Search results

  1. bkoguy07

    Foods that contain zero carbs (or a low amount)

    I'm gonna be starting a cut soon in the next few months and am gonna work towards some carb cycling and low carb days, but I'm curious what are some good low carb foods? Reason I ask is the other day I was eating some yogurt and for some reason I always considered them to have no carbs.. turns...
  2. bkoguy07

    Simple Question about lean gains

    What should the percentage of carbs/protein/fat be? and calorie intake? My current diet(that i'm about to start breaks down like this) Calories 3742 Carbs 398g Protein 270g Fat 108 so the percentages would be around 44/30/27 No carbs are taken after my workout (8pm.. so last bit of carbs...
  3. bkoguy07

    Genetic Potential

    Well I'm just asking this question because everyone always says your prolly not any where near your genetic potential... well ****, I guarantee you none of us are. But how would we know if we have maxed out our "genetic potential"? I'm a solid 6'3 215. my dad is 6'5 270 (used to weight train...
  4. bkoguy07

    Anyone squat to burnout

    In my gym I never see anyone squat and get pinned... but like me... haha I mean i go hard after the weight and sometimes i get pinned under the rack... but no one else does... The guys like benching weight they cant do but wont squat heavy to save their lives. Am i the only one who doesnt mind...
  5. bkoguy07

    Calves... Lets get these things huge!

    Alright guys my upper body quads and hams are coming along nicely BUT (big BUT) my calfs are LACKING. Now I know alot of guys my age just care about upper body but im not one of them! I want some huge CALVES!... What do you find is the best way to train them... set numbers rep numbers...
  6. bkoguy07


    Anyone swim for cutting? I'm thinking about starting in a few months... not sure how much to do. I'm thinking about doing it either 1) in the morning or 2) post workout (sometime post workout later in the day). not really sure yet... any ideas?
  7. bkoguy07

    Obliques (Intercostals)

    Do you guys train your obliques or intercostals.. I have obliques (the v down my hips) and I also have the riblets by my lats but the intercostals or the obliques that sit higher up how do you get those? here are some examples
  8. bkoguy07

    Next supp?

    I'm looking for some supps to take. Currently I'm taking White flood + green magnitude pre workout and cytogainer twice a day. I've gained about 15 lbs since summer and I've slowed down more recently. I was looking at either Drive + RPM or some of the get deisel hard core stacked with...
  9. bkoguy07

    Need bigger arms

    I hit back bi's(Friday) chest tri's (Monday) and a complete arm workout on Wed, what do your guys arms splits look like. And what exercises do yall do? I do all sorts of exercises like barbell curl hammer curl preacher curls close grip bench nose busters rope press down dips... I just need...
  10. bkoguy07

    10 bucks says this guy is goin to die. lol

    I was reading around on facebook and there is a group called If 100,000 people join, I'll eat every McDonalds value meal, #1-12... Here is the description Description: I will consume every value meal from McDonalds, starting with the Big Mac all the way to the Fish Fillet. I cannot get up...
  11. bkoguy07

    Working out 3 or 5 times a week?

    Which is better for gaining mass? I've always loved working out 5 times a week, it just feels so good! I've never tried working out 3 times a week but everywhere I've read they say 3 times a week is best for optimum muscle growth... why is this? Wouldn't 5 times a week be better because you...
  12. bkoguy07

    My HST Training Critique?

    Whats up, I was looking for a new training program for summer and I'm going to have one class a day and NOTHING else to do. I plan on working out twice a day, 6 days a week. I plan on using HST Training though and I think I need some help setting it up. Ok so here it goes. I'm going to start...
  13. bkoguy07

    Myostatin Gene?

    It has been discovered that much of Wheeler's muscular development was aided by a genetic mutation which inhibited the production of myostatin, a key limitor of muscular growth. I read this somewhere can't remmeber where... but then I started researching and found this The Myostatin Gene and...
  14. bkoguy07

    How big do you wanna get?

    I see some guys on here that are HUGE and I don't know why lol. basically unless your a body builder I dont see why you would want to be that huge... I train more for aesthetics and athletics... BUT how big do you wanna get list your specs I'll start I'm 6'3" at 194lbs at 8% (currently) I...
  15. bkoguy07

    How long did it take YOU to respond to JW

    I'm on day 9 starting tommorow and I'm a lil more vascular, and recovery seems to be good, how long did it take for you to REALLLLLY feel it? Also what where you feeling? along with that was was your dosage and how long did you take it?
  16. bkoguy07

    How many calories?

    How many calories are in IDS Multi-pro Whey Isolate Protein? I looked on label and its not there... If you can't tell me where can I find the amount of calories per serving? Thanks.
  17. bkoguy07

    Cardio... jogging or biking?

    same terrain same heart beat But which do you prefer ? I think i would rather bike in the gym for an hour wit good resistance then jog around campus for an hour... what are ya'lls preferences?
  18. bkoguy07

    Any ideas about this workout?

    Let me know what you guys think of this workout... I am hitting arms hard on this workout because my arms seem to react better to tougher and more frequent workouts... and I used to hit chest twice a week but I believed I was overtraining.. so i stopped... anyways Ideas and opinions appreciated.
  19. bkoguy07

    Shoulder/Chest injury?

    Ok guys, my shoulder/chest has a pinching pain in it everytime I bench its somewhere in my muscle kidna close to my shoulder joint, now I would think it was my shoulder, but doing shoulder exercises don't hurt me at all. Its like 6 inches above my nipple really close to my shoulder if not the...
  20. bkoguy07

    Substitute Alpha Drive XL for JW?

    Ok here's what I'm going to start in January... Jungle Warfare, Pro-Anabol, Bad Ass Mass and Restore towards the end with some Retain 2.0. Should I substitute Alpha Drive XL for Jungle Warfare since they have the same ingredients? What's yall's opinion on the better product?