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  1. swole210

    Topic of the Week: Are you worried about the long term effects of Prohormones?

    I do worry, especially about the cardiovascular effects. Never abused them by taking high dosages, but have ran many cycles in my past (young and dumb), without adequate amount of time off in between them. Ran too many methyls also as they were so readily available.
  2. swole210

    Test cycle, crashed libido?

    /\ /\/\...What these knowledgeable gents are saying up probably crashed your estro with too much ai. I have been the victim of thinking I needed more ai than I actually needed, and it's not fun.
  3. swole210

    Opinions on Olympus UK Ghar1ne?

    I've used it before, it is definitely g2g. However, it IS expensive from uk sites, so I opted for the German Pharma version this time around since I got a better deal. I've used German Pharma PH's before and they were g2g, so hopefully this stuff is legit��
  4. swole210

    Our Favorite AAS

    Sorry, I just started reading this thread yesterday, n realized my post was a bit...late lol!!
  5. swole210

    Our Favorite AAS

    I love adding Mast E to my trt during summer...but my hair doesnt. But it gives me such a ripped, hard, striated look when Im dieting. Gives me an extra little libido boost also.
  6. swole210

    Getting back in, with DMZ

    Negative. At the time, I wasnt really aware of taurine being an aid for the pumps.
  7. swole210

    Getting back in, with DMZ

    Whats up there devil dog! Back when I was in the corp, I was always a super high pft'er. Would miss hitting 300 all the time because of run time being off by like 30 seconds lol. When I was in bootcamp and light as a feather, no problem. But when I was out in the fleet and put muscle weight...
  8. swole210

    Tren e while on trt

    Your cholesterol will be whacked out. Doc might see that (especially if u normally have good or normal cholesterol levels) and ask you wtf? Liver values might also be elevated even though it's not an oral.
  9. swole210

    T3 and water rentention.

    Typo...50mcg. Dont like clen, so therefore dont use, nor do I need it to cut up. I usually do fine with ECAY, low carbs and fasted cardio. I decided to try t3 since I haven't done it in a LONG time, and helped improve fatloss without having to go up to 100mcg last time I used it. I know I...
  10. swole210

    T3 and water rentention.

    Shoot...been running t3 @50 mgs for a month. B3en drinking electrolytes for summer due to my physical work and sweating, and my blood work just came back "dangerously high" potassium. Had to draw blods two more times, waiting for last set to come back.
  11. swole210

    10 years steroid usage, blood work comparison

    What supports do you take to keep cholesterol in check? Not bad at all after 10 years! Although you did say your first 5 years were orals which are horrendous to LDL/HDL levels...either way, good numbers! I cant touch orals anymore, they make me feel like shyte, and they always wreaked havoc...
  12. swole210

    Support supplements

    OL Ar1macare Pro is my go to.
  13. swole210

    Clomid during cycle

    Just recently started running clomid with my trt (I was curious about this for a while now), and my boys are coming back to life, a.k.a getting bigger again. Also noticed an up tick in my libido.........
  14. swole210

    Best PH of all Time

    I still prefer the "old school" ph's ( 1-AD, 4-AD, 4-OHT, Formestane [ yes, will include this as ph]) over todays designers. WAY fewers sides, felt WAY better on them, and looked great. Sure M1T, Superdrol, Phera, Epi, were all insane physique and strenght wise, but the bp issues, kidney...
  15. swole210

    Best PH of all Time

    M1T was INSANE...strongest ish I've ever run, but was disgustingly toxic! Stuff was horrible! I went to doctors to get blood work while running it cause of all the effing sides, n docs had me come back IMMEDIATELY when bloods came back. Asked me what the heck I was taking cause it was the worst...
  16. swole210

    Long lasting Stim (non-Dmaa)

    Second (or 3rd or 4th...or what ever) this! I like 1/3 - 1/2 cap the most at one time and gives plenty of long lasting energy. Dexaprine...bought two bottles once, tried it, and it was too much for me. Was a very dirty feeling stim "for me" and I ended up chucking both bottles. Also like...
  17. swole210

    Tribulus Libido

    I used to use tribestan by sopharma back in the day, and that stuff would make me a horny maniac lol! Havent tried it in some years now...but thinking about getting some again, and see how it works now especially being on trt.
  18. swole210

    andro 1 and ostarine stack together

    Get a serm. Like others have said, look is your friend. This stsck will shut you down. To what degree...cant say for sure as everyone reacts differently, and dosage/length of use is also a factor. I have gotten blood work while on osta, and I was shut down pretty badly. I...
  19. swole210

    Ignit3 vs Lipodrene Elite

    Lipodrene Elite feels much "cleaner" and smoother to me than ignit3
  20. swole210

    First time experience - not so great

    They used to be my go to...tgey were awesome. Still like to order from them sometimes cause they have good pricing and sales often, but i have had a few...hiccups with them and shipping, or items listed as in stock really being out of stock with no indication of any kind. Not sure what has...