50mg Turinabol = 43.87mg Halo !?



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Superdol is NOT methylated Masteron. This is simply not true.

Superdrol is a super-saturated, or 2-reduced, form of Anadrol. Anadrol has a =C-OH at the 2nd position, and if this is totally saturated (reduced) with hydrogen, it gives -CH3. Another way to describe it is that it is a 2a-17a-dimethyl of drostanolone (Masteron). Masteron has a single methyl group at the 2nd position. Superdrol is a modification of this structure by adding another methyl group at the 17th position, like M1T or M-Dien. However you may wish to look at it, it is by this simple-looking transformation that Superdrol comes to occupy the sweet spot between the chemical natures of Anadrol and Masteron. Since it is already reduced at the 5th position, it cannot make estrogen. Progesterone is not an issue: perhaps 0.1% can aromatize, in theory. In fact, this compound should not have any major metabolites at all.

Anadrol/oxymetholone 17?hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-3-one
Superdrol/methasteron 2a,17a-Dimethyl-17?hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Masteron/drostanolone 2a-methyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Proviron/mesterolone 1a-methyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Dude are you on high doses of Super as we speak? You're blood seems kinda high. :nono: This would make sense in a lot of aspects especially helpful in explaining the crazy gains and the obsurd toxicity of Super compounds.


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Superdol is NOT methylated Masteron. This is simply not true.

Superdrol is a super-saturated, or 2-reduced, form of Anadrol. Anadrol has a =C-OH at the 2nd position, and if this is totally saturated (reduced) with hydrogen, it gives -CH3. Another way to describe it is that it is a 2a-17a-dimethyl of drostanolone (Masteron). Masteron has a single methyl group at the 2nd position. Superdrol is a modification of this structure by adding another methyl group at the 17th position, like M1T or M-Dien. However you may wish to look at it, it is by this simple-looking transformation that Superdrol comes to occupy the sweet spot between the chemical natures of Anadrol and Masteron. Since it is already reduced at the 5th position, it cannot make estrogen. Progesterone is not an issue: perhaps 0.1% can aromatize, in theory. In fact, this compound should not have any major metabolites at all.

Anadrol/oxymetholone 17?hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-3-one
Superdrol/methasteron 2a,17a-Dimethyl-17?hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Masteron/drostanolone 2a-methyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Proviron/mesterolone 1a-methyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
:stick::trout: You just admitted it is Masteron with another methyl group.:lol:


  • Established
:stick::trout: You just admitted it is Masteron with another methyl group.:lol:
Your selective reading has lead you to an enormously false conclusion...no big deal, it happens..lol

Plaese read what I wrote entirely.


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Jesus I did. Those are two good ways to describe the structure of superdrol. Read what you wrote. You can think of it as Anadrol saturated at the 2 position OR and I qoute
Another way to describe it is that it is a 2a-17a-dimethyl of drostanolone (Masteron). Masteron has a single methyl group at the 2nd position. Superdrol is a modification of this structure by adding another methyl group at the 17th position, like M1T or M-Dien.
Anyone who knows anything about chemistry can see that is two ways of describing the same thing. Saturated Anadrol OR 17a methyl Masteron.
Good god! You said it yourself. (Actually, that seems to be a copy/paste of Sledge's write up, so I guess you never said it so maybe thats why you don't get it)


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Reading profiles of both Anadrol & Masteron, Super has a lot of similarities to both. The point where it doesn't is with Anadrol many call it a 'wetter' compound which make people retain a lot of water and Superdrol/clones do quite the opposite.


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Reading profiles of both Anadrol & Masteron, Super has a lot of similarities to both. The point where it doesn't is with Anadrol many call it a 'wetter' compound which make people retain a lot of water and Superdrol/clones do quite the opposite.
lol your right on that one as a matter of fact superdrol has a diuretic like effect and is noticeable within the first week of taking. Also as you guys prob already know Msteron isnt a big bulking compound, i just dont understand why people tend to generalize as if they are gonna make the same gains they would off of Dbol, of course they dont say this directly but further analysis will tell you thats what they meant/thought.


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lol your right on that one as a matter of fact superdrol has a diuretic like effect and is noticeable within the first week of taking. Also as you guys prob already know Msteron isnt a big bulking compound, i just dont understand why people tend to generalize as if they are gonna make the same gains they would off of Dbol, of course they dont say this directly but further analysis will tell you thats what they meant/thought.
It's funny you say that I was just reading some Super logs that popped up after a search I ran and one was a post in a 'different' forum where someone started a thread asking what was better for bulk Dbol or Superdrol and what the differences were between them. :lol:


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It's funny you say that I was just reading some Super logs that popped up after a search I ran and one was a post in a 'different' forum where someone started a thread asking what was better for bulk Dbol or Superdrol and what the differences were between them. :lol:
lol Box here dosent lie...:thumbsup:


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and your a pr!ck
Your avy reminds me of a video I just seen. Jay's massive for sure but have you ever heard him talk? His voice doesn't suit him he sounds like Lewis on Revenge of the Nerds.


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Your avy reminds me of a video I just seen. Jay's massive for sure but have you ever heard him talk? His voice doesn't suit him he sounds like Lewis on Revenge of the Nerds.
lol typical uneducated bodybuilder.....


New member
when he talks he sounds really boring his voice doesnt change it's like one tone all the time.

cant knock him tho he's massive. i bet he's done a few cycles in his time...


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I tried to explain to you before that Halo wasn't a prohormone.
Could someone 'splain this to me? Wouldn't the 3bHSD enzyme change the 3b-ol to a 3-oxo (3-one), forming T-bol, similar to androstenediol->testosterone path?

Halodrol - 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3b,17b-diol

3bHSD change 3b-ol to 3-one

OT - 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-one-17b-ol


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It is also active as a 3-ol though. No conversion is necessary. Some will take place, but not enough to cause the anabolic effect.
I think that is his point.


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Yeah, I kinda expected that, again similar to 4-AD & testosterone. It was speculated that 4-AD had it's own activity without converting to testosterone. I think PA had explained how the -diols can have their own activity without converting over on bb.com a while back, but I don't feel like looking.

Technically, HD is a prohormone, but for that same thought, so is testosterone (to DHT).


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I forgot about this thread. Good point about the conversion. Designer meds and hormones always been amazing to me how the slightest change in a chemical make-up can completely change the compound.

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