Brief Pink Magic Review (uh, crazy) and q's about first PH cycle (1 Andro RX)


New member
Hi all,

So, first a brief review and then some questions.

I started taking Pink Magic nine days ago. I was beyond skeptical but I got it for free so I figured wtf right? I have only two things to say about it: (1) I'm 36, still compete at the national level in a certain sport, and my bench has been stuck at 290 for about two months. Today I put up 305 with no problem. So, 15 pounds in nine days. Almost magic. (2) I have suddenly recovered the penile uber-strength of an 18 year-old. My girlfriend cowers in fear whenever I come near her -- I have a vagina-destroying turbo boost! Magic!

So, take the above for what it's worth (perhaps not much), as I'm pretty sure I must have had very low test levels and for whatever reason, the Pink has spiked them. (I'm also taking tribulus (have been for months), creatine, ZMA, opti-men and fish, could be some weird synergy thing going on too.) Or, Usp has put something funny in the Pink. I have back acne and the weird vascular pumped look people normally get on AAS. Also, I'm up 4 pounds and bodyfat has dropped maybe 1%.

I'm no shill for this stuff, it probably doesn't do **** for most, but it did for me. And I'm wondering why? Anyone got any theories?

Now, a couple questions. I've decided I probably want to run a cycle of 1 Andro Rx (IML). I like this PH because it's not methyl and it's not gonna get too estrogenic on me. It would be my first cycle of any kind (had to stay super clean before.) I can get real AAS, but I don't want needles. I'm also mainly looking for strength and maybe a bit of lean muscle gain. (Currently squatting 450 and deadlifting 480 and thinking about a powerlifting comp in the fall.)

I'm planning on following this 60 day cycle, more or less:
1andro at 600mg a day for 30 days,
IML anabolic matrix throughout
PES Erase for 30 days:

I may go up to 800mg a day if the results aren't there, but beyond that, the plan is as above.

So, I've heard good things about Erase, but is there a better test booster I should consider (like Athletix Titanium?)

Also, if my idea is stupid, or if there is a better PH option, please advise.



I'm no shill for this stuff, it probably doesn't do **** for most, but it did for me. And I'm wondering why? Anyone got any theories?
Strong first post.

And yea, placebo is one hell of a drug.

P.S. Direct Jacob's attention to this thread, lots of rich-filled quotes written in a similar style to all those "testimonials" we see in those advertisements...

BTW, my above statements have nothing to do with you stemple.


New member
I was wondering if people would think the pink magic stuff was bullcrap (or an advert). But seriously, it's not like I think the stuff *should* work, it's just a bunch of herbs, but for some reason there seems to have been an increase in my test levels.

On the other hand, it could be a placebo effect. There's no doubt about that placebos can have real efficacy.

In any case, I have nothing to do with any company anywhere (but I am a journalist, so maybe my writing style is annoyingly similar to the other hacks who write fake posts.)

What I'm really interested in is finding out if my upcoming cycle is retarded or not, and if there are any better options out there in terms of body-friendly prohormones. Like, obviously 'andromass' is an option, but that seems like hype to me.

Is there an oral-only AAS option I could consider? I have searched, but haven't found much info on whether that would work at all.


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