Chuck Diesel
Are you Diesel?
Hey Chuck, Ive been waiting for months for some JP8 Diesel Lemonade, you going to be making any more batches of Lemonade? I cant run the grape.
Nope. Prob won't run anymore jp8 till summer 2010
Hey Chuck, Ive been waiting for months for some JP8 Diesel Lemonade, you going to be making any more batches of Lemonade? I cant run the grape.
i gotta ask something.. how is it possible to make a product taste so bad?
normly i can get down what ever i want.
i have no problem eating or drinking what would make other people puke. iv shocked many of my friends with what i was eating when i was bulking lol. i have tasted alot of supllements with no problem getting them down no matter how bad they taste. what most people cant stand
But this! lol is so freaking bad ... i sat in the locker room for half an houer trying to get it down... and i couldnt... after that it made me so sick from the taste i had to go home because of the fealing.. NEVER happend before. i was so exited to try this lol but well thats 40gbp i never get back
dont get me wrong i respect your company and you becasue all your other supps are great compared to others
but this actually taste like a mix of diesel, oil and that smell from a cow farm mixed togheter. i have never tasted something as bad as this
i just want to know how its possible lol? when so many other pre workout sups taste so good with good efects:L
it would be cool if you remade this with a better flavor , becasue the profile is unique.
NOW AVAILABLE (as of 22 July 08)!!!
So JP8X hardcore is gone for good?!? is JP8x a good replacement?
a.c.614 The JP8x Hardcore is out of production until fall, however there is a special on the Get Diesel website if you buy a JP8x you get Read-4-War for FREESo JP8X hardcore is gone for good?!? is JP8x a good replacement?
Ohh alright then! Thanks for all the help! So maybe 2 tabs of R4W with a scoop of JP8x should hit like the hardcore then?
Don't make the mistake I did and start with 5 made me sick way to much yohimbineI would start with one or two, I have heard of people taking 4, I have never taken more than 2.