* * * Best Company Name Contest * * *


Anabolic Innovations Owner
Ok I am thinking about changing the name of my company which is currently Chemistry-labs. Which probably is a good name if I want to sell bunsun burners but not the best if I want to sell supplements :)

I need one that still has the domain name available. You can check and see if it is available at godaddy.com I have come up with a couple but nothing too great.

Prefer NOT to have a hyphen in the name.

It would be nice if I could use the company name is new products I come up with but NOT entirely necessary. I have one product of my own which is EXCELL (name not written in stone) and am coming up with more.

EDIT Prize if your suggestion is chosen is 1 Kilo of EXCELL Invalid Link Removed

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Empire Supplements empiresupps.com
Elysian Supplements
Infinity Supplements infinitysupps.com
Pelican Nutrition
Perfected Sciene
Sidewinder Supplements (a missile for the logo, how cool is that? lol) New products called "Python " ... "Thor" ..."Titan"..."Vostok"

kind of random
Brent said:
What is the prize?

Same as the prize for the coolest name in the world contest. ;)

Brent said:
Empire Supplements empiresupps.com
Elysian Supplements
Infinity Supplements infinitysupps.com
Pelican Nutrition
Perfected Sciene
Sidewinder Supplements (a missile for the logo, how cool is that? lol)

Hey Brent,

Thanks for all the ideas

The company name I I am thinking of is more like names for sup MANUFACTURES not sup stores, as I will be having my own products and not really selling other companies products too much if at all.

More like MuscleTech or Anabolic Extreme rather than the Vitamin World or Supplement Center etc.

Have you ever heard of a company called Designer Supplements? hehe, They don't sell anyone elses stuff.
Brent said:
Have you ever heard of a company called Designer Supplements? hehe, They don't sell anyone elses stuff.

That sounds like a GREAT name. Is it still available lol

BTW Why are you on the computer and not in some peloton or trying a solo flier off the front on the side of the Alps somewhere? :run:

Speaking of which I need to spend another 20 hours on the computer today so my bike rusts just a LITTLE bit more and I get a little more out of shape. :)

I am on the computer trying to win contests so I get win fake prizes to help boost my cycling performance.

What kind of bike do you have?
I really really need a road bike. Sponsor me! lol

also.... keep the sidewinder name in the back of your head!
Brent said:
I am on the computer trying to win contests so I get win fake prizes to help boost my cycling performance.

What kind of bike do you have?
I really really need a road bike. Sponsor me! lol
:toofunny: Nice comeback bro. :toofunny:

I have a Cervelo P3 triathlon bike. Just like this one.

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Only problem is if I am slow I can't blame my equipment lol

I am going to eat some tuna now, so go in the mountains with your bike and have fun.

Hey, im up for a contest... 17 year old have good imagination so lets hope for the best...
websites will be forthcoming!

I hope I win the prize!!!
and I hope you like those names, it took me thirty minutes
Titan Supplements
Apogee Supplements (apogee is basically an orbital apex)
Initial Supplements
Signature Supplements
Signature Extreme
Boss Supplements
Industry First Supps
Cutting Edge Supps
Leading Edge Supps

Industry's Best
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HFI Health and Fitness Industries
www. healthandfitnessindustries.com


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Guys we need something that is going to reflect professionalism, quality, strength, and something that will work well with products. For example if we were using Signature Supplements, we could do Signature Cuts, Signature Bulk, Signature Cycle Support, etc.

Keep them coming :).

Steel cycle
Steel cuts
Steel bulk
Steel support

Steel in my eyes (the consumer) represents a solid, quality product, that will help achieve long lasting results(like steel).

Just an idea, im sure Ill have more
Generic Pharm Grade Supplements
Nutrtion Ingenerd Supplements
Peak Excelled/Performance/Labs Supplements
Nutrition Lab
Rock Nutrition
Solid Supplements by Design
Designer/Designed Excelled Supplements
Crowlers Excelled Nutrition

New Generation Supplements...powered by excell tech.

"Surpass Genetics. Mold your own Body"
EDIT Prize if your suggestion is chosen is 1 Kilo of EXCELL Invalid Link Removed

This was LakeMountD's suggestion to have a prize. I knew that guy would be trouble :)

Cellular Supps
-BIGcell (bulking product)

maybe too much like a muscletech ad...i dunno, but i think its catchy

That looks like a lot of stuff.. actually looks exactly like cocaine....hmm

I dont know what I would do with a kilo of that stuff. Is it like an energy powder you mix with a drink?
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]DESIGNERPHARM.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]DESIGNERPHARMS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]NEUGENIXLABS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]BIOSYNTHETICS.COM - (available to purchase $900, however not taken)
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]BIOSYNTHETICLABS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]INNOVATIVESUPPS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]ERGOVATIONLABS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]ERGOGENICLABS.COM[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]
(as of today, all of these domain names are available, however biosynthetics is taken but is available to purchase)

BTW... I do this for work. That is come up with domain names, purchase, and resell them on auctions.
Hey, can I do that too? That sounds like a not so hard job that I could do part time for college? think you could email like info or anything, or do i need a degree to do it?

sooty dot the dot super dot bear at gmail dot com
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]

[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]HYPERTROPHYINDUSTRIES.COM

[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]HYPERTROPHYSOLUTIONS.COM[/FONT]
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[FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]EXCELLABZ.COM[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif][/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]EXCELLPHARM.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif][/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]PURESTLABS.COM
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sanserif]UNCUTLABS.COM[/FONT]

If that doesn;t win, I dont know what to do

and if I dont win, at least you have some good ideas right right
We are giving it a little bit of time right now. Crowler is out until tomorrow morning :).

Keep em' coming in the meantime.
I heard you guys picked Sidewinder... lol... I don't know why but I am in love with that name.

other ideas

Apoc Creations
Rusty Needles
Rusty Needles and sex
Misery Biaxident
Crowler... how about SupUWorld, Slogan can be... "You stack'em we pack'em"
Supps or supplements can be substituted for nutrition in any of these
Also if anyone doesn't know the dictionary definition of the top of your head, Probably should look it
up so you get where i am coming from

Also the word labs can be thrown in..valencelabs etc. So if any variation of these work, then i win! lol Although I'm not sure if all variations have available domain names.

ZenithLabs.com (I like this the best so far)

I'll probably come up with more soon.

I have phoned into my local newspaper and cancled my subscription. I no longer need the funny pages anymore because this thread has me laughing so hard.

I see a few names that are intriguing. I will look them up and see if their domain names are still available. Then I will run it pas LakeMountD. He is the tough one ya know. I am happy go lucky and funny. LakeMountD is the Hard azz all scientific and stuff keeping me in line. :)


EDIT By the way LakeMD I see your name at the bottom of this thread reading lol
I have phoned into my local newspaper and cancled my subscription. I no longer need the funny pages anymore because this thread has me laughing so hard.

I see a few names that are intriguing. I will look them up and see if their domain names are still available. Then I will run it pas LakeMountD. He is the tough one ya know. I am happy go lucky and funny. LakeMountD is the Hard azz all scientific and stuff keeping me in line. :)


EDIT By the way LakeMD I see your name at the bottom of this thread reading lol

Haha yeah he is lucky he had me along with him. If it weren't for me he would already be naming it Chuck Norris Supplements! hahahahaha :icon_lol: :rofl: :woohoo:
i did read it....and I did remember 1fast500 which was kind of funny..and your excellabs one..but I was thinking of a friends band name and it came to me..

anyway,if (yes if lol) it was there then so be it.
what made you come up with that?

I'd also change one i said to Proliferated Labs..instead of proliferation

Well, being the creative person that I am, i went to dictionary dot com and looked up synonyms for the word amazing, or something. and zenith was one of them...

plus it sounds awesome

i have at least 500 words in my vocabulary!!!!

um, yea its there on the first page of the thread... like 10th post or somethi
Sooty said:
Well, being the creative person that I am, i went to dictionary dot com and looked up synonyms for the word amazing, or something. and zenith was one of them...

plus it sounds awesome

i have at least 500 words in my vocabulary!!!!

um, yea its there on the first page of the thread... like 10th post or somethi

Fine so you beat me by 1 word...which would be "doi"..lol

anyway...well i'd have to agree it's a cool name since two of us thought of it. I mean i guess it's possible I subconciously saw it and stuff..either way...oh i just thought of one more

Invalid Link Removed :woohoo:

back to the drawing board....cool part is I'm at work and getting paid for this ish..

LakeMountD said:
Haha yeah he is lucky he had me along with him. If it weren't for me he would already be naming it Chuck Norris Supplements! hahahahaha :icon_lol: :rofl: :woohoo:

Ok Mr funny man are you going to pay for the key board I just ruined because EXCELL came out my nose :icon_lol: j/k
