Christmas Bulk: Superdrol and 19-Nordiol



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GF juice really isn't all that necessary as the methyls absorb nicely on their own. If you are scraping to make a small amount of PH last then yes, it might be worthwhile to squeeze those extra few mls out of your remaining stash.

19-Nors would barely be kicking in at this point in the cycle. They provide slow, steady gains so it appears the 6 pounds is almost all Superdrol at this point. I'd expect some pretty dramatic gains in size and strength over the next 2 weeks as long as Darius continues to eat/sleep/train well. Bastard, I'm jealous should be pretty sick although your libido might go bye-bye for awhile.

Being dead broke during the very last days of SD and PHs kinda sucks :rant: :rasp:


Day 7:

Morning Weight: 234 lbs (+ 9 lbs) <--and I know this is accurate cause I took the weight after I took a 5 min. piss :D and while my stomach was growling for food. At 1am last night, I weighed 231, so somewhere inbetween 2am and 10am I gained 3lbs.

I'd also like to mention again that even though my diet daily may not look like a ton of calories, its way more than I usually eat. My body is strange. Before the cycle I didn't eat all that much or well. To be serious with you guys, I could maintain my muscle mass (even while slowly gaining strength), on not much more than 100 grams of protein a day. So when I add the Bonanza bar (+500 cals) daily, and the 2 extra meals, that is me taking in an extra 1000+ calories a day. 9lbs in 7 days is amazing, and I can't believe my eyes when I look at the scale, lol but when I look in the mirror I can see that its true. If anything, I will try to add more food daily, because I have not seen any extra fat. Maybe next week I will bump up the dose to 30mg.. I want to know what the difference feels like, but then again, I couldn't be happier at 20mg.

Meal 1: (10:25am)(Yes, this meal is late, but I went to sleep at 2am and woke up at 10am.) 3 eggs, 3 whole wheat slices of bread, 3 cups of milk and 1 scoop of ON 100% whey.

Meal 2: (1:30pm) 1.5 scoop of GF-Pro, 1.5 scoop of Vendetta

Meal 3: (3:30pm) very large portion of beef fried rice

Meal 4: (7:00pm) 2 roast beef sandwiches with cheese

Meal 5: (10:00pm) bowl of ice cream and brownies :( lol

Meal 6: (1:00am) 1 cup of cottage cheese


GF juice really isn't all that necessary as the methyls absorb nicely on their own. If you are scraping to make a small amount of PH last then yes, it might be worthwhile to squeeze those extra few mls out of your remaining stash.

19-Nors would barely be kicking in at this point in the cycle. They provide slow, steady gains so it appears the 6 pounds is almost all Superdrol at this point. I'd expect some pretty dramatic gains in size and strength over the next 2 weeks as long as Darius continues to eat/sleep/train well. Bastard, I'm jealous should be pretty sick although your libido might go bye-bye for awhile.

Being dead broke during the very last days of SD and PHs kinda sucks :rant: :rasp:
Man I am so loving this cycle. That last workout was the best workout I've ever experienced in my entire life. I guess 19-Nor started "kicking in" a day or 2 ago, cause thats when I started noticing some nut shrinkage :(. Libido is still very good right now, but I'm sure that will change in the upcoming weeks (I hope it doesn't, but oh well). I feel so much bigger though. I see these reddish lines across my shoulders and traps which are the beginnings of stretch marks. Its probably got to be because of the fast explosion of mass.


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Day 6:

Holy ****. Superdrol is f*ckin' awesome. Strength went up very noticibly today.
I have never felt strength gains from a past workout to this workout anywhere near what I felt today. Not even M4OHN can compare, and I got good strength gains off of it.
Incline Bench Press: +10lbs on both sets same amount of reps/sets as last workout (and it felt easy too :) )
Lat Pulldown: + 15lbs on all 5 sets (same amount of reps as last workout)
Bent Over Rows: Same weight, but it felt good and not as hard as the last workout.
Bi's: No noticible increase (arms were worked last today, so a "no gain" wasn't unreasonable)
Tri's: Same as bi's.
On Sunday, I will work my bi's and tri's right after chest, so I'm sure I will see my strength gains with my arms then.

Yesterday was Day 6 for me of SD 20MG ED (also day 14 of 1,4 diol @ 900mg ed), holy sh!t your not kidding. I had the same experience as you...Did shoulders and couldn't believe the strength or the pump, relative to day 5.

Today is off day...vascularity and pump is incredible. I'm doing cutter...1750 cals/day...I'm stoked at the strength gains under the circumstances.


Day 8:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10 lbs)

Meal 1: (9:30am) natty pb whole wheat sandwich, 1 scoop ON Whey 100%, 3 cups of milk.

Meal 2: (12:30pm) Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 3: (2:00pm) Lots of lean chickn, soup, and lots of rice

I worked out my legs on Friday, and it felt pretty good. No huge increase in strength with the legs yet, but the norm felt good. I still get tired after leg workouts though, on or off of Superdrol. It's Saturday and legs feel nice and dense when flexed. They are also pretty sore.

Meal 4: (7:00pm) lemon chicken and rice

Meal 5: (10:00pm) lots of roasted almonds

Meal 6: (12:30am) 1.5 scoops of ON 100% Whey with 2 cups of 1% milk

No libido problems yet. Everything still works 100% :D Although there is some nut shrinkage. :(


Day 9:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9 lbs)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 3 eggs, natty pb sandwhich on whole wheat, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey

Meal 2: (11:30am) Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 3: (2:30pm) 2 cups of milk and and a granola bar

Meal 4: (5:30pm) half a lean chicken, potato, 1 roll

Chest: Another 10lb increase in incline bench to make it a +20lb gain
Biceps: (Preacher curl) +10lbs
Lat Pulldown: no change
Back rows: +10lbs
Tricep pulldown: +10lbs

Meal 5: (8:45pm) more lean chicken and rice

Meal 6: (12am) 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey, almonds


Day 10:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9lbs)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 3 eggs, 2 pieces of whole wheat, natty pb, soy sausage thing, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey

Meal 2: (10:30am) half a Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 3: (12:30pm) half a Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 4: (3:00pm) 2 big Stouffer dinners

Meal 5: (5:30pm) lean turkey sandwhich on whole wheat

Jiu Jitsu felt great. Indurance was amazing. I seriously felt like I could go on forever.

Meal 6: (9:00pm) 4 lean chicken drumsticks and 2 cups of wild rice

Meal 7: (11:00pm) big bowl of new wheat cheerios with 2 cups of milk

Meal 8: (12:30am) 1 cup of cottage cheese


Quick Question: Would adding Ab-Solved (new one with Sesathin) screw anything up like cholesterol or anything else? Would it be ok to use it?


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Quick Question: Would adding Ab-Solved (new one with Sesathin) screw anything up like cholesterol or anything else? Would it be ok to use it?
I'm not positive, but I do not believe Ab-solved affects cholesterol values.


I know nothing...
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I don't think so. Sesathing actually might improve cholesterol


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Could someone please explain why grapefruit juice needs to be drank when using Superdrol?


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Could someone please explain why grapefruit juice needs to be drank when using Superdrol?
This was asked twice in the thread already. It can increase absorbtion. No where does it say that grapefruit juice NEEDS to be drank.


Idiot Savant
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GF juice negates the enzymes in the liver which deactivates certain methylated compounds, aka allowing more of the substances to bypass and enter the blood.
An estimated 96-98% or so of any methylated substance is enter into the blood anyway, so IMO it's not all that necessary. Still thats why docters tell patients on methyl meds. like lipator to avoid grapefruit juice.


Day 11:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10lb gain)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 3 eggs, cups of whole wheat cheerios, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey

Meal 2: (11:30am) Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 3: (2:30-5pm) 3 vegetarian soy corn dogs, 12 grams of protein each, ate them spread out, would have ate more, but was busy at work

Meal 4: (6:00pm) natty pb sandwich on whole wheat, 1 scoop of GF-Pro protein

Meal 5: (7:30pm) 1.5 scoops of GF-Pro, 1.5 scoops of Vendetta

Popped another 10mg of Superdrol around 7:30 to make it a total of 3 pills (30mg) for the day. May start taking an extra 10mg preworkout on workout days only.

Workout was awesome. Did chest and shoulders today. I'm up +30lbs on incline bench from the start of the cycle. Each past chest workout, I've upped the pounds by 10. Shoulders were awesome too. I got painful pumps in my arms from working the shoulders. The painful pumps were probably associated to the extra 10mg of Superdrol that I took preworkout. Shoulders were very sore too, but mainly I had to rest my biceps, which were hurting pretty bad. Strength went up a bit on most shoulder exercises, avg 5-10lbs on shoulder press.

I got home and my dad and mom were pissed. They looked at me and said "your getting way too big". My mom said, "your not in the army or playing football or anything, why do you want to be so big?" I guess they are freaking out cause the size gains came fast, and after a workout, I look like a beast. My dad is bigger than me and stronger in most stuff, but he has been working out naturally for 10+ years, religiously everyday except weekends. My folks don't know that I am on this stuff, but they see my other supplements like the r-ala, saw palmetto, red yeast, etc.. and blame that for my size and the reason my body will have a miserable failure sometime in the near future.. Even worse, they want me to get a physical done soon with bloodwork.. there is no way I'm getting a physical yet. I will do pct and take red yeast rice like a psycho to get my cholesterol levels up to normal. Anyone know how long it will take post cycle to get cholesterol levels back to normal?

I really don't feel all that big, but then again my perception of myself could be off. I'm sure I'm a muscle dismorphiac but I still don't feel all that big. Oh well, after this cycle I will go on a nice cut and analyze things from there.

Oh and btw, not a single noticible side effect and libido is still :thumbsup:.

Meal 6: 4 monster skinless chicken legs with 2 cups of rice.

Meal 7: 1 cup of cottage cheese


I know nothing...
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Be carefull when your strengs goes up, I was adding 10lb on my incline press last 2 workout and I was doing 95lb db's, lost control, dropped it on my shoulder then twisted my arm and then dropped it on the ground. I was lucky I didn't pull any muscles just got big ass bruise on my shoulder.


Day 12:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10lbs gain)

Meal 1: 3 eggs, shredded hash browns, slice of whole wheat bread, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of GF-Pro

Meal 2: half a cheese pizza (not the best choice..)

Meal 3: 2 lean cusine dinners

Meal 4: Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 5: Seseme chicken with steam rice and egg drop soup

I went rock climbing tonight and it felt so awesome. I got nasty shoulder, arm, forearm pumps, and some sick hamstring pumps too. Totally owned the straight rope, carrying my heavy ass up past the 30 ft mark. Tomorrow I work chest, arms, and back. I'm going to try to add another 10lbs to my bench and see how that works.

Meal 6: 4 cups of milk and 2 granola bars


Registered User
I agree with Dmitry. Be carfull with the strength gains. Remember that it takes your connetive tissues (tendons and ligaments (sp?)) a while to catch up. Would hate to see you hurt yourself. Just keep this in the back of your head and be very thoughfull of strict form.

10 lbs is 12 days is great! Thanks for the detailed log.



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Definitely agree w/ the "be careful" chorus - the more I hear about SD, the more I think that it has the potential for being misused: guys want to start off w/ 30mg per day, 40mg...seems to me that the smart way to take it may be 10mg ED for the first cycle, to get a handle on the body's response, and maybe even short cycles a la M1T (is feeling too good/pumped to stop a side effect?).

I fear that without some caution, we may start hearing about an increase in popped tendons...and that would be a Bad Thing.


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Re-read tester journals if you have not done so yet.
I have made the observation that my strength has become a bit alarming. It is to the point where I will be needing to take it easy next split. Oh...wait, I said that last one, didn't I? If there was an aromatizing androgen like 4AD in me right now I would be dangerous. :twisted:
If I were to continue on on this cycle I more than likely would do some strip/drop sets to get more hypertrophy as opposed to continue to tax my tendon/ligaments/connective tissues.


Day 13:

Morning Weight: 236lbs (+11lbs gain)

Meal 1: (8:50am) 3 eggs, 1 toast, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey

Meal 2: (11:50pm) Designer Whey Bonanza bar and a battered boneless chicken tenderloin

Meal 3: (2:50pm) Lean Cusine beef lasagnia, Lean Cusine chicken fettucine, battered boneless chicken tenderloin

Yeah 10-11lbs in 13 days is pretty awesome. I'm sure the crazy gains are jacking up my cholesterol. I took Red Yeast Rice during the cycle, but a day or so ago, I quit using it because upon further research, because I found out that it stresses the liver. Anything that stresses the liver is not good, especially with a methyl, even if its mild on the liver like Superdrol is. It said not to use it with Nizoral, NAC, Niacin, and Milk Thistle (along with other stuff), and I am taking those things, so I will hold it for after the pct.

If I am on day 13, up 11lbs, I wonder what its gonna be on day 30. I plan on going on a sick cut (of course still preserving muscle) a little bit after PCT. PCT will last 4 weeks.

Meal 4: (6:00pm) 2 cups of milk with 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey

Workout: Well for chest (incline bench press), I did the same that I did last time instead of bumping it up 10lbs, because I felt kinda tired today from work. I did have strength increases because I did an extra set at the +30lbs for the chest. Lat pulldown went up +15 pounds. Tricep pulldown went up +15lbs. I left the back at the same weight as last time, but it felt pretty easy, I will bump it up next time. Today I experienced the sickest pumps that I had ever felt. I was doing 50lb hammer curls and walking back to the rack to drop off the weights, my arms felt so nasty and painful. I literally had to message the lactic acid or whatever out of the muscles it was so bad. Arms were so pumped and looked bigger than ever. Everyone I know has noticed my increase in size now. Coworkers, family, friends, and even strangers have commented me in some way. I have never used anything besides M4OHN, but Superdrol is seriously an amazing substance. Sledge should seriously try to get this made into a prescription drug if he ever wanted to get really rich. I could have stopped my cycle on day 12 or so and been more than happy with the gains. I'm actually getting kinda scared and wondering if I even want to be on it for 4 weeks cause I don't know how big I'd get, but I will use it the full time that I said I would. I don't know what role 19-Nor is playing, but libido is still amazing although there is some slight nut shrinkage. In fact, libido is up due to the constant spontaneous wood :D. Not a single pimple, no extra hair loss (I'm super prone to MPB), no extra hair growth, no prostate pain or any problem at all. I just can't stress enough how awesome Superdrol is.. all of you that have it are very fortunate and lucky. After more people start posting gains and word gets out, it won't be hard to picture a bottle of Superdrol going for $250+.

To get nice mass gains like I did, speaking from what I know and how long the cycle has been so far, would be to eat at least 1,000 calories more per day (I'm eating more than 1000 cals over my usual precycle norm), spread them out 3 hours apart into 6-7 meals, get your sleep (I get 7-8 hours a night), and just take your basic supplements like the multivitamin, liver support, and whatever else you normally take, and of course, tear it up in the gym :). Starting tomorrow, the 2 week mark, I'm going to try to bump up calories and protein, and maybe bump the Superdrol to 30mg a day.

Meal 5: (9:15pm) 2 chicken breasts, large serving of mashed potatoes, 4 large biscuits, 2 small corn on the cobs, some brownies, and a cup of milk

Meal 6: (12:30am) 1 cup of cottage cheese


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If Only I could warp 2 weeks into the future to see how it finishes! I'm really excited to start my cycle every time I read this thread.


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I wonder if because of the incrediblely fast strength gains it would be better to do something like GVT (german volume training) with SD so as to not tax the connective tissues. If you arent familiar with GVT theres a good writeup on it on this board someplace.


Day 14:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10lb gain)

Today sucked nutrition wise. I woke up really late and napped most of the day since I was off. I did work my legs, and had a great workout. Crazy leg pumps. I could feel them whenever I squatted all the way down.

Meal 1: 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey, 2 large bowls of whole wheat cheerios and milk

Meal 2: lots of hamburger pizza

Meal 3: 1 scoop of GF-Pro

Meal 4: 2 cups of milk

Meal 5: sweet and sour chicken and rice

Meal 6: 1 cup of cottage cheese


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Very nice log!

Hey where's those (Asian) buffets you were talking about?


Very nice log!

Hey where's those (Asian) buffets you were talking about?

Haha I haven't gone to the Asian buffets yet, but as you can see, every week you will find 1-2 chinese meals thrown in.


Day 15:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10lb gain)

Superdrol is going up to 30mg a day, starting today till the end of the cycle (2 more weeks).

Meal 1: (8:50am) 1 natty pb sandwich with lots of pb on whole wheat, 1 soy breakfast patty, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey, 2 oatmeal cookies

Meal 2: (12pm) Designer Whey Bonanza bar

Meal 3: (2:30pm) lots of lean chicken cubes in curry, with white rice and lentils

Meal 4: 2 cups of milk and granola bar

Meal 5: chili's oldtimer burger with cheese, fries, and water

Meal 6: 1 cup of cottage cheese


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Darius do you notice a stimulation effect from the superdrol?


Day 16:

Morning Weight: 235lbs (+10lb gain)

Meal 1: (8:50am) 3 eggs, 1 soy patty, 2 slices of ww bread, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey

Meal 2: (12pm) 4 chicken tenders with ketchup

Meal 3: (3pm) hot pockets beef, cheese, jalapeno}, 3 pieces of lean chicken {breast, thigh, leg}

Meal 4: (6pm) 1 scoop of GF-Pro

Meal 5: (9pm) lots of lean chicken and rice


Registered User
You havent increased any weight in over a week. how are the strength gains now have they slowed/stoped also? What are your thoughs on this?



You havent increased any weight in over a week. how are the strength gains now have they slowed/stoped also? What are your thoughs on this?

Yeah I'm not sure really. My weight increased really fast the first week but kinda stopped. Strength gains are still climbing each workout though, so thats good at least. Maybe I should eat more?

I still have no idea what role Nordiol is playing here. I will try to eat alot more, but its hard with my lack of time and being at work most of the day. If I don't put on much more weight by the end of the cycle, maybe I will just run Superdrol in the future like this:

  • 2 weeks on (20mg), 2 weeks off (nolva), 2 weeks on (20mg), 2 weeks off (nolva)
  • 2 weeks on (20 or 30mg) then light pct
I think either of those would work well for me from my experience with this cycle so far. Not saying its the best for everyone. But maybe if I want to do some fast mass add on cycles, it only takes 2 weeks (in my case at least). I guess if you mainly wanted strength, you could do a 20mg dose for longer, because the strength gains are phenominal.

Body comp changes are awesome though. I have a taller bicep peak now (before it was just a long mass chunk) and my chest is way bigger. I always had big shoulders, but now people are commenting on how big they are (because of Superdrol I suspect :D). I'm not super lean, so I can't see what all is going on on my back, but it does look like it has more mass on it for sure. I have never been so excited to cut before, cause now I actually have something to show for when the fat goes away. I will cut a bit after pct.


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log looks looks like it may be holding back your gains.

Lean One

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bump on this, It doesn't look like your recent meals have enough total cals.
Yeah, the quality of nutrients could be better. Hot pockets isn't exactly an optimal carb source. Also, I would drop the soy.


Yeah, its hard but I will try hard to do better.

Day 17:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9lb gain)

Meal 1: (8:00am) 3 eggs, 2 whole wheat bread slices, 1 soy patty (its 10g protein, but maybe I should drop due to estrogen?), 1 cup of oatmeal with milk, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey

Meal 2: (11:00am) Designer Whey Bonanza bar with 1 scoop of GF-Pro

Meal 3: (3:00pm) brown rice (1 cup) chicken breast,

Meal 4: (6:30pm) 3 whole wheat tortillas, lean chicken fajitas, beans, cheese

Meal 5: (9:30pm) 2 cups of milk and 2 scoops of ON 100% Whey

Meal 6: (12:00am) 1 cup of cottage cheese

Lean One

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Yeah, its hard but I will try hard to do better.

Day 17:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9lb gain)

Meal 1: (8:00am) 3 eggs, 2 whole wheat bread slices, 1 soy patty (its 10g protein, but maybe I should drop due to estrogen?), 1 cup of oatmeal with milk, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey
How'bout nixing the soy for 2 or 3 extra egg whites or some fat free cheese. I like to use riccotta(sp?) to boost the protein content of my eggs.


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Yeah, its hard but I will try hard to do better.

Day 17:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9lb gain)

Meal 1: (8:00am) 3 eggs, 2 whole wheat bread slices, 1 soy patty (its 10g protein, but maybe I should drop due to estrogen?), 1 cup of oatmeal with milk, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% Whey
It's ok. We are just telling you why the weight isn't adding quickly this last week. Don't try hard because you want to impress anyone on this board, try hard because you want a great cycle and more muscle. At 234 pounds, you maintainance cals are very high (unless you have 30% BF...) and you aren't really eating as a 'bulk' cycle.


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just taught i dropped some knowledge.

i am currently running m14add, Finignex, 1-test. i was gaining weight rapidly for about three weeks and after that it stopped. no weight gains, little stregth increases. this went on for about 12 days and i was getting fraustrated i taught about upping the dose but if i had done that i would have cut my cycle short.

This is what i did.
before the cycle i weigh 191 and i took that body weight and multiplied it by 25 which came out to be 4700 calories daily. I did was eating 4700 calories and was growing like weed then after a while i hit 203 and was stuck for 12 days no gains nothing.

I then took my new body weight which was 203 and multiplied it by 25 and it came out to 5000 calories. I ate this amount for the next couple of days and !!BEHOLD!! my weight started shooting up and so did my strength. I now weigh 211. Still pretty vasulcar especially in my forearm.

I am going to keep my calories at 5000 until i get stuck again.

You do not always have to increase the dose of the androgens you are taking. Always check your diet first. Calories especially!!!

hope this helps.



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"The bigger you get the more calories you will need to maintain what you have and the more you will need to get bigger" JAY CUTLER

This is very true!!!


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Thanks lean one!

we are all brothers of the iron game and learn new things every day. It is only right that we share our knowlege with one and other.


Thanks diplomats. 5,875 calories is massive (235x25). I still have a week and a half left so I will give upping the cals a shot.


Day 18:

Morning Weight: 234lbs (+9lbs gain)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 1 natty pb sandwich on whole wheat, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey, 1 large bowl of whole grain cheerios and more milk

Meal 2: (11:30am) Designer Whey Bonanza bar and corn dog (healthy choice)

Meal 3: (3:00pm) 1 cup of brown rice and a lean chicken breast, granola bar

Meal 4: (6:00pm) 1 scoop of GF-Pro and 2 corn dogs (healthy choice)

Meal 5: (9:00pm) a ton of white rice (maybe 2 cups or more) and a ton of lean chicken curry boneless

Yesterday I didn't workout cause I felt too damn tired, so I started my weeks workouts today and I will go in an extra day so I don't miss any days this week. I worked my chest and arms today. I have never felt more brutal pumps before, ever. 30mgs of Superdrol is a beast. I definitely felt angrier today at work and also working out. I left chest weight the same, cause I don't want to tear any tendons, but just did extra reps. For bi's and tri's I went up 10lbs. My arms felt so swole and nasty. Sick chest and shoulder pumps from doing incline bench, and nasty pain from all the curls and pulldowns. I dunno if this is related or not to Superdrol, but at work, I always get nasty lower back pain. I always have to stretch it out or it gets feeling pretty bad. No acne, no hair problems, prostate or anything. Libido is still A+++, which is suprising, being on 19-Nor. That probably means that Superdrol is doing a great job at keeping everything functional, or 19-Nor hasn't shut me down yet, which may be a stretch considering its pretty supressive. I dunno whats up with the 19-Nor. By most logs that I have read, it kicks in at the 2 week mark, so that should have been a while ago. I will seriously bump up my calories higher for the end of this cycle to see if I can squeeze in any more lbs or strength gains. I think if I plan out what I'm going to eat the night before, it will help out in actually eating it the next day instead of waiting till its time to eat and then finding something. I will keep ya'll posted on how the rest of this cycle goes, but expect to see a serious bump in cals.

Meal 6: (10:45pm) 2 cups of milk with ovaltine, 2 slices of whole wheat with pb

Meal 7: (12:30am) 1 cup of cottage cheese, lots of almonds

Lean One

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I think if I plan out what I'm going to eat the night before, it will help out in actually eating it the next day instead of waiting till its time to eat and then finding something.
That is key. It will make all the difrence in the world.


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No problem Darius.

What you could do is find out howmuch calories you were eating before you started gaining weight on this cycle. Take that amount and divide it by the amount of weight you weighed on day one of the cycle. whatever number you get multiply it by your current weight and that is the amount of calories that you should be eating.

if you were already eating that amount of calories add 500 more if not eat the amount you get on the calculation.



Day 19 (going to day 30, not 28)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 3 egg whites, equal size of hash browns, 3 pieces of whole wheat bread, small beef thing, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey

Meal 2: (11:30am) 1 cup of milk, some other protein bar with 26 grams of protein and some carbs, a stick of string cheese (7g protein), at 30 cents per string cheese for 7g protein, I think I may have to stock up on some.

Meal 3: (3:00pm) half a large chicken rottiserie(sp?){breast, leg, thigh, wing, no skin eaten}, 2 large rolls

Meal 4: (6:30pm) a big juicy chicken breast and lots of wild rice

Meal 5: (9:25pm) 1 scoop of GF-Pro, granola bar

Meal 6: (11:35pm) yet another juicy chicken breast and a bowl of wild rice

Meal 7: (12:15am) 1.5 cups of milk and 6 full grain lightly sweetened granola cookies

Meal 8: (12:40am) lowfat string cheese (9 grams of protein), some teriyaki beef jerky

Alright, I'm heading out for the night. I'm pretty sure I ate over 300 grams of protein today and quite a bit of some carbs too, so I will continue eating alot more and I'll post up how it influences my weight.


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Day 19 (going to day 30, not 28)

Meal 1: (8:30am) 3 egg whites, equal size of hash browns, 3 pieces of whole wheat bread, small beef thing, 3 cups of milk, 1 scoop of ON 100% whey

Meal 2: (11:30am) 1 cup of milk, some other protein bar with 26 grams of protein and some carbs, a stick of string cheese (7g protein), at 30 cents per string cheese for 7g protein, I think I may have to stock up on some.

Meal 3: (3:00pm) half a large chicken rottiserie(sp?){breast, leg, thigh, wing, no skin eaten}, 2 large rolls
What is this small beef thing? a rat? :lol:

On Whey? Gotta try ATW! Much much better


What is this small beef thing? a rat? :lol:

On Whey? Gotta try ATW! Much much better
hey.. rats have good protein too. they are so under rated in the bb world.

it was like a jimmy dean sausage (lol don't worry, I squeezed the oil out with some paper towels), but it was beef.. usually they are always pork, but this one was beef. or was it turkey? :think:

My taste for ON 100% Whey is definitely what one would call "acquired". The first days I thought I was gonna barf. Then as each day went on, it started tasting really good. Good, but no where near the "good" where I would just bust some out and drink for fun "good", but its getting close.

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