Anavar and TRT



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Basic question for my wife. I’ll try to be as detailed as I can. My wife is currently on TRT pellet treatment. She is going through menopause and just turned 48 and myself just turned 46 and I’m on TRT pellets

my wife was interested in running some Var , her diet is good and she weight trains 4 days a week , we do have a homegym , which is our 2 car garage , which I invested a lot of money into. I have a basic understanding of Var but I have no clue when it comes to women and especially when the woman is on TRT.
How would she run a var cycle ? What should be aware of? How much to run for how long ? Still to keep it safe , I was thinking 10 mgs max daily and appx a 8-10 week cycle for her. But will the Anavar mess with the trt or other hormone levels ?

I dnt know what other details to give , tried to be as accurate as I can be.

The Chuckster aka Chuckarooni


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Im not reccomending anything but i will say that i see a lot of females start out on 5mg a day and do just fine.

Id urg you both to ditch the pellet for a weekly injection or a daily cream. The pellets are probably the worst and most uncomfortable trt option.


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Im not reccomending anything but i will say that i see a lot of females start out on 5mg a day and do just fine.

Id urg you both to ditch the pellet for a weekly injection or a daily cream. The pellets are probably the worst and most uncomfortable trt option.
Thanks bro. Appreciate it.
Well I have done injections before. I was using 250 Test Cyp. It was good. But the pellets ain’t doing me bad at all. I just went for my 3rd dose and besides the uncomfortable sourness for a week , I have felt good on it not amazing but def improved sleep and libido and fat loss and one thing I have most noticed with pellets is recovery and all my achey joints are hardly achey anymore , libido is actually to wild as I’m good in general so it makes me 100% hornier man. But my wife is doing great on it. Shes been on it for a year and is so much like her old self. Personally at the moment imma stay on it for a while maybe I’ll change up.

I am and been curious about the TRT cream. Thats def something I been thinking of. I have to look into it


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Thanks bro. Appreciate it.
Well I have done injections before. I was using 250 Test Cyp. It was good. But the pellets ain’t doing me bad at all. I just went for my 3rd dose and besides the uncomfortable sourness for a week , I have felt good on it not amazing but def improved sleep and libido and fat loss and one thing I have most noticed with pellets is recovery and all my achey joints are hardly achey anymore , libido is actually to wild as I’m good in general so it makes me 100% hornier man. But my wife is doing great on it. Shes been on it for a year and is so much like her old self. Personally at the moment imma stay on it for a while maybe I’ll change up.

I am and been curious about the TRT cream. Thats def something I been thinking of. I have to look into it
Just curious of how long you were on injections and why did you stop?


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I agree with Smont on the Var at 5 mg to start for a woman, and ditching the pellets for injectable. @Hyde is very knowledgeable on Anavar use for females. His wife is a National Champion Strongwoman, and he has a wealth of knowledge with PEDs in general. Maybe he’ll give some advice.


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Just curious of how long you were on injections and why did you stop?
No worries. I was on injections for maybe a year. A little less. For one I got sick of injecting and 2- this may sound weird but I wasn’t happy with the results of 250Cyp. I actually went out and got street **** towards the end and upped to 500 mgs each injection where I then saw good gains and did that for two minths maybe 3. Then just wanted to go back training natural. My test levels were at like 450 when I got put on injections. I really wanted to try a diffeeent method with TRT with pellets. My levels were at appx 420 when I started try this time and I am planning on never comi mg off man. Just which method will I go with. Not sure. . I overall I’m feeling alright with pellets. Sore for a week , then I do nothing for 5 months go back and get inserted with pellets again. It’s about 600$

I do wanna try the cream and I do wanna do injections again , just no rush on it


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I agree with Smont on the Var at 5 mg to start for a woman, and ditching the pellets for injectable. @Hyde is very knowledgeable on Anavar use for females. His wife is a National Champion Strongwoman, and he has a wealth of knowledge with PEDs in general. Maybe he’ll give some advice.
Awesome bro. Thanks so much. Some advice will be nice. I just want a short run for her 5-10 at max but I think 5 would suffice for sure. Thanks man

and as for the pellets well thankfully there are other options. So I like to try them all. Next I wanna try the cream topical way and see how it goes I’m 46 doing well feel good so no rush. Too be honest I feel good with the pellets b I really can’t complain


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No worries. I was on injections for maybe a year. A little less. For one I got sick of injecting and 2- this may sound weird but I wasn’t happy with the results of 250Cyp. I actually went out and got street **** towards the end and upped to 500 mgs each injection where I then saw good gains and did that for two minths maybe 3. Then just wanted to go back training natural. My test levels were at like 450 when I got put on injections. I really wanted to try a diffeeent method with TRT with pellets. My levels were at appx 420 when I started try this time and I am planning on never comi mg off man. Just which method will I go with. Not sure. . I overall I’m feeling alright with pellets. Sore for a week , then I do nothing for 5 months go back and get inserted with pellets again. It’s about 600$

I do wanna try the cream and I do wanna do injections again , just no rush on it
I think you’re expecting TRT to be something that it’s not. 500mgs of test isn’t TRT. That’s a cycle. 250 mgs is even pretty high for TRT. You want enough test to keep you with in range, hopefully keep your E2 in check without an AI and reverse the symptoms of low T such as foggy headed, low energy, low libido, erection issues, etc. I’ve been on TRT for 10 years and you couldn’t pay me to switch to gels or pellets.


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Most the ppl i know who were on pellets felt great for the firsr few weeks and then like trash till there next fill. But if you feel good **** it lol. Also, 250 test is actually double what moat need. But, trt is not to build muscle. Its trt


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I think you’re expecting TRT to be something that it’s not. 500mgs of test isn’t TRT. That’s a cycle. 250 mgs is even pretty high for TRT. You want enough test to keep you with in range, hopefully keep your E2 in check without an AI and reverse the symptoms of low T such as foggy headed, low energy, low libido, erection issues, etc. I’ve been on TRT for 10 years and you couldn’t pay me to switch to gels or pellets.
So when I did the 250 injections was 10 to 11 years ago. So at the time I was def not fully understanding of what I wanted from it or what to really expect.

these days I have no issues in bed none at all no ED issues. But my recovery has slowed down and aches and injuries lagging. I straight up told the Dr when I went I want this for repair and a bit more energy. Which is why I’m saying I’m happy with it now. I do realize now 11 yrs later what TRT is supposed to be and I’m feeling good with pellets. My levels are good around 1100 and I’m doing real well.


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Most the ppl i know who were on pellets felt great for the firsr few weeks and then like trash till there next fill. But if you feel good **** it lol. Also, 250 test is actually double what moat need. But, trt is not to build muscle. Its trt
Ok so that’s correct lol. A guy I work with said for the first few months he felt amazing , first few weeks was the best like weeks 2-6 after that the next few months were very slightly above normal til he had to go back. Opposite was for me. I felt good after about 5 days even better after 3 weeks and by about 4 months I can tell it had worn off but shockingly I still felt really good , like real good lol. But I def went back on cause I did like the that little extra something Fk it is right. It’s working for me so imma rock with it. My wife is on pellets also and is doing so great. I actually refered it to her and glad I did. Cause she was a mess from menopause


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If the pellet works f
Ok so that’s correct lol. A guy I work with said for the first few months he felt amazing , first few weeks was the best like weeks 2-6 after that the next few months were very slightly above normal til he had to go back. Opposite was for me. I felt good after about 5 days even better after 3 weeks and by about 4 months I can tell it had worn off but shockingly I still felt really good , like real good lol. But I def went back on cause I did like the that little extra something Fk it is right. It’s working for me so imma rock with it. My wife is on pellets also and is doing so great. I actually refered it to her and glad I did. Cause she was a mess from menopause
Ya i cant argue with that. If it aint broke, dont fix it.


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I agree with Smont on the Var at 5 mg to start for a woman, and ditching the pellets for injectable. @Hyde is very knowledgeable on Anavar use for females. His wife is a National Champion Strongwoman, and he has a wealth of knowledge with PEDs in general. Maybe he’ll give some advice.
For a woman for first time, 2.5-5mg Var for 4-6 weeks on max, then 6-8 weeks off minimum before another run.

I would strongly consider leaning towards 2.5mg/day, and keeping it to just a month. I say that because it gives you room to go a bit longer or run more in the inevitable future cycles. Strength or fitness, they are both marathons.

The main thing that contributes to virilization (permanent voice deepening, body/facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement) in a woman using androgens is dosage and duration of exposure. The less the better; once you cross certain thresholds there will be no going back (primarily concerning voice and hair growth).

Non-androgenic anabolics for a woman to consider cycling in between runs of Var (or other AAS) on top of her prescribed TRT for periods would be things like 25-50mg DHEA, 20mcg Clen, and/or 1iu GH daily.


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As for your pellets….if you find them getting weak about 4 months in, that last 8-10 weeks before the implant is probably the ideal time to do any blasting. Even just something simple like adding 3-400mg test in then could be a cost effective, fairly low health-impact way to both get some elevated training accomplished while cost-effectively skipping the slump.


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If the pellet works f

Ya i cant argue with that. If it aint broke, dont fix it.
Exactly bro. I dnt over think things ya know. Everything has its plus and minus’s. I try to stay simple it works better for me that way lol


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For a woman for first time, 2.5-5mg Var for 4-6 weeks on max, then 6-8 weeks off minimum before another run.

I would strongly consider leaning towards 2.5mg/day, and keeping it to just a month. I say that because it gives you room to go a bit longer or run more in the inevitable future cycles. Strength or fitness, they are both marathons.

The main thing that contributes to virilization (permanent voice deepening, body/facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement) in a woman using androgens is dosage and duration of exposure. The less the better; once you cross certain thresholds there will be no going back (primarily concerning voice and hair growth).

Non-androgenic anabolics for a woman to consider cycling in between runs of Var (or other AAS) on top of her prescribed TRT for periods would be things like 25-50mg DHEA, 20mcg Clen, and/or 1iu GH daily.
Bro I truley appreciate you taking your time to answer this for me. This has been more than helpful. Thank you very much. I screen shotted the comment so I make sure it don’t get lost I will 100% follow your advice. Thank you again brotha !


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As for your pellets….if you find them getting weak about 4 months in, that last 8-10 weeks before the implant is probably the ideal time to do any blasting. Even just something simple like adding 3-400mg test in then could be a cost effective, fairly low health-impact way to both get some elevated training accomplished while cost-effectively skipping the slump.
So that interesting you say that regarding running test twd end of the pellet cycle . My friend who is ion pellets as well is gonna do the same but just with 200 mgs Test Cyp. We already grabbed him a 10 ML bottle But I will recommend he ups it and see what he thinks. I am considering your advice on it as well

Hyde , thanks for your time with great advice. It’s appreciated man. 🍻


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So that interesting you say that regarding running test twd end of the pellet cycle . My friend who is ion pellets as well is gonna do the same but just with 200 mgs Test Cyp. We already grabbed him a 10 ML bottle But I will recommend he ups it and see what he thinks. I am considering your advice on it as well

Hyde , thanks for your time with great advice. It’s appreciated man.
200/wk is PLENTY for a solid replacement dose; even guys who are very high metabolizers will avoid low T with that. So if that’s all he’s after, to avoid the pellet slump, that’ll do it.

I just said 400/wk for you because you know you responded well on that 500/wk test cycle. Some guys will get on better than others with more testosterone.


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200/wk is PLENTY for a solid replacement dose; even guys who are very high metabolizers will avoid low T with that. So if that’s all he’s after, to avoid the pellet slump, that’ll do it.

I just said 400/wk for you because you know you responded well on that 500/wk test cycle. Some guys will get on better than others with more testosterone.
Yes that was he concern for the slo with pellets. I get a bit of a slum
Myself but I still overall feel pretty damn good. Maybe cause I been training so long eat clean etc. he is fairly new to lifting 5 months I’m about 19 years.

yes when I did 500 MGs I felt really good to be honest. Gained weight lifts went up I had no issues man. So what I left out was idk what I was thinking I then upped it to 750 mgs a week. Bad decision. Within a week I was getting crazy insomnia so I just stopped it all together and that’s the last time I used injections and that was 10/11 years ago

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