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  • 한국어 할 수 있나요?
    아니면 한국어라고 안 하면 혹시 조선어? ㅋㅋ
    한국어 할 수 있나요?
    아니면 한국어라고 안 하면 혹시 조선어? ㅋㅋ
    Figure I shouldnt pollute their thread anymore! :D

    You are talking to the most skeptical person around here. If a notarized license from ICPS isn't enough, what is considered legit? The company displays it on the page with their turk, along with the contact info for ICPS to confirm. You can call the uzbekistan (sp?) number to confirm though if you wish.

    But if that isn't enough, what is? I didn't see thermolife presenting their license. Also, their turk is severly underdosed.

    They aren't going exclusively license their product, that is missing out on a ton of money.
    Ax, Your new avatar is the greatest....WWCD ( what would Chuck do ??? )
    can i ask you to join me?
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