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Just wanted to third, no reason to take the lift over - you can legally good morning a squat in a meet; the only true standard is breaking parallel. It’s only harder, and counts just the same. The very first 1100lb squat was done by Steve Goggins,and he GM’d all of his squats. Dude had an iron lumbar.

Work on maintaining your position, driving the neck back into the bar when you reverse out of the hole, and you’ll undoubtedly do the next one better. Be proud!


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Just wanted to third, no reason to take the lift over - you can legally good morning a squat in a meet; the only true standard is breaking parallel. It’s only harder, and counts just the same. The very first 1100lb squat was done by Steve Goggins,and he GM’d all of his squats. Dude had an iron lumbar.

Work on maintaining your position, driving the neck back into the bar when you reverse out of the hole, and you’ll undoubtedly do the next one better. Be proud!
Thank you sir! Good tip. Appreciate it.


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Ok, time to get serious. 2 weeks to vacation; obviously getting lean for it is out of the question, but I know I’ll eat garbage and a lot of it, so I’m going to try to lose a few pounds this week and next so whatever I gain I only get back to where I am currently, then cut appropriately afterwards to ensure my jeans and such fit again in a few months.


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Right on. By the way, what’s your best lifts on the big 3 over the past year? Now that I’m finally gaining 😂
deadlift 485
bench 300
squat 350

deads and bench obviously being my best gainers, squats have made no progress in 2 years, but I have not trained them in 2 years so I'm really happy that I'm walking in with a reliable 315lb squat anytime I want right now. Not an impressive number, but I'm a bad squatter and I remember how hard it was for me to break 300lbs back in the day.


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Ok, time to get serious. 2 weeks to vacation; obviously getting lean for it is out of the question, but I know I’ll eat garbage and a lot of it, so I’m going to try to lose a few pounds this week and next so whatever I gain I only get back to where I am currently, then cut appropriately afterwards to ensure my jeans and such fit again in a few months.
Honestly I would not do this. If you aren't going to reach your goal of leaning up and looking better for this trip then you should not be cutting calories and stepping up cardio efforts before you go. You won't lose enough to make you look a lot better, but you will set yourself up to regain everything you lost during the 2 weeks and then some extra because you are basically telling your body to store fat during vacation buy creating a deficit just before you leave then going to over consume unhealthy and likely high fat foods on your vacation. Your body will naturally want to store as much fat as possible after a steep two week deficit. You are likely to cause yourself more weight gain during the vacation doing that. If I were you, I would just keep doing what you have been doing and pushing your strength up then cut sometime after vacation when you are actually mentally ready to stick to it. Until then I would stay on the gain train and keep putting up weight.

It is worth it to diet down and have a certain look for vacation, then gain some weight on vacation. but if you aren't going to have that look then no reason to set up a fat gaining rebound.


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Honestly I would not do this. If you aren't going to reach your goal of leaning up and looking better for this trip then you should not be cutting calories and stepping up cardio efforts before you go. You won't lose enough to make you look a lot better, but you will set yourself up to regain everything you lost during the 2 weeks and then some extra because you are basically telling your body to store fat during vacation buy creating a deficit just before you leave then going to over consume unhealthy and likely high fat foods on your vacation. Your body will naturally want to store as much fat as possible after a steep two week deficit. You are likely to cause yourself more weight gain during the vacation doing that. If I were you, I would just keep doing what you have been doing and pushing your strength up then cut sometime after vacation when you are actually mentally ready to stick to it. Until then I would stay on the gain train and keep putting up weight.

It is worth it to diet down and have a certain look for vacation, then gain some weight on vacation. but if you aren't going to have that look then no reason to set up a fat gaining rebound.
personal opinion but my preference is to learn how to vacation without over indulging in food. You can still 100% enjoy being a foodie when travelling but my wife and I follow some small life hacks. For one thing we basically always eat the same breakfast when we travel, some variation of eggs, just like at home. But when meals are large, we split them.

We split most of our meals when we travel, lunches, dinners, snacks. We walk a ton, especially if in Mexico, so we basically are burning calories from taco joint to taco joint, but then having smaller portions.

might seem silly but splitting meals has been a great life hack for us, it's rare that I get home heavier than when I left these days and you spend less $$$


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personal opinion but my preference is to learn how to vacation without over indulging in food. You can still 100% enjoy being a foodie when travelling but my wife and I follow some small life hacks. For one thing we basically always eat the same breakfast when we travel, some variation of eggs, just like at home. But when meals are large, we split them.

We split most of our meals when we travel, lunches, dinners, snacks. We walk a ton, especially if in Mexico, so we basically are burning calories from taco joint to taco joint, but then having smaller portions.

might seem silly but splitting meals has been a great life hack for us, it's rare that I get home heavier than when I left these days and you spend less $$$
I’ll never split a meal 😂

Otherwise, I have rules I follow also, such as no snacking, always same breakfast (and usually a clean lunch), etc.


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but I'm a bad squatter
No you’re not.

What you really mean is you’re just not gifted with it, and you haven’t worked sufficiently to realize greater potential yet.

Believe in your ability to improve - every PR you’ve ever achieved is proof that is still possible. It is good to stay humble, but also important to build your mindset to support your goals.

Honestly I would not do this. If you aren't going to reach your goal of leaning up and looking better for this trip then you should not be cutting calories and stepping up cardio efforts before you go. You won't lose enough to make you look a lot better, but you will set yourself up to regain everything you lost during the 2 weeks and then some extra because you are basically telling your body to store fat during vacation buy creating a deficit just before you leave then going to over consume unhealthy and likely high fat foods on your vacation. Your body will naturally want to store as much fat as possible after a steep two week deficit. You are likely to cause yourself more weight gain during the vacation doing that. If I were you, I would just keep doing what you have been doing and pushing your strength up then cut sometime after vacation when you are actually mentally ready to stick to it. Until then I would stay on the gain train and keep putting up weight.

It is worth it to diet down and have a certain look for vacation, then gain some weight on vacation. but if you aren't going to have that look then no reason to set up a fat gaining rebound.
This makes a lot of sense.

personal opinion but my preference is to learn how to vacation without over indulging in food. You can still 100% enjoy being a foodie when travelling but my wife and I follow some small life hacks. For one thing we basically always eat the same breakfast when we travel, some variation of eggs, just like at home. But when meals are large, we split them.

We split most of our meals when we travel, lunches, dinners, snacks. We walk a ton, especially if in Mexico, so we basically are burning calories from taco joint to taco joint, but then having smaller portions.

might seem silly but splitting meals has been a great life hack for us, it's rare that I get home heavier than when I left these days and you spend less $$$
Agreed; learn to call your shots & set some rules that will help you govern total calories. When I travel I generally only eat 2 full meals out per day, except if I trained seriously. Otherwise I will be fasting the rest of the time, unless I add something that is basically just for a protein synthesis bump like some RTDs.

It’s important to realize that some meals should be for an experience, but when they’re just for fuel, be honest how much you need for the scenario. I personally have weeks of fuel already stored in my core, so protein and sodium intake are bigger priorities than taking on sheer calories.


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I’ll never split a meal 😂
this cracked me up lol 😂
Things got really good for me when my wife came to the conclusion that she should never eat as much as I need so I ended up getting larger portions, haha.


No you’re not.

What you really mean is you’re just not gifted with it, and you haven’t worked sufficiently to realize greater potential yet.

Believe in your ability to improve - every PR you’ve ever achieved is proof that is still possible. It is good to stay humble, but also important to build your mindset to support your goals.
Fair enough, xfit was definitely a sport that I feel catered to my build and genetics but I agree with you and don't doubt that my squats will continue to build as I focus on them-


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personal opinion but my preference is to learn how to vacation without over indulging in food. You can still 100% enjoy being a foodie when travelling but my wife and I follow some small life hacks. For one thing we basically always eat the same breakfast when we travel, some variation of eggs, just like at home. But when meals are large, we split them.

We split most of our meals when we travel, lunches, dinners, snacks. We walk a ton, especially if in Mexico, so we basically are burning calories from taco joint to taco joint, but then having smaller portions.

might seem silly but splitting meals has been a great life hack for us, it's rare that I get home heavier than when I left these days and you spend less $$$
Agreed but he already said he was going to be eating garbage and a lot of it. I mean I just made progress on my vacation so it can indeed be done but if he wants to cut loose and get krunk on his food then I just think he should avoid a big deficit before doing this.

Dr Mike has a video on this, how to eat before during and after vacation that highlights some of what I was talking about.


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Agreed but he already said he was going to be eating garbage and a lot of it. I mean I just made progress on my vacation so it can indeed be done but if he wants to cut loose and get krunk on his food then I just think he should avoid a big deficit before doing this.

Dr Mike has a video on this, how to eat before during and after vacation that highlights some of what I was talking about.
To be a little more accurate, only 1 meal per day on most days will be large at a restaurant with dessert. Maybe for 1 or 2 days will it be 2 meals larger (like sausage egg and cheese bagels for breakfast). Also, i won’t be laying around on the beach the whole time. I usually stay in the water boogie boarding for 8 hours per day.


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To be a little more accurate, only 1 meal per day on most days will be large at a restaurant with dessert. Maybe for 1 or 2 days will it be 2 meals larger (like sausage egg and cheese bagels for breakfast). Also, i won’t be laying around on the beach the whole time. I usually stay in the water boogie boarding for 8 hours per day.
You and I do it flipped, my appetite is lower but aside from the walking there is definitely some forced beach time on account of my wife


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You and I do it flipped, my appetite is lower but aside from the walking there is definitely some forced beach time on account of my wife
I hate just laying on the beach. I’ll ride waves literally all day though.


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that sounds awesome to be honest though
If you ever get the wild hair to try it, you gotta get a quality board over $120. Those goofy boards at all regular surf shops that cost $40 or whatever don’t cut it. Quality matters for these.


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man I remember the last time I tried it, it was Puerto Vallarta with one of those free boards the all inclusive place had available. tore up my nipples like crazy lol. but it sure was fun


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Boogie boarding is fun, I am glad I didn't waste time buying one on our trip the way the shore is at the beach I went to the waves didn't break until like the last 15 feet of water, it would peak further out develop a crest then just dip back down and recrest closer to the shore. So many people were out there getting frustrated. Waves sometimes over your head about to crest, then just gone. LMAO Once guy was so mad he was cursing and slapping the water when he missed. I told him man go up there and get 20 short 15-20 foot rides instead of making yourself angry out here where they aren't breaking. LOL


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that sounds like so much fun. our last few trips I have scouted out surf shops everywhere we go but never pulled the trigger. Although I gotta admit my favorite part of travel is usually exploring new small towns


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Deadlift 1 x 455 PR
Machine Row 10x265, 10x285, 8x305
Lawnmower Row 3 x 10 x 16.5
Hammer Curl
Machine Preacher

Attempted 465 on DL but failed. Must’ve been true 0 RIR at 455 considering how my hips locked/cramped up and couldn’t budge it 😂
Deadlift 3 x 3 x 315
Machine Row 10x285, 8x305, 8x325, 6x345
Reverse Pec Deck 12x30, 10x40, 8x50
Machine Shrug 12x180, 3 x 10 x 200
Lawnmower Row 12x16.5, 10x22
Hammer Curl 3 x 10/10/8 x 30’s
Machine Curl 2 sets

Went a little easier on deadlift since I maxed last week, but still felt it. Everything else went up.


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Another curing question for the gurus…

In a perfect cutting setting, how king would it take to deplete glycogen from the reduced carbs?

I decided against the drastic cut like I mentioned at @MrKleen73 advice, but still reduced a little to prevent further gain (some days slightly under maintenance). Previous cutting attempts I’d lose 7 pounds in a week from eating 150g carbs per day, or 10 pounds the first week when keto. Currently, just down a couple pounds which is likely just getting rid of the bloat and only a little glycogen.


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Back Squat 1x375 PR
NG Pullups
Single Leg Curls
Machine Shrugs
Farmers Walks
Machine Preacher

Nothing else worth logging.

Even though I got the 375 up, I lost my balance a little and slightly leaned forward in a good morning fashion. I’d like to get it clean, any thoughts on maxing again next week? I’m a little frustrated on it though because the walk out and negative was so strong. Probably should use a belt too next time…
Back Squat Top Set 3x315
NG Pullups
Single Leg Curls
Machine Shrugs
Cable Rows
Farmers Walks
Preacher Curls

Nothing worth logging.
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Another curing question for the gurus…

In a perfect cutting setting, how king would it take to deplete glycogen from the reduced carbs?

I decided against the drastic cut like I mentioned at @MrKleen73 advice, but still reduced a little to prevent further gain (some days slightly under maintenance). Previous cutting attempts I’d lose 7 pounds in a week from eating 150g carbs per day, or 10 pounds the first week when keto. Currently, just down a couple pounds which is likely just getting rid of the bloat and only a little glycogen.
The more active you are, the faster you will deplete. If I skip carbs for a single day and also train, I will flatten out like a pancake. Keeping sodium much higher will help retain fullness in the absence of carbohydrates, but if you are taking all your carbs out and not replacing the calories you will be doing the exact thing Kleen advised against: reducing calories before a surplus period, when you want your metabolism running hardest.

Carbs are not the problem. And in this scenario, neither are calories - you don’t want to reduce those either.


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The more active you are, the faster you will deplete. If I skip carbs for a single day and also train, I will flatten out like a pancake. Keeping sodium much higher will help retain fullness in the absence of carbohydrates, but if you are taking all your carbs out and not replacing the calories you will be doing the exact thing Kleen advised against: reducing calories before a surplus period, when you want your metabolism running hardest.

Carbs are not the problem. And in this scenario, neither are calories - you don’t want to reduce those either.
Right, I haven’t cut down like that. Still above 300g carbs per day and averaging 3k kcal. Just lost a couple pounds from the last huge meal last weekend.


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As mentioned I wouldn't worry too much about depleting, if you want to lose a little water weight before the show then double up on your water intake or at least increase it significantly. Extra water intake causes the body to release less vasopressin which allows you to urinate a lot more. So do that while maintaining a solid level of sodium to replace all of the sodium you will be losing from the urination then you don't have to cut any calories just maintain until vacation, go have your fun then come back and get to work on whatever goal you decide you want to tackle next.

Now for the answer as already alluded to, is that your activity level is going to be a big determining factor there. Other than that what preference your body burns carbs, and fats as fuel in your normal daily activity outside of training. It is a mixed bag so the big thing would be activity and lots of it if trying to deplete carbs faster.


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man above 10% BF I feel like my body always adjusts to my calories and it's the cardio that melts the fat.
The extenuating circumstances of course being 30+hr fasts, or eating in extreme surpluses over 2500-3000 calories.
But my body adjusts fast to anything between 1500 and 2400 ish calories.


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man above 10% BF I feel like my body always adjusts to my calories and it's the cardio that melts the fat.
The extenuating circumstances of course being 30+hr fasts, or eating in extreme surpluses over 2500-3000 calories.
But my body adjusts fast to anything between 1500 and 2400 ish calories.
Easy way to find out if that is true. Cut the cardio out and drop what you were burning in cardio from your intake and see if the fat loss is still sufficient. If so then the deficit regardless of how it is created is the reason for the loss.


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Flat DB Press 4 x 6 x 100’s
Machine OHP 3 x 8/8/9 x 200
Dips 3 x 8/8/7
Seated Lateral Raise 4 x 8 x 15’s
Skullcrushers 3 x 7/6/6 x 70
1 Arm Pressdowns 1 x 10 x 16.5
Barbell Curl 2 sets

Flat DB Press a little ugly, but still improved. Probably didn’t warm up enough, but also slept like trash and feel the “PEM” even though I did nothing yesterday to earn it. Machine OHP up again. Vacation to the beach in 2 weeks, so I’ll be increasing volume and intensity a little the next 2 weeks to earn that week off.
Flat DB Press 4 x 8/6/6/6 x 100’s
Machine OHP 3 x 9/8/9 x 200
Seated Lateral Raise 12x12.5’s, 10x15’s, 8x17.5’s drop to 10x5’s
Skullcrushers 4 x 8/7/6/6 x 70

Things moving up again! Weight coming down! 228.0 today.



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Deadlift 3 x 3 x 315
Machine Row 10x285, 8x305, 8x325, 6x345
Reverse Pec Deck 12x30, 10x40, 8x50
Machine Shrug 12x180, 3 x 10 x 200
Lawnmower Row 12x16.5, 10x22
Hammer Curl 3 x 10/10/8 x 30’s
Machine Curl 2 sets

Went a little easier on deadlift since I maxed last week, but still felt it. Everything else went up.
Deadlift 3x315, 1x365, 1x385, 1x405, 1x425
Machine Row 8x305, 8x325, 2 x 8 x 345
Machine Shrug same as above
Reverse Pec Deck same as above
Machine Preacher 3 x 8 x 40


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Thanks. I kind of took a note from your log and just hit a decent RPE single and followed it up with the building work. I enjoyed not being destroyed from deads the rest of the workout 😂
Kinda funny, my buddy and i were talking about that on the way back to the office from the gym today. He's around 250-260lbs and has a 450lb squat on a bad day, 500 on a great day. He feels less is more for him. Obviously I have a history of too much volume. I think the answer is in the middle.... But when my training is inconsistent I definitely like training a heavy rep as much as possible. historically I have had HORRIBLE carryover from building a high rep base.

Training a heavy 1rep for me has increased my 10 rep FAR BETTER than training my 10 rep has increased my 1 rep. (on any lift)


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I’ve finally rejoined the normal people by adding conventional deadlifts back into my training. 😛

You ever decide what to do about the console or new PC?


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I’ve finally rejoined the normal people by adding conventional deadlifts back into my training. 😛

You ever decide what to do about the console or new PC?
Well, I bought a gaming laptop for work which works really well, and I’ll get the ps5 pro when it comes out. So, the answer is…both lol

i will have to upgrade the tv to match the ps5 pro fps…


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Ever since your thread I’ve been trying to fight the urge to change things in my PC haha

I stay scouting for TV deals, even when I don’t need one. When places are trying to get rid of last years stock is best for deals followed by random deals or Black Friday. I should be in the market again for something end of the year as well.


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Ever since your thread I’ve been trying to fight the urge to change things in my PC haha

I stay scouting for TV deals, even when I don’t need one. When places are trying to get rid of last years stock is best for deals followed by random deals or Black Friday. I should be in the market again for something end of the year as well.
Waiting for Black Friday is a good idea…didn’t think of that. To match the ps 5 pro capability, what specs should I look for in the tv?


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You’ll want something with hdmi 2.1, that allows you to take full advantage of the console and most TVs with that will have all the capabilities you’d want. 4k, 120hz, and HDR, with the quality of the HDR being generally what will be the biggest difference between models (many/most TVs will have “HDR” but have inadequate colors, brightness and/or contrast for an optimal
HDR experience).


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Man I hope you enjoy your vacation!


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I’m back. Had a great time on vacation. Lots of boogie boarding (and FOOD) but the waves weren’t great. Didn’t let it stop us though. The sandals I was wearing digging in plus the seawater gave me a small cellulitis infection on my foot, so I’m on a 10 day course of doxycycline.

Back to training today. Moderate workouts today and tomorrow, and planning to start pushing hard again Thursday.


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Welcome back, glad you enjoyed yourself and got to boogie board quite a bit. Enjoy your workouts, after being more rested!


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Nothing worth logging except 1x385 DL without straps. Couldn’t get 405 without, but did 3 pretty easily once I wrapped up.

Machine Rows
Reverse Pec Deck
BB Curls
Farmers Walks
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Nothing worth logging except 1x385 DL without straps. Couldn’t get 405 without, but did 3 pretty easily once I wrapped up.

Machine Rows
Reverse Pec Deck
BB Curls
Farmers Walks
Nothing wrong with using straps if you have no longterm goals of powerlifting competition. Keeping both hands over is safer for biceps & low back & makes it easier to keep lat tension for a stronger wedge.

That being said, you can also try to learn hookgrip, or if you’d just like to improve mixed grip strength then don’t use straps & also do some near maximal holds weekly (so after deadlift training load up ~365+ in a power rack with the bar only moving an inch off the pins when you pick it up; hold for max time).


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Nothing wrong with using straps if you have no longterm goals of powerlifting competition. Keeping both hands over is safer for biceps & low back & makes it easier to keep lat tension for a stronger wedge.

That being said, you can also try to learn hookgrip, or if you’d just like to improve mixed grip strength then don’t use straps & also do some near maximal holds weekly (so after deadlift training load up ~365+ in a power rack with the bar only moving an inch off the pins when you pick it up; hold for max time).
Thanks. As far as the straps go, I just like the idea that I can double overhand without hooking lots of weight. I used to take forearm strength very seriously in my farmers walks (250lb per hand at one point) and I’d like to get back to that.

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