6ish week cut cycle



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This is going to be part 1 of a 3 phase cycle, there may be some short trt periods inbetween, but..... given theres no complications i may ride the wave till it crashes.

I laid the plan out in my injury rehab "log" if you can even call it that. But i never leave anything set in stone.

Regardless, my final decision is to start with 250 test, 250eq. Those are weekly doses.

Epiandro (ultra epi) 1 full dose per day @delsolrob makes a very high dose epiandro td so with my plan to work up to ..... idk, 1200+, ultra epi is a no brainer as its going to be the best bang for the buck.

Now im sure someone will wonder whats the point of only 250 eq..... well, theres no point for gains in these first 6 weeks, but by the time im ready for phase 2 the eq will be starting to do its thing and bumped up to a dose that actually does something noticable. So i wanna have it in my system early.

Im also thinking about using my igf des (i have a small stockpile) post workout @150ish mcg
1 week on 1 week off and repeat. This was a protocal suggested by a coach for increlex (dose was different) but he suggested trying it with 150 des. 🤷‍♂️ il give it a shot.

Il tag some ppl later, il also post up my traing routine and my starvation diet. J/k, but im slashing calories hard for this initial phase and then feed myself back up to maitnence to start phase 2


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Im currently taking a few days off from the gym. Tuesday or wedensday this week i went absolutely ham and ive been sore for days, last night i drove 5 hrs to take my daughter to tour a College and being sore, + 5 hours in a car, + being old + eating a large chicken club pizza and cheese fries last night..... im feeling it.

Il be back saturday and probably start the cycle sunday, epiandro is expected to arrive today


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being old
no excuses!

epiandro is expected to arrive today
I'm just about finishing the bottle of ultra epi I have now, trying to make it stretch till last next weeks bench pr attempt and stacking it with epiandrolean for the extra content. it's good stuff. I'm also noticing my skin is doing better on the ultra epi than it did on ultra hard, even though I love the added androsterone in ultra hard.


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no excuses!

I'm just about finishing the bottle of ultra epi I have now, trying to make it stretch till last next weeks bench pr attempt and stacking it with epiandrolean for the extra content. it's good stuff. I'm also noticing my skin is doing better on the ultra epi than it did on ultra hard, even though I love the added androsterone in ultra hard.
All you guys seem to love androsterone, ive used it twice alongside trt, 1 was trt+androsterone and the other also had epiandro. I cant say ive noticed anything special from the androsterone, im not saying it did nothing. Im just saying i cant put my finger on something specific it did for me. So i just perfer to crank the epi. I did think about using ultrahard over ultra epi, but the price vs the doses made me go epi all the way


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I have used epi now in 5 different products and generally speaking they all give me some definitely growth, voice seems to deepen, and moderate hair shedding towards the end. But the only one I took where I "felt" mentally different is ultra hard (I think 2 or 3 bottles now). so I have to assume its the andro in it. it's just like... conquer the world good vibes I get from it. The other epi sources all yield positive results I just don't notice the "mood" improvement like I do on ultra hard.

that said, when I bought the ultra epi I did for the same reason as you, to get the biggest punch I could out of it. it seems like a solid product. all these 6-8 week mini runs I've done the past couple years are definitely adding up. delts, lats, etc. showing up bigly


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Maybe rob can teach is a little about androsterone, im sure @Hyde Has done his fair share of research as well. I need to brush up on stuff because i feel like i forget more then i learn lately lol😂


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Maybe rob can teach is a little about androsterone, im sure @Hyde Has done his fair share of research as well. I need to brush up on stuff because i feel like i forget more then i learn lately lol
Like Dustin said, Androsterone has an awesome positive mental feel. Love the stuff. If it was cheaper I’d use it for that alone as a preWO. Total opposite of Epiandro in that regard.


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Like Dustin said, Androsterone has an awesome positive mental feel. Love the stuff. If it was cheaper I’d use it for that alone as a preWO. Total opposite of Epiandro in that regard.
See, id call epiandro a positive agression and feel good product, but i could also see younger me not making that agression positive. Im also adhd so i wonder if that has something to do with me getting the opposite. I could take a adderall and fall asleep when i was younger.


The Eagle has landed.

Tomorrow is the day.

Workouts are being put togther right now. Im not changing much. Just changing things around a little to put more focus on the things that need it


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Awesome man…. I always enjoy following your adventurous logs, especially when you cycle.😎


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following 💪


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Following this for sure!


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So i forgot today was mothers day!🤦‍♂️, luckily i ordered **** 2 weeks ago and my kids remebered to wrap it 🥳. So the cycle didnt start. The kids chefed up fried eggs, cornedbeef hash, and i did 2 ny strips and thin sliced them and we made a keto buffet lol. Not intensionally. I threw some corn tortillas, cheeses and salsa out in case someone wanted to make breakfast tacos. Couple coffees and i got tied up till now.

Gym and epiandro starts tomorrow early morning for a pull focused session. I hate doing push or chest on mondays. Its Impossible to get on equipment. But a chin up bar and all the back machines will be wide open.

Gonna relax the rest of my day away working on my "plant room" i built a little makeshift riom in my attic by a window and threw in a few extra lights and a vent fan. Plenty of light for flowers, most vegetables and early stage cannibus so i got a little project growin on 😞 i thought that was gonna sound funnier lol. Bad dad jokes🤦‍♂️

I need to come up with a real shelfing system, for now its all old tables and a cheap wire rack i grabbed at walmart. Theres another light out of view and i threw a full spectrum bulb in where the ceiling light was so The large combination of low-powered lights is enough to compliment and boost the natural light that comes in the window and i got 2 intensity settings🤷‍♂️ i got bored lol


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Ok ladies. Today is day 1.

MONDAY: 5/13/2024

Im coming off a stretch of bad sleep the past few days. I did almost 10hrs driving in a 26 hour road trim to squeeze in a college tour for my daughter this weekend. Last night i got some shuteye. I got about 8hrs with a 6 hour stretch uninterupted.


Visually i look like i always do inbetween cycles, a little midsection pudge and less pop and roundness altho i maintaind what appears to be more actual muscle then years past so i must be doing something right. I tend to overpost update pics cus im always looking for changes and i gotta try to space them out. I feel like when I take them too close together, I can't see the changes as much So its actually doing the opposite of what I want. Il post progress pics weeks 3-6 and a final when epiandro runs out.

Meal 1. Black coffee, 1/2 scoop banana whey/casein blend, 1tbsp pb2 in a blender for a frothy protein coffee. And a greek yougurt cup witj 20gm pro, 8gm carb, fat free.

Meal 2. (Next meal) 5oz chicken breast, 2oz crumbled bacon and 4oz sauted vegetables.

Using avacado oil to cook with for most of my meals


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Shaved the forest off my chest and stomach and started with 3 pumps. It seemed like a lot so i rubbed the lotion on its skin and threw it back down in the hole..... i mean it absorbed fairly quickly and left nothing sticky or no bad smell. @delsolrob Am i correct in saying 5 pumps =450mg, so 1pump=90 which means 3 pumps is 270mg? Il do a extra pump pre workout to bring that up to 360mg and that will be my week 1 dose, adding a pump or 2 each week


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Oh snap! You put the powders in the coffee!!! Never would have thought of that but it’s so simple



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See, id call epiandro a positive agression and feel good product, but i could also see younger me not making that agression positive. Im also adhd so i wonder if that has something to do with me getting the opposite. I could take a adderall and fall asleep when i was younger.

Anywho........View attachment 242113

The Eagle has landed.

Tomorrow is the day.

Workouts are being put togther right now. Im not changing much. Just changing things around a little to put more focus on the things that need it
Shaved the forest off my chest and stomach and started with 3 pumps. It seemed like a lot so i rubbed the lotion on its skin and threw it back down in the hole..... i mean it absorbed fairly quickly and left nothing sticky or no bad smell. @delsolrob Am i correct in saying 5 pumps =450mg, so 1pump=90 which means 3 pumps is 270mg? Il do a extra pump pre workout to bring that up to 360mg and that will be my week 1 dose, adding a pump or 2 each week
at 3 pumps, that 3 bottle supply you have is going to last a long time...
FWIW, I've had a couple of the pumps go bad on me. Right now I have mine upside down with the bottom cap removed and I literally press my toothbrush against the plunger and squirt some out on my hand. I'm applying to feet, ankles, biceps/triceps, shoulders. I've always felt weird about applying to chest for some reason. mostly cause I had such bad nipple irritation in 2023.

Kleen had recommended I get a dropper, like a baby medicine syringe style, for measuring out doses. when the plunger went bad on my ultra hard, that's what I did. I found that the dose when measured with a dropper was quite a bit more volume in fluid than it was just pumping away.

right now I'm paying attention to the "pumps left" meter on the bottle as I gauge how much I pump out. Timing it to get me through this week, then when it's empty, I'll stay on oral/caps for another week or two.


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Oh snap! You put the powders in the coffee!!! Never would have thought of that but it’s so simple

You gotta use a blender or bullet most the time or it will clump but in the blender or if you got a little milkshake wand it blends up nice. Its a easy way to squeeze in some extra protein.

Because my calories will be low on the tail end and i dont like Eating large amounts of fats just because it makes me feel crappy i will be up from 200 to 300gm of protein over the 6ish weeks


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at 3 pumps, that 3 bottle supply you have is going to last a long time...
FWIW, I've had a couple of the pumps go bad on me. Right now I have mine upside down with the bottom cap removed and I literally press my toothbrush against the plunger and squirt some out on my hand. I'm applying to feet, ankles, biceps/triceps, shoulders. I've always felt weird about applying to chest for some reason. mostly cause I had such bad nipple irritation in 2023.

Kleen had recommended I get a dropper, like a baby medicine syringe style, for measuring out doses. when the plunger went bad on my ultra hard, that's what I did. I found that the dose when measured with a dropper was quite a bit more volume in fluid than it was just pumping away.

right now I'm paying attention to the "pumps left" meter on the bottle as I gauge how much I pump out. Timing it to get me through this week, then when it's empty, I'll stay on oral/caps for another week or two.
Im mot doing 3 pumps. Im doing 4 on week one and working up to 15 pumps a day, or more lol


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Ooooo, for accurate measure!. I have a 1-10ml syringes so no worries. But, because im jacking up the dose week by week i dont really need 100% accurate measures. As long as my daily doses are approximate im cool with that. If the pump gets uneven or seems like its putting out too much il start measuring


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I picked a hell of a week to start. I got my day job monday through thursday this week, a after hours job tuesday thru thursday, a yankees game friday, and 2 side jobs over the werkend. Safe to say il be doing some 5am workouts and some 8 or 9pm workouts but i wont be missing any unless its for needed rest/recovery


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you're correct, should be about 90mg/pump!

Let me know how you like the pre-gym application - since TD is slow release, I usually don't split up the applications. Not sure you'll "feel" the pre gym one.

When it was available, I loved to take Alpha Stano pre gym... epiandro complexed with cyclodextrins stuff was AMAZING! sad our last two rounds of material were never released from customs...forcing it to be discontinued.


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But, because im jacking up the dose week by week i dont really need 100% accurate measures.
that's sorta where I am, after enough applications I sorta eyeball it at this point...


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Glad you’re getting this party started. And by the looks of your garden, there will be a party around harvest time.🥴😜😎


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you're correct, should be about 90mg/pump!

Let me know how you like the pre-gym application - since TD is slow release, I usually don't split up the applications. Not sure you'll "feel" the pre gym one.

When it was available, I loved to take Alpha Stano pre gym... epiandro complexed with cyclodextrins stuff was AMAZING! sad our last two rounds of material were never released from customs...forcing it to be discontinued.
Ya i wasnt expecting to feel anything, but i also used to do the same with the oral, but as the dose gets pretty high im wondering if im gonna feel jacked up all the time with the td lol. Il try to get a couple hefty pre workout doses in and see what happens. Im excited cus i havnt used a boatload of epi like this in a loooooonnnng time, it waz something i liked a lot in my 20's.

If half way through the log i start sparring 5 days a week and only bench press and train arms someone tell me to cut back the dose🤪


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you're correct, should be about 90mg/pump!

Let me know how you like the pre-gym application - since TD is slow release, I usually don't split up the applications. Not sure you'll "feel" the pre gym one.

When it was available, I loved to take Alpha Stano pre gym... epiandro complexed with cyclodextrins stuff was AMAZING! sad our last two rounds of material were never released from customs...forcing it to be discontinued.
Ya i wasnt expecting to feel anything, but i also used to do the same with the oral, but as the dose gets pretty high im wondering if im gonna feel jacked up all the time with the td lol. Il try to get a couple hefty pre workout doses in and see what happens. Im excited cus i havnt used a boatload of epi like this in a loooooonnnng time, it waz something i liked a lot in my 20's.

If half way through the log i start sparring 5 days a week and only bench press and train arms someone tell me to cut back the dose🤪


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Im mot doing 3 pumps. Im doing 4 on week one and working up to 15 pumps a day, or more lol
That’s going to be a lot of real estate to cover! Guessing 3-4 applications throughout the day?


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The site has been acting up. Loading for 3-5min and not putting my posts through. Lets try again. Yesterday was pull focused
Screenshot_20240513_175317_Notepad Free.jpg

Was supposed to do weighted chins for 3x5 but i forgot to bring my belt with the hook so i hooked a 15lb kettlebell to my ankle with a velcro wrist strap lol. Im focusing on lats again and will be throwing pull ups and chins in during cardio too. I thought putting db rows 3rd or 4th i would need to really cut the weight back but i should have did more weight or shorter rest.

Keep track of my workouts week to week to ensure im beating the log book in some way week to week so il often refrence theses week 1 workouts to access performance.

Workout went great, energy super high and motivated today (yesterday) not a drip of sweat oddly enough. Normally i sweat a little during my lifting and get soaked during cardio but not a drop last night. I sweat a little in my sleep too and also not last night. Weird, i dont see how there could be a connection and probably completely coincidence but i thought id make a note. Tonight Im aiming for 30-45min on the heavy bag followed by some high rep leg stuff. My regular leg days im trying to always do friday nights or saturday mornings so my legs are not fried all week. Its ladder season and im up and down ladders all day when its not raining


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You gotta use a blender or bullet most the time or it will clump but in the blender or if you got a little milkshake wand it blends up nice. Its a easy way to squeeze in some extra protein.

Because my calories will be low on the tail end and i dont like Eating large amounts of fats just because it makes me feel crappy i will be up from 200 to 300gm of protein over the 6ish weeks
I've been doing protein & creatine coffee for awhile now. I use to use creamer but now i just vanilla protein powder and tasted just as good plus way better for me. Killing two birds with one stone.


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I thought it was my Wi-Fi. Glad you mentioned it


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I've been doing protein & creatine coffee for awhile now. I use to use creamer but now i just vanilla protein powder and tasted just as good plus way better for me. Killing two birds with one stone.
Im tempted to see how much protein i can get mixed in withought turning my coffee to sludge. Some of the really high isolates dissolve pretty good, the one im using has casein tho and i think it makes it thicker so a half scoop is the limit with this one. I have a ultra filtered organic strawberry one from some weird company i never heard of and you can put 2 scoops of that in no prob. By it dont taste good strawberry/coffee


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working up to 15 pumps a day, or more lol
Il try to get a couple hefty pre workout doses in and see what happens. Im excited cus i havnt used a boatload of epi like this in a loooooonnnng time, it waz something i liked a lot in my 20's.
I missed that you said working up to 15pumps a day. so that's around 1350 compared to the 1050 - 1350 I take now. BUT half of mine is also oral and everyone seems to agree oral dosage is about 50% of what TD is. Looking forward to seeing your experience. Might motivate me to run an even higher dose later. with my current dosing I don't feel like I notice acute results. Like no major effect on mood, but I do feel like workouts are crazy effective, hypertrophy is strong, fatigue during recovery is intense. Libido and everything else feels "normal". Fatigue during recovery is probably the biggest thing I notice, but I assume it's because I'm able to go harder and have to heal/recover more.


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I missed that you said working up to 15pumps a day. so that's around 1350 compared to the 1050 - 1350 I take now. BUT half of mine is also oral and everyone seems to agree oral dosage is about 50% of what TD is. Looking forward to seeing your experience. Might motivate me to run an even higher dose later. with my current dosing I don't feel like I notice acute results. Like no major effect on mood, but I do feel like workouts are crazy effective, hypertrophy is strong, fatigue during recovery is intense. Libido and everything else feels "normal". Fatigue during recovery is probably the biggest thing I notice, but I assume it's because I'm able to go harder and have to heal/recover more.
How someone "feels" is very Individual altho the majority will have similar experience to each other. I cant tell the difference between trt and 600mg of test other then my nipples hurting lol. But any drugs that are mentally stimulating i get a feel from. In the past i got this @ 900+ epiandro.

I just realized none of my meals posted last night.

I believe i stated meals 1 and 2.

3. was dry baked chicken and brussel sprouts with 1/2 cup rice and soy sauce.

4. Was cajin chicken with some pasta

5. Was a 10oz ny strip

6. Was a bowl of rice crispies and a peanut butter bagel, 16oz lactose free milk.

Been eating the majority of my carbs post workout for a bit. I like having all my carbs at night because theres a lot of times il go lift at 430am so i like to think i got lots of last nights carbs for fuel. Eat a cup of greek yogurt pre and some aminos intra and gtg.


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Meals 1 and 2 pretty much same as yesterday.

Meals 3 and 4 were little sliders that i chopped up and threw them into a salad. Nothing fancy but i was craving a burger so i made it work.

My workout today was rough. I got 3 rounds in on the heavy bag and then in the squat rack i did some light squats. 100,150, 200lbs for sets of 20. With 200lbs my knees were hurting. It didnt feel heavy, but it hurt every time i hit parallel, even slightly above parallel i could feel it.
Back to the heavybag for 3 more rounds and thats it. For a while ive been dealing with lower body injuries but im coming to the realization that im beat up lol. Shits gonna hurt sometimes. So squats off the list for a while. When i do leg day saturday morning il just bounce around the machines And make notes of what feels good and what doesn't. Theres a leg press machine that i call a machine hack squat because That's basically what it is. That always feels great, leg press is fine, all hamstring curls are fine, even leg ext for high reps feels good. Il make something work.


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I missed that you said working up to 15pumps a day. so that's around 1350 compared to the 1050 - 1350 I take now. BUT half of mine is also oral and everyone seems to agree oral dosage is about 50% of what TD is. Looking forward to seeing your experience. Might motivate me to run an even higher dose later. with my current dosing I don't feel like I notice acute results. Like no major effect on mood, but I do feel like workouts are crazy effective, hypertrophy is strong, fatigue during recovery is intense. Libido and everything else feels "normal". Fatigue during recovery is probably the biggest thing I notice, but I assume it's because I'm able to go harder and have to heal/recover more.
What else are you on besides epiandro? Anything? If not, adding something that converts to estrogen would definately make the effects more pronounced. Not really sure how to explain it but estrogen is important for size and strength, having something like even trt or 4andro would probably. Running things with and without some test/estrogen can make for very different results


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What else are you on besides epiandro? Anything? If not, adding something that converts to estrogen would definately make the effects more pronounced. Not really sure how to explain it but estrogen is important for size and strength, having something like even trt or 4andro would probably. Running things with and without some test/estrogen can make for very different results
Ultra Epi
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I have some alpha gel I throw in time to time when the nips get itchy. I have a half bottle of dermacrine but I only last about 2-3 days and nips get itchy, alpha gel always fixes it in about a day though.


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Meals 1 and 2 pretty much same as yesterday.

Meals 3 and 4 were little sliders that i chopped up and threw them into a salad. Nothing fancy but i was craving a burger so i made it work.
View attachment 242213

My workout today was rough. I got 3 rounds in on the heavy bag and then in the squat rack i did some light squats. 100,150, 200lbs for sets of 20. With 200lbs my knees were hurting. It didnt feel heavy, but it hurt every time i hit parallel, even slightly above parallel i could feel it.
Back to the heavybag for 3 more rounds and thats it. For a while ive been dealing with lower body injuries but im coming to the realization that im beat up lol. Shits gonna hurt sometimes. So squats off the list for a while. When i do leg day saturday morning il just bounce around the machines And make notes of what feels good and what doesn't. Theres a leg press machine that i call a machine hack squat because That's basically what it is. That always feels great, leg press is fine, all hamstring curls are fine, even leg ext for high reps feels good. Il make something work.
Something I got from Zoo I enjoy here & there is a “burger bowl”. For no carb meal, mix cooked ground beef with shredded lettuce & some sugar-free ketchup, mustard and dill relish. If it’s a carb meal, mix some diced potatoes in “for fries”.

Machines have always grown my legs better than free weights. If you can Legpress and such, that’s going to do way more for size potential than 200lb free squats - the 20 reps is good, but supersquats for growth need to be brutal, and that’s easier weight for your muscles but already tough on the knees. Bad training economy for you.

I love the squat; it’s my favorite lift to PR. But it’s better for strength & power than general hypertrophy.


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Ultra Epi
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I have some alpha gel I throw in time to time when the nips get itchy. I have a half bottle of dermacrine but I only last about 2-3 days and nips get itchy, alpha gel always fixes it in about a day though.
Ok, If your getting itchy nips here and there then you definately dont need more estrogen.


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Something I got from Zoo I enjoy here & there is a “burger bowl”. For no carb meal, mix cooked ground beef with shredded lettuce & some sugar-free ketchup, mustard and dill relish. If it’s a carb meal, mix some diced potatoes in “for fries”.

Machines have always grown my legs better than free weights. If you can Legpress and such, that’s going to do way more for size potential than 200lb free squats - the 20 reps is good, but supersquats for growth need to be brutal, and that’s easier weight for your muscles but already tough on the knees. Bad training economy for you.

I love the squat; it’s my favorite lift to PR. But it’s better for strength & power than general hypertrophy.
The high rep squats mixed in with cardio is conditioning more then anything, im just sad to see squats on my blacklist lol.


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Im tempted to see how much protein i can get mixed in withought turning my coffee to sludge. Some of the really high isolates dissolve pretty good, the one im using has casein tho and i think it makes it thicker so a half scoop is the limit with this one. I have a ultra filtered organic strawberry one from some weird company i never heard of and you can put 2 scoops of that in no prob. By it dont taste good strawberry/coffee
I typically will do 1 scoop with about 12 oz of coffee and it mixes up well. I will put the protein powder in first with a little almond milk and then add in the coffee.


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today I realized if you shave your ass there is lots more real estate for even more morning TDs
Forearms, calves and backs of kneecaps, shins and tops of feet, lower abs/below lower abs, inner thighs, nuts.

After the normal upper body spots i go to those i listed above. I try to avoid areas with thicker skin. I dont know how good absorption is on the ass, no clue lol. But seeing how epi cant convert to estrogen i would imagine any location is fine as long as it can asorb


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inner thighs
these areas would require a lot more shaving for me lol

I learned from sustain alpha that i really don't like the gonads and inner thighs rubbed down with tds lol, probably great absorption but mild skin irritation

I dont know how good absorption is on the ass
me neither, never did it before today but my butt feels warm. I was desperate for a little extra preWO real estate 😂


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these areas would require a lot more shaving for me lol

I learned from sustain alpha that i really don't like the gonads and inner thighs rubbed down with tds lol, probably great absorption but mild skin irritation

me neither, never did it before today but my butt feels warm. I was desperate for a little extra preWO real estate 😂
All products feel different. Theres no sting for me applying the sack with this product. Goes on like lotion. Some products have things in them that sting. This one dont, at least from what i can tell.


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Yesterday was a rest day, nothing to report really. Mosr meals were the same as the previous days, i had no carbs with 2 of the meals that normally have carbs and thats about the only difference. Today is pushed focused and im swamped with work, work after work so this is probably gonna be a 9pm workout or il push it to tomorrow morning before i leave for NY.

Someone also found a birds nest in the dryer duct at one of the jobs. They had to throw out the dryer and there was no way to save the nest i guess. Someone left the eggs inside the house in the laundry room so they ended up on a seed heating mat at my house

I honestly just hope they dont hatch because baby birds need to eat around the clock like 8 times a day for the first 2 weeks. I cant keep up with that lol. Didnt have the heart to leave them tho😞

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