Baby steps - Epistane Pulse


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Overly cautious newbie looking for advice. How does this look for a first timer?

Epi pulse three times per week on lifting days - M,W,F

Week 1 - 10mg, 20, 20
Week 2 - 20, 20, 20
Week 3 - 30, 30, 30
Week 4 - 30, 30, 30

Off days DHEA

Regular supplements include fish oil, flax, Vit D, Glucosamine Chondroitin, Vit C, and Dessicated Liver tabs (I'm the one guy who still takes those)

Any need for PCT following week 4?


New member
Personally I'd rather do 20mg ED. I saw some nice gains that way myself, with basically no shutdown, and I only used resveratrol for PCT. However I'm curious how this would work, does anyone know what the test/estro conversion ratio of DHEA would be on the off days? I'm especially curious how this in combination to the pulsing of epi will treat your joints, since estrogen helps lube them, but both epi and dhea should suppress cortisol activity, thus possibly causing increased inflammation.

Regarding PCT, I would definitely have something on hand. There have been very mixed reports about pulsing, some claim to get just as equally shutdown as from straight cycles. I would expect your natural test levels to be lower at the end of this than not, and bringing them back up is important following a cycle to make sure you keep your gains.


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Just to clarify, when I said PCT, I wasn't speaking in general terms, I was referring to the actual product, AE's Advanced PCT.

Any more opinions on the cycle? Thinking of adding a test booster. Any recommendations?


AI Sports Nutrition
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Just to clarify, when I said PCT, I wasn't speaking in general terms, I was referring to the actual product, AE's Advanced PCT.

Any more opinions on the cycle? Thinking of adding a test booster. Any recommendations?

Cycle looks good. I would take Stoked on your off days. I do not think you will need a pct for a 3 day a week pulse on epi. The Stoked is a test booster and helps reduce estrogen and is a great antioxidant. Best of luck bro let me know if I can help out.


New member
To clarify, when I said about having something "on hand" for PCT, I was talking about having a SERM. Even something mild like resveratrol is definitely better than nothing. I'm not familiar with the advanced PCT as a product, but it doesn't look like it contains a SERM. Perhaps someone else here knows more about it and can say for sure whether it's sufficient.

One small question though, when you say "following week 4", with regards to your PCT, do you mean, following week 4 of PCT, or week 4 of the cycle? This may be a silly question, so no offense intended :D


New member
Cycle looks good. I would take Stoked on your off days. I do not think you will need a pct for a 3 day a week pulse on epi. The Stoked is a test booster and helps reduce estrogen and is a great antioxidant. Best of luck bro let me know if I can help out.
Interesting advice, if I'm not mistaken one of the main ingredients of Stoked is resveratrol, which has SERM-like properties. While I'm not sure about taking it on the off days, it's definitely a healthy product, which I would continue taking ED after the cycle, if you do decide to take it at all.


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I was referring to taking the Advanced PCT following week four of the cycle.


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Yes, four week PCT is probably more than you would need, but I would still suggest at least a couple of weeks after your cycle, where you expect to be in some sort of homeostatic imbalance, and supplement wisely to bring yourself back to homeostasis quickly. Am I correct to understand that you are planning on taking the advanced PCT during your cycle??


New member
No, I don't plan to take the PCT during the cycle. I would start the Advanced PCT product as soon as the 4 week Epistane pulse cycle is over and use it for a couple of weeks.

So, the pulse would look like this - Pusle 3 times per week on lifting days, M/W/F:

Week 1 - 10mg, 20, 20
Week 2 - 20, 20, 20
Week 3 - 30, 30, 30
Week 4 - 30, 30, 30

Off days DHEA

Week 5 AE's Advanced PCT
Week 6 AE's Advanced PCT

Now, the question is do I need to add a test booster? If so, when? On the off days during the cycle, during weeks 5-6 when taking the Advanced PCT, or during all 6 weeks?


New member
There are studies indicating resveratrol increases testosterone. As mentioned before, stoked contains resveratrol, as well as Icariin I believe, which some studies (and members of this board) claim increases virility and possibly testosterone as well. Personally I'd go for it. Currently I'm in PCT from a dbol+epi cycle, and I'm using Reversitol which contains resveratrol, also resveratrol caps, and will soon be adding HGW (which contains icariin) and some fenugreek into the mix. Pembroke being an AI rep could probably give you better advice regarding stoked :)


New member
If I take a test booster, do I take it during the cycle, after, or during and after?


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O.K. so if I go with Stoked during my off days, is there a need for DHEA on the off days as well? Or is that just overkill?


AI Sports Nutrition
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O.K. so if I go with Stoked during my off days, is there a need for DHEA on the off days as well? Or is that just overkill?
I do not think it would hurt but there would really be not big need. Good luck bro.


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how did this cycle go? i was planning on doing the same thing...


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i ran the same epi cycle except on my off days i took testofen...and i didnt run a pct at all. my left knee joint hurt and my right shoulder no matter how much fish oil i took during the cycle...couple zits on my back no big deal..balls were full all the time..still feel like my test is cycle ended 4/ probs..joints feel good now still lean mainly in the back.

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