Unanswered Advice, please!



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Forgive the “ignorance” but people always talk about research before anything (which I agree) and asking questions is great for that so please hold the blasts as I AM trying to do my research here.

I currently started (2 weeks) Test E 500mg weekly (Sunday,Wednesday). I previously tried this cycle with a front load of D Bol, which I got into my own head THINKING I had gyno and messing with my chest ultimately making glands hurt by constant irritation. I started back up with just the test, .5 adex eod and 10mg Nolva eod to be safe. Got my bloods last week cause I didn’t want to wait 6 weeks (which I will get again, but the more bloods the better for safety) my E2 came back at 15. Is it safe to say I can drop the nolva? Maybe adex to e3d? My problem is that I don’t know exactly how fast estrogen sides can develop. I feel like I have glands around my nipples, but not DIRECTLY behind. Idk if that’s normal or pre existing gyno. I have no sensitivity, or puffiness. I THINK right now I’m good, but if my E2 spikes and I should up doses, do I have time to “experiment” with good AI/SERM dosing til I find my sweet spot before it’s too late? (Previously advised on this board)

For future cycles (3rd or 4th) if everything goes well and I want to run Tren A, would Caber be ok to run with adex? I know 50% say Tren doesn’t aromatize, but my test base would. So I don’t know why people wouldn’t recommend AI with a Tren cycle (assuming everyone is using a test base).
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Based upon your current experience and history, I don't recommend Tren at this point.


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Based upon your current experience and history, I don't recommend Tren at this point.
Why’s that? Just curious. I’m more focused on my current and whether or not I’m over doing and over thinking things.


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Why’s that? Just curious. I’m more focused on my current and whether or not I’m over doing and over thinking things.
You ever watch dragsters or funnycars? They're awesome. If you want to go from a to b (in a straight line) there's no way to get there faster, louder, or flashier. And they run on alcohol, go over 200mph, sometimes, explode, crash, flip.

What funnycars and dragsters are to cars .... Tren is to steroids. A whole lot of things can go wrong (and some of them will).

If you don't get a little more experienced with cars, before you jump on the track, you're probably going to have a horrible ride.

You just got scared when you thought you blew a tire in a street car. ...Give it a little bit brother.
(Or don't, ..... it's just good, honest advice. You have to make your own decisions).
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You ever watch dragsters or funnycars? They're awesome. If you want to go from a to b (in a straight line) there's no way to get there faster, louder, or flashier. And they run on alcohol, go over 200mph, sometimes, explode, crash, flip.

What funnycars and dragsters are to cars .... Tren is to steroids. A whole lot of things can go wrong (and some of them will).

If you don't get a little more experienced with cars, before you jump on the track, you're probably going to have a horrible ride.

You just got scared when you thought you blew a tire in a street car. ...Give it a little bit brother.
(Or don't, ..... it's just good, honest advice. You have to make your own decisions).
Greatly appreciated and will definitely follow. It’s a marathon not a race, Tren will be a while down the road I’m not doing cycle after cycle trying to get the hang of test only first that’s why I’m asking very detailed questions so I can get the most information I can. Thanks man.


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Greatly appreciated and will definitely follow. It’s a marathon not a race, Tren will be a while down the road I’m not doing cycle after cycle trying to get the hang of test only first that’s why I’m asking very detailed questions so I can get the most information I can. Thanks man.
Any time brother.
Old Witch

Old Witch

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If you must try something new, DHB is the ticket. It’s a step above Deca with less sides, more manageable suppression/recovery, tren-like results.

It’s the middle ground between test and tren.


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If you must try something new, DHB is the ticket. It’s a step above Deca with less sides, more manageable suppression/recovery, tren-like results.

It’s the middle ground between test and tren.
See this is the exact issue I have. I have nolva that I take 20mg ed now, and have letro but don’t know when to take the **** cause I have no idea how to know if it’s gyno. Pisses me off. I know I already have a fatty chest but this is why I quit my cycle last time. Same worries.




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Looks like stubborn chest fat, and not very much at that.


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No gyno for sure, you’re good bro no need to worry


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Open for discussion, as I don't use much serms:
At a high enough dosage of a serm NO AI is needed (you could sparingly use one -but IMHO not needed), as all estrogen receptors are blocked. Coming off of the serm is when you should use an AI.


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No gyno for sure, you’re good bro no need to worry
Idk man. I feel like I should get bloods, again, and I don’t wanna feel like I have to weekly to be satisfied. I’ll get them done in two weeks (week 6) but I don’t wanna risk any more growth IF it was gyno. This is current on week 4.


Old Witch

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Dude. You don’t have gyno. You’re fine.

Take two fingers, Press them into your nipple and rub in a circle feeling for hard painful lumps that aren’t just fat.

Pretty much guaranteed you don’t have gyno.
Old Witch

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If estrogenic pattern fat deposition is a problem for you, use more AI or take nolvadex on cycle. Or both.

The pros can get ridiculous with this. They’ll basically be already on pct minus clomid during prep, plus the three major AIs all together just to be totally devoid of estrogen or any possible estrogenic effect.


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Dude. You don’t have gyno. You’re fine.

Take two fingers, Press them into your nipple and rub in a circle feeling for hard painful lumps that aren’t just fat.

Pretty much guaranteed you don’t have gyno.
Well, there’s now a small pea size hard lump to the left of my nipple, but no pain. So there’s that.
Old Witch

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Could be gyno. They’re only painful if they’re new or being grown currently.


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Dude. You don’t have gyno. You’re fine.

Take two fingers, Press them into your nipple and rub in a circle feeling for hard painful lumps that aren’t just fat.

Pretty much guaranteed you don’t have gyno.
Well, there’s now a small pea size hard lump to the left of my nipple, but no pain. So there’s that.
Could be gyno. They’re only painful if they’re new or being grown currently.
yeah it’s getting painful now so I know it’s there. I kept feeling a tender pain but it wasn’t from that lump, I actually found another right above my nipple. I have no idea why I’m so sensitive, but this is normally where I would stop my cycle but I really don’t want to. I have letro, took 40mg nolva, 1mg letro and .5 adex since the letro won’t kick in yet. Question is ho w long should I remain on letro? I know everyone is different but I can’t imagine another 8 weeks. I’ve been on .5 adex eod and 20mg nolva ed and STILL got symptoms. I’m supposed to pin again tomorrow but I don’t know if I should risk it getting any worse by continuing to pin. Any bit of advice on the matter would be appreciated.


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Any bit of advice on the matter would be appreciates.
My advice would be to leave your titties alone for a couple days because if you keep touching them every minute its certainly not helping you knowing what’s pain from possible gyno and what’s not.


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Any bit of advice on the matter would be appreciates.
My advice would be to leave your titties alone for a couple days because if you keep touching them every minute its certainly not helping you knowing what’s pain from possible gyno and what’s not.

Yes I made that mistake last time so I know to leave them alone. However, the lump wasn’t there before. Aside from leaving them alone though?
Old Witch

Old Witch

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My advice would be to leave your titties alone for a couple days because if you keep touching them every minute its certainly not helping you knowing what’s pain from possible gyno and what’s not.

Yes I made that mistake last time so I know to leave them alone. However, the lump wasn’t there before. Aside from leaving them alone though?

Nolvadex, see if they go away after a month on nolvadex.


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Yes I made that mistake last time so I know to leave them alone. However, the lump wasn’t there before. Aside from leaving them alone though?
Nolvadex, see if they go away after a month on nolvadex.
While staying on cycle? And no letro?
Old Witch

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Nolvadex, see if they go away after a month on nolvadex.
While staying on cycle? And no letro?

Yes! ON CYCLE AND NO LETRO. You won’t like having no estrogen.

Nolva blocks certain receptors in the body from the estrogen, while it can still remain free to be anabolic in muscle cells etc.


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While staying on cycle? And no letro?
Yes! ON CYCLE AND NO LETRO. You won’t like having no estrogen.

Nolva blocks certain receptors in the body from the estrogen, while it can still remain free to be anabolic in muscle cells etc.
Right which is why I’ve taken 20mg daily. Ill continue the cycle and I’ll keep it at 40mg ed and keep my adex the same and hope it settles and doesn’t grow substantially in the next month.


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Doubt you have gyno. My nips look like yours. They are what they are. I don’t think it means you’re gonna be more prone to it either as so far I’m not.

And definitely stop touching your nips.


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Doubt you have gyno. My nips look like yours. They are what they are. I don’t think it means you’re gonna be more prone to it either as so far I’m not.

And definitely stop touching your nips.
Yeah I’m not worried about the looks the concern was the sag, which I was cool with. Today’s problem is different. I haven’t touched them since I felt the gland/pain above my nip. Can’t see any other reason for that to happen though. Annoying.
Old Witch

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Yeah that lump is probably a little gland, which sucks, and surprises me a bit.

9 times out of 10 an ugly chest is just an ugly chest. No gyno. Everyone always thinks they have gyno because their chest isn’t good yet.


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Yeah that lump is probably a little gland, which sucks, and surprises me a bit.

9 times out of 10 an ugly chest is just an ugly chest. No gyno. Everyone always thinks they have gyno because their chest isn’t good yet.
What do you mean it surprises you? Is it normal? And if so what would irritate it to be tender/painful if not gyno? I can give two shits about an ugly chest so long it means no gyno. I’m excited to build it.

And I’m sorry for the million questions and constant responses/worries. This is part of the learning curve for me with my first cycle that way in the future I can dismiss worries and IF it was gyno this would be my first time trying to control, and reduce it. I’m scared to death to touch it again and feel more pain or feel the lump period.
Old Witch

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What do you mean it surprises you? Is it normal? And if so what would irritate it to be tender/painful if not gyno? I can give two shits about an ugly chest so long it means no gyno. I’m excited to build it.

And I’m sorry for the million questions and constant responses/worries. This is part of the learning curve for me with my first cycle that way in the future I can dismiss worries and IF it was gyno this would be my first time trying to control, and reduce it. I’m scared to death to touch it again and feel more pain or feel the lump period.
Just surprising that you have gyno when your chest isn’t really all that bad.

Right now my chest looks a lot worse and I don’t have gyno. 100% guaranteed.


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Just surprising that you have gyno when your chest isn’t really all that bad.

Right now my chest looks a lot worse and I don’t have gyno. 100% guaranteed.
Do you have any glands you can feel at all?
Old Witch

Old Witch

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Do you have any glands you can feel at all?
Nope. Just a little fat. I literally want to get a topical yohimbine cream and put it on my chest. And I probably will when I cut.


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Nope. Just a little fat. I literally want to get a topical yohimbine cream and put it on my chest. And I probably will when I cut.
Example of a good product that’s got that. Monkey is gonna use that while he runs the clen during his cut on off days.
Old Witch

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Example of a good product that’s got that. Monkey is gonna use that while he runs the clen during his cut on off days.
Evomuse... eviscerate? Or is it the smolder...? One of em.

I’ll have to look at their website again. They have some fun stuff looks like.

Edit: eviscerate, eviscerate smolder, eviscerate no burn, all are topical yohimbine and other fat burning agents. They look pretty good.

Brite also looks good.
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Well got my bloods back (went ahead and got them early) Weird cause e2 is crashed (at least my AIs are on point!) but idk why I’d still get symptoms. It’s not as bad today but I also haven’t messed with it and the lump is still there. Any way that can happen with e2 that low? Doesn’t make sense to me. Trust me, it isn’t all in my head.


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Just do 60mg/ralox until lump is gone.

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