

Hell yea, thanks for the advice, I was lookling at NPP as well but dbol would be oral so less pokes lol and awesome workout, glad your getting it on your vacation and libido is still killin it! sounds like this AI is gonna be something serious!


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Eating like crap for 4 days and I am really filling out? Must be all the extra carbs, but this morning I looked and felt SWOLE!!!!


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Hell yea, thanks for the advice, I was lookling at NPP as well but dbol would be oral so less pokes lol and awesome workout, glad your getting it on your vacation and libido is still killin it! sounds like this AI is gonna be something serious!
NPP would be good to, but like you said, it gets old pinning so much haha.

Yes I am really liking the AI. I have noticed my E raising some though after dropping back to 2 caps. 4 seems to be the sweet spot for me, but I will know after running it that way for at least a few weeks. I'll save most of my thoughts/findings for my final review though.....


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NPP would be good to, but like you said, it gets old pinning so much haha.

Yes I am really liking the AI. I have noticed my E raising some though after dropping back to 2 caps. 4 seems to be the sweet spot for me, but I will know after running it that way for at least a few weeks. I'll save most of my thoughts/findings for my final review though.....
I believe I read the final product is going to be a bit stronger, so maybe it will require less caps when on a strong cycle like you are.


NPP would be good to, but like you said, it gets old pinning so much haha.

Yes I am really liking the AI. I have noticed my E raising some though after dropping back to 2 caps. 4 seems to be the sweet spot for me, but I will know after running it that way for at least a few weeks. I'll save most of my thoughts/findings for my final review though.....
Definitley, be careful not to let it get a little to high, but a little E never hurt nobody, after my last gyno scare and running letro I sure appreciate some good E as long as I got it in check from going to the wrong places lol, im sure you have it all under control.


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Great to hear from this new ai!its about time somebody came out with something good


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For some reason went in the gym today thinking it was chest day. Maybe since it's international chest day?? haha
Anyways realized it was back and shoulder hyper day.

Rack chins- with a 25# plate on stomach
3 sets 10 -- easy today :D

Neutral grip pull ups-
3 sets 10

Seated single-arm rows-
100 3 sets 10 (+10lbs, +2 reps each set)

Close grip pulldowns-
140 2 sets 20 (+5 reps each set)

DB shrugs-
100's 3 sets 20 (+5lbs)

Seated side DB raises-
25's 3 sets 10

Standing front DB raises- alternating arms
25's x 10
30's x 10
35's x 10

Bent over rear laterals-
20's 3 sets 12

Everything felt easy today. Even though I went up on a lot of weights, they still felt, light? :D

I had 3 different people comment today saying how big I was looked. I weighed yestarday and am up to 210lbs from 201. Some is water from all the carbs I ate over the last week. Last time I was 208 I was on the first notch on my belt. Right now I am on the 3rd notch so I have definitely put on some lean mass since then!!


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Every day is chest day, man. :woohoo:

Nice log and good gains so far! BTW, that puffy right nipple... it really doesn't look bad at all in the photo. I'ver had something similar since puberty.


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Every day is chest day, man. :woohoo:

Nice log and good gains so far! BTW, that puffy right nipple... it really doesn't look bad at all in the photo. I'ver had something similar since puberty.
True, true ;)

Thanks man. And yeah I think why I notice it so much is because I had surgery on my left side and the doc actually got into the muscle some, so it makes the right side look worse on some poses. Just relaxed you can't see it.


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Yeah, I see what you're saying. And it might be important if you compete as a bodybuilder or you model, for example. But, as I said, mine looks pretty much the same (it's just some puffiness), and no one has ever even mentioned it to me in all these years. Yes, it would be ideal if it wasn't puffy, but... that's life. In any case, I barely noticed it in your photo.


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Very nice buddy


Hah I hate that man kinda throws you off for a minute but seems like it didn't phase you love the rack pulls with the 25lb plate, that's good weight 3x10 aint nothing to joke about! and I bet you also leaning down so you look a lot bigger then just pure bulk, your body has that right symmetry and proportion. good stuff bro, keep up the great work!


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Hah I hate that man kinda throws you off for a minute but seems like it didn't phase you love the rack pulls with the 25lb plate, that's good weight 3x10 aint nothing to joke about! and I bet you also leaning down so you look a lot bigger then just pure bulk, your body has that right symmetry and proportion. good stuff bro, keep up the great work!

Thanks Kilacali appreciate it man. I am really liking this cycle Putting on some good size and as you said staying fairly lean for once haha.


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Increasing my carbs and I can tell. I am much fuller and tight from my shoulders down. Lovin it ;)

Chest and bis

Flat BB bench-
135 x 20
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 6
295 x 6
315 x 7 ( PR !! ) Crazy !!

Incline DB bench-
80's x 10
90's x 10
100's x 10

Incline cable fly-
40 2 x 20

Cambered bar preacher curl-
75 4 x 10

Concentraion curl-
30 3 x 10

Spider curls-
45 2 x 20

Almost painful pumps today. I don't think I have ever been so tight and pumped up as I was when I left. It was bad enough I about didn't do the spider curls. It hurt just to flex, much less lift any weight haha. Loving this cycle :D

I realized I didn't do tri's today. I may have to cut back on some sets to get my tris in on hyper days.

I ran out of the ORAL AI and am waiting on the second bottle to get here which should be here tomorrow. I started Adex back up Saturday evening to keep things in check. An honestly it seems like my E is still high? I am curios to see if it drops some when I start the ORAL back up...


Awesome bro! glad its getting a lot better! need to see some progress pics soon gotta be jacked!


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Increasing my carbs and I can tell. I am much fuller and tight from my shoulders down. Lovin it ;)

Chest and bis

Flat BB bench-
135 x 20
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 6
295 x 6
315 x 7 ( PR !! ) Crazy !!

Incline DB bench-
80's x 10
90's x 10
100's x 10

Incline cable fly-
40 2 x 20

Cambered bar preacher curl-
75 4 x 10

Concentraion curl-
30 3 x 10

Spider curls-
45 2 x 20

Almost painful pumps today. I don't think I have ever been so tight and pumped up as I was when I left. It was bad enough I about didn't do the spider curls. It hurt just to flex, much less lift any weight haha. Loving this cycle :D

I realized I didn't do tri's today. I may have to cut back on some sets to get my tris in on hyper days.

I ran out of the ORAL AI and am waiting on the second bottle to get here which should be here tomorrow. I started Adex back up Saturday evening to keep things in check. An honestly it seems like my E is still high? I am curios to see if it drops some when I start the ORAL back up...
Are you 100% sure the adex is real? Properly dosed?
Either way i sent you more of the ai already and i packed the bottle full so there is 80 to 100 caps.


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Are you 100% sure the adex is real? Properly dosed?
Either way i sent you more of the ai already and i packed the bottle full so there is 80 to 100 caps.
Not 100%. I was using it before I started the AI. Of course I wasn't that far into the cycle either.....


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Leg day with some pretty good volume :D

warm-up 50 reps on leg extensions

225 x 8
275 x 8
315 3 x 8

Leg press- ours only holds 630#, possibly 720 if the plates don't fall off haha
360 x 15
450 x 15
540 x 15
630 3 x 15

Leg extension- toes pointed forward and only the top half of the movement
100 3 x 20

Lying leg curls-
150 x 15
160 x 15
170 x 12 then 3 partials
drop 100 x 10

Standing leg curls- improvised with leg extension machine
20 2 x 10 each leg

Leg press machine calf raises-
300 4 x 20

Standing single calf raises-
BW 2 x 15

A little wobbly walking out of the gym today haha. Back pumps were horrible!!! I was supposed to do SLDL's but there was no way I could have :(

Taking tomorrow off but then have to work all weekend so I will be lifting in the evenings..


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Mail just came and look what showed up!!!!



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Good things always come in a Little Black Bottle or a Little Black Dress


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Ohh yeaaaaaa.....!


Good things always come in a Little Black Bottle or a Little Black Dress
Yummy, ! does anyone else like to take a smell of their bottles of supps after they get them like a fine wine or is it just me? lol


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Way to bust the legs, JD! Great workout.


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Today was an off day but decided my bis and tris could always use some improvement.

Dips- 4 sets 10
Overhead cable extensions- 3 x 15
V-bar pushdowns- 3 x 10

Hammer curls- 4 x 10
Incline DB curls- 3 x 10
High cable curls- 3 x 15

I was going to superset everything but honestly don't think I could of made it through. My tris were so pumped they hurt around my elbow when I started hitting tris !! I felt like my skin was going to tear, it was unreal haha


question; I just dropped aromasin from my cycle for now cause i feel my estro is below normal, and added masteron p and e at 100mg each EOD with my test, running approx. 800-900mg test a week, you think i will honestly need an ai runnin this current setup? i really aint gyno prone, i did just recover from a slight incident while back running tren at 105mg and had to nuke it with nolva and letro for a while, its pretty much gone i had lumps in both nips only have one smaller then a dime in left nip now and their nice and tight, i haven't been retaining water for nothing either like i mentioned in my log i feel like im running trest as much as ive been sweating, i started the mast today, stopped the 10-12mg of exem yesterday.


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question; I just dropped aromasin from my cycle for now cause i feel my estro is below normal, and added masteron p and e at 100mg each EOD with my test, running approx. 800-900mg test a week, you think i will honestly need an ai runnin this current setup? i really aint gyno prone, i did just recover from a slight incident while back running tren at 105mg and had to nuke it with nolva and letro for a while, its pretty much gone i had lumps in both nips only have one smaller then a dime in left nip now and their nice and tight, i haven't been retaining water for nothing either like i mentioned in my log i feel like im running trest as much as ive been sweating, i started the mast today, stopped the 10-12mg of exem yesterday.
I read that on your log today, but was on my phone and didn't get to reply. Honestly without blood work it would be hard to say because everyone is going to react different. 800mg test a week is high enough that I would still run an AI even with running Mast. You dropped both the nolva and exem pretty close together so you hormones are probably flucuating pretty good right now. i would still stay on the exa IMO.
I don't get hormone panels done very much but can tell when my E gets to low. My libido really drops along with joints getting achy.


I read that on your log today, but was on my phone and didn't get to reply. Honestly without blood work it would be hard to say because everyone is going to react different. 800mg test a week is high enough that I would still run an AI even with running Mast. You dropped both the nolva and exem pretty close together so you hormones are probably flucuating pretty good right now. i would still stay on the exa IMO.
I don't get hormone panels done very much but can tell when my E gets to low. My libido really drops along with joints getting achy.
agree'd i can notice the difference as well cause i feel fuller and joints are better as well, when the letro kicked a while back my damn knees specially were killin me, im thinking of running the exem 10mg eod to kind of keep things in check.


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agree'd i can notice the difference as well cause i feel fuller and joints are better as well, when the letro kicked a while back my damn knees specially were killin me, im thinking of running the exem 10mg eod to kind of keep things in check.
I would for sure run an ai with any test dose above 200mg. I can run 100mg every third day with no flare but at maybe 350mg i start to see some action. for 800 mg use 12.5 aromasin ed and adjust as needed.
Letro is too stout and should be reserved for only the worst circumstances. You could also use our oral ai. 2 caps a day should be enough if nothing else is on board.
The gyno you got from tren is prolactin related so we wouldnt use an ai to combat it. You would use prolactrone, cabergoline or prami.


I would for sure run an ai with any test dose above 200mg. I can run 100mg every third day with no flare but at maybe 350mg i start to see some action. for 800 mg use 12.5 aromasin ed and adjust as needed.
Letro is too stout and should be reserved for only the worst circumstances. You could also use our oral ai. 2 caps a day should be enough if nothing else is on board.
The gyno you got from tren is prolactin related so we wouldnt use an ai to combat it. You would use prolactrone, cabergoline or prami.
I want this AI! when can I get it?? and yea I had to use prami at 2+ MG a day, letro and nolva to get rid of that deal, took a couple weeks but it worked out and now im fresh again.


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The raws shipped to the manufacturer already so we should have product soon.
I might be able to run a few bottles here after the memorial vacation.


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I'm still alive. Been a crazy weekend. Headed to work then the gym. Ill update tonight.....


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Heavy upper body day !!!

Bent-over barbell rows-
275 3 x 5

Neutral grip pull-ups -
3 x 5 w/25# weight

Flat bench-
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 3
325 x 3 (PR)

BW x 10
BW +45# x 8
BW +90# x 8
BW +135# x 8 (HUGE PR) VIDEO BELOW !!!

Reverse pec dec-
90 3 x 10 (changing grips)

Barbell curls-
40# 1 set of 50

Rope grip pushdown-
50# 1 set of 50

Awesome workout today. Felt great with no shoulder pain at all. Bench felt a little heavier today than last week but the dips were awesome !!!
My diet hasn't been the best lately. I have been eating good ( until last night and I ate a whole Dominoe's pizza haha ) but I just haven't been eating enough. I am in the middle of working 9 days straight and we have been pretty busy so I haven't been able to eat when I should. I have GOT to get my calories up!!!

The 4 days (?) I was off the ORAL Ai I delt with some puffiness and almost feels like my gyno may have gotten a little bigger, so I am dealing with it right now. Not running anything besides the ORAL, yet. With the puffiness coming on that quick, would it be from a quick E rebound? Or maybe just because I am running so much other stuff? I know my E was under pretty good control before I ran out of the oral because my joints were pretty achy, were right now they aren't. I have only been back on the AI for 4 days. I would bet by the end of the week my estrogen will be pretty low again.



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Also, any constructive criticism on my dip form?


Also, any constructive criticism on my dip form?
Dips looked awesome bro! only thing I could even critique is your lower back, but I cant see from the angle if your keeping it arched or not? I think its always good to always have it arched a little even with dips specially with the plate hanging from you can stress the lower lumbar area/spinae muscles and spine, and of course you probably know that form you had was pure chest! the higher up your head and chest is the more back arm involved, but those dips were great, nice and deep and all the way up. good **** man! hope the E subsides!


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Heavy upper body day !!!

Bent-over barbell rows-
275 3 x 5

Neutral grip pull-ups -
3 x 5 w/25# weight

Flat bench-
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 3
325 x 3 (PR)

BW x 10
BW +45# x 8
BW +90# x 8
BW +135# x 8 (HUGE PR) VIDEO BELOW !!!

Reverse pec dec-
90 3 x 10 (changing grips)

Barbell curls-
40# 1 set of 50

Rope grip pushdown-
50# 1 set of 50

Awesome workout today. Felt great with no shoulder pain at all. Bench felt a little heavier today than last week but the dips were awesome !!!
My diet hasn't been the best lately. I have been eating good ( until last night and I ate a whole Dominoe's pizza haha ) but I just haven't been eating enough. I am in the middle of working 9 days straight and we have been pretty busy so I haven't been able to eat when I should. I have GOT to get my calories up!!!

The 4 days (?) I was off the ORAL Ai I delt with some puffiness and almost feels like my gyno may have gotten a little bigger, so I am dealing with it right now. Not running anything besides the ORAL, yet. With the puffiness coming on that quick, would it be from a quick E rebound? Or maybe just because I am running so much other stuff? I know my E was under pretty good control before I ran out of the oral because my joints were pretty achy, were right now they aren't. I have only been back on the AI for 4 days. I would bet by the end of the week my estrogen will be pretty low again.

I dont know if you experienced rebound but I do know that your running enough gear that without an ai youll be in trouble quick. At least we know that the oral was really holding things back.
Cant see the vid on my phone. Ill check it in morn.


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I really don't feel like I've grown much......


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Diet is key bro.
When Im on cycle I go all in. I figure most people can adhere to a diet for a couple of months.
2g protein per lb of desired bodyweight.
Increase cals 500 from fat and protein.
Make sure your nutrition pre and post training is on point.
Make sure your getting a solid meal in right before bed. Carbless. But lots of protein and fat.
If you get chubby cut carbs earlier and sub fats for them plus add more cardio.

If your still not growing add 500 more carbs until the scale starts moving.


looking pretty jacked bro, brundel has the right advice, I think I would follow that, definitely get that diet kicked in and take advantage of that high metabolism from the cmpounds your on, you have plenty of time to cut the carbs and drop some of that extra bulk if needed but I think you should be jacking up the carbs and proteins cause your body is probably incinierating everything you put in it along with that AI i'm sure adding to that. but you look like you've gotten a lot more solid sincethe last pictures!


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Thanks guys. My diet is set up for 3400 cals with 340 carbs right now. So it is just getting the meals in that I need to that has been the problem lately. Some days my appetite is ravenous and I know I could eat more, just finding time....


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Skipped last nights workout too. Besides working a lot lately I am not sure what is going on? I am just completely wore out in the afternoons. I get off work at 3 today, so I will see how I feel. May just take the rest of the week off...

I think my estrogen is dropping pretty good again. Bent down at work yestarday and my knees let me know about it haha


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Took tonight off too, I think I needed it.....

As for the AI although I said yestarday I thought my E was dropoing because my joints, my right nip has been tender for a few days. Going to give it a few more days to see what happens. If nothing changes I will take other routes, but hopefully it does ;)


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Are you taking 3 caps?

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