Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024


11/28/23 Legs

Barbell Squat - Bar x20, 95x10
- Stopped here details below...

True Squat Facing Out (Quad Focus) - 90x15, 135x12, 135x11 - Started feeling pressure on back from this and stopped before my last set.

Belt Squats 90x12, 135x11- @RPE10, 135x9 @RPE10 - These were good but that damn belt really cuts into the adductors where all the thin easily stretched skin is. So if I continue to do these I will bring in a thick towel to drape around my waist through the inside of my legs for some cushioning to save that skin from getting a bunch of new purple stretch marks getting pulled into it.

Paused Leg Press - 425x12, 450x12, 450x12 - last set RPE9.5

Lunges - Body Weight x 10, 30 x 8 @RPE9
- Stopped the whole workout here, details below....

Exercises left off = Romanian Deal Lifts and Lying Leg Curls

Had a very rough session last night. I am officially done with back squats. I got to 95lbs on my warm up for squats last night and sure enough as soon as I took the bar off of my back my T-Spine / C-Spine issues said "Hello! Thanks for inviting me, happy to be here!!!" It has definitely been the back squats causing referral pain in my shoulder. Not so much the chest pressing. I did a couple sets of True Squat facing out and got up to 135 before it felt like that was going to be a problem and I folded my hand on that move too for the night at least. Then I went to belt squats and got 2 nice sets to failure at 135 which on this particular Belt Squat feels pretty damn heavy. After that I did 2 sets of DB Lunges but my neck and T-Spine were done! Started getting pain in my neck, and a little numbness in my right hand. I called the entire workout at that point. Better to live and fight another day.

I went home ate, and took 2 Aleve, slathered up in an anti-inflammatory muscle rub and went to bed. Shortly after getting in bed my left foot also went numb for about 20-30 minutes then started getting better as the aleve started working. Luckily no pains last night and I don't feel much worse for the wear today. Still tight, but no referral pain or numbness of any kind. I doubled down on Aleve again this morning and will do so again tonight to get this inflammation knocked out before it becomes a serious issue.

I think I will end up moving to Pendulum Squats to keep most of the pressure on my hips for a little while. Allow the T-Spine and C-Spine to cool down a bit. I am really contemplating taking back complete control of my training. While this style may be very effective, I can not make a bunch of progress if I am continuously pulling back over and over due to injury management. Consistency and continual progress is required to drive growth, and I feel like I have already done a lot of sub optimal work on my legs the last 3 weeks trying to incorporate squats.

I am hoping to be able to keep the rack deads in for my upper back and yoke area but if not that is okay too. I may try a few very light RDL's today before cardio just to see how those feel and if I should temporarily pull them from my plan as well. I honestly get a lot more stimulation with the True Squat good mornings. My legs, and also chest have not gotten even remotely sore since changing exercises up. Considering I have been on the same levels of gear this whole time that tells me I am not pushing them as hard as I was previously.

What do you al think? Does it make sense to keep pushing my luck on training to failure or just go with more of what was working for me previously. Still high intensity, slightly more volume and more frequency. It is a hard call to make knowing I am paying for the training also. So some opinions from the outside looking in would be helpful here.
Man man, this sounds like a great cycle. You already look better than most 20 years olds, but you want more you greedy bastard 😂 Just messing around but it's true, just to maintain the physique you have would be beyond satisfactory for most guys. We have a similar build, mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'9, best I'm less blessed in the pecs but it's a tradeoff for some naturally large traps. Regardless, looking killer man. There are like 14 pages of comments now, but I believe I read you are on 300mg test E and 200mg mast? 300mg of test can be plenty for some people including me, but I wouldn't have expected 300mg test and 200mg mast to have such a profound effect on you considering your experience and all. Have you thought about taking any orals pre comp? Or maybe some injectable superdrol? Underrated ****, not as harsh obviously and still amazing effects. 25mg injectable SD split 12.5/12.5 for me has less lethargy than 10mg oral SD daily. Just a thought, figured I'd mention it because I've seen very few posts on it. It also flows out of a 31g insulin syringe like butter, I always injected subq because I was concerned about injecting SD into a large vein, but it was easily avoidable.

Regardless, good luck and keep up the great work!
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11/28/23 Legs

Barbell Squat - Bar x20, 95x10
- Stopped here details below...

True Squat Facing Out (Quad Focus) - 90x15, 135x12, 135x11 - Started feeling pressure on back from this and stopped before my last set.

Belt Squats 90x12, 135x11- @RPE10, 135x9 @RPE10 - These were good but that damn belt really cuts into the adductors where all the thin easily stretched skin is. So if I continue to do these I will bring in a thick towel to drape around my waist through the inside of my legs for some cushioning to save that skin from getting a bunch of new purple stretch marks getting pulled into it.

Paused Leg Press - 425x12, 450x12, 450x12 - last set RPE9.5

Lunges - Body Weight x 10, 30 x 8 @RPE9
- Stopped the whole workout here, details below....

Exercises left off = Romanian Deal Lifts and Lying Leg Curls

Had a very rough session last night. I am officially done with back squats. I got to 95lbs on my warm up for squats last night and sure enough as soon as I took the bar off of my back my T-Spine / C-Spine issues said "Hello! Thanks for inviting me, happy to be here!!!" It has definitely been the back squats causing referral pain in my shoulder. Not so much the chest pressing. I did a couple sets of True Squat facing out and got up to 135 before it felt like that was going to be a problem and I folded my hand on that move too for the night at least. Then I went to belt squats and got 2 nice sets to failure at 135 which on this particular Belt Squat feels pretty damn heavy. After that I did 2 sets of DB Lunges but my neck and T-Spine were done! Started getting pain in my neck, and a little numbness in my right hand. I called the entire workout at that point. Better to live and fight another day.

I went home ate, and took 2 Aleve, slathered up in an anti-inflammatory muscle rub and went to bed. Shortly after getting in bed my left foot also went numb for about 20-30 minutes then started getting better as the aleve started working. Luckily no pains last night and I don't feel much worse for the wear today. Still tight, but no referral pain or numbness of any kind. I doubled down on Aleve again this morning and will do so again tonight to get this inflammation knocked out before it becomes a serious issue.

I think I will end up moving to Pendulum Squats to keep most of the pressure on my hips for a little while. Allow the T-Spine and C-Spine to cool down a bit. I am really contemplating taking back complete control of my training. While this style may be very effective, I can not make a bunch of progress if I am continuously pulling back over and over due to injury management. Consistency and continual progress is required to drive growth, and I feel like I have already done a lot of sub optimal work on my legs the last 3 weeks trying to incorporate squats.

I am hoping to be able to keep the rack deads in for my upper back and yoke area but if not that is okay too. I may try a few very light RDL's today before cardio just to see how those feel and if I should temporarily pull them from my plan as well. I honestly get a lot more stimulation with the True Squat good mornings. My legs, and also chest have not gotten even remotely sore since changing exercises up. Considering I have been on the same levels of gear this whole time that tells me I am not pushing them as hard as I was previously.

What do you al think? Does it make sense to keep pushing my luck on training to failure or just go with more of what was working for me previously. Still high intensity, slightly more volume and more frequency. It is a hard call to make knowing I am paying for the training also. So some opinions from the outside looking in would be helpful here.
Tbh, I’d just talk to him about the limitations you’re running into. I’d definitely tell him that free weight squats aren’t gonna be happening because of injuries that make both the leg sessions and following sessions less effective.

And if the heavier weight to failure is a problem too, then I’m sure he can accommodate with higher volume work to make up for the fact that you won’t be getting as close to failure (or, alternatively, just having you hit muscular failure at higher rep ranges which may help the joints by itself).

Seems like a bit of a waste to hire a coach and then not talk to him about training issues when they arise. If he fails to accommodate, then you cross that bridge then, but that isn’t where I’d start.

I may end up doing something similar with squats. My work today was fine (for now, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow), but if it ends up being a problem, I’ll do a hack squat or something instead (and will let him know if that occurs).
I agree with what Jim said about getting with your coach and just explaining injury or potential injury limitations, and let him know the comparable exercises that you know work for you, as well the style, rep range, and weight that works for you. I have issues with squats as well because of a bulging disc in my neck and knee issues, so they are really more a light accessory unfortunately. Heavy squats just puts so much pressure on the spine. The way this guy sounds, I bet he’s really accommodating to what works for you. I guarantee you he doesn’t want to see you injured about as much as you don’t want an injury. And hey the pictures are proof that what you were doing was working.


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Tbh, I’d just talk to him about the limitations you’re running into. I’d definitely tell him that free weight squats aren’t gonna be happening because of injuries that make both the leg sessions and following sessions less effective.

And if the heavier weight to failure is a problem too, then I’m sure he can accommodate with higher volume work to make up for the fact that you won’t be getting as close to failure (or, alternatively, just having you hit muscular failure at higher rep ranges which may help the joints by itself).

Seems like a bit of a waste to hire a coach and then not talk to him about training issues when they arise. If he fails to accommodate, then you cross that bridge then, but that isn’t where I’d start.

I may end up doing something similar with squats. My work today was fine (for now, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow), but if it ends up being a problem, I’ll do a hack squat or something instead (and will let him know if that occurs).
@jimbuick Oh, no, I wasn't meaning I would cut him out totally even though I said take total control which probably gave that impression as well. By total control I mean I won't do anything else that I think will put me at risk of messing with my injuries or causing me to pull back on progression. That is why I said I would ask for his input. Just the things I know aren't good for me need to be adjusted. I did ask him on my last check in about changing from failure sets to just adding a couple of rest pauses to those two failure sets at the beginning, but he didn't respond regarding that. There are parts of this structure I really enjoy and definitely want to keep in place. A lot of the movements he put in I see why they are there, and are really awesome.


11/28/23 Legs

Barbell Squat - Bar x20, 95x10
- Stopped here details below...

True Squat Facing Out (Quad Focus) - 90x15, 135x12, 135x11 - Started feeling pressure on back from this and stopped before my last set.

Belt Squats 90x12, 135x11- @RPE10, 135x9 @RPE10 - These were good but that damn belt really cuts into the adductors where all the thin easily stretched skin is. So if I continue to do these I will bring in a thick towel to drape around my waist through the inside of my legs for some cushioning to save that skin from getting a bunch of new purple stretch marks getting pulled into it.

Paused Leg Press - 425x12, 450x12, 450x12 - last set RPE9.5

Lunges - Body Weight x 10, 30 x 8 @RPE9
- Stopped the whole workout here, details below....

Exercises left off = Romanian Deal Lifts and Lying Leg Curls

Had a very rough session last night. I am officially done with back squats. I got to 95lbs on my warm up for squats last night and sure enough as soon as I took the bar off of my back my T-Spine / C-Spine issues said "Hello! Thanks for inviting me, happy to be here!!!" It has definitely been the back squats causing referral pain in my shoulder. Not so much the chest pressing. I did a couple sets of True Squat facing out and got up to 135 before it felt like that was going to be a problem and I folded my hand on that move too for the night at least. Then I went to belt squats and got 2 nice sets to failure at 135 which on this particular Belt Squat feels pretty damn heavy. After that I did 2 sets of DB Lunges but my neck and T-Spine were done! Started getting pain in my neck, and a little numbness in my right hand. I called the entire workout at that point. Better to live and fight another day.

I went home ate, and took 2 Aleve, slathered up in an anti-inflammatory muscle rub and went to bed. Shortly after getting in bed my left foot also went numb for about 20-30 minutes then started getting better as the aleve started working. Luckily no pains last night and I don't feel much worse for the wear today. Still tight, but no referral pain or numbness of any kind. I doubled down on Aleve again this morning and will do so again tonight to get this inflammation knocked out before it becomes a serious issue.

I think I will end up moving to Pendulum Squats to keep most of the pressure on my hips for a little while. Allow the T-Spine and C-Spine to cool down a bit. I am really contemplating taking back complete control of my training. While this style may be very effective, I can not make a bunch of progress if I am continuously pulling back over and over due to injury management. Consistency and continual progress is required to drive growth, and I feel like I have already done a lot of sub optimal work on my legs the last 3 weeks trying to incorporate squats.

I am hoping to be able to keep the rack deads in for my upper back and yoke area but if not that is okay too. I may try a few very light RDL's today before cardio just to see how those feel and if I should temporarily pull them from my plan as well. I honestly get a lot more stimulation with the True Squat good mornings. My legs, and also chest have not gotten even remotely sore since changing exercises up. Considering I have been on the same levels of gear this whole time that tells me I am not pushing them as hard as I was previously.

What do you al think? Does it make sense to keep pushing my luck on training to failure or just go with more of what was working for me previously. Still high intensity, slightly more volume and more frequency. It is a hard call to make knowing I am paying for the training also. So some opinions from the outside looking in would be helpful here.
As far as the back squats, with all the different types of exercises and lifting methods out there, I'd say scratch that and find an alternative that works that muscle group somehow. It's your back, no reason to risk serious injury, not being able to move, a herniated disc, etc when you are already looking like a beast. Think about it, hurt your back bad enough, god forbid and those gains you have won't be around for as long as you like!

Maybe go to an ortho or even the ER if your insurance covers it and get imaging done. That will make it easier to determine if you should continue, heal and work weight back up naturally or if you should forget that exercise movement altogether in interest of being able to continue to work out everything else.

Hope this was a little help for you.


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By total control I mean I won't do anything else that I think will put me at risk of messing with my injuries or causing me to pull back on progression.
such a tough balance at times between being coachable, and also being knowledgeable of your own injury risks. Luckily you have enough history and experience to be able to slice that pie pretty fairly I think.

my experience was usually the opposite, athletes doing it anyways despite the coach saying "you're gonna get an injury"


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What do you al think? Does it make sense to keep pushing my luck on training to failure or just go with more of what was working for me previously. Still high intensity, slightly more volume and more frequency. It is a hard call to make knowing I am paying for the training also. So some opinions from the outside looking in would be helpful here.
maybe looping in a sports specific PT who's main goal in life is 110% rehabilitation and then linking him with the coach would be the ticket here. And the reason I was specific on these PT details is cause most PT's aim to get you from the couch to the fridge but I've learned not to settle for any PT who isn't trying to get you game ready. I think you have an interesting situation that's gonna require more discussion with coach.


11/28/23 Legs

Barbell Squat - Bar x20, 95x10
- Stopped here details below...

True Squat Facing Out (Quad Focus) - 90x15, 135x12, 135x11 - Started feeling pressure on back from this and stopped before my last set.

Belt Squats 90x12, 135x11- @RPE10, 135x9 @RPE10 - These were good but that damn belt really cuts into the adductors where all the thin easily stretched skin is. So if I continue to do these I will bring in a thick towel to drape around my waist through the inside of my legs for some cushioning to save that skin from getting a bunch of new purple stretch marks getting pulled into it.

Paused Leg Press - 425x12, 450x12, 450x12 - last set RPE9.5

Lunges - Body Weight x 10, 30 x 8 @RPE9
- Stopped the whole workout here, details below....

Exercises left off = Romanian Deal Lifts and Lying Leg Curls

Had a very rough session last night. I am officially done with back squats. I got to 95lbs on my warm up for squats last night and sure enough as soon as I took the bar off of my back my T-Spine / C-Spine issues said "Hello! Thanks for inviting me, happy to be here!!!" It has definitely been the back squats causing referral pain in my shoulder. Not so much the chest pressing. I did a couple sets of True Squat facing out and got up to 135 before it felt like that was going to be a problem and I folded my hand on that move too for the night at least. Then I went to belt squats and got 2 nice sets to failure at 135 which on this particular Belt Squat feels pretty damn heavy. After that I did 2 sets of DB Lunges but my neck and T-Spine were done! Started getting pain in my neck, and a little numbness in my right hand. I called the entire workout at that point. Better to live and fight another day.

I went home ate, and took 2 Aleve, slathered up in an anti-inflammatory muscle rub and went to bed. Shortly after getting in bed my left foot also went numb for about 20-30 minutes then started getting better as the aleve started working. Luckily no pains last night and I don't feel much worse for the wear today. Still tight, but no referral pain or numbness of any kind. I doubled down on Aleve again this morning and will do so again tonight to get this inflammation knocked out before it becomes a serious issue.

I think I will end up moving to Pendulum Squats to keep most of the pressure on my hips for a little while. Allow the T-Spine and C-Spine to cool down a bit. I am really contemplating taking back complete control of my training. While this style may be very effective, I can not make a bunch of progress if I am continuously pulling back over and over due to injury management. Consistency and continual progress is required to drive growth, and I feel like I have already done a lot of sub optimal work on my legs the last 3 weeks trying to incorporate squats.

I am hoping to be able to keep the rack deads in for my upper back and yoke area but if not that is okay too. I may try a few very light RDL's today before cardio just to see how those feel and if I should temporarily pull them from my plan as well. I honestly get a lot more stimulation with the True Squat good mornings. My legs, and also chest have not gotten even remotely sore since changing exercises up. Considering I have been on the same levels of gear this whole time that tells me I am not pushing them as hard as I was previously.

What do you al think? Does it make sense to keep pushing my luck on training to failure or just go with more of what was working for me previously. Still high intensity, slightly more volume and more frequency. It is a hard call to make knowing I am paying for the training also. So some opinions from the outside looking in would be helpful here.
My opinion man, keep doing what has been working for you without pushing areas like your back. If you injure your back and can’t train for weeks, that will be far more detrimental than not going as hard as you can in all areas and risk your back. I may not know a lot about roids and this community in that regard, but since I was 17 my full time, live in job has held injury prevention as number 1, even had the opportunity through my pipeline to work with some ex olympians, professional fighters, swimmers, etc that were brought in specifically to pound injury prevention into our heads. So, I say, prevent it rather than risking not being able to train and all.


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I think there’s a lot of evidence out there now that training for size is not nearly as complicated as it is made out to be. I’m sure you know this but just going in and training hard every day is going to be the ticket, probably not whether you decide to do BB squats vs smith squats or even hack squats. You have a lot smarter people giving their input but I don’t sweat it if I can’t grab a smith machine on leg day and have to just do leg press one week. Obviously I’m not far enough along for it to make much difference personally, but I can’t imagine it would for most everyone else either?

I could be way wrong lol but it seems a movement that you can safely take close to failure or up to failure will yield best results.


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I think there’s a lot of evidence out there now that training for size is not nearly as complicated as it is made out to be. I’m sure you know this but just going in and training hard every day is going to be the ticket, probably not whether you decide to do BB squats vs smith squats or even hack squats. You have a lot smarter people giving their input but I don’t sweat it if I can’t grab a smith machine on leg day and have to just do leg press one week. Obviously I’m not far enough along for it to make much difference personally, but I can’t imagine it would for most everyone else either?

I could be way wrong lol but it seems a movement that you can safely take close to failure or up to failure will yield best results.
I tend to do the same. I’ll sub something similar instead of waiting around, but I also don’t compete at a level where the difference between “optimal” and “convenient” actually matters.

Not sure any of us here do yet, either. But I’d imagine it matters for those guys at the top of the competitive world.


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What is "True Squat" vs BB squats?
This is the true Squat machine or Arsenal calls it their Power Squat. Facing in is glute and ham dominant more like a lowbar, and facing out more for quads similar to a hack squat, you just adjust the height of the foot plate, lower for quads facing out, and higher if facing in for the hammies and glutes. Both ways hit both side of the leg but put more emphasis on one or the other. This is also the machine I did my Good Mornings on that were really toasting my hamstrings and glutes before.
I agree with what Jim said about getting with your coach and just explaining injury or potential injury limitations, and let him know the comparable exercises that you know work for you, as well the style, rep range, and weight that works for you. I have issues with squats as well because of a bulging disc in my neck and knee issues, so they are really more a light accessory unfortunately. Heavy squats just puts so much pressure on the spine. The way this guy sounds, I bet he’s really accommodating to what works for you. I guarantee you he doesn’t want to see you injured about as much as you don’t want an injury. And hey the pictures are proof that what you were doing was working.
Agreed, I want to stick as close as possible to his training plan if i am going to follow it. Even though I honestly hired a coach more for the nutrition, gear, and contest prep part more so than his training plan. However, I am not opposed to going back to something similar to what i was doing before which was IMHO just as effective if not more in a lot of ways. Just judging by stimulus and soreness, and muscle disruption. Some of this other exercise selection is so spot on, and some of the types of sets I do now I wasn't previously are awesome too. I REALLY enjoy the 20,15,10, 20 layout he has me doing for some of my exercises. I definitely think he knows his stuff and knows it better than I do. However, I know my body, and injuries better which makes it hard since I am not paying for a daily interactive type of coaching where I get quick responses on changes.
Man man, this sounds like a great cycle. You already look better than most 20 years olds, but you want more you greedy bastard 😂 Just messing around but it's true, just to maintain the physique you have would be beyond satisfactory for most guys. We have a similar build, mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'9, best I'm less blessed in the pecs but it's a tradeoff for some naturally large traps. Regardless, looking killer man. There are like 14 pages of comments now, but I believe I read you are on 300mg test E and 200mg mast? 300mg of test can be plenty for some people including me, but I wouldn't have expected 300mg test and 200mg mast to have such a profound effect on you considering your experience and all. Have you thought about taking any orals pre comp? Or maybe some injectable superdrol? Underrated ****, not as harsh obviously and still amazing effects. 25mg injectable SD split 12.5/12.5 for me has less lethargy than 10mg oral SD daily. Just a thought, figured I'd mention it because I've seen very few posts on it. It also flows out of a 31g insulin syringe like butter, I always injected subq because I was concerned about injecting SD into a large vein, but it was easily avoidable.

Regardless, good luck and keep up the great work!
Man, thanks for the compliments brother! I ain't to bad for 50 eh!
As far as the back squats, with all the different types of exercises and lifting methods out there, I'd say scratch that and find an alternative that works that muscle group somehow. It's your back, no reason to risk serious injury, not being able to move, a herniated disc, etc when you are already looking like a beast. Think about it, hurt your back bad enough, god forbid and those gains you have won't be around for as long as you like!

Maybe go to an ortho or even the ER if your insurance covers it and get imaging done. That will make it easier to determine if you should continue, heal and work weight back up naturally or if you should forget that exercise movement altogether in interest of being able to continue to work out everything else.

Hope this was a little help for you.
Thanks, all good points!
such a tough balance at times between being coachable, and also being knowledgeable of your own injury risks. Luckily you have enough history and experience to be able to slice that pie pretty fairly I think.

my experience was usually the opposite, athletes doing it anyways despite the coach saying "you're gonna get an injury"
Yeah, no doubt. I do tend to push too far, like that is just a historical fact. It's in my mentality, and I really have to reign it in now to keep myself from pushing too far. Left to my own desires every set would be to failure, or have some sort of intensifier. I trained like that for years and years. Similar to how you were with crossfit.
maybe looping in a sports specific PT who's main goal in life is 110% rehabilitation and then linking him with the coach would be the ticket here. And the reason I was specific on these PT details is cause most PT's aim to get you from the couch to the fridge but I've learned not to settle for any PT who isn't trying to get you game ready. I think you have an interesting situation that's gonna require more discussion with coach.
Unfortunately right this minute my money is all tied up in the 3500 in car repiars I have had to shell out the last month or so, and my benefits card is already spent. So getting to someone right this minute is going to be hard unless i want to put it on a card and finance a copayment. Which I may have to do, but just trying to get through this last month without doing that.
My opinion man, keep doing what has been working for you without pushing areas like your back. If you injure your back and can’t train for weeks, that will be far more detrimental than not going as hard as you can in all areas and risk your back. I may not know a lot about roids and this community in that regard, but since I was 17 my full time, live in job has held injury prevention as number 1, even had the opportunity through my pipeline to work with some ex olympians, professional fighters, swimmers, etc that were brought in specifically to pound injury prevention into our heads. So, I say, prevent it rather than risking not being able to train and all.
I think there’s a lot of evidence out there now that training for size is not nearly as complicated as it is made out to be. I’m sure you know this but just going in and training hard every day is going to be the ticket, probably not whether you decide to do BB squats vs smith squats or even hack squats. You have a lot smarter people giving their input but I don’t sweat it if I can’t grab a smith machine on leg day and have to just do leg press one week. Obviously I’m not far enough along for it to make much difference personally, but I can’t imagine it would for most everyone else either?

I could be way wrong lol but it seems a movement that you can safely take close to failure or up to failure will yield best results.
No, I don;t think you are wrong and personally as a quad builder squats are suboptimal for me. However the rest of the leg work tends to take up the slack. I have Leg press as my second movement and I can push quads harder on their. At the same time I do respect what he is trying to do with them and understand why. Temporarily I will move to Pendulum Squats, or belt squats since the Power / True Squat machine was pushing my spine a little last night. The pendulum will keep the weight on my hips not my upper back.

The only real difference there is not being able to track progression via exercise volume very well when you swap an exercise out often.
I tend to do the same. I’ll sub something similar instead of waiting around, but I also don’t compete at a level where the difference between “optimal” and “convenient” actually matters.

Not sure any of us here do yet, either. But I’d imagine it matters for those guys at the top of the competitive world.
True, true!
I'd talk to your coach give him your concerns and see if he can come up with something more manageable for your situation. No reason to keep tempting fate with the pain, I am sure you can find a good compromise. (y)
I am going to give him a call later today, and see if we can't come up with some changes to make things a bit safer for me.

In the end I am just really currently frustrated with this setback, and the increasing issues with issues that have not bothered me while pushing pretty damn hard for a while. I originally went to the RP style because it looked like the most effective way to safely progressively overload without my propensity to go to hard and hurt myself. Plus we just added 300mg to my test this week so hard to tell what is usual justified frustration, and what is coming from the increase in gear being so recent.
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Unfortunately right this minute my money is all tied up in the 3500 in car repiars I have had to shell out the last month or so, and my benefits card is already spent. So getting to someone right this minute is going to be hard unless i want to put it on a card and finance a copayment. Which I may have to do, but just trying to get through this last month without doing that.
Dude I still have not wrapped my mind around how much inflation has changed the budget in the past few years. We are getting better at the adjustment, but I'm still dumbfounded at times by how much more I was able to spend sorta willy nilly 3 years ago.


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I agree with Jim, GP, & Resolve. Chat with coach and see what solutions he offers. He wants you to win. It means he keeps getting paid and he looks good when you do.
Yeah, I am going to give him a call later today and talk with him. I think a lot of this is just frustration with the setback and the increase in gear making me feel things a bit more intensely than normal. It's good to have a group of friends like in here to bounce things off of and get some feedback from the outside looking in.


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Dude I still have not wrapped my mind around how much inflation has changed the budget in the past few years. We are getting better at the adjustment, but I'm still dumbfounded at times by how much more I was able to spend sorta willy nilly 3 years ago.
Yeah, it has really gotten bad. I would be sitting fat with "extra" money in my bank right now otherwise. That and like I said, having 3 cars break down so close together was just brutal on the budget all by itself. I almost told my wife no presents for our anniversary or Christmas this year. Things are just too tight. However even though I have no issue making that sacrifice, she would be extremely upset, and heartbroken if I were to do that. When I told her I didn't think we would be able to take our anniversary trip because of the car situation she understandably got very upset. So we did decide to put that trip on a card. I just hate financing things like that. It doesn't make sense financially to me but my wife is more valuable to me than paying some interest. So, we are still going to go.


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Yeah, I am going to give him a call later today and talk with him. I think a lot of this is just frustration with the setback and the increase in gear making me feel things a bit more intensely than normal. It's good to have a group of friends like in here to bounce things off of and get some feedback from the outside looking in.
Another thing with gear is how quickly your strength increases compared to natural or just TRT. That increased strength along with the gym aggression, is all good, but those muscles will grow in size and strength quicker than your connective tissue can catch up. All the more reason to leave some in the tank and not over do it, which I know you know all this, but I have to remind myself not to get too crazy on a cycle because us over 50 dudes just don’t recover, repair, or heal as quickly as we used to.


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Another thing with gear is how quickly your strength increases compared to natural or just TRT. That increased strength along with the gym aggression, is all good, but those muscles will grow in size and strength quicker than your connective tissue can catch up. All the more reason to leave some in the tank and not over do it, which I know you know all this, but I have to remind myself not to get too crazy on a cycle because us over 50 dudes just don’t recover, repair, or heal as quickly as we used to.
No doubt, and it is definitely harder to pull back on the reigns while the gear is saying alright LFG!!!


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PS... OMG I am full! I may have to talk to him about MK to help with appetite. I ate 2 hours ago and still feel like I swallowed a mack truck. LOL About to go do cardio here shortly and it is gonna be rough feeling this full. I will get the job done though.


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PS... OMG I am full! I may have to talk to him about MK to help with appetite. I ate 2 hours ago and still feel like I swallowed a mack truck. LOL About to go do cardio here shortly and it is gonna be rough feeling this full. I will get the job done though.
Yeah, MK is your friend on a bulk.😎


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Yeah, MK is your friend on a bulk.😎
Yeah, this took me by surprise, came on all the sudden, but hopefully just gassy and not already feeling the effects of the increased food volume this much. Could definitely have to do with blocking myself up a bitt with the Aleve. I would have normally been to the restroom for a couple downloads by this time of day. I went just now and rabbit pellets, so very likely has something to do with it.


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11/29/23 - Fasted Weight 200.2 - Down from 200.8 yesterday, still dropping weight from the holiday weekend even with the calorie increase. I was looking pretty tight this morning.

Also, feeling a lot better mentally about the situation. Hissy fit over! Thanks for all the feedback. It's crazy what even an intense cardio session can do for one's mindset. I do think a bit of this was hormonally induced. That, and just the thought of things going wrong after I have already put so much into just getting to a point I could train for this show. Making me want to take control and make sure we don't f me up before I can get to the show. I got my big boy pants back on now. ;)


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I feel like I've kind of missed it (because this log moves fast which I guess is a good thing!), but could you briefly recount exactly what your squatting issues tend to be or lead to?


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Yeah, it has really gotten bad. I would be sitting fat with "extra" money in my bank right now otherwise. That and like I said, having 3 cars break down so close together was just brutal on the budget all by itself. I almost told my wife no presents for our anniversary or Christmas this year. Things are just too tight. However even though I have no issue making that sacrifice, she would be extremely upset, and heartbroken if I were to do that. When I told her I didn't think we would be able to take our anniversary trip because of the car situation she understandably got very upset. So we did decide to put that trip on a card. I just hate financing things like that. It doesn't make sense financially to me but my wife is more valuable to me than paying some interest. So, we are still going to go.
I'm 100% with you on all points there. A couple years ago I set up a vacation acct and a little money drops in every Monday automagically. I'm so grateful I did that because it really helps me keep a tiny bit squirreled away for travel. The budgeting has become a lot sharper these past 2-3 years. it's just crazy how much tighter things got all the sudden without a decrease in income. but our taxes in WA are insane too. taxes alone are eating me up between $500-1k/month more than 3 years ago.


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I have been blasting much more in recent years, so I feel it gets easier to anticipate and understand the hormonal aggression & adjust for it. It is not so much a dosage thing - it’s especially whenever doses go up.

But for myself, being on a low dose of Tren, I absolutely already know that if something is bugging me - it’s me. Whatever it is, it wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t on Tren. So I can overcompensate because I KNOW I’m the problem, it’s not really that big of a problem. Taking that stance makes it easier to walk away, take a breath, and deliver a calm response.

I feel like I've kind of missed it (because this log moves fast which I guess is a good thing!), but could you briefly recount exactly what your squatting issues tend to be or lead to?
I believe there is a nerve around his t/c-spine that gets set off by acute compression he discovered recently, and when it gets flared up the pain messes with almost all training (that wouldn’t normally set it off).


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My only complaint is lack of volume. Really felt like I needed more today but not enough time.
I feel like I've kind of missed it (because this log moves fast which I guess is a good thing!), but could you briefly recount exactly what your squatting issues tend to be or lead to?
I have a bulging disc or something in 2 places in my spine, one near the bottom of my neck and one in the T-Spine in the middle of my scapula. When I squat with a barbell lately it has really been aggravating it. Causing referral pain to the point it has taken me to tears, numbness, neck pain. I have been to an ART specialist and a chiropractor and after some testing things they both said I have some sort of disc issue / nerve impingement that is likely a bulging disk. I can do things with the weight on my shoulders like a hack squat and stuff but putting a bar on my spine is just not working out for me anymore. Once it is triggered back work and any upper back extension under weight is painful. Even without weight if it gets too bad. I feel like I caught it and hitting it hard with anti-inflammatories right after it happened kept the inflammation from ever getting too bad. I just didn't wait that night to see how if felt in the morning because I knew it wouldn't be good to just let it swell up overnight.
I'm 100% with you on all points there. A couple years ago I set up a vacation acct and a little money drops in every Monday automagically. I'm so grateful I did that because it really helps me keep a tiny bit squirreled away for travel. The budgeting has become a lot sharper these past 2-3 years. it's just crazy how much tighter things got all the sudden without a decrease in income. but our taxes in WA are insane too. taxes alone are eating me up between $500-1k/month more than 3 years ago.
Yeah, it is insane. I need to set up what you have going on but the first thing would be too use it for my contest this year so I am not putting it on a card and paying interest.


11/30/23 - Fasted Weight 201.2 lbs - I seem to be staying over 200 this week. It feels good to be a man again! ;)

Shoulders & Triceps - Thursday, Nov 30, 2023 at 4:44am

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 135 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 120 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe -
I switched over to the other selection plate shoulder press today to keep my shoulder in a better position for my right labrum since it is still a bit inflamed. I am too thick for the Arsenal so it puts my hands and arms in a bad position. This also definitely hits my anterior delts better for some reason even though it does not converge.

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 30 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 30 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe -
Got one more rep here and think I could have maybe got one more. I need to figure out a way to go up just 5lbs here if possible because a 10lb jump is going to keep me from hitting 20 on that first set.

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe -
My first two sets my form wasn't quite on so I wasn't getting the same stimulation as usual. My traps were getting too involved. I got it squared away for the last set. I will stay at this weight this next session and see how it goes while really lighting up the rear delts.

Upright Row
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 60 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe -
My left elbow started bothering me, possibly from all the extra forearm work I have been getting using straps instead of my grips. I had to really squeeze the crap out of the bar the last 2 weeks and think it has worn on me a little. I will be using liniment throughout the week and before training to cool it down a bit as well as doing some self myofascial release on it. I will likely go ahead and do some flossing on it, since that normally works really well for my elbows when they get flared up.

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe -
I got 2 extra reps here at a solid RPE10 on the last one. I really had to turn on the juice to get that last rep!!!

PowerTec Dip Attachment
Set 1: 180 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 180 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
- I went for 18 thinking I might have it and be able to increase by a rep but I didn't have it in me after the 2 additional reps on the Cross Cable Extensions.

All in all a good session. I enjoyed myself and got a great pump.

Also my legs did end up getting a little sore from the belt squats which is great news. I am pretty sure my coach will have me do them, or pendulum squats.

Speaking of my coach, I hit him up, unfortunately during a question blackout period this next two weeks, I forgot that he sent a note about. He was able to get his leg fixed up and restarted prep a couple weeks ago. So he has clients peaking this week, and he will be peaking next week. So all questions, unless an emergency, are temporarily being held off on until our check in which will be on Sunday those weekends instead. So, I should have my answers before I start next week's workouts which is perfectly fine with me.


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I have been blasting much more in recent years, so I feel it gets easier to anticipate and understand the hormonal aggression & adjust for it. It is not so much a dosage thing - it’s especially whenever doses go up.

But for myself, being on a low dose of Tren, I absolutely already know that if something is bugging me - it’s me. Whatever it is, it wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t on Tren. So I can overcompensate because I KNOW I’m the problem, it’s not really that big of a problem. Taking that stance makes it easier to walk away, take a breath, and deliver a calm response.

I believe there is a nerve around his t/c-spine that gets set off by acute compression he discovered recently, and when it gets flared up the pain messes with almost all training (that wouldn’t normally set it off).
As you know I haven't cycled much at all recently, and the one I did after my surgery was not a big one, and my steps up were much smaller. This bump is definitely a bigger bump and that effect caught me a little off guard but I began to realize I was over-reacting to the stress of the situation and making things much more urgent then they were. I have been overcompensating at home, and work for sure just to be safe. I will definitely expand that to the rest of my daily undertakings as well, more for my own benefit of not getting worked up than anything else.

Also nice and concise summary of the neck issue.


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All in all a good session. I enjoyed myself and got a great pump.
that's exactly what I was thinking reading this! good day for cannonball delts!

Yeah, it is insane. I need to set up what you have going on but the first thing would be too use it for my contest this year so I am not putting it on a card and paying interest.
I booked our feb beach trip back in like May or June because it was literally like half price vs if I book today (just checked). I paid a couple hundred more for free cancellation, but saved like $3500 for booking so early. I don't pay until the day I arrive so I actually have x amount of dollars every monday dropping into my Robinhood acct. where it's making 5% interest on cash. this month it surpassed what I need to pay cash in feb for the trip so I'll pay the hotel with my alaska airlines credit card, then pay the credit card off probably while i'm there online, get the miles + no interest fees.

anyways that's just been my little travel hack of the past few years now. seems to help a lot! If I can find more opportunities like this for other locations I'd already be booking. I just pulled up the resort we are staying at and their uber fancy room is $8300 for a week in feb 🤢🤮🤢🤮 all inclusive. But if you book it a year out, it's like $3k. I mean even dropping $25 every monday into the travel acct is $1300 in a year and that's usually enough for plane tickets to mexico for us.


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only reason I bring that up i think is cause for like the last decade I had wished someone like expedia would run sorta a bank acct or membership option where you could pay like $xx per month or per week into a travel savings credit. Then I just sorta made it up on my own with the robinhood lol


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only reason I bring that up i think is cause for like the last decade I had wished someone like expedia would run sorta a bank acct or membership option where you could pay like $xx per month or per week into a travel savings credit. Then I just sorta made it up on my own with the robinhood lol
That would be a great idea and then they could make interest off of it as payment for that service since it is in their account at that point. Better you making the interest though.


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That would be a great idea and then they could make interest off of it as payment for that service since it is in their account at that point. Better you making the interest though.
no joke. at this point they could just keep all their member funds in a high yield cash acct and pull 5% off the money just sitting there. lol


Plenty of places to get quality MK. Some people are prone to a water retention but no serious sides I can think of. It helps me sleep better, increases my appetite (a very appreciated side effect when you take adderall, those who also take it know that you lose your appetite and even thirst to a degree.).

If you look up a doctor named Rand McClain, he has some video interviews, even specific ones like mk-677. He knows his **** and he offers some good advice about effects, sides, dosing schedule, etc. I personally use it to supplement my HGH and IGF-1 when it isn't feasible to bring the HGH and IGF-1 to pin.


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Plenty of places to get quality MK. Some people are prone to a water retention but no serious sides I can think of. It helps me sleep better, increases my appetite (a very appreciated side effect when you take adderall, those who also take it know that you lose your appetite and even thirst to a degree.).

If you look up a doctor named Rand McClain, he has some video interviews, even specific ones like mk-677. He knows his **** and he offers some good advice about effects, sides, dosing schedule, etc. I personally use it to supplement my HGH and IGF-1 when it isn't feasible to bring the HGH and IGF-1 to pin.
I have used it a few times, last time I did it my BP went up over 150 about 3 days later. However, I am in much better shape than I was then so might not be an issue. I actually have some from MA Research Chems which is always GTG! I just haven't added it because my coach hasn't mentioned using it. My appetite is much better today, I am pretty sure I was just backed up from the aleve yesterday making me feel full faster. I will look that guy up though just to see what he has to say.


I have used it a few times, last time I did it my BP went up over 150 about 3 days later. However, I am in much better shape than I was then so might not be an issue. I actually have some from MA Research Chems which is always GTG! I just haven't added it because my coach hasn't mentioned using it. My appetite is much better today, I am pretty sure I was just backed up from the aleve yesterday making me feel full faster. I will look that guy up though just to see what he has to say.
Wow, that's a hell of a systolic increase from mk alone. Are you positive it was pure and not cut with something? It's never touched my BP,but then again neither does SD so my BP might be a little bit of an anomaly. I'll link the video I'm referencing, hopefully it's beneficial to you guys :)



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Yeah, it cause a lot of people's BP to increase from the extra water retention. It is pretty common. You probably have pretty stable BP. I already had pre-hypertensive BP, and can hold tons of water. I got on Telmisartan afterwards and got BP under control but I haven't had a reason to use it again since then. My focus has been on recomping, and was fasting a lot too so it didn't make any sense for what I was trying to achieve. Also the time before that it was pretty rough on me, giving me edema in my lower legs. That was at 25mg a day, and took a couple weeks after stopping to get rid of all the water in my calves and ankles.


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12/1/23 - Fasted Weight 199.8 - Down 1.4lbs from yesterday, and really cleaned up a bit and looked very tight this morning.

Back & Hamstrings, Friday, Dec 01, 2023 at 4:44am

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 75 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 80 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 55 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
- "Up 5lbs on all sets next time"

Arsenal Power Squat Good Mornings
Set 1: 270 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 270 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
- Felt great on hamstrings and glutes. Stopped here to keep upper back safe.

Seated Cable Row - Bar Neutral Grip
Set 1: 70 lbs x 15 RPE 8
Set 2: 70 lbs x 15 RPE 8.5
- Kept this light and controlled to keep from hurting myself. made it about a 2RI

Iso-Lateral Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Set 1: 25 lbs x 12 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
- Really focused on the contraction and mind muscle connection -

Straight Arm Lat Pulldown (Cable) 1 set w/ 2 Rest Pauses
Set 1: 70 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 4 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe
- Nice little burn on the lats.

Today was all about safety, and mild stimulation only. I was not in a position to push anything too hard. I started warming up on the rack pulls but 135 was tugging on where I get my trigger points from the spinal issues. I tried a 2nd warm up set and it simply was not meant to be today. So I went with the good mornings on the power squat machine but kept things very reasonable and felt them out. All in all I did get a good pump so some hypertrophy was had today and more importantly, no regression because I did what I could do very well.

On the way in waiting at a light I was looking to my left for a bit watching for my chance to turn right at the light and my right shoulder and arm went numb. Once I turned my head back it ceased, so I know I am still a bit inflamed. I should be good to go tomorrow for Arms, then I get a day to rest again and think I should be doing pretty good by Monday. Thank goodness so far we have not caused the extremely painful trigger points / referral nerve pain yet. So I don't think it is too bad off. Fingers crossed tonight does not make me a liar.


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dude i'm sorry the nagging injury is riding you. I keep thinking though this past programming you did in 2023 with lower weight, finding contraction and hypertrophy without heavy risk may be a Godsend in how you have learned to navigate and accomplish what you need with less severe impact.


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dude i'm sorry the nagging injury is riding you. I keep thinking though this past programming you did in 2023 with lower weight, finding contraction and hypertrophy without heavy risk may be a Godsend in how you have learned to navigate and accomplish what you need with less severe impact.
Yeah, this sentiment is why I am still considering doing my own training. Not out of frustration this time, but out of having a big picture outlook. It is hard to make a lot of progress when injured. However with the bump in gear and me getting to at least an RPE8 on everything we know I stimulated some growth. Just not as much as usual. I did revert to how I was actually lifting the weight, slowed things down, and paused in the stretched position to get the most out of the least risky movement style.

I am about to pop 2 aleve though because my trigger point area is starting to feel a little pain just holding myself in good posture with my scaps retracted.


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Yeah, this sentiment is why I am still considering doing my own training. Not out of frustration this time, but out of having a big picture outlook. It is hard to make a lot of progress when injured. However with the bump in gear and me getting to at least an RPE8 on everything we know I stimulated some growth. Just not as much as usual. I did revert to how I was actually lifting the weight, slowed things down, and paused in the stretched position to get the most out of the least risky movement style.

I am about to pop 2 aleve though because my trigger point area is starting to feel a little pain just holding myself in good posture with my scaps retracted.
Due to my injuries, Pat has me doing RDL to replace the rack pulls. Can you do those since they would tend to have lighter loading than racks?
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Due to my injuries, Pat has me doing RDL to replace the rack pulls. Can you do those since they would tend to have lighter loading than racks?
Right now, I think both of those are off the table. Hoping by next Tuesday I will be able to do the RDL's but right now anything pulling my arms down with weight pulling my yoke down is a little bit suspect and triggers it a little bit, even Db lunges with 30's. So I am sure the RDL's would light it up, the 135 on the rack pull warm ups bit me and that is my first warm up set for RDL's. Again, staying positive and believing I will be about 95% by then, or hoping so based on the level of inflammation left. My shoulder and arm are still going numb if i have to turn my head to the left and hold it there for any amount of time. Happened at my desk a little bit ago. Not too bad though. I will be alright. I am sure this weekend Pat and I will get it all figured out.


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Yeah, it cause a lot of people's BP to increase from the extra water retention. It is pretty common. You probably have pretty stable BP. I already had pre-hypertensive BP, and can hold tons of water. I got on Telmisartan afterwards and got BP under control but I haven't had a reason to use it again since then. My focus has been on recomping, and was fasting a lot too so it didn't make any sense for what I was trying to achieve. Also the time before that it was pretty rough on me, giving me edema in my lower legs. That was at 25mg a day, and took a couple weeks after stopping to get rid of all the water in my calves and ankles.
BP was insane on MK But I also don’t trust the source of what I was taking. When I started the MA MK I stopped taking g my BP. I have hypertension but had not been treating my body too well prior to May 1 of this yr. Paternal grandfather had his first heart attack at 40, he passed at 63 and my father was 33. My father had stage 2 hypertension and passed from misdiagnosed pneumonia when he really had multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. He was 63 and I was 33. Anyone else see the pattern?


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Right now, I think both of those are off the table. Hoping by next Tuesday I will be able to do the RDL's but right now anything pulling my arms down with weight pulling my yoke down is a little bit suspect and triggers it a little bit, even Db lunges with 30's. So I am sure the RDL's would light it up, the 135 on the rack pull warm ups bit me and that is my first warm up set for RDL's. Again, staying positive and believing I will be about 95% by then, or hoping so based on the level of inflammation left. My shoulder and arm are still going numb if i have to turn my head to the left and hold it there for any amount of time. Happened at my desk a little bit ago. Not too bad though. I will be alright. I am sure this weekend Pat and I will get it all figured out.
Do you have a chiro?


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On the way in waiting at a light I was looking to my left for a bit watching for my chance to turn right at the light and my right shoulder and arm went numb. Once I turned my head back it ceased, so I know I am still a bit inflamed. I should be good to go tomorrow for Arms, then I get a day to rest again and think I should be doing pretty good by Monday. Thank goodness so far we have not caused the extremely painful trigger points / referral nerve pain yet. So I don't think it is too bad off. Fingers crossed tonight does not make me a liar.
Yikes, doesn't sound good. Especially if it's while driving, but at least you were stopped. Hope nothing serious!


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BP was insane on MK But I also don’t trust the source of what I was taking. When I started the MA MK I stopped taking g my BP. I have hypertension but had not been treating my body too well prior to May 1 of this yr. Paternal grandfather had his first heart attack at 40, he passed at 63 and my father was 33. My father had stage 2 hypertension and passed from misdiagnosed pneumonia when he really had multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. He was 63 and I was 33. Anyone else see the pattern?
Yeah, I do which means you definitely should never stop taking your BP meds, and start doing true cardiovascular work a few times a week if not already. You know, so we can keep ya around,. I mean you just got here!
Do you have a chiro?
I do have one, and if things aren't better next week I will spring for a session. Just have to pay cash right now and of course after 3 cars having to be repaired recently the funds aren't there. Going to end up dropping another grand on a repair this weekend.


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Yikes, doesn't sound good. Especially if it's while driving, but at least you were stopped. Hope nothing serious!
Just that light half asleep feeling starting at my shoulder cap and down my arm but honestly no lack of function or apparent strength loss. Just like touching your tongue to an almost dead 9 volt battery. You may be too young to have done that but us idiots used to do it to test the battery or just for fun / friend challenges after.
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Just that light half asleep feeling starting at my shoulder cap and down my arm but honestly no lack of function or apparent strength loss. Just like touching your tongue to an almost dead 9 volt battery. You may be too young to have done that but us idiots used to do it to test the battery or just for fun / friend challenges after.
Dang man sorry to hear this flaring up on you. Sounds almost what I had going on as far as the arm numbing, but mine I am pretty sure was a pinched nerve in the neck shoulder region.


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BP was insane on MK But I also don’t trust the source of what I was taking. When I started the MA MK I stopped taking g my BP. I have hypertension but had not been treating my body too well prior to May 1 of this yr. Paternal grandfather had his first heart attack at 40, he passed at 63 and my father was 33. My father had stage 2 hypertension and passed from misdiagnosed pneumonia when he really had multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. He was 63 and I was 33. Anyone else see the pattern?
My dad’s dad died at 68, and his dad died at 68 also. My dad was 300lbs of morbid obesity majority of his life since age 18, and just turned 74. He may be on a slew of cardiovascular drugs, but he can legit still drive himself around and goes out every day, even while still being fat.

Modern medicine is an incredible thing, so take your meds & do your cardio - you should expect to break the cycle!


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Right now, I think both of those are off the table. Hoping by next Tuesday I will be able to do the RDL's but right now anything pulling my arms down with weight pulling my yoke down is a little bit suspect and triggers it a little bit, even Db lunges with 30's. So I am sure the RDL's would light it up, the 135 on the rack pull warm ups bit me and that is my first warm up set for RDL's. Again, staying positive and believing I will be about 95% by then, or hoping so based on the level of inflammation left. My shoulder and arm are still going numb if i have to turn my head to the left and hold it there for any amount of time. Happened at my desk a little bit ago. Not too bad though. I will be alright. I am sure this weekend Pat and I will get it all figured out.
Trying to better understand the position that puts the bad strain on you: are you able to do like bench supported rows or seated machine rows?

On the RDLs I rehabbed at 95lbs and every day warm up with the empty bb.

I can't tell you anything you don't already know better than me, but there are some movements like my arm bars and RDLs that have saved my life at incredibly super duper low weights. I mean can you bend over to tie a shoe? That can be an RDL almost....


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My dad’s dad died at 68, and his dad died at 68 also. My dad was 300lbs of morbid obesity majority of his life since age 18, and just turned 74. He may be on a slew of cardiovascular drugs, but he can legit still drive himself around and goes out every day, even while still being fat.

Modern medicine is an incredible thing, so take your meds & do your cardio - you should expect to break the cycle!
My father was incredibly healthy. He was a DMD, Merrimack College and Tufts Dental cum laude, and believed more in holistic medicine. lived on Salisbury beach, walked a mile a day in the sand, racquet ball, fish pill, garlic pill, total gym(Thank You Chuck Norris!), didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, only caffeine was from green tea for antioxidant purposes but my mother smoked a carton of Newports a week, and 2 handles of vodka or rum/wk and she has lost mental faculties due to Lewy Body Dementia but her physical health is fine. If I had an option I’d rather go out his way
Time will tell. For now just trying to be healthy.


Makes sense we are close to the same body weight.

Yeah, I totally get that. Lucky I was able to carve out some time to prep my meals a little differently. This time I weighed all of my rice, and chicken immediately after cooking, put them into ziploc bags one with a blue mark to signify it was for my larger meal. So now I just go to the kitchen grab a bag of chicken and the correct bag of rice and drop it in the nuker with some salsa and I am done. it is definitely worth the couple of extra minutes to do this instead of just putting it all in one bag and measuring out. Of course our jobs are vastly different and getting to a microwave is basically a no go for you 95% of the time right?
It’s definitely a good way to meal prep. The only downside could be that a certain percentage of the carbohydrates turn into resistant starches when you cool them down for 24 hours. This means instead of 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, it becomes 2 calories. Whether this is important or not depends on how much one cares about it, and the continuity of it.


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It’s definitely a good way to meal prep. The only downside could be that a certain percentage of the carbohydrates turn into resistant starches when you cool them down for 24 hours. This means instead of 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, it becomes 2 calories. Whether this is important or not depends on how much one cares about it, and the continuity of it.
Wait, what is this? Carbs cooled down lose caloric value?

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