Bpc 157 help


New member
Hi guys I got some bpc 157 from nootropicsource.co( are they legit?) its 5mg vial how much bac water should I use to mix how manny ml ?
I have an mcl problem going on. Should i shoot right on my mcl?
Thanks guys
Juicedeez utz

Juicedeez utz

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1ml of liquid would make the solution 500mcg per 1 unit in an insulin pin. Shoot it near the injury


New member
Ill add that nootropics source is a hit or a miss, ive got bpc 157 and tb500 from them but havent used either yet. Get tb500 too if you can afford it depending on severity of the injury


New member
Ive used enhanced chemicals a few times. Also ive heard alot of good from irc bio. But idk if irc bio has peptides havent checked. I got nootropics source for the price, but shoudlve just went for purity because im a bit skeptic. Thats why i havent used it yet. Tb500 is expensive. But theyre both worth it if you really need it. What are you using bpc 157 for?


New member
Did you have an mri? Do you know what grade the injury is? As in tearing or ruptured? Or a mild sprain


New member
You do mma im sure from your name correct?


New member
yes i did the mri
I have a mild sprain but it’s a old injury this happened before and also the ligament in coming of the bone. so i feel a lot of pain and my knee feels lose
I try to rest but i’m a professional athlete and can’t stop for a long time
so I really hope this will help
any one know the detection time for this drug?


New member
Mma is my ultimate goal. I love it and will go pro one day as well. Bpc 157 has a very short half life. 4 hours i believe. Should be out within a day..i dont think they check for that at all. But as i just stated in another thread, actiflex 4000 on amazon (megadosed vitamin for the healing), mk677 (growth hormone secretagogue, actually does the healing), bpc157 (get this close as possible to the site), and tb500 (inject anywhere it has systematic healing, works synergystically with bpc) and also collagen TYPE 2 in bulk. Large doses. Of course for the fastest healing you can get. Doesnt get much better. Hope i helped. Look up the dosages. If you feel better keep using it anyway. Youll feel better within days because the inflammatory response will die down but its not healed yet.


New member
thank you so much for the help
The only thing that makes me worry is if this stuff im getting from this site is real
I tried their mk 677 the only thing I noticed was tha my sleep got better and I got bloated then a couple days ago I woke up with some marks on my skin so i’m not sure what it is if it’s the mk
so I stop with the mk


New member
I have a gram from them. Havent tried it yet. Enhanced athlete/chemicals/and RX is legit. But too expensive. Ive read good and not so good stuff form nootropics source. Irc bio is good and cheap. Also purerawz. What dosage were you using? The biggest thing is nonstop hunger youll feel. Mk677 is the hormone ghrelin. Which is what your stomach makes when it hasnt eatin. Therefore supplementing mk677, even if you eat will trick your brain into thinking its in a fasted state. And as we know when you dont eat is when your growth hormone produces the most.
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