Advice on cutting stack after bulking (test/deca to test/tren/winstrol)


New member
theI am 5'10", 220lb, 17%bf currently - almost 8 weeks into my current bulking cycle. I about ten years into training/powerlifting, and 36 years old.
I have only used test-c on cycles, winstrol, and test/winny before, but I am about 3 years since my last cycle.

Currently taking 300mg Deca weekly (IM, once a week), and Test-C (3 times a week 150mg, 450mg a week IM). I am 7 weeks into the cycle, and seeing good gains strength and mass wise - but am more bloated/water retention than I'd like to be at. The Deca seems to be kicking in now. Last week, I started splitting the deca into two 200mg IM a week - so I upped the deca to 400mg a week total.

So far - zero side effects (a little lethargy).

Trying to plan my next order out while I have some extra cash and a source - need advice on PCT for the deca cycle, and how to shape my cutting cycle which I plan on running for 8-10 weeks. '

What would be the best time length and way to bridge the gap between these cycles? I was thinking 4-6 weeks cruising on 150mg Test-C per week until the next cycle, or is longer time needed? Is it necessary to do a nolva/clomid PCT for 8 weeks between both cycles? No orals thus far. Planning on at least 12 weeks off after a full PCT cycle of nolva/colmid after the second cutting cycle.

For cutting - I was thinking of Test, Tren, and perhaps Winstrol again.
Something like - 200mg test prop per week, 200mg tren-ace, and 25mg winstrol ? Are these doses too much for my experience? Like I said - no side effects thus far with my current cycle.

Is there anything I should add to my current cycle to boost fat loss while still maintaining decent gains?

Any advice appreciated!
I don't understand do you want to cruise on 150 until the next cycle or do a full pct from this one? If you're going to pct there's no point I even starting the next cycle for atleast 6 months, the deca alone is going to take 2 months to clear your system ( this is why a lot of guys that choose pct stay away from deca and eq)
I'm going to cruise on test cyp between these two cycles.

What do you recommend for time between cycles?

How does that stack look?
If you are cruising then you wouldn’t take a pct… finish your deca and test, cruise on 150 for 6 weeks like you said or I’d get blood work done and see how you’re looking. If everything is good to go then crank the test up to what you want and add low dose tren if it’s your first time. 200-250 no more than that. If it’s first time with tren I wouldn’t take anything else other than your test and tren, if it’s not then add mast. Not winstrol. You’re bloated right now because you need an a.I. if I had to guess. Anaztrazole will help take away the bloat.