Alpha T-2, OEP, Erase log


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Just got these today and plan to start tomorrow..

Should I start with all the first day or just start with the OEP day 1 and then add the alpha t-2 2nd day, and finally the erase the 3rd day?

I am currently taking a green tea/ caffeine supplement called Green Tea Fat Burner -applied nutrition- and I was thinking of just adding the AT2 to begin with and continue with my Green Tea products..

Any suggestions or thoughts?

Currently 196lbs about 12% bf trying to get down to 6%bf or so..

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Just got these today and plan to start tomorrow..

Should I start with all the first day or just start with the OEP day 1 and then add the alpha t-2 2nd day, and finally the erase the 3rd day?

I am currently taking a green tea/ caffeine supplement called Green Tea Fat Burner -applied nutrition- and I was thinking of just adding the AT2 to begin with and continue with my Green Tea products..

Any suggestions or thoughts?

Currently 196lbs about 12% bf trying to get down to 6%bf or so..
Don't take the green tea supplement if it has caffeine. OEP has caffeine.

For the first day I would just do 1 OEP in the morning, 1 AT2 in the afternoon, and 1 Erase at night

Then work your way up with each product each day progressively, there where on the 3rd or 4th day you are at a full dose of:

Dose 1 (first thing upon waking on an empty stomach) - 1 cap Alpha-T2 + 2 caps OxyElite Pro + 1 cap Erase
Dose 2 (6-8 hours post-Dose 1) - 2 caps Alpha-T2 + 1 cap Erase + 1 cap OxyElite Pro
Dose 3 (15-60 min pre-bed) - 1 cap Erase (with or without food)

Do not eat for at least 30 minutes after doses 1 and 2.
Do not exceed 4 capsules of Alpha-T2, 4 capsules of OxyElite Pro in 24 hours, or 4 capsules of Erase in any 24-hour period.


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Don't take the green tea supplement if it has caffeine. OEP has caffeine.

For the first day I would just do 1 OEP in the morning, 1 AT2 in the afternoon, and 1 Erase at night

Then work your way up with each product each day progressively, there where on the 3rd or 4th day you are at a full dose of:

Dose 1 (first thing upon waking on an empty stomach) - 1 cap Alpha-T2 + 2 caps OxyElite Pro + 1 cap Erase
Dose 2 (6-8 hours post-Dose 1) - 2 caps Alpha-T2 + 1 cap Erase + 1 cap OxyElite Pro
Dose 3 (15-60 min pre-bed) - 1 cap Erase (with or without food)

Do not eat for at least 30 minutes after doses 1 and 2.
Do not exceed 4 capsules of Alpha-T2, 4 capsules of OxyElite Pro in 24 hours, or 4 capsules of Erase in any 24-hour period.
Thanks. One other question.. I currently do a Lean Gains style diet (fasting for 16 hours / 8 hour eating window... So I normally wake up at 6 am but do not eat until noon... Will not eating while taking these supplements make me feel crappy?

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Thanks. One other question.. I currently do a Lean Gains style diet (fasting for 16 hours / 8 hour eating window... So I normally wake up at 6 am but do not eat until noon... Will not eating while taking these supplements make me feel crappy?

No - I train fasted as you do. Depends on the individual, though.



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Quick question..

If I take my 2nd AT2 later in the day I dont feel very well.. Would it still be beneficial to take only 1 AT2 per day?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Quick question..

If I take my 2nd AT2 later in the day I dont feel very well.. Would it still be beneficial to take only 1 AT2 per day?
Why don't you feel well? Perhaps you are not drinking enough?

Using less than optimal dosage will give less than optimal effects and results.

I recommend eating with or not long after dosing your second cap of Alpha-T2 and see how you feel after that. The product will still be effective this way re the active, albeit the stimulants will be a little dulled.



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Why don't you feel well? Perhaps you are not drinking enough?

Using less than optimal dosage will give less than optimal effects and results.

I recommend eating with or not long after dosing your second cap of Alpha-T2 and see how you feel after that. The product will still be effective this way re the active, albeit the stimulants will be a little dulled.

I know I drink enought water so that should not be the issue..

I have a feeling of nausea and slight dizziness.. Nothing terrible but enough to bother me.

Should I try dropping the product with caffeine and just use the AT2 and Erase?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I know I drink enought water so that should not be the issue..

I have a feeling of nausea and slight dizziness.. Nothing terrible but enough to bother me.

Should I try dropping the product with caffeine and just use the AT2 and Erase?
It could possibly be a mix of the stimulants doing it. In saying that, Alpha-T2 is going to be more effective when dosed with caffeine.

It could also be the OEP - it contains Geranium and this does not agree with everyone. So you could try cutting out the OEP and see how that goes as well.

Those feelings are also symptoms of hypoglycemia, so if you are dieting, as I said before, try dosing it WITH food - your second dose of Alpha-T2 and Erase.

If that doesn't help, then you could just go to using Alpha-T2 and Erase, yes.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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yes,of course,I never had too...I you think is a good compound to use during cut? I used it just once with oep,but I wasn't that satisfied...I'd like to try it alone,not with oep
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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yes,of course,I never had too...I you think is a good compound to use during cut? I used it just once with oep,but I wasn't that satisfied...I'd like to try it alone,not with oep
I think there are better things out there, but that's just me. Since using Assault, I no longer have to use the multiple stimulants that I did and do have no need of something like Geranium.

You can cut with just the basic staples and a simple fat loss stack as long as your nutrition and training is right.

My fat loss staples include 7-KE, Alpha-T2, Erase, and Shred Matrix - anything else but my staples is superfluous.

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hi, all question here, I am going to start the OEP/Alpha T2/Erase stack. I workout early mornings and while working out I consume a BCAA drink. Would the BCAA drink interfere in anyway? Thanks
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hi, all question here, I am going to start the OEP/Alpha T2/Erase stack. I workout early mornings and while working out I consume a BCAA drink. Would the BCAA drink interfere in anyway? Thanks
No, if it's just BCAAs, then the "BCAA drink" should not interfere.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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