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  • hey man, could u help me out? I took 1 cycle of epistane for around 2 and a half months with no PCT whatsoever. At first I was feeling really bad but then it seemed that my system repaired itself. One thing I have not been able to get past though is my vision seems a bit blurred, i find it a bit harder to become happy, but im not depressed or sad all the time i just have a hint of stress/anxaety in the back of my mind. I do get stressed a lot easier though. In my...junkular area i do just fine lol everything functions propperly its just my mood is slightly worsen then when i started. Im thinking my testosterone is a little off balance but not too much. What would you reccomend? ive also talked to a doctor and had blood tests, he said 2 just let it run out of my system on its own but im thinking of going back. And also its been around 2 and a half months since ive been off of the epistane would it be to late to PCT? i have shown alot of improvement on my own
    Hi, I know its out of your way, but i please ask if you can help me with my fight wit gyno. i recently got off 2 cycles of activate xtreme test booster. the 1st month i took it i cycled off for a month and i didnt take any anti estrogen blockers nd nothing happened.then a month later i got back on another cycle,i started to notice a change in my nipples.they were getting puffy and not looking normal.i heard that you can reverse mild signs of gyno in the early stages,mynipples dont itch they just look a little pointier than before.i have been doin hours and hours of research about gyno and how to cure it but i still seem a little confused on how to do it the right way.i already messed up on trying to do a cycle of test and i am afraid that i might do the P.C.T. has been maybe 2-3 months since i got off the test and noticed the mild gyno.i was wondering if its too late to do letro or nova.i would really appreciate it if u can help me =\
    Guess who lives in sd now... This guy...
    dang it, I cleared out my inbox but didn't think to clear out my sent folder. when my account was downgraded from gold user (no longer available) I went from a max of 1000 pm's to whatever the limit is now.
    What up brotha! It still wont let me send you a PM, says the box is still full
    haha thanks bro! When you get your sexy ass into loggin again? We miss you man!
    hey you still gonna trry the one? just got an email "while supplies last" deal from an next week. just wondering cuz i was tryin to figure one what i was gonna take.
    yoooo!! Where ya been man!? Been missn ya around here. Im back to bulkn again :rolleyes: go figure haha. I gotta a workout log up with 2 other friends. Some people have been poken your head in. You should stop by and say hello. Log is in my sig
    whats up rob dawg?..same ole' here bro!
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