old logs and threads on here etc.
is there anything you wish you new before you started up?.

Absolutely without a doubt the most efficient way to make progress is to relentlessly run cuts/primes to 12% bodyfat followed by growth/rebound phases, back and forth. I wish to fukc Id done this from the start.
Hah…Guess he meant natural, and that’s how he should stay.

OP, bro….get TF off social media.

Continue to build your base naturally. Learn how to diet, train, bulk, cut….read through old logs and threads on here etc.
I have been taking a look at some old posts from people asking the same stuff. and i think i have a good idea of training / eating have been pretty locked in the past year but progress has slowed so i know im closer to my genetic limit. i wouldn't be starting up until the end of this year.
Absolutely without a doubt the most efficient way to make progress is to relentlessly run cuts/primes to 12% bodyfat followed by growth/rebound phases, back and forth. I wish to fukc Id done this from the start.
Thanks man and for sure i wish i knew more about dieting / bulking when i first started going to the gym when i was young lol a lot of years wasted due to piss poor training/ diet. thats why i put i've only been going at it for 2 solid years lol.
and i think i have a good idea of training / eating have been pretty locked in the past year but progress has slowed so i know im closer to my genetic limit.

Nah man…That’s a cop out.

“I’m not gonna do what it takes to get progress moving, so I’ll ‘jump on’”

If you really think you’re deficient get some thorough bloodwork…Test, Free Test, shgb, Lh, fsh….
2 years!? Bro you got a long way to go..if you're not seeing results it's 1 of 2 things ( or both) your diet or your training if I'm wrong then post a pic of your physique
Nah man…That’s a cop out.

“I’m not gonna do what it takes to get progress moving, so I’ll ‘jump on’”

If you really think you’re deficient get some thorough bloodwork…Test, Free Test, shgb, Lh, fsh….
Id say im pretty low avg test levels. i haven't had bloodwork for almost a year but i cant imagine it went up by much. Im not saying i cant grind out more quality tissue, but i've found my progress has slowed in the recent months, so i figured by the end of the year ill be hitting almost 3 years where i feel my training and diet has been at least mostly locked in. i am curious tho how many years would you recommend before thinking about a cycle?
2 years!? Bro you got a long way to go..if you're not seeing results it's 1 of 2 things ( or both) your diet or your training if I'm wrong then post a pic of your physique
I am seeing results i have just found they have slowed, by the time id start a cycle id just be at 3 years. but i did train when i was younger i just don't really feel they count for much as i feel my diet and training was very piss poor. I wanted to start doing research into the world of anabolics before ever doing anything. Just wondering what is the accepted years of training where most people find it okay to hop on?
I am seeing results i have just found they have slowed, by the time id start a cycle id just be at 3 years. but i did train when i was younger i just don't really feel they count for much as i feel my diet and training was very piss poor. I wanted to start doing research into the world of anabolics before ever doing anything. Just wondering what is the accepted years of training where most people find it okay to hop on?
wtf do you mean you did train when you were younger? younger than what? you are 22!
I'm not gonna tell you not to cycle, 300 test is a good first cycle. But I want to point a few things out to consider.

The average person has to spend about 5 years doing everything perfect to get close to there potential.

Food drives growth, if you stalled your not eating enough or your starting your mass gaining phases with too high bf.

If you don't learn how to break sticking points with training and diet then steroids will become a crutch.

Your first test cycle you could add anywhere from zero to 20lbs of muscle. But once you grab those new steroid gains, if you didn't learn how to bust through these slumps natural you will get the same problems enhanced and before you know it you need ridiculous doses.

Last point and most importantly, as men we don't fully develop our brains till we're about 25-27 years old. I'd wait a few years just for that reason alone.

Good luck
If you want to get into anabolics, try Anabolic XT by SNS. Also stack it with Anabolic Effect. You’ll see growth without f****** your body for the rest of your life and can say you’re on something ‘anabolic’ since it’s in the name.

Do not underestimate the importance of actually training hard and eating clean/enough to put on quality size. I think most would be very surprised at how well they can look naturally. What’s your SBD stats?

A ton others can say the same, but I was in your same mindset a few years ago and dabbled with PH’s, 2 cycles and my test was completely shot at 22. Sure you want to just run Test, but you can still get carried away and **** yourself up. It’s just simply not worth the risk because you know what my reward was? TRT for the rest of my life and I’m 25. It’s not a feel good thing to HAVE to pin every single week in order to simply feel like a normal 25 yo - have libido, no ED, motivated to do anything at all.
If your progress has stalled then you need to shred down as low as you can go. I'm talking stage ready lean. Yiu need to see what you're really working with. Then when you rebound you'll completely change your physiology for lack of a better term. You'll start putting om muscle while staying lean at the same time you'll actually look like a bodybuilder and not a 22 year old without any mature muscle. I already know exactly what you look like. I see it everyday in my gym
I'm not gonna tell you not to cycle, 300 test is a good first cycle. But I want to point a few things out to consider.

The average person has to spend about 5 years doing everything perfect to get close to there potential.

Food drives growth, if you stalled your not eating enough or your starting your mass gaining phases with too high bf.

If you don't learn how to break sticking points with training and diet then steroids will become a crutch.

Your first test cycle you could add anywhere from zero to 20lbs of muscle. But once you grab those new steroid gains, if you didn't learn how to bust through these slumps natural you will get the same problems enhanced and before you know it you need ridiculous doses.

Last point and most importantly, as men we don't fully develop our brains till we're about 25-27 years old. I'd wait a few years just for that reason alone.

Good luck
I really appreciate all this info, very well put. Good point saying that if im in stand still natty ill be in the same spot plus some on test. I'm going to focus on grinding out what my avg genetics have left in the tank for another year or 2 and take time to learn about all this stuff before jumping head first.
If you want to get into anabolics, try Anabolic XT by SNS. Also stack it with Anabolic Effect. You’ll see growth without f****** your body for the rest of your life and can say you’re on something ‘anabolic’ since it’s in the name.

Do not underestimate the importance of actually training hard and eating clean/enough to put on quality size. I think most would be very surprised at how well they can look naturally. What’s your SBD stats?

A ton others can say the same, but I was in your same mindset a few years ago and dabbled with PH’s, 2 cycles and my test was completely shot at 22. Sure you want to just run Test, but you can still get carried away and **** yourself up. It’s just simply not worth the risk because you know what my reward was? TRT for the rest of my life and I’m 25. It’s not a feel good thing to HAVE to pin every single week in order to simply feel like a normal 25 yo - have libido, no ED, motivated to do anything at all.
Thanks for sharing brother, i'm going to focus on training and grind out for another year or 2 and see what i can do. As far as my SBD i honestly don't really know my maxes i don't really ever try to do 1 rep prs. My training mainly consistent of 10-15 reps with a very slow negative. I am finding now that i like hiting a compound lift at the start super heavy (for me lol) and then go onto more slow focused reps.
Thanks for sharing brother, i'm going to focus on training and grind out for another year or 2 and see what i can do. As far as my SBD i honestly don't really know my maxes i don't really ever try to do 1 rep prs. My training mainly consistent of 10-15 reps with a very slow negative. I am finding now that i like hiting a compound lift at the start super heavy (for me lol) and then go onto more slow focused reps.
If bodybuilding is your goal then the style of training you're doing is perfect. You're essentially just posing with resistance( weights) you're not weightlifting your weight squeezing(?) The best way I can put it lol
If your progress has stalled then you need to shred down as low as you can go. I'm talking stage ready lean. Yiu need to see what you're really working with. Then when you rebound you'll completely change your physiology for lack of a better term. You'll start putting om muscle while staying lean at the same time you'll actually look like a bodybuilder and not a 22 year old without any mature muscle. I already know exactly what you look like. I see it everyday in my gym
I think i've made a lot of progress from my starting point, my first time going to the gym i walked in at 130 pounds 5 foot 11, i'm a very small guy. after trying to learn as much as i could and years of failing and learning more and more i walk around at 175 and 180 on the bulky side. i'm by no means the biggest guy in my gym. but i am proud at what i've built and i think you have the wrong idea when you say i'm the guy in the gym that you see everyday. I would like to cut down real far just to see where i am think it would be fun to compare over the years. i try to stay around 10-15% body fat and for the most part main gain but not always.
If bodybuilding is your goal then the style of training you're doing is perfect. You're essentially just posing with resistance( weights) you're not weightlifting your weight squeezing(?) The best way I can put it lol
Yup i've never trained like a powerlifter unless you count my first couple months when i had no idea what to do lmao and that is a good way to put it lol "weight squeezing" love it.
I’m saying this, if this is your life and you want to make a career in fitness I’m all for it, 300mg a week is a good start, I would probably end in the 400-500mg range (or add Mast 300/300) and I would also recommend to get a coach to make sure your maximize your gains. Do everything you can to fulfill your goal.

If it’s not your life and you just want to look good for the summer, wait, use some OTC stuff and learn more about training, diet and gear. You have time to cycle in the future.
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