Coming Soon: JP8™ Time to GET DIESEL!

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?

What Competition?

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The Pumps..........Sick!
The Energy..........Sick!
The Strength...........Sick!
The Mental Focus...........Sick!
The Training Intensity..........Sick!

Your body will soon know how hard a real
nitric oxide/training intensifier should hit. JP8™..........GET SOME!

Official sup. facts and directions for use:

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Yep, you guessed it.

The Ready4War/NOS ETHER Hybrid.....JP8.

You might know the enegy of Ready4War.....You might know the pumps, endurance, strength gains, recovery of NOS ETHER........for years we have seen one after another "main stream" pre-workout NO/energy product come out but pretty soon you will be saying "now this is how it should be done."

I will update more when I have time. But no there will not be any glycerol in it, this is about those rock hard NOS ETHER pumps, just more intense and not about "water bloat" glycerol pumps.

You know the energy/mental focus/training intensity from Ready4War caps. If not let me tell you GET DIESEL doesnt half step when it comes to pre-workout products. If you do some R4W or Ready4War searches and/or read the reviews on Ready4War or NOS ETHER at the product info page at Nutraplanet.

More to come!
my ether is almost out so... im going to have to get some of that... along with some DTH

JP8 doesnt replace ETHER. Its something you use only pre-workout. At the most it can be used in place of your pre-workout NOS ETHER dose.

Probably in August there will be a ETHER Tabs released to stack with JP8 which will be just the "ETHER" part of NOS ETHER. You would use JP8 preworkout and ETHER Tabs or NOS ETHER post workout and on non-workout days.
JP8 doesnt replace ETHER. Its something you use only pre-workout. At the most it can be used in place of your pre-workout NOS ETHER dose.

Probably in August there will be a ETHER Tabs released to stack with JP8 which will be just the "ETHER" part of NOS ETHER. You would use JP8 preworkout and ETHER Tabs or NOS ETHER post workout and on non-workout days.

What are you thinking as far as price, Chuck?
Nice! Is it going to have a quick delivery system?
all that quick delivery system crap on powder products is BS. it all hits fast or slow dep. on if its a powder, softgel, or cap, and ingredients used.
all that quick delivery system crap on powder products is BS. it all hits fast or slow dep. on if its a powder, softgel, or cap, and ingredients used.

Ive noticed a difference in N30 and Black Powder as far as fast acting. Thats the reason I was asking, because alot of preworkout seem to take 30 min or more to start working and thats not necessarily good with this sort of thing especially when on a tight schedule.
Nice chuck, I say its a great combo.:hammer:
Ive noticed a difference in N30 and Black Powder as far as fast acting. Thats the reason I was asking, because alot of preworkout seem to take 30 min or more to start working and thats not necessarily good with this sort of thing especially when on a tight schedule.

They are fasting acting because most of the stim effect comes from caffeine (which is a fast acting compound) and nothing else .

Technically stuff like tyrosine, vinpocetine, etc.., have to be absorbed and transported to the brain and some stims are not water soluable but fat soluable and that slows the absorbtion.

Trust me. I know what Im talking about.
FYI the official write up and label and directions for use are up at

He chuck do you know if JP8 will be available to canada ? I try to order it from another supplements site as a pre order and they wont let me !

Also any canadian buy from nutraplanet ? a long does it naturally take to come acros border ?

He chuck do you know if JP8 will be available to canada ? I try to order it from another supplements site as a pre order and they wont let me !

Also any canadian buy from nutraplanet ? a long does it naturally take to come acros border ?


Why wouldlnt they let you......have you looked at the supplement facts?

It contains 3 acetyl aminos (acetyl-l-tyrosine, acetyl-l-carnitine, and acetly-l-glutamine) and all acetyl aminos are banned in Canada. There wont be a "watered down" Canada version. So thats why they probably wont let you order it.......what happen when you tried to purchase it?
Why wouldlnt they let you......have you looked at the supplement facts?

It contains 3 acetyl aminos (acetyl-l-tyrosine, acetyl-l-carnitine, and acetly-l-glutamine) and all acetyl aminos are banned in Canada. There wont be a "watered down" Canada version. So thats why they probably wont let you order it.......what happen when you tried to purchase it?

Ok i see !

well i received a message (The following products are NOT allowed to be shipped to your shipping country (Canada):

So that suck !
What is it about the acetyl's that makes them ban it.
Nothing, Health Canada just decided that acetly aminos are absorbed 2 well and are "pharmaceutical grade" so you cant put them in sups sold in Canada.....and Im sorry but regular tyrosine is nothing to acetyl-l-tyrosine.

Thats why products like NOxplode and others dont contain acetly amino's......that and they are 2x the cost or more of the regular amino......but its mainly because they want the product legal in Canada......and like I said, im not "watering down" a product to make it legal in Canada. Its not like there are prohormones in JP8.
Nothing, Health Canada just decided that acetly aminos are absorbed 2 well and are "pharmaceutical grade" so you cant put them in sups sold in Canada.....and Im sorry but regular tyrosine is nothing to acetyl-l-tyrosine.

Thats why products like NOxplode and others dont contain acetly amino's......that and they are 2x the cost or more of the regular amino......but its mainly because they want the product legal in Canada......and like I said, im not "watering down" a product to make it legal in Canada. Its not like there are prohormones in JP8.

Those darn Canadians are crazy :fool2: Thanks Chuck, for being one of the last manufacturers in the US, to put the US first. :clap2:
Those darn Canadians are crazy :fool2: Thanks Chuck, for being one of the last manufacturers in the US, to put the US first. :clap2:
:thumbsup: :clap2::goodpost: i agree. hey sorry canadians we cant baby your stupid customs all the time. Aussies this goes for you guys too lol.
im gonna get on this, im becoming a getdiesel fan!

Need a tester im the guy!

How much will this run price wise?

at click "order now", some retailers have it up. Probably same price as NOS ETHER at NP.

Its not the "cheapest" NO/pre-workout product, wasnt formulated to be......its formulated to be the best NO/pre-workout product pound for pound, scoop for scoop.
:thumbsup: :clap2::goodpost: i agree. hey sorry canadians we cant baby your stupid customs all the time. Aussies this goes for you guys too lol.
Those darn Canadians are crazy :fool2: Thanks Chuck, for being one of the last manufacturers in the US, to put the US first. :clap2:

Well I actually do a lot of sales to Canada (Diesel Test and NOS ETHER) in Europe, esp. the Netherlands and love both countries and the people there, its the customs/health Canada that comes up with all this crazy stuff. Whats crazy is ephedrine is legal in Canada, weed is legal in the Netherlands, but Yohimbe is illegal in both countries.

About the acetyl-aminos, like I said, Im not going to do like most companies and avoid ingredients just to make a product legal in Canada. I cant do a half ass product and slap GET DIESEL on and just be happy its legal in the US and Canada.
all that quick delivery system crap on powder products is BS. it all hits fast or slow dep. on if its a powder, softgel, or cap, and ingredients used.

that's awesome to hear coming from the head of a company, lol.

Money's always tight for me, but if the stuff ever goes on sale here at np or there's a special release price I'll think i'll pick some up.
1st three unsponsored JP8 logs that show up on AM will recieve a bottle of DIESEL TEST 2010 and a bottle of Sunami to log next month when its re-released (DT2010. Sunami- new product)!

Just post links to logs here so i can find them when the DT2010 comes out.
1st three unsponsored JP8 logs that show up on AM will recieve a bottle of DIESEL TEST 2010 and a bottle of Sunami to log next month when its re-released (DT2010. Sunami- new product)!

Just post links to logs here so i can find them when the DT2010 comes out.
damn i need to get some then!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Chuck, I currently take bulk Citrulline Malate, acetyl l carnitine, taurine, Creatine ethyl ester, and BCAAs.

Could I get rid of most, if not all of these excluding the BCAAs by going with this stuff? I found it at a really sweet price. No really sweet. Ya'll have to look around a little bit to find it.

By the way, great ingredient profile. I think we think alike. I've been looking hard for something like this. No more bulk rhodiola, cordy, etc.. Thanks
Hey Chuck, I currently take bulk Citrulline Malate, acetyl l carnitine, taurine, Creatine ethyl ester, and BCAAs.

Could I get rid of most, if not all of these excluding the BCAAs by going with this stuff? I found it at a really sweet price. No really sweet. Ya'll have to look around a little bit to find it.

By the way, great ingredient profile. I think we think alike. I've been looking hard for something like this. No more bulk rhodiola, cordy, etc.. Thanks
yep just stay on the bcaa's
I wanna try this stuff! Do you cycle it? And do you take additional creatine with it?

no need to cycle, only used on workout days. You can, just use the other creatine on non-workout days and maybe a little post workout, dep on the creatine product or creatine. Like u can take 5g of most creatines post workout, or say 2g max of Kre-alk post workout with JP8 pre-.
Ive been using JP8 for a a couple weeks and it does great at meeting its claims. The problem however, is that the stuff tastes terrible...not bad...but terrible. I have to mix it with fruit punch powder to get it down and the after taste stays for a while. If they can get the taste thing fixed, this would be the best pre-workout supp I have used.
Ive been using JP8 for a a couple weeks and it does great at meeting its claims. The problem however, is that the stuff tastes terrible...not bad...but terrible. I have to mix it with fruit punch powder to get it down and the after taste stays for a while. If they can get the taste thing fixed, this would be the best pre-workout supp I have used.

It is the best pre-workout sup you have ever used, you just dont like the taste.

Mix it with about 4 ice cubs in there and stir it up. Its not heavily artificially sweetened so it doesnt taste "kool-aid-e" but terrible......dirt and water taste terrible.
Hey Chuck, Ive been waiting for months for some JP8 Diesel Lemonade, you going to be making any more batches of Lemonade? I cant run the grape.