Article: The Time-Restricted-Plus Diet


New member
Are there no humans available for these studies? Rats and fat loss, seriously? Thanks guys.
Styles C

Styles C

New member
Looks interesting.. I'll have to try the time-eating experiment first without the mag 10.
$70 for 28 servings is a lot of money. A lot.

There was an article on here recently with some guy saying it may be a myth that eating at night leads to unwanted fat gain. This article above is literally stating the opposite, that it does matter what time you eat.
Styles C

Styles C

New member
It is three pages below. "Should you fear late-night eating?" By Bob Kupienewski

trt tom

New member
Personally, waste of time. it's a mag-10sales pitch. Article does not in factor in genetics, possible gear your on etc. I just train hard as hell and add additional glutamine an lucein to my BCCA's to my post work out protein shake. I'm 52 and shredded. I pound down a ton of food, mostly ultra-clean boring carp, but I never have to go through the bulk/cut B.S. that gym rats do. I'm just running a 200mg trt per week , good supps and train like hell. Not rocket science, hard work =good results.

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