Building Back Up


Well-known member
Last Thanksgiving, I acquired COVID-19, followed by several other health issues that kept me out of the gym for 6 months. I've been back at it since June, when I started out super light and easy, and have been hitting it harder the past 6 weeks or so. The goal is to build back up to where I was and hopefully lose some body fat as well. I'm somewhere between 20-25% BF at 220 lbs and 5'9" at 39 years old.

When I stopped training last year, my lifts were as follows:

BB Bench 5x225
Standing BB Press 5x135
Squat 5x315
Deadlift 1x475

I've had my share of shoulder and back issues, and I would love to get back to my prime lifts of:
BB Bench 5x315
Standing BB Press 5x195, 2x225
Squat 1x425
Deadlift 1x525

For now, I'll be training twice per week as follows:

Day 1:
Bench 3-4 x 5-10
Row 3 x 5-10
Squat 2-3 x 3-5
Upright Row 3 x 6-12
DB Curls 3 x 6-12
Overhead Triceps Extension 3 x 6-12

Day 2:
Deadlift 2-3 x 2-3
Standing OH Press 3-4 x 5-10
Pull Ups 3 x RPE7-10
Dips 2-3 x 5-10
Smith Shrugs 3 x 5-10

I don't care too much about legs. I really only do squats and Deadlift for the effect I believe they have on total body musculature. I may add some more vanity lifts to the end of each workout here and there, depending on recovery. On that note, my recovery is awful. I'll stay sore from 3 sets of bench for 3-4 days. I'll occasionally only do 2 sets of something if I'm already feeling overextended.

Yesterday's Workout:
Deadlift 3x325, 2x355
Standing OH Press 8x105, 8x115, 6x125
Pull Ups 2x3
Smith Shrugs 8x90, 8x110, 8x130
Overhead Triceps Extension 2x12x30

In addition, I shoot for 10k steps per day, with at least 1 30 minute walk per day.

That's it for now. I'll detail diet and supplements later or maybe tomorrow. Thanks for following along if you decide to!


Diet: I'll be shooting for 1.6g per kg of bodyweight for protein daily, 60-100g fat per day, and carbs will be about 30-60g per meal, 3 meals per day. Some days may be higher fat, and some others higher carb, and occasionally the high everything meal or 2 😆
Typical foods are eggs, shredded or grilled chicken breast/thighs, ground beef, parboiled rice, Annie's organic Mac and cheese, oats, tuna, whole wheat pasta, watermelon and vegan and sometimes whey protein. I'll be incorporating more dairy and potatoes next week.

Extra C, D, B12, k2 mk7, Niacin
Magnesium Glycinate
Lemon Balm

Will be adding in GABA and magnolia bark soon.

Sleep is trash. Part of the reason I workout twice per week is when I workout, I sleep even worse. I'm trying to minimize how bad I feel throughout the week and this works for now. Working on methylation and COMT issues for months now. But, at least I'm sleeping at least 4 hours per night, but most of the time I get 6 broken hours...I always feel revved up. It's kind of exhausting ironically...

I've been on low dose daily TRT, but haven't had a shot in 4 days. Undecided if I will start again. Depends on the labs I just had drawn. I'm actually unsure if the sleep and revved up feeling is hypersensitivity to testosterone or the formerly mentioned COMT and methylation issues.
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Following. Sometimes we get big setbacks. For me it was antidepressants causing a lot of weight gain for me. Just keep your head down and keep at it!
Man I had 3 surgeries from last December to June. I got better in between before stuff coming up and needing the next thing, so it wasn’t a solid 6 months off, I trained a little in between. But I had 3 separate times I felt like I was starting over this year. Best of luck!
Man I had 3 surgeries from last December to June. I got better in between before stuff coming up and needing the next thing, so it wasn’t a solid 6 months off, I trained a little in between. But I had 3 separate times I felt like I was starting over this year. Best of luck!
Surgeries are worst. I had a simple bunion removal surgery (too many years wearing crappy combat boots) that hat turned into my foot needing to be broken two different places plus pins. Still have lack of feeling on the top of my foot leading to discomfort with any pushing off on that foot. Pretty much ruins jogging and calf raises for me although I can push through calf raises
Generally speaking I'm same as you. genetically my legs are thicker than my arms without training. But I deadlift to build the hormonal response, and I squat to build my deadlift. However the more I do either, the more I embrace the challenge of the next PR and start to love them both again. even though deep down I still hate squats lol
Right there with you on the recovery train as we already discussed. Left shoulder and biceps recently repaired and in PT for it. Right shoulder subscap and labrum tear withartially subluxed biceps tendon - not repaired yet. They didn't want to operate originally then COVID kept me from getting it fixed for a long time. Hoping doing PT now 2.5 3 years removed from initial injury will prove more effective. If not I will need another surgery next year. So much fun! However I love squats and deadlifts and can't wait to get my number back up as I get my glutes squared away. I have improved them a lot over the last 9 months and expect to see it carry over to my deads and squats once upper body is good enough to really push them.

We will motivate each other on returning to former glory and beyond!
Generally speaking I'm same as you. genetically my legs are thicker than my arms without training. But I deadlift to build the hormonal response, and I squat to build my deadlift. However the more I do either, the more I embrace the challenge of the next PR and start to love them both again. even though deep down I still hate squats lol
Lol yeah, I do actually enjoy squatting and love deadlifting. What I should've said is I don't care about leg hypertrophy because like you said, I've got treetrunks whether I do anything for legs or not.
Right there with you on the recovery train as we already discussed. Left shoulder and biceps recently repaired and in PT for it. Right shoulder subscap and labrum tear withartially subluxed biceps tendon - not repaired yet. They didn't want to operate originally then COVID kept me from getting it fixed for a long time. Hoping doing PT now 2.5 3 years removed from initial injury will prove more effective. If not I will need another surgery next year. So much fun! However I love squats and deadlifts and can't wait to get my number back up as I get my glutes squared away. I have improved them a lot over the last 9 months and expect to see it carry over to my deads and squats once upper body is good enough to really push them.

We will motivate each other on returning to former glory and beyond!
Right on! I misspoke in the post I just put up, I actually love squatting and DLing, I just don't care about leg hypertrophy. I'll be updating the first post with diet stuff soon.
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I’m going to watch from the stands.

Man, same with Covid. I got sick in January, and it took me months after I was no longer sick to get even close to my previous lifts, and to some extent, I’m still not there yet. Crazy.
Following Along
I’m going to watch from the stands.

Man, same with Covid. I got sick in January, and it took me months after I was no longer sick to get even close to my previous lifts, and to some extent, I’m still not there yet. Crazy.
seems like everyone got hit a little different. COVID itself was mild for me, I maintained my 2 mile jogs every day. it felt like I was "going to get sick" but never got fully sick, if that makes sense? But it still took me 6-8 weeks at the gym before I felt like I was back in shape. My buddy who was a CrossFitter and Xfit coach took like 6 months to get back into shape but he was like flu sick for a week when he got the rona.
seems like everyone got hit a little different. COVID itself was mild for me, I maintained my 2 mile jogs every day. it felt like I was "going to get sick" but never got fully sick, if that makes sense? But it still took me 6-8 weeks at the gym before I felt like I was back in shape. My buddy who was a CrossFitter and Xfit coach took like 6 months to get back into shape but he was like flu sick for a week when he got the rona.
I never got it lol. Drove a coworker who had “the delta” to the doctors (I was sick too and needed to be tested and he didn’t have a car). Kept us waiting for 6 hours total in a car…with no mask. They told me I was good and my coworker was “very positive”. Lol. I was like… “so I’m not good” lol. Had to quarantine but never got it. They said I just had a cold.
I never got it lol. Drove a coworker who had “the delta” to the doctors (I was sick too and needed to be tested and he didn’t have a car). Kept us waiting for 6 hours total in a car…with no mask. They told me I was good and my coworker was “very positive”. Lol. I was like… “so I’m not good” lol. Had to quarantine but never got it. They said I just had a cold.

In Mexico we were required to get a test before we could fly home. the doctor asked us if we wanted positive or negative results... lol

the resort said if we tested positive we could stay for our quarantine all inclusive for free (minus alcohol). Yes we'd be stuck to our room, but it was an AWESOME room. we seriously contemplated asking for positive results lol.
In Mexico we were required to get a test before we could fly home. the doctor asked us if we wanted positive or negative results... lol

the resort said if we tested positive we could stay for our quarantine all inclusive for free (minus alcohol). Yes we'd be stuck to our room, but it was an AWESOME room. we seriously contemplated asking for positive results lol.

That’s pretty wild
Today's Workout:

BB Bench 8x175, 7x180, 6x185
Squat 3x235, 3x265
Cable Upright Row 12x20, 10x25, 8x30
OH Cable Extension 3x8x30
DB Curls 3x8x20's

Also did Bentover row but it was so light it's not worth logging. Back was still sore from the pull ups Tuesday. On bench, I probably left 2 reps in the tank on the first 2 sets, and the last set maybe 1 left, so there is some improvement. I probably had 3-4 reps in the tank on Squat, but I'll still be sore tomorrow from that I'm sure.
I’m no stranger to setbacks myself. Several knee surgeries, shoulder surgery last year that didn’t heal right (still dealing with that), and various life events have made it tough to keep at it over the years. But, like many others, just keep doing as much as possible. I’ll say this though, I gave up on lifting heavy last year and switched to much lighter weights with a shitload of volume and holy smokes did I respond well to that. Getting older can suck, but if you adapt to it, it’s not so bad. Anyway, best of luck getting back to form and I’ll follow along for support 🤘🤘
I’m no stranger to setbacks myself. Several knee surgeries, shoulder surgery last year that didn’t heal right (still dealing with that), and various life events have made it tough to keep at it over the years. But, like many others, just keep doing as much as possible. I’ll say this though, I gave up on lifting heavy last year and switched to much lighter weights with a shitload of volume and holy smokes did I respond well to that. Getting older can suck, but if you adapt to it, it’s not so bad. Anyway, best of luck getting back to form and I’ll follow along for support 🤘🤘
What rep range did you move to? And total volume per workout? How close to failure? I'm always looking for something different.
What rep range did you move to? And total volume per workout? How close to failure? I'm always looking for something different.
Rep ranges vary depending on what body part I’m training, but my minimum has been 20 and maximum occasionally hits 40. The higher end is typically a burnout to failure or close to it. I don’t hit what some consider absolute failure but try to monitor form, muscle contractions, and straining. So, when form barely starts to deviate toward shitty, or if I start recruiting muscles I don’t want to involve, or if I can’t get a great contraction, that’s my failure. As for volume, I find that at least six exercises per body part get me where I like to be by the end of the workout. Additionally, I superset pretty much everything with an opposing body part. For instance, I mix back with triceps and chest with biceps. That way I get “extra” work on arms without the need for an arms day. This also helps keep some pulling strength on back days as opposed to the traditional back with biceps combo. I find that this type of training has greatly enhanced my physique vs heavy lifting of any kind, and my joints feel much better. I’m also beyond my prime by a bit. If you’d like, I can record a couple sessions and pm you so I’m not monopolizing your thread. I always enjoy looking at other people’s training style, especially if they’re a similar age.
Rep ranges vary depending on what body part I’m training, but my minimum has been 20 and maximum occasionally hits 40. The higher end is typically a burnout to failure or close to it. I don’t hit what some consider absolute failure but try to monitor form, muscle contractions, and straining. So, when form barely starts to deviate toward shitty, or if I start recruiting muscles I don’t want to involve, or if I can’t get a great contraction, that’s my failure. As for volume, I find that at least six exercises per body part get me where I like to be by the end of the workout. Additionally, I superset pretty much everything with an opposing body part. For instance, I mix back with triceps and chest with biceps. That way I get “extra” work on arms without the need for an arms day. This also helps keep some pulling strength on back days as opposed to the traditional back with biceps combo. I find that this type of training has greatly enhanced my physique vs heavy lifting of any kind, and my joints feel much better. I’m also beyond my prime by a bit. If you’d like, I can record a couple sessions and pm you so I’m not monopolizing your thread. I always enjoy looking at other people’s training style, especially if they’re a similar age.
Holy smokes. That's the exact opposite of my style of training. 😆
No need to record a session at this time, but maybe when I get stagnant. I'll let you know. Thanks!
Weight: 223!
Whoops! Ate a bit too much garbage this weekend. Gotta reel myself in. Gotta get rid of these love handles 😆

Deadlift 1x375
Standing OH Press 8x115, 6x125, 4x135
Pull Up 3, 3, 2
Smith Machine Shrugs 8x90, 2 x 6 x 140
Assisted Dips 2x???

Notes: Everything still improving. Could've done 2 reps of that DL, but felt something in my abs, like a mild pull or onset of a hernia, so I stopped. Very happy with overhead press. If it wasn't for the ab thing, I could've done a few more at 135. My chest was still sore from bench Friday, so I went very light on dips just to get some blood flow.

My testosterone levels came back:

Total Testosterone 159 (250-1100)
Free Test 25 (35-155)

Well, guess I need to get more serious with my daily testosterone shots and stop skipping days 😆
I don't feel too bad, but this also verifies that my testosterone levels have nothing to do with my sleep quality. I resumed my TRT at 5-6mg daily yesterday and will retest in 4-6 weeks.
Weight: 223!
Whoops! Ate a bit too much garbage this weekend. Gotta reel myself in. Gotta get rid of these love handles 😆

Deadlift 1x375
Standing OH Press 8x115, 6x125, 4x135
Pull Up 3, 3, 2
Smith Machine Shrugs 8x90, 2 x 6 x 140
Assisted Dips 2x???

Notes: Everything still improving. Could've done 2 reps of that DL, but felt something in my abs, like a mild pull or onset of a hernia, so I stopped. Very happy with overhead press. If it wasn't for the ab thing, I could've done a few more at 135. My chest was still sore from bench Friday, so I went very light on dips just to get some blood flow.

My testosterone levels came back:

Total Testosterone 159 (250-1100)
Free Test 25 (35-155)

Well, guess I need to get more serious with my daily testosterone shots and stop skipping days 😆
I don't feel too bad, but this also verifies that my testosterone levels have nothing to do with my sleep quality. I resumed my TRT at 5-6mg daily yesterday and will retest in 4-6 weeks.
So 42mg a week sounds pretty darn low IMHO, I would think a minimum of 10mg a day if you want decent results.
So 42mg a week sounds pretty darn low IMHO, I would think a minimum of 10mg a day if you want decent results.
10mg per day had my free T at the very top of range and HGB/HCT too high. I'm shooting for my free test to be midrange like it was when I was doing 50mg twice per week, then adjust from there.
I should also say that Emeric from Professional Muscle, a former pro BBer, alternates between 6mg daily and 10mg daily, 8 weeks each, and his total T with 6mg is 600 or so, which would make my free T still top quarter of range since I have low SHBG.
Interesting, definitely curious how this ends up treating you.
I would just pin once a week (I'm Lazy)
10mg per day had my free T at the very top of range and HGB/HCT too high. I'm shooting for my free test to be midrange like it was when I was doing 50mg twice per week, then adjust from there.

So why don’t you use 50mg twice per week and skip the extra 5 shots weekly if it will put you in the desired range, now that you know testosterone isn’t impacting your sleep?

Unless you are having actual erectile function issues, I don’t see the issue with low SHBG if everything is otherwise doing alright.

Also, how high are we talking on HGB/HCT?
So why don’t you use 50mg twice per week and skip the extra 5 shots weekly if it will put you in the desired range, now that you know testosterone isn’t impacting your sleep?

Unless you are having actual erectile function issues, I don’t see the issue with low SHBG if everything is otherwise doing alright.

Also, how high are we talking on HGB/HCT?
Well, I was skipping shots because I thought it was causing issues. Daily shots are easy though.
I should've also mentioned my blood pressure is the lowest it's ever been also. When I was doing 50mg twice per week, my hct was 51 and hgb was high 17's or 18.
Well, I was skipping shots because I thought it was causing issues. Daily shots are easy though.
I should've also mentioned my blood pressure is the lowest it's ever been also. When I was doing 50mg twice per week, my hct was 51 and hgb was high 17's or 18.

The hematocrit is nothing to worry, it’s pretty normal and definitely safe, but the hemoglobin coming on 18 is something I would probably address like you have been.

Yeah daily shots aren’t so bad, especially with a tiny needle.

So you feel the daily shots are directly responsible for the bp drop, or incidental? Also, what are your HCT & HGB most recently?

The ratio of hematocrit to hemoglobin in healthy people is typically three to one. On this assumption, if you've only had your hemoglobin measured, you can estimate the hematocrit by multiplying it by 3. You can also convert the value of hematocrit to hemoglobin by dividing it by 3.
The hematocrit is nothing to worry, it’s pretty normal and definitely safe, but the hemoglobin coming on 18 is something I would probably address like you have been.

Yeah daily shots aren’t so bad, especially with a tiny needle.

So you feel the daily shots are directly responsible for the bp drop, or incidental? Also, what are your HCT & HGB most recently?
To be honest, I don't know what's causing the drop in bp. My entire life my bp stayed around 130-140 over 80, and only when relaxing and deep breathing would it go to 120/70 on medicine. In fact, for many years medication didn't seem to help my frequent bp spoiled I would get from any amount of stress.

Shortly after getting covid 1 year ago, within a month, it started dropping, which was also 2-3 months on daily protocol, and also when my anxiety started ramping up. My free test was at the top of the range, yet my bp was coming down. Fast forward to now, I'm 6 days off telmisartan and my bp today was 116/76. I'm partially concerned that it's dropping without a clear reason as to why. I'll probably see why my trt doc thinks about that when I see him today.

My most recent hct was 48.3 and hgb was 16.7. Any thoughts on any of that are greatly appreciated.


The ratio of hematocrit to hemoglobin in healthy people is typically three to one. On this assumption, if you've only had your hemoglobin measured, you can estimate the hematocrit by multiplying it by 3. You can also convert the value of hematocrit to hemoglobin by dividing it by 3.
Exactly my concern when my hgb was usually 18. Thanks.
Another update:

For several years, I've been dealing with bizarre side effects from vitamins, foods, and any supplements, yet when I don't take anything, I get just as strange symptoms. But, everything went completely sideways the past year since I got covid. This is what the past year has been:

Not taking anything: difficulty swallowing, acid reflux, muscle burning (as if some light exercise was performed), muscle weakness, "wired and tired", nails don't grow and wounds don't heal, low amount of tinnitus

Using B complex with methylated vitamins: overstimulated, anxious, mildly euphoric, extreme insomnia, tinnitus comes and goes but all symptoms from above gone.

Using nonmethylated yet 'active' vitamins (such as hydroxocobalamin and folinic acid: mild reflux symptoms, good energy, mild anxiety, swallowing improved (not perfect), nails grow slowly, wounds heal slowly, milder insomnia and sleep disturbances, constant tinnitus

These symptoms are influenced within hours of changing what I've taken which shouldn't be the case.

Today is the first day I haven't eaten eggs in 6 months (except for 2 days of procedures). I didn't notice it those days of the procedures, but today I am far less anxious and overstimulated. I'm going to find my copy of the food allergies and cut out anything even marked a 1, which is what eggs were. Scale was 0-4, and I had nothing above 1.

Some of this I attribute to my double homozygous COMT mutations, but the rest I don't know.

The past year since I got covid has been miserable, but I'm finally hopeful. It's been exhausting.
The only correlations I can speak of I’m aware of is testosterone will raise HGB and HCT. I mean when they are too high providers will cut you off, but it takes some months to go up or down. So if you have been using those very low daily doses it makes sense things improved so much.
The only correlations I can speak of I’m aware of is testosterone will raise HGB and HCT. I mean when they are too high providers will cut you off, but it takes some months to go up or down. So if you have been using those very low daily doses it makes sense things improved so much.
Well, at the doctor office now, my bp was 150/90. So maybe my bp cuff at home isn't reading right...
I'll be starting telmisartan back up tomorrow 😆
Wild ride man, hope you can get it all figured out. Food allergies aren't a bad place to start.
Need to go get another one; I think I’m around there as well.
Really??? In my head, 26% BF (officially obese, right?) Would look pretty bad, but in real life no one would call me obese...unless I don't know what obesity really is lol.
Really??? In my head, 26% BF (officially obese, right?) Would look pretty bad, but in real life no one would call me obese...unless I don't know what obesity really is lol.

Well I’m down to 246 at 5’10”, so I have a good amount of muscle mass - I think the more muscle you carry, the less fat you tend to look at the same % bodyfat as someone less muscular.
Well I’m down to 246 at 5’10”, so I have a good amount of muscle mass - I think the more muscle you carry, the less fat you tend to look at the same % bodyfat as someone less muscular.
Facts, I tell everyone when they say I don't look fat it is because my chest and shoulders are about the same size as my stomach but if a normal guy had my waist he would look like he was chubby.
Well I’m down to 246 at 5’10”, so I have a good amount of muscle mass - I think the more muscle you carry, the less fat you tend to look at the same % bodyfat as someone less muscular.
That makes sense. That number is still motivating me too get it fixed though 😆
Facts, I tell everyone when they say I don't look fat it is because my chest and shoulders are about the same size as my stomach but if a normal guy had my waist he would look like he was chubby.
Lol I say "I just hide it well". 🤣
I'm not sure what's going bp at home now was 133/83 at first, then 120/76 a few minutes later. Either my bp cuff just isn't reading well, or my bp fluctuations are just crazy (which could be accurate too since my hands and feet break out in a sweat way too easy). 500mg gaba also feels pretty good.
Really??? In my head, 26% BF (officially obese, right?) Would look pretty bad, but in real life no one would call me obese...unless I don't know what obesity really is lol.

Oh there is a really helpful chart for that in the memes section:

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Facts, I tell everyone when they say I don't look fat it is because my chest and shoulders are about the same size as my stomach but if a normal guy had my waist he would look like he was chubby.

I told my wife I have one rule for both men and women since BMI type tests are complete horseshit.

Your chest has to stick out further than your gut. when you fail at that, it's time to cut. LOL.
haha me too but it doesn't seem to work with the wife. She always passes the test but she's not convinced LOL
Haha, mine is if you look sloppy. I wouldn't mind a little belly and the Bear look if my gyno didn't make me look sloppy up top. Same for a woman if their boobs are big but the waistline has more rolls than a Shar Pei then something needs to be fixed.
Haha, mine is if you look sloppy. I wouldn't mind a little belly and the Bear look if my gyno didn't make me look sloppy up top. Same for a woman if their boobs are big but the waistline has more rolls than a Shar Pei then something needs to be fixed.
I'm with you if I'm being honest. I've always been jealous of the overweight guys who dont look sloppy, just strong. My gyno and love handles drive me nuts.
I've just about made my peace with my gyno since I'm unwilling to have surgery, so the live handles gotta go. Then again, if I was huge, I probably wouldn't care much about that either. On the other hand, I'm also unwilling to buy even more pants (just had to buy 2 pairs of 36 jeans 😔), so I gotta get it together.