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  1. Jbtwentytwo

    acne question

    Last year I ran my first cycle started June 1st 400mg. I pulled bloods at the beginning of July because water retention, BP was up. E2 came back 82. Those were really the only symptoms. I ended up dropping down to 300mg . I started to get acne at the end of September. My cycle was coming to end...
  2. Jbtwentytwo

    Restock anytime soon?

    Is there an ETA on restock for epichaos and Ursa? 😭
  3. Jbtwentytwo


    Finished a test cyp cycle last pin was October 17th. Started my PCT on November 1st. I know hormones are fluctuating but my acne on my shoulders/upper portion of my tricep has been breaking out terribly in acne. I shower twice a day and use acne washes as well as apply stuff after the shower...
  4. Jbtwentytwo

    Recommendations on greens

    Anyone have any recommendations on a good greens supplement? I’m pretty good about eating fruits and veggies daily but occasionally I’d like to supplement extra. What do you guys recommend?
  5. Jbtwentytwo

    Need some advice

    So I started my PCT 10/30 and it’s not going bad but the brain fog is terrible. I’m still eating really well and training hard. Obviously I am losing some gains as expected. I wish I would’ve have just cruised instead of PCTed. My question is how detrimental would it be to just hope back on a...
  6. Jbtwentytwo

    What’s your experience with PCT?

    I’m currently about to cycle off a test cyp cycle. Currently have nolva and clomid on hand. I was thinking of either doing both or one or the other at clomid - 25/25/12.5/12.5 Nolva - 20/20/10/10 Any suggestions on this? Also how did nolva or clomid make you feel when you PCTed? I see so...
  7. Jbtwentytwo

    PCT question

    I’m about to come off my test cyp cycle. I have nolva/clomid on hand. I plan on running clomid - 50/50/25/25 Nolva - 25/25/10/10 could I run clomid lower than starting with 50? also, anyone have any natty supp recommendations I could toss in my PCT?
  8. Jbtwentytwo


    Are the pumps as good as everyone talks about?
  9. Jbtwentytwo

    Water weight

    So I’m running my first cycle of test cyp at 400mg. I’ll be in my 4th week on Monday. I’ve gone from 158 to 170. I know this is a majority of water weight but how can I reduce this? Someone told me I definitely gained in my face which to me I see it but maybe not as drastically as others. My BP...
  10. Jbtwentytwo

    Inhibit E question

    So I started my first cycle of test cyp last Monday. Running it at 400mg a week (Monday & Thursday. My third injection will be this Monday. I have aromasin on hand. I did pre cycle blood work and plan on doing more blood work around 6 weeks. I’m not having any estrogen sides (I’d assume it’s...
  11. Jbtwentytwo

    Lab work

    I just received my pre blood work for my first cycle of test. The last time I got my test checked was in December it was 509 but I was running Hyperion. I stopped the Hyperion pre blood work to get more accurate numbers. This current one is 341. Should I benefit pretty good off of running a...
  12. Jbtwentytwo

    Online bloodwork

    Hey fellas, I’m getting my blood work done in a few days. I ordered through PrivateMDLabs and getting blood drawn from Quest Diagnostics. Just curious have any of you ever had them question your requisition or anything of that nature?
  13. Jbtwentytwo

    What natty supps?

    Will be running my first test only cycle here very soon. Any recommendations for natty supps to run along with it and during PCT?
  14. Jbtwentytwo

    Will using only Nolva suffice for a PCT?

    I am wanting to run my first cycle of test probably around 400mg a week. I plan on having aromasin on hand if I need it during the cycle. When it comes to my PCT though will Nolva alone be reasonable?
  15. Jbtwentytwo

    First cycle

    I am really itching to go to the other side. I’ve been training consistently for about 8 years. I just turned 28 years old. The thought has always lingered in the back of my mind probably like many of us to do a first cycle. I just always had the other part of me telling me no don’t you can...
  16. Jbtwentytwo


    What’s your go to brand for Creatine? It’s crazy how expensive Creatine has gotten.
  17. Jbtwentytwo


    I’ve never run Stanogen… what would be ideal to use for a PCT?
  18. Jbtwentytwo

    Epichaos - Apex alchemy

    Just received my epichaos and haven’t used the new dispenser. I previously used it when it was in the dropper. How many pumps should I do? Also would applying to the chest area be effective?
  19. Jbtwentytwo

    CEL super swole?

    Are they not making CEL Super Swole anymore? I’m in the market for a new preworkout and wanted to give it a try. Everywhere I look is out of stock and the sites that do have it in stock are roughly $50 a tub. what are some other Non stim pre workouts that you would recommend? Looking...
  20. Jbtwentytwo

    Is this low for 25 years old?

    I recently got my test levels checked. I was 337 and my free test was 60.7 They say normal is 250-1100... my doctor and I had guessed I would be anywhere between 700-800. Although 337 is in the "normal range" it seems pretty low for only being 25..