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I get the liability of it all but it just breaks my heart. And from a freedoms standpoint I do feel like it conditioning for “if you want to do x you must have proof of vaccine”

i am normally a very optimistic person, but i see 2021 as being a horrible year.


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Video transcript below:

The 'Great Reset' is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

Written by Ron Paul
Monday January 4, 2021


World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.

Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for “stakeholders,” instead of shareholders. Stakeholders include the government, international organizations, the business itself, and “civil society.”

Of course, government bureaucrats and politicians, together with powerful special interests, will decide who are, and are not, stakeholders, what is in stakeholders’ interest, and what steps corporations must take to maximize stakeholder value. People’s own wishes are not the priority.

The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures. It will also be very expensive. The resulting increase in government debt will not be seen as a problem by people who believe in modern monetary theory. This is the latest version of the fairy tale that deficits don’t matter as long as the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt.

The Great Reset ultimately will fail for the same reason all other attempts by government to control the market fail. As Ludwig von Mises showed, government interference in the marketplace distorts the price system. Prices are how information about the value of goods and services related to other goods and services is conveyed to market actors. Government interference in the marketplace disturbs the signals sent by prices, leading to an oversupply of certain goods and services and an undersupply of others.

The lockdowns show the dangers of government control over the economy and our personal lives. Lockdowns have increased unemployment, caused many small businesses to close, and led to more substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns. Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

The disastrous response to Covid is just the latest example of how those who give up liberty for safety or health will end up unfree, unsafe, and unhealthy. Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

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In New York State:

Having possession anywhere including your home a 11 round or greater gun magazine = Class D Violent Felony

These are samples of Class D Felonies. (One step below Class D Violent)
  • Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child – § 263.10
  • Promoting a sexual performance by a child – § 263.15
  • Reckless endangerment in the first degree – § 120.25
  • Vehicular manslaughter in the second degree – § 125.12
So my State Government views having a 11 round or greater magazine as even more wreckless and inhumane than molesting a child. Isnt that just wonderful!


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Video transcript below:

The 'Great Reset' is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

Written by Ron Paul
Monday January 4, 2021


World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.

Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for “stakeholders,” instead of shareholders. Stakeholders include the government, international organizations, the business itself, and “civil society.”

Of course, government bureaucrats and politicians, together with powerful special interests, will decide who are, and are not, stakeholders, what is in stakeholders’ interest, and what steps corporations must take to maximize stakeholder value. People’s own wishes are not the priority.

The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures. It will also be very expensive. The resulting increase in government debt will not be seen as a problem by people who believe in modern monetary theory. This is the latest version of the fairy tale that deficits don’t matter as long as the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt.

The Great Reset ultimately will fail for the same reason all other attempts by government to control the market fail. As Ludwig von Mises showed, government interference in the marketplace distorts the price system. Prices are how information about the value of goods and services related to other goods and services is conveyed to market actors. Government interference in the marketplace disturbs the signals sent by prices, leading to an oversupply of certain goods and services and an undersupply of others.

The lockdowns show the dangers of government control over the economy and our personal lives. Lockdowns have increased unemployment, caused many small businesses to close, and led to more substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns. Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

The disastrous response to Covid is just the latest example of how those who give up liberty for safety or health will end up unfree, unsafe, and unhealthy. Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

Please donate to the Ron Paul Institute
clyde lewis has been saying the same things for many months.
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In New York State:

Having possession anywhere including your home a 11 round or greater gun magazine = Class D Violent Felony

These are samples of Class D Felonies. (One step below Class D Violent)
  • Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child – § 263.10
  • Promoting a sexual performance by a child – § 263.15
  • Reckless endangerment in the first degree – § 120.25
  • Vehicular manslaughter in the second degree – § 125.12
So my State Government views having a 11 round or greater magazine as even more wreckless and inhumane than molesting a child. Isnt that just wonderful!
my state is red, they couldn't get away with that nonsense here. another example of difference between republican and democrat, imo.


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clyde lewis has been saying the same things for many months.
Yeah he is good, I was listening to an older podcast last night and he is one of the very few who ever even bring up Rex-84.

I used to be able to find this youtube searching on youtube, now I have to use an alternative search engine (yahoo) to find it.

And for those who think that is out of date, do not watch the video below....most of it is classified lol

Big LOL 1:12 "should event occur in urban areas".....look on, LOL

H.R.8791 - DHS Reform Act of 2020
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Just wait. Look at every federal gun law and then look at the executive signature next to it. Get back to me when you have the answer. Hint: republicans are not our friends in the gun world.
Went into one of the local gun shops and had a small back and forth with an employee about this. Staunch republicans don’t like facts- when it comes to 2A violations that’ve come to fruition already lol


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my state is red, they couldn't get away with that nonsense here. another example of difference between republican and democrat, imo.
Republicans have not only historically up to this day infringed on the rights of gun owning (and ones who cant "legally" own a gun) individuals, but they have shyt all over every other Bill of Right more times I can count.


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Saw a joke on tweeter today and found it funny:

“2 Republicans die and go to heaven.

They ask God if he'd answer one question.

‘Of course,’ God says.

They ask how the Democrats rigged the election in 2020.

‘It wasn't rigged,’ God replied.

Republicans look at one another and say, ‘This conspiracy goes higher than we thought!’”


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my state is red, they couldn't get away with that nonsense here. another example of difference between republican and democrat, imo.
In Indiana they can send you overseas to die in battle as soon as you turn 18 but you cant legally own a handgun. You need government approval just to carry a pistol at any age.

Red=pro-2A my azz! LOL


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Just wait. Look at every federal gun law and then look at the executive signature next to it. Get back to me when you have the answer. Hint: republicans are not our friends in the gun world.
The fact is the New York Safe Act that criminalizes people caught with a 11+ round magazine more than child molesters was a bi-partisan bill signed by both Demicans AND Republicrats.


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The fact is the New York Safe Act that criminalizes people caught with a 11+ round magazine more than child molesters was a bi-partisan bill signed by both Demicans AND Republicrats.
Republicans aren’t stupid. They know they can only steal our money for so long before the shooting starts. That’s why they have been eroding and allowing the erosion of our rights for 100 years now.


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Saw a joke on tweeter today and found it funny:

“2 Republicans die and go to heaven.

They ask God if he'd answer one question.

‘Of course,’ God says.

They ask how the Democrats rigged the election in 2020.

‘It wasn't rigged,’ God replied.

Republicans look at one another and say, ‘This conspiracy goes higher than we thought!’”
thought you were a atheist?


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Republicans aren’t stupid. They know they can only steal our money for so long before the shooting starts. That’s why they have been eroding and allowing the erosion of our rights for 100 years now.
it took 100 years to get to where we are today, watch how quickly things move when biden gets in office.


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thought you were a atheist?
What does that have to do with a joke i thought was funny?

You’re so predictable man. When i made that I even started typing something out about how it wasnt a shot at religion but then erased it (because i thought it was actually pretty obvious the joke is about republicans clinging to what us currently nothing more than a conspiracy theory and grasping for straws, not whatsoever about religion).

Do you literally search for stuff to get offended over?
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What does that have to do with a joke i thought was funny?

You’re so predictable man. When i made that I even started typing something out about how it wasnt a shot at religion but then erased it.

Do you literally search for stuff to get offended over?

who said i was offended?

having a bad day are we:unsure:
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who said i was offended?

having a bad day are we:unsure:
Care to answer my question? What does the joke have to do with my religion or lack thereof?


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I get the liability of it all but it just breaks my heart. And from a freedoms standpoint I do feel like it conditioning for “if you want to do x you must have proof of vaccine”

You don't have freedoms when it comes to the welfare of other living humans.

If you spread a disease to vulnerable people then your expression of freedom is an infringement on someone else's freedom to health.

You're free to own a gun, you're not free to point it at another human and shoot them without due cause.

At the end of the day, if you decide not to get a vaccine, then don't be surprised when private entities revoke your freedom to enter their premise. Your freedom is limited to the point in which it infringes on other people's freedoms.


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You don't have freedoms when it comes to the welfare of other living humans.

If you spread a disease to vulnerable people then your expression of freedom is an infringement on someone else's freedom to health.

You're free to own a gun, you're not free to point it at another human and shoot them without due cause.

At the end of the day, if you decide not to get a vaccine, then don't be surprised when private entities revoke your freedom to enter their premise. Your freedom is limited to the point in which it infringes on other people's freedoms.
Private companies should have the freedom to mandate it. Families should have the freedom to take their loved ones out and move them into facilities that dont require it. There are workable solutions that protect the freedoms of everybody but ultimatly the nursing home needs to cater to their own market to survive, and after all if everybody gets wiped out from a virus they lose their customers and the business is shut down.


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You don't have freedoms when it comes to the welfare of other living humans.

If you spread a disease to vulnerable people then your expression of freedom is an infringement on someone else's freedom to health.

You're free to own a gun, you're not free to point it at another human and shoot them without due cause.

At the end of the day, if you decide not to get a vaccine, then don't be surprised when private entities revoke your freedom to enter their premise. Your freedom is limited to the point in which it infringes on other people's freedoms.
I never said it was an expression of my freedom to spread a disease. Way to twist it to fit your narrative.

I’ll gladly not support any private entity that violates my health privacy with draconian another mute point from you.

And yes, try to take enough of my freedoms and you will have a gun pointed at you with plenty of due cause.

Anyways we have already had this conversation. It just boils down to you not having a spine and being willing to give up your freedoms to pacify your fears. Actually it’s worse, you’re begging others to give up freedoms for your own delusions of comfort. Enjoy your enslavement you fearful’re earning it.


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In Indiana they can send you overseas to die in battle as soon as you turn 18 but you cant legally own a handgun. You need government approval just to carry a pistol at any age.

Red=pro-2A my azz! LOL
As fun as that is, states require that we have a fishing license to go fishing, and a permit to utilize waste transfer and recycling centers. Yet people can have as many children as they want, regardless of not being able to even support themselves.


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Care to answer my question? What does the joke have to do with my religion or lack thereof?
lol...i guess you didn't consider even for a minute that i was making a joke asking you about a atheist talking with GOD-eh? :p


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I never said it was an expression of my freedom to spread a disease. Way to twist it to fit your narrative.

I’ll gladly not support any private entity that violates my health privacy with draconian another mute point from you.

And yes, try to take enough of my freedoms and you will have a gun pointed at you with plenty of due cause.

Anyways we have already had this conversation. It just boils down to you not having a spine and being willing to give up your freedoms to pacify your fears. Actually it’s worse, you’re begging others to give up freedoms for your own delusions of comfort. Enjoy your enslavement you fearful’re earning it.
No, it boils down to me not being a whiny b**ch.

I live in a country which gave up a few freedoms almost a year ago, and now we're partying it back up again. As it turns out, not being a whiny snowflake actually benefitted everyone.

So who is actually more free? Because I get the impression it is definitely not you.

But whiners gonna whine
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As fun as that is, states require that we have a fishing license to go fishing, and a permit to utilize waste transfer and recycling centers. Yet people can have as many children as they want, regardless of not being able to even support themselves.
My sister fostered 2 kids a few years ago because the mom and newborn had drugs in their system (some reason they removed the 9 month old, too).

Eventually, she fought the state to get her kids back and thanked my sister and brother in law for taking good care of them. 3 years later, she’s 27 with 7 kids, 4 of which her parents have custody of and we’re (taxpayers) paying for.

They all live under the same roof but as long as the 4 kids are under her parent’s custody, it makes them safer (per the state of CA)?



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No, it boils down to me not being a whiny b**ch.

I live in a country which gave up a few freedoms almost a year ago, and now we're partying it back up again. As it turns out, not being a whiny snowflake actually benefitted everyone.

So who is actually more free? Because I get the impression it is definitely not you.

But whiners gonna whine
You live on an island that is 2.5 times smaller than the state of Texas. Your government restricted travel to your country. It was much easier under those circumstances to slow the spread of COVID than it is the a country like the US. Trump restricted travel to the US and was criticized severely for it. I don’t think you can compare New Zealand to the US. Maybe compare it to the state of Hawaii.


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Second dose of Pfizer vaccine administered at 10:00. So far, I think I feel a bit lethargic, and a bit of brain fog. I took a Bronkaid Max to combat that, and I have taken 2 pills of Aleve thus far as well. I need to get more Aleve as that was all I had on hand..

6 hrs after this dose is supposedly when things could start getting interesting for a duration of 12 hrs. We shall see!


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Second dose of Pfizer vaccine administered at 10:00. So far, I think I feel a bit lethargic, and a bit of brain fog. I took a Bronkaid Max to combat that, and I have taken 2 pills of Aleve thus far as well. I need to get more Aleve as that was all I had on hand..

6 hrs after this dose is supposedly when things could start getting interesting for a duration of 12 hrs. We shall see!
Thanks for keeping us posted


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Second dose of Pfizer vaccine administered at 10:00. So far, I think I feel a bit lethargic, and a bit of brain fog. I took a Bronkaid Max to combat that, and I have taken 2 pills of Aleve thus far as well. I need to get more Aleve as that was all I had on hand..

6 hrs after this dose is supposedly when things could start getting interesting for a duration of 12 hrs. We shall see!
Ive got mine lined up for 830 friday morning. Luckily I’ve got this weekend off...worked all weekend after the first dose. Luckily i didnt really have any issues with it.


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Second dose of Pfizer vaccine administered at 10:00. So far, I think I feel a bit lethargic, and a bit of brain fog. I took a Bronkaid Max to combat that, and I have taken 2 pills of Aleve thus far as well. I need to get more Aleve as that was all I had on hand..

6 hrs after this dose is supposedly when things could start getting interesting for a duration of 12 hrs. We shall see!
Bronkaid “Max????”


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Where did you see this?
I was watching Dump announce it live on youtube in front of a huge crowd, I think the channel was "right wing media" or something like that. Fox was feeding it too I think.

He laid out firstly that the states illegally changed the federal election ballot protocols since the only way to change it is through the state assembly and that did not happen. He also laid out a bunch of stuff we all heard before.

As of now Arizona is first to reject and we wait up to 2 hours. They are going in alphabetical order.

Dump says all the VP has to do is send the electorals back, and he said lets see if he does that.


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Here it is, its Right Side Broadcasting is the live protest feed. You can probably rewind to hear his announcement but its a really long speech.



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I gotta admit, the day just got started and carrying on from last night this is one of the most insane days I can remember, lol


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This is the live Congressional hearing feed for those not in front of a TV....and no, this is not my preferred media outlet, lol



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You live on an island that is 2.5 times smaller than the state of Texas. Your government restricted travel to your country. It was much easier under those circumstances to slow the spread of COVID than it is the a country like the US. Trump restricted travel to the US and was criticized severely for it. I don’t think you can compare New Zealand to the US. Maybe compare it to the state of Hawaii.
That missed the point. Once a virus enters the country, it has already negated the borders. It still took a lot of people looking out for each other and following simple guidelines to halt transmission within the borders.

Take the UK for example. It is an island that is being absolutely crippled by covid at the moment


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That missed the point. Once a virus enters the country, it has already negated the borders. It still took a lot of people looking out for each other and following simple guidelines to halt transmission within the borders.

Take the UK for example. It is an island that is being absolutely crippled by covid at the moment
They are on the brink of shutting down Japan as well.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Mitch doesn’t hold majority (well, I’m assuming after Georgia closes out) power so he just let Trump hang dry
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Damn, flashbang grenades already flying in Washington.


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Damn, flashbang grenades already flying in Washington.
I'm 20 minutes south if DC, its all hands on deck for police, secret service, capital police etc etc....
My wife's friend just forwarded her a text from her husband, he is DC cop at the capital today. His response(text) to his wife was "Antifa is dressed as Trump supporters" Bricks, bottles etc etc being launched and cops are being injured.

This will probably never make it to MsM but just though I would share. Sukks for everyone


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They are on the brink of shutting down Japan as well.
Population densities also worked in our favour, so i wont pretend that we aren't fortunate in those regards.

My point was basically to say there is also much more to it - we didn't have swarms of people actively out fighting the most basic of precautionary measures under the guise of freedom.

It was more a collective accountability that helped, on top of everything else.

In WW2 when Germany was bombing London, the govt put in place curfews and blackouts so that the Germans would be bombing blind. Imagine if that happened today? People would be protesting their freedom to turn a light switch on


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I'm 20 minutes south if DC, its all hands on deck for police, secret service, capital police etc etc....
My wife's friend just forwarded her a text from her husband, he is DC cop at the capital today. His response(text) to his wife was "Antifa is dressed as Trump supporters" Bricks, bottles etc etc being launched and cops are being injured.

This will probably never make it to MsM but just though I would share. Sukks for everyone
Wow, the hearings stopped because they breach the Capital building. They made it inside!


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That missed the point. Once a virus enters the country, it has already negated the borders. It still took a lot of people looking out for each other and following simple guidelines to halt transmission within the borders.

Take the UK for example. It is an island that is being absolutely crippled by covid at the moment
You’re correct that it has negated the borders. But if you restrict anyone else from coming in the borders and “give up a few freedoms” as you said, which I assume is masks and stay and home orders, then you lessen the spread which drops your infections. But when outsiders are allowed in, the chance of slowing the spread is decreased significantly. So no I didn’t miss the point. I think you didn’t explain what you wanted to.

And the UK hasn’t restricted travel like New Zealand did.
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I'm 20 minutes south if DC, its all hands on deck for police, secret service, capital police etc etc....
My wife's friend just forwarded her a text from her husband, he is DC cop at the capital today. His response(text) to his wife was "Antifa is dressed as Trump supporters" Bricks, bottles etc etc being launched and cops are being injured.

This will probably never make it to MsM but just though I would share. Sukks for everyone
Omg! I was just going to ask if anyone is out in DC!


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Ive got mine lined up for 830 friday morning. Luckily I’ve got this weekend off...worked all weekend after the first dose. Luckily i didnt really have any issues with it.
Yeah, I experience nothing from the first dose either. I didn’t hear anyone bitching about it, except for one of our pulmonologists who felt under the weather for a bit.

Some people received their second dose starting yesterday at my hospital, but I believe most people tried to schedule it when they had a few days off just in case (like us). So, I haven’t gotten any feedback from colleagues yet except for one RT that received it yesterday. I didn’t talk to him directly, but he called yesterday evening as I was about to leave work - essentially to call out of work for today.

Supposedly he had a bad headache, joint pain, and just felt like poop. I know this very well could happen, but he’s the kind of person that would take advantage of any plausible reason to call out of work anyway...

I feel fine 4.5 hrs into it, and I currently don’t feel lethargic at all! Maybe it’s the Bronkaid and Aleve doing its thing as well..

Bronkaid “Max????”
Yes, Bronkaid MAX is ephedrine without the guaifenesin! @thebigt informed us of the good news just recently!
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