6ish week cut cycle



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Ya, are you gonna tell me i should Start it now so it has time to build up, Because that's what I'm thinking you're gonna tell me! ♂
No just wondering why you would use test prop over mast prop, but then I realized why would you randomly have mast prop on hand? lol


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No just wondering why you would use test prop over mast prop, but then I realized why would you randomly have mast prop on hand? lol
Ya i want to avoid short esters just so i can minimize shot volume. I just happened to have some prop so i was adding a little to bring my total test per week up to 400. Once i use it up il switch to a bttle of sust i got and then back to my regular test. Im Gettin rid of some odd ball bottles.


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Sorry i havnt been super on top of posting all the workouts, i am tracking in my phone. Last workout i loosened up my form (within reason) nothing sloppy at all. And holy crap! Im holding myself back on a lot of lifts and with my grips or some strqps i could have pushed much harder. Since im currently not able to train as often as i like i think these workouts 3-4x week are gonna be how i gotta get **** done
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This felt good, really good. When i was done i took a ride to my other gym and did 5 rounds on the heavy bag and fucked around with the double end bag for a few more half ass rounds.

I wanted to bench today but my right shoulder is sore so i may wait a extra day


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Sorry i havnt been super on top of posting all the workouts, i am tracking in my phone. Last workout i loosened up my form (within reason) nothing sloppy at all. And holy crap! Im holding myself back on a lot of lifts and with my grips or some strqps i could have pushed much harder. Since im currently not able to train as often as i like i think these workouts 3-4x week are gonna be how i gotta get **** doneView attachment 242655

This felt good, really good. When i was done i took a ride to my other gym and did 5 rounds on the heavy bag and fucked around with the double end bag for a few more half ass rounds.

I wanted to bench today but my right shoulder is sore so i may wait a extra day
Hell yeah looks like a great session! I’m going to have to look up what a pile squat is though?


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Sorry i havnt been super on top of posting all the workouts, i am tracking in my phone. Last workout i loosened up my form (within reason) nothing sloppy at all. And holy crap! Im holding myself back on a lot of lifts and with my grips or some strqps i could have pushed much harder. Since im currently not able to train as often as i like i think these workouts 3-4x week are gonna be how i gotta get **** doneView attachment 242655

This felt good, really good. When i was done i took a ride to my other gym and did 5 rounds on the heavy bag and fucked around with the double end bag for a few more half ass rounds.

I wanted to bench today but my right shoulder is sore so i may wait a extra day
Looked like a good workout….pulling some good weight on those rows.


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Hell yeah looks like a great session! I’m going to have to look up what a pile squat is though?
Heres a random video to explain it. I take a 25 and a 10 pound plate and stack them under each foot so im a extra 2 inches off the ground. I stack 2 db on top of each other to get more weight. Why do i do these? 3 reasons. They dont hurt my knees and i can get a good stretch, there not something ive done often so i can use reasonable weights and they hit the whole lower body but they seem to hit inner thighs good and my inner thighs are severly underdeveloped. My entire legs need to come up tho. They have got better over the years but still suck. But at least there starting to match my upper body. My girlfriend or someone whos never seen a bodybuilder would say my legs are good. Abodybuilder would say my legs are a glaring weakness



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Looked like a good workout….pulling some good weight on those rows.
Thanks, hopefully tonights workout goes as smooth.

Heres tonights plan (changes may occur depending on whats available at the gym.) I used to be one of those guys That would wait for whatever piece of equipment he needed because it was next in my routine. I don't do that no more, If someone's using something I need.I just pick a different exercise for the week.

*Flat bench
*weighted chins
*High trap bar deads(more like a squat while holding thevweights)
*db fly
*side laterals
*barbell skull krushers

Heavy bag- 3 rounds focusing on hooks
-2 rounds light combinations and footwork
-farmers walks
-tire flips (if its not raining) or maybe If the gym's not super busy I can do them inside.


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Probably a 2hr workout. Im gonna start using prosynthisis 17 again too. Mikes sending me a bttll and il probably go pick up some more crratine and dextrose powder and get back on top of my intra game.

Also the scale has stopped at 195 but im not going to reduce cals this week. Im thinkinh the necrobombs and test bump will give me a recomp effect for at least a week or 2 but il revisit that after 7 days.

No real progress pics. I got some abs popping but im still holding way more fat then i want in the mid section.
itd weird, igot the v and the veins in my lower abd but theres still like a inch of fat i can pinch. And im not trying to look like big sue lol
i gotta get her to loose weight, shes getting asthama from being fat🤦‍♂️ my girlfriend wont stop overfeeding her.

Also, do any of you guys ever snap a pic in the reflection of the car window? Or Am i that rediculous lol. The window reflection always looks JACKED! **** steroids, car windows add 5lbs of muscle in 1 seccond lol


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Ooooo, i think its bern 3 or 4 days without the td And the raah is clearing up very fast ( It wasn't bad to begin with) but it was def there. Tomorrow im gonna put 7-10ml on in the morning and see if it starts coming back.


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10ml daily is a lot of exposure; normally transdermals have to rotate sites to keep the skin from a rash…but with 10ml, you are probably using up all the same real estate daily?

If someone is on the equipment I want, I ask them how many sets they have and work in if it makes sense. I paid to be there just the same, and they can’t keep a set going forever.


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10ml daily is a lot of exposure; normally transdermals have to rotate sites to keep the skin from a rash…but with 10ml, you are probably using up all the same real estate daily?

If someone is on the equipment I want, I ask them how many sets they have and work in if it makes sense. I paid to be there just the same, and they can’t keep a set going forever.
10ml would be spread across my entire bodyover 2 applications. but part of the reason i wanna know is it doing it so a hefty application might tell the story faster.

Or...... do you think if it is the culprit, that its the amount im using? Maybe do 3 to 3.5ml 3x day instead?


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10ml would be spread across my entire bodyover 2 applications. but part of the reason i wanna know is it doing it so a hefty application might tell the story faster.

Or...... do you think if it is the culprit, that its the amount im using? Maybe do 3 to 3.5ml 3x day instead?
When I ran the Alpha 7 I did get a rash from it just running the standard amount on the bottle. What I had to do was after an applied later on in the day use a moisturizer lotion. A few days it cleared and never had an issue after, while keeping up with the lotion.


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When I ran the Alpha 7 I did get a rash from it just running the standard amount on the bottle. What I had to do was after an applied later on in the day use a moisturizer lotion. A few days it cleared and never had an issue after, while keeping up with the lotion.
I did start using lotion but after i stopped the td, im gonna try 3.5ml first thing in the am and il throw some lotion on a hour or 2 later. My girl Has some good quality moisturizers So I'll tell her to pick something for me to use


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I did start using lotion but after i stopped the td, im gonna try 3.5ml first thing in the am and il throw some lotion on a hour or 2 later. My girl Has some good quality moisturizers So I'll tell her to pick something for me to use
Did the same wife set out some brand and it worked, don’t remember the brand.


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Not the greatest workout. I got pulled into conversation by the owner for some work he wanted done and the rest of the workout got away from me. Il probably do a lower body focused workout next and mix in a ohp, weighted chins and a close grip bench.

I also noticed that just a few days on necrobombs and It looks like someone put the air back into my shoulders and traps lol.


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10ml would be spread across my entire bodyover 2 applications. but part of the reason i wanna know is it doing it so a hefty application might tell the story faster.

Or...... do you think if it is the culprit, that its the amount im using? Maybe do 3 to 3.5ml 3x day instead?
I think more than the dose is simply frequency of exposure at a site. If the gel is on the skin, if it doesn’t get breaks (and/or moisturized) it will develop a rash eventually if exposure outpaces recovery speed.

Or maybe i could just ditch it and pin 3.5ml of oil 3x day 🤯
Now imagine you had chosen something like Trest Ace for your bottle/day, and were taking 3.5g/wk of that. You would definitely be a candidate for a Darwin Award going that route!


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Now imagine you had chosen something like Trest Ace for your bottle/day, and were taking 3.5g/wk of that. You would definitely be a candidate for a Darwin Award going that route!


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Probably a 2hr workout. Im gonna start using prosynthisis 17 again too. Mikes sending me a bttll and il probably go pick up some more crratine and dextrose powder and get back on top of my intra game.

Also the scale has stopped at 195 but im not going to reduce cals this week. Im thinkinh the necrobombs and test bump will give me a recomp effect for at least a week or 2 but il revisit that after 7 days.

No real progress pics. I got some abs popping but im still holding way more fat then i want in the mid section.
View attachment 242696itd weird, igot the v and the veins in my lower abd but theres still like a inch of fat i can pinch. And im not trying to look like big sue lolView attachment 242697i gotta get her to loose weight, shes getting asthama from being fat🤦‍♂️ my girlfriend wont stop overfeeding her.

Also, do any of you guys ever snap a pic in the reflection of the car window? Or Am i that rediculous lol. The window reflection always looks JACKED! **** steroids, car windows add 5lbs of muscle in 1 seccond lolView attachment 242698
Dude I can't walk pass a car window without flexing. People think I'm nuts.

I'm thinking about picking up a Lexus RX because it really makes my shoulders pop more than the domestic car windows.


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Dude I can't walk pass a car window without flexing. People think I'm nuts.

I'm thinking about picking up a Lexus RX because it really makes my shoulders pop more than the domestic car windows.
I was gonna ask Smont what make and model that was. I’d buy 2. Lmao!!!


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Lots of rest and relaxing this past weekend. Im back to 7ml epiandro per day and wiil build back up! Aa long as my skin is good. Its crunch time ladies. Im going ham till the 4th of july and then a breif maitnence phase


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Yesterdays workout
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Id like to say great workout but i woke up with my right shoulder all flared up. Cant lift it over head without some pain. Hopefully it didnt finally full tear

By defult, today has to be some legs and maybe a stepmill


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I know you have mentioned the shoulder/rotator issues in the past, but does it hurt during any movements? Or do you just wake up w pain the next day? Dealing w something similar. It must be New England Blue Collar shoulder pain season.


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I know you have mentioned the shoulder/rotator issues in the past, but does it hurt during any movements? Or do you just wake up w pain the next day? Dealing w something similar. It must be New England Blue Collar shoulder pain season.
Comes and goes. Its mostly pain and when it flares up it hurts 24hrs a day but mostly at night and early morning. I think the reality is its not ever getting better like it use to and I'm mistaking the pain going away for the injury going away and in reality it just doesn't hurt some days.

This morning was different, i couldnt move without extreme pain. So far its loosened up as my day is going on but this is worse then normal. I think the time is coming where i will need surgery. Im not stressing it. Im sick of always worrying about it and sick of Worrying how it affects training and i'm just over it.

I need to start thinking about what my next life move is because this injury will eventually End my working career. So i gotta make moves and rethink some life/ training goals


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Im still gonna keep cutting. Diet needs to be perfection now because traimimg is gonna get really tricky


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10ml is a lot to find real estate for but I found when my shoulders started getting rough, I'd add the TD in the morning, and lotion at night. or attempt multiple applications to other areas like the feet. I've even used the ass when desperate for skin to source, lol. I got the rough/dry/rashy shoulders worse from a big run of ultra hard than from the ultra epi, but I also stacked the ultra epi with epiandrolean caps to sorta spread out the impact some. January's run was definitely hard on shoulder skin so I was applying a lot of lotion up there.


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10ml is a lot to find real estate for but I found when my shoulders started getting rough, I'd add the TD in the morning, and lotion at night. or attempt multiple applications to other areas like the feet. I've even used the ass when desperate for skin to source, lol. I got the rough/dry/rashy shoulders worse from a big run of ultra hard than from the ultra epi, but I also stacked the ultra epi with epiandrolean caps to sorta spread out the impact some. January's run was definitely hard on shoulder skin so I was applying a lot of lotion up there.
My chest, abs, shoulders and lower legs seem to be fine, its mostly the thin skin under my arms and sides of my torso that are getting issues, everythings good at the moment tho as far as skin goes


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Comes and goes. Its mostly pain and when it flares up it hurts 24hrs a day but mostly at night and early morning. I think the reality is its not ever getting better like it use to and I'm mistaking the pain going away for the injury going away and in reality it just doesn't hurt some days.

This morning was different, i couldnt move without extreme pain. So far its loosened up as my day is going on but this is worse then normal. I think the time is coming where i will need surgery. Im not stressing it. Im sick of always worrying about it and sick of Worrying how it affects training and i'm just over it.

I need to start thinking about what my next life move is because this injury will eventually End my working career. So i gotta make moves and rethink some life/ training goals
As much construction as you do, you could always start looking into going to a project management position. Guys that have a solid construction background make some of the best PM’s.


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My chest, abs, shoulders and lower legs seem to be fine, its mostly the thin skin under my arms and sides of my torso that are getting issues, everythings good at the moment tho as far as skin goes
Ah yeah, for me it's only the tops of the shoulders that gets a bit irritated. Like the same area where you'd get a sunburn.


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As much construction as you do, you could always start looking into going to a project management position. Guys that have a solid construction background make some of the best PM’s.
Theres a couple companies ive done work for that would bring me on as a "working foreman" where i would mostly be setting up jobs and doing estimates and only working "hands on" when needed.


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Theres a couple companies ive done work for that would bring me on as a "working foreman" where i would mostly be setting up jobs and doing estimates and only working "hands on" when needed.
That’s what I was thinking; that’s the ideal way of physical jobs. Earn your salt, build your skill, develop a better understanding of the big picture (timelines, constraints, material & labor needs, customer bs), then eventually you help run the production.


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Theres a couple companies ive done work for that would bring me on as a "working foreman" where i would mostly be setting up jobs and doing estimates and only working "hands on" when needed.
You sound like management material to me….I say go for it. I’m sure your body will thank you.


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Theres a couple companies ive done work for that would bring me on as a "working foreman" where i would mostly be setting up jobs and doing estimates and only working "hands on" when needed.
That’s the way to do it then more energy to put into your work outs vs work!


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Congrats to your daughter on the scholarship. Crazy about the shooting incident though.


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Yesterday i played it cautious.

I was up and down ladders all day and went to the boxing gym after to do some cardio and mobility stuff.

Couple of deadhangs and then i did 18 straight pull ups into a 18sec dead hang before dropping down.

Did some rotator cuff stuff and PT exercises with 3 and 6lb db's, shadow boxed with the 3's and stretched after.

Gloves on for 6 rounds but this was 6 rounds of patty cake on the bag lol. Very little to no stress on the shoulders, basically im just throwing light pitty patty combos and moving around on my feet to sweat. Couple times i got greedy and fired off a right hook but i would catch myself in the process and pull the punch. Did some farmers walks at the end

Today is rest and tomorrow im gonna train "full body" without shoulders or any moves that stress the shoulders. Legs, back and arms would be more accurate.

Edit: i thought i posted this yesterday. I did that wedensday and yesterday was rest and today is tomorrow lol


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Yesterdays work, the exercise selection for legs was literally me walking around picking whatever machines were available, gym was packed, espically for 5-6pm on a friday?

My pullup game is strong right now💪, probably better or the same as when i was a teenager fighting 165/178. too bad my pull out game wasnt that good back then lol, these kids are driving me nutz!


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Yesterdays workout.

Ok storytime. Saturday and sunday i noticed i looked super dry and vascular but i have a nagging headach and my vision has been a little blury. I been pounding water and its not going away so i finally at peak stress out take my bp and its 120/64, seccond reading 117/68 so thats a no issue!!!!

So today after work i go to the store with my son and he hands me a wd40 can and some 1.25 cheater glasses. Guess what, my blury vision is me needing reading glasses lol


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Im also thinking i can probably do 25 straight chins by now so tomorrow im going for max reps And then i'm switching to weighted for 3 sets of ten and hopefully get back to 50lbs for 3×10


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I just noticed today is 30 days from starting the log. Im gonna wait 2 more weeks and do progress pics and then i gotta get yalls opinion on what to do next. I have no obligations to anything with a weight class so i can keep cutting or switch gears


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Ooooo, i got new leg drama lol. Recently I was thinking how my legs are getting better dispite the drawbacks but i shav3d the fur off and holy moly, my left leg is much smaller then my right, a 1in difference around mid quad


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Pullup game is on point homie
pullups have been great to me lately. The hang and stretch has been making my shoulders feel good and back exercises have all been pain free. Honestly, lately i feel like I've been training back really hard.And everything else has just been maintenance because im dancing around the pain on many chest, shoulder and leg exercises


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View attachment 243006

Yesterdays workout.

Ok storytime. Saturday and sunday i noticed i looked super dry and vascular but i have a nagging headach and my vision has been a little blury. I been pounding water and its not going away so i finally at peak stress out take my bp and its 120/64, seccond reading 117/68 so thats a no issue!!!!

So today after work i go to the store with my son and he hands me a wd40 can and some 1.25 cheater glasses. Guess what, my blury vision is me needing reading glasses lol
Your pull-ups are definitely strong, and as far as the reading glasses, welcome to the old man’s club. (That was a funny story though.)😎


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Your pull-ups are definitely strong, and as far as the reading glasses, welcome to the old man’s club. (That was a funny story though.)😎
Between the Dehydrated feeling, light headachs and blury vision i was really assuming it was BP issues. As i took my bp i was already Telling myself that I'm going to have to drop back to trt and maybe bring epi down to a minium.

Today i have no headach at all. Bp was 117/71 and im looking for one of you guys to tell me to extend the cut 6 more weeks and throw a extra cc of test and necrobombs back in the picture😬

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